Today Michelle and I went over to Diana house to learn how to use her Klic-N-Kut. See Diana has one and so we needed to learn how to really use it. In exchange for lessons we helped her organize and clean up her craft room. It wasnt that bad and only took us like an hour or so to do it . She really taught us a lot about it and then we left at about 4. After that i made dinner and put the kids to bed.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A big move on the horizon
Yesterday was a really quiet day. Dale and I spent a little time together until the kids got home from school then we played with them.
Dale and I have been trying to figure out what to do about him not working so much over time but needing the money to get out of debt so we have been preying about a move to Pa. There is a job working at the prison out there that pays twice what he makes now without overtime and the cost of living is half what it is here. I was afraid to make the move considering the fact that we have a whole network of people out here that we can count on plus this is the longest we have ever lived anywhere and on top of it all I really love this area and really didn't want to move anywhere else, but after giving it to the lord and telling him that what he thinks is best for us is what we will do, Dale and I both got the same answer which was to go. Dale says it's not like we will be gone forever and that we can come back in like 5 years when we have saved enough money to buy a house and stay out of debt. I said fine but that I was still upset about having to leave this place. I know that the lord only takes us to where he thinks we need to be and maybe there is something or someone up there that is in need of us. I'm not sure but I do know that the last time I didn't do as the lord asked bad things happened. I don't want another repeat of that. So I will go and do as he has asked and see where it takes us. We are not sure as to when we are going to move but Dale is thinking sometime before the end of the year. That seems a little soon for me but it is out of my hands now.
Anyway, today I cleaned the house from top to bottom then I got a visit from Danielle and Shelby. They had been in Nashville because Shelby has therapy on Tuesdays. Anyway they got done early and didn't have anything else to do so they came over to visit. Danielle and I talked while Elyssa and Shelby played. Oh ya I had to keep Elyssa home today because she wasn't feeling well yesterday and she had a slight fever this morning. Meanwhile Dale used Danielle's truck to take out all the trash that has been building up since she moved away. Then I gave Danielle a pedicure and filled her nails for her. They stayed until about 3:30 then had to leave to go and pick up Danielle's other daughter Jessica from her after school program. Then I made dinner and we read our scriptures and we put the kids to bed. Now I am blogging and Dale is getting ready for work.
Well I guess that is all for today. Blog at you later.
Dale and I have been trying to figure out what to do about him not working so much over time but needing the money to get out of debt so we have been preying about a move to Pa. There is a job working at the prison out there that pays twice what he makes now without overtime and the cost of living is half what it is here. I was afraid to make the move considering the fact that we have a whole network of people out here that we can count on plus this is the longest we have ever lived anywhere and on top of it all I really love this area and really didn't want to move anywhere else, but after giving it to the lord and telling him that what he thinks is best for us is what we will do, Dale and I both got the same answer which was to go. Dale says it's not like we will be gone forever and that we can come back in like 5 years when we have saved enough money to buy a house and stay out of debt. I said fine but that I was still upset about having to leave this place. I know that the lord only takes us to where he thinks we need to be and maybe there is something or someone up there that is in need of us. I'm not sure but I do know that the last time I didn't do as the lord asked bad things happened. I don't want another repeat of that. So I will go and do as he has asked and see where it takes us. We are not sure as to when we are going to move but Dale is thinking sometime before the end of the year. That seems a little soon for me but it is out of my hands now.
Anyway, today I cleaned the house from top to bottom then I got a visit from Danielle and Shelby. They had been in Nashville because Shelby has therapy on Tuesdays. Anyway they got done early and didn't have anything else to do so they came over to visit. Danielle and I talked while Elyssa and Shelby played. Oh ya I had to keep Elyssa home today because she wasn't feeling well yesterday and she had a slight fever this morning. Meanwhile Dale used Danielle's truck to take out all the trash that has been building up since she moved away. Then I gave Danielle a pedicure and filled her nails for her. They stayed until about 3:30 then had to leave to go and pick up Danielle's other daughter Jessica from her after school program. Then I made dinner and we read our scriptures and we put the kids to bed. Now I am blogging and Dale is getting ready for work.
