I just got this off a friends blog and thought all of you might be interested in it as well. Thanks Laura. Your a life saver.
May: Basic Medicines
Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, anti-diarrheal, antacids, cough drops, cold meds, Benadryl (check all exp dates!)
June: First Aid
band aids, butterfly stitches, cotton, cotton swabs, gauze pads, first aid tape, alcohol swabs, moleskin
July: 72 Hour Emergency Kits
Inventory them if you already have them o create one for each member of your family. Check exp dates often and outgrown clothing. This is a good Family Home Evening project.
August: Canning
Rings, lids and jars. Look for bargains at yard sales
September: Cleaning
Bleach, cleanser, dish soap, disinfectant, vinegar, baking soda, laundry detergent
October: Storage
Freezer bags, garbage bags, aluminum foil, plastic containers. Save those PETE containers and use for food and water storage. They are the thick, clear plastic ones with the triangle and arrows on the bottom...the ones that take a 1000 something years to break down.
November: Paper Products
Toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, journals, writing tablets
December: Oil and Vinegar
Olive and vegetable oil, white and apple cider vinegar.
January: Lighting
Oil, oil lamps, wicks, candles, matches, lighters, batteries, flashlights
February: Toiletries
Shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, razors, soap, feminine products, diapers and wipes
March: Ointments and Creams
Baby oil, Vaseline, burn cream, body moisturizer, chap stick, Cortisone cream, antibiotic cream
April: Essential Baking
salt, baking soda, baking powder, yeast, corn starch, corn syrup, spices, vinegar
I highly recommend checking out
this blog for LOTS more info. Most hardships are resolved in 90 days....plain and simple. If you have a 3 month reserve (everyday food and supplies as well as financially), difficult times become a bit easier to handle and you can be more confident in yourself and your ability to care for your family. It can't hurt!