Well I guess that is all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Up all night
ok well today could have gone a little better. I was up all night last night sick. I went to the conference yesterday and was feeling fine. Then I came home and was still feeling fine until about 1:00 this morning. I woke up out of a dead sleep and lost it. I was up all night with a high fever and throwing up. I think I caught whatever it is that is going around right now. I feel a little better but not much. I didn't go to church just in case I was still contagious because I didn't want to give anyone what I had. I don't have a fever anymore and am starting to get my appetite back a little. So I pretty much just sat around all day trying to feel better. So here's hoping. Sorry today's entry is so short.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Womans conference
That was great. It's not very often that I get to get out of the house with no kids. But today was the woman's conference at the stake center and it was great. We got there a little later than I was suppose to but I guess that's what happens when you don't get started on time. Anyway I drove over to Ryan's house to carpool with her and we left there as soon as I got there then arrived at the stake center at a little after 2:00. I was suppose to be there before two to help set up, ooops. Anyway we got there and jumped right in helping all the ladies make their braclets. Then about an hour and a half later we started our classes. Ryan and I got lucky and got the same classes at the same time so our first class was on Raising children in a poluted world. It was a great class. Very informitive and put alot of my worries at ease. Anyway that lasted about 55 mins then we headed to our next class which was the many gifts of a woman given by Sister Taylor. It was also a very good class. She talked alot about the many gifts that woman have and that if we can just see them in ourselves then we will be a least a little bit happier. That class was also about 55 mins. Afterwards everyone headed into the gym to eat dinner. I sat at a table with 7 other woman from my ward. It was great we had a good time talking and I even learned a little something new about each of the wonderful woman that were at the table with me. The food was wonderful and when we were all finished eating it was time for the satalight conference. Unfortunatly Dale was home alone with the kids and D.J. was still sick so Ryan and I had to leave right after dinner.
On our way home Ryan needed to pick up a couple of lottery tickets for Tanner and we got into talking about what we would do if either one of us ever won alot of money playing the Lottery. It was a fun little game. I hope some day it will really happen. Anyway I am home now and ready to hit the bed. So I will so goodnight and.....
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
On our way home Ryan needed to pick up a couple of lottery tickets for Tanner and we got into talking about what we would do if either one of us ever won alot of money playing the Lottery. It was a fun little game. I hope some day it will really happen. Anyway I am home now and ready to hit the bed. So I will so goodnight and.....
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Catching up on a busy week
OK sorry it has been a very busy week. So I guess I should get you caught up on what has been going on in my little world.
Tuesday: Not much really happened today. I was home alone as you know Dale works overtime on Tuesday's so I pretty much have the house to myself. Anyway nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: OK today I got as usual and did my morning cleaning then got dressed and got ready to leave to take the footprint papers over to Sylvia Moore. Little did I know I wasn't going to get far. I went out to leave and had not one but two flat tires. Yahhh what a start to my day. So I had to spent 50.00 that I didn't really have to spend on two tires. So I went and fixed the tires and called Sylvia and told her that I can't make it all the way to Clarksville and she said she would come out and pick them up. So I went to Michelle's house to let her know and we just hung out there until Sylvia got there. Then she gave us the folders and we stuck the footprint papers to the folders. We were done in like 15 mins. It was so fast. After that I headed home to get ready for Activity Days at Church. We played the Articles of Faith game and the girls really liked it. Of course that probably had something to do with the fact that they got candy. Anyway it went well then we headed home for the night. All together it was a great day other than the whole flat tires thing. Oh ya I almost forgot. We swiched out cell phones from T-mobile to AT&T to save lots of money and the phones came in today. I couldn't wait to get home so that I could play with my new phone.
Thursday: Today was a good day. I got up and got ready for the day and had dale take me to Michelle's so that we could carpool over to the Church for our monthly Scrapbooking day. It was good we got to make some really cool Halloween cards and then I got to make a really cute snowman out of fabric. Then we went out to lunch at this really good Mexican restaurant right by the church. I will most likely be going back there again very soon. Then I headed home at about 5:00 to spend some time with dale and the kids. Dale is taking both of his days off this week and I am very happy about that. I don't get to spend much time with him so it is a real treat when I get two whole days with him. Anyway we did our normal nightly thing and then hit the bed early. It was nice other than the fact that he is not use to being in bed with anyone else and he kept kicking me out of bed. I hope he goes to day shift soon cause I'm tired of either sleeping alone or being kicked out of bed. Oh well one thing at a time I guess.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you tonight.
Tuesday: Not much really happened today. I was home alone as you know Dale works overtime on Tuesday's so I pretty much have the house to myself. Anyway nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: OK today I got as usual and did my morning cleaning then got dressed and got ready to leave to take the footprint papers over to Sylvia Moore. Little did I know I wasn't going to get far. I went out to leave and had not one but two flat tires. Yahhh what a start to my day. So I had to spent 50.00 that I didn't really have to spend on two tires. So I went and fixed the tires and called Sylvia and told her that I can't make it all the way to Clarksville and she said she would come out and pick them up. So I went to Michelle's house to let her know and we just hung out there until Sylvia got there. Then she gave us the folders and we stuck the footprint papers to the folders. We were done in like 15 mins. It was so fast. After that I headed home to get ready for Activity Days at Church. We played the Articles of Faith game and the girls really liked it. Of course that probably had something to do with the fact that they got candy. Anyway it went well then we headed home for the night. All together it was a great day other than the whole flat tires thing. Oh ya I almost forgot. We swiched out cell phones from T-mobile to AT&T to save lots of money and the phones came in today. I couldn't wait to get home so that I could play with my new phone.
Thursday: Today was a good day. I got up and got ready for the day and had dale take me to Michelle's so that we could carpool over to the Church for our monthly Scrapbooking day. It was good we got to make some really cool Halloween cards and then I got to make a really cute snowman out of fabric. Then we went out to lunch at this really good Mexican restaurant right by the church. I will most likely be going back there again very soon. Then I headed home at about 5:00 to spend some time with dale and the kids. Dale is taking both of his days off this week and I am very happy about that. I don't get to spend much time with him so it is a real treat when I get two whole days with him. Anyway we did our normal nightly thing and then hit the bed early. It was nice other than the fact that he is not use to being in bed with anyone else and he kept kicking me out of bed. I hope he goes to day shift soon cause I'm tired of either sleeping alone or being kicked out of bed. Oh well one thing at a time I guess.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you tonight.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Stupid Fights
Now I know what they mean when they say that the devil will find any chance to get in there and try to take your family apart. Let me explain. Yesterday started out a great day. We all got up and I do mean all, including Dale, went to church and had great lessons. About half way through the last hour I got a really bad migraine. I stayed for the rest of church then we came home and ate lunch and I took some pain med's and went to bed. I woke up to Dale and D.J. yelling at each other. Dale was trying to help him with his study island assignments but D.J. was just getting an attitude and Dale was loosing his temper. So I jumped in and told them to stop and that I would help D.J. tomorrow with his work. D.J. was upset so I went in and talked to him and Dale came in a little later and said he was sorry for loosing his temper. They were fine after that. Then a little later I was watching t.v. and Dale started in on how he is really tired of all the over time he is having to work so that we can get caught up on our bill's and that he was going to turn everything off and just let us struggle for the next couple of weeks or so until everything is caught up. I said fine already just do it and quite complaining about everything. Either do it or just shut up about it. He wouldn't so I threw the remote at him to shut him up, it missed him and hit the door but he picked it up and tossed it back at me but it hit me knee. I was so pissed off that I threw it back at him and told him to go to hell. I know I know I shouldn't of said it but I was really tired of hearing him complain all the time but never do anything about it. He left it this time and went into the bathroom to finish getting ready for work so to avoid another fight I just shut off the lights and t.v. and went to bed. He left for work without even so much as a goodnight. That just pissed me off more. He did call when he got there to say goodnight. I went to bed and was still pissed off. I know you are not suppose to go to bed angry but I couldn't help it. Anyway he got home this morning and said he was sorry about last night. I said I was sorry also and we hugged and kissed. Now he is asleep and I'm blogging. I really hate when a good day gets ruined by stupid fighting.
Anyway I need to go because the plumber is here to fix my sewer line. I really hope he fixes it good this time. I would hate to have to call him again to come and fix it.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Anyway I need to go because the plumber is here to fix my sewer line. I really hope he fixes it good this time. I would hate to have to call him again to come and fix it.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A day with Honor
Ok so Honor got here right around 7:45 this morning and was more awake than I was expecting her to be. Elyssa got up with me this morning to keep Honor company while I made breakfast and got myself started for the day. Everything went fine and Honor wasn't to hyper today. She did pase a little but not to much. Unfortunately it was suppose to rain today so the kids had to be cooped up in the house for most of the day. But by the afternoon it was looking pretty nice outside so I went out with the kids and let them run off some of their energy. Well Honor found this really old really big badminton ball and some old tennis rackets in the yard that I forgot were out there and decided that she wanted to play golf with them. Ofcouse she got a kick out of it and so did my kids so they played that for awhile then they decided that that was not enough and wanted to climb the tree in the front yard. Now while I don't usually allow my children to climb the tree because they can get hurt Honor was up it before I could tell her no. So I figured why not and allowed them all to play in the tree. Now you have to understand that the tree is not very big so they had to take turns in the tree. It wasn't that bad but man can Honor climb (pictures to come tomorrow). Who so we had her from 7:45 this morning until 6 tonight. Let me tell you I think I got my work out with that one today. She really is a handful but I loved having her here. I hope that she can come and play again. I know Elyssa liked having a friend here to play with but maybe not as long next time.
Honor climbing up into the tree.
D.J. climbing up into the tree

Elyssa climbing up into the tree
Well that's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Family Fun Day
Ok so not much happened yesterday so thats why I didn't blog. I just did my usual thing and that was it.
Now for today. I got up with the kids and put them on the bus and then got ready for my day. Then I went up to Elyssa's school to vol. for the day but only stayed until 12:00 then I headed over to Michelle's house to try and finish up the Footprint covers for the Womens Conference next weekend. Ofcouse I didn't finish but I don't have much left to do so I should be able to finish them on Monday. Here's hoping anyway. Then I got home at about 4 and made dinner. Then we watched a couple of movies together as a family. Since we don't get to spend very much time together our new family fun day is on Friday's. Then I put the kids to bed around midnight and cleaned up the house to get ready for Honor tomorrow. She is suppose to be here around 7:30 in the morning. I can't wait. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Now for today. I got up with the kids and put them on the bus and then got ready for my day. Then I went up to Elyssa's school to vol. for the day but only stayed until 12:00 then I headed over to Michelle's house to try and finish up the Footprint covers for the Womens Conference next weekend. Ofcouse I didn't finish but I don't have much left to do so I should be able to finish them on Monday. Here's hoping anyway. Then I got home at about 4 and made dinner. Then we watched a couple of movies together as a family. Since we don't get to spend very much time together our new family fun day is on Friday's. Then I put the kids to bed around midnight and cleaned up the house to get ready for Honor tomorrow. She is suppose to be here around 7:30 in the morning. I can't wait. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Doing Nails
Tuesday was a good day. Not to much happened except we went and paid some bills then had a little family time then came home. Like I said not much happened.
Now for today. I got up this morning and did my usual routine. You know put the kids on the bus did a little cleaning then went about my day with crafts or reading or cooking. Today I decided to try and cook a pork roast in the oven since it wont fit in my slow cooker. I turned out fine but next time I need to remember to season it first. It was kinda plane tasting. Anyway you learn from you mistakes right. After I finished that I got a call from Danielle asking me if I would come over to her house today and do her nails for her. I said yes and that I would be there about 4:00. She said that was fine and we hung up. Then I went about the rest of my day. I needed to go to the store to get some food because well it was just time to go shopping. I spent a little more than I was expecting to but it will be fine. Then when the kids got home from school we all headed over to Danielle's. I did her nails in this gold glitter then painted the tips black with a yellow pinstripe at the bottom. She is a total Stealers fan. Can you tell. Anyway we stayed there until 8:15 and are now at home. I know I know I shouldn't keep the kids out so late on a school night but we don't get to see Danielle and her girls very often so I think it will be fine. Well I am tired and headed to bed so.......
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Now for today. I got up this morning and did my usual routine. You know put the kids on the bus did a little cleaning then went about my day with crafts or reading or cooking. Today I decided to try and cook a pork roast in the oven since it wont fit in my slow cooker. I turned out fine but next time I need to remember to season it first. It was kinda plane tasting. Anyway you learn from you mistakes right. After I finished that I got a call from Danielle asking me if I would come over to her house today and do her nails for her. I said yes and that I would be there about 4:00. She said that was fine and we hung up. Then I went about the rest of my day. I needed to go to the store to get some food because well it was just time to go shopping. I spent a little more than I was expecting to but it will be fine. Then when the kids got home from school we all headed over to Danielle's. I did her nails in this gold glitter then painted the tips black with a yellow pinstripe at the bottom. She is a total Stealers fan. Can you tell. Anyway we stayed there until 8:15 and are now at home. I know I know I shouldn't keep the kids out so late on a school night but we don't get to see Danielle and her girls very often so I think it will be fine. Well I am tired and headed to bed so.......
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Major Migraine
Ok so my day went fine until about 3:00 when I got this really bad headache. I use to get them all the time when I had long hair but not since I cut it short, so it really surprised me when I got it this afternoon. I did what I normally do and took a couple of pain killers and went to bed but I still have it. I hope this doesn't last to much longer. I hate having headaches. Anyway like I said my day went fine. I got up with the kids this morning and put them on the bus then went about my cleaning as usual. After all that was over I finished up on some crafts I have been working on and then got that really bad headache. Now I am getting ready to go back to bed and hopefully wake up without this migraine.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Normal Day at Church
Today was a pretty normal day as far as Sunday's go. We got up ate breakfast got dressed and went to chruch. The kids practiced their parts for the Primary Program on the 20th and we learned a really great lesson in Sunday school and Relief Society. We also got a new girl called into the Activity Days Program. Her name is Sis. Molly Cherrington. I am really glad they called her. Then we came home and ate lunch and did our scriptures and now are all headed to bed.
That's all for today. Blog at you Later.
That's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Family day for the most part
I woke up early today and made pancakes for everyone then cleaned the house. After all that was done we decided to take a walk as a family. Normally Dale and the kids just take the dog and go by themselves but today I wanted to go with them. So we all got dressed and took our walk. We walked down the road to the neighborhood behind us on Bluebird lane. It was a great walk and I got a good amount of exercise in. I have discovered that from now on I am going to drive to the neighborhood and then walk it because it has a very big hill at the beginning of the road and it just about killed me to walk up it. Anyway the kids decided that they wanted to stay over there and play with their friends and Dale and I came home. Then I helped him set up his blog. It is called Sweat Lodge, A reflection of my life. I think its a cleaver title and really reflects who he is. Anyway the kids came home at about 2:00 and Elyssa's friend Madison stayed over until her mom finished her running around. Then I made dinner and we did our scriptures. After dinner was over we all sat down and watched a couple of movies. The first was Wall-E I love that movie. I have not been able to see it in a while because I let a friend borrow it and then she moved so I had to wait until he unpacked everything before I got it back. Anyway after Wall-E we watched Two Brothers. For anyone out there who has never seen it, it is about to brother Tigers and everything they go through in the first few years of their lives. It is a really cute movie. Although I have to admit that at first glance I thought I wasn't going to like it because there really isn't much talking. But all in all I think I really did like it. Anyway after the movies the kids headed to bed and Dale headed off to work. So now I am catching up on my day and then headed to bed myself because we have church tomorrow.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Articles of Faith
Today I found a really cool place to go and get good idea's for activity days. Its called Emma's Place. Its a LDS blog site I didn't know about until I found it today. Anyway she had a couple of really good idea's. I have been looking for a fun way to help the girls learn their articles of faith and she had a really good one. Its called magnet articles of faith. First of all you print up all the articles of faith and make sure they are big enough that you can cut the individual words apart. Then you laminate them and cut them apart. Make sure you space the words far enough apart other wise you have a hard time cutting them. Then you put magnets on the back of each word. Once all of this is done and trust me its a lot of work. You find a nice piece of metal that you can cover with fabric to make it look pretty. Then you just have them take the words that are all mixed up and put them in the right order to spell out the article of faith. Doesn't that sound like fun for the girls anyway? I think the girls will get a kick out of it. I was thinking about having them break up into a couple of teams and try to win a prize. Of course all the girls will get something but the winners will get a little something extra. I was thinking about doing this for the next activity. I will let you know how it turns out.
Of course you know you could always just do this at home for a family home evening activity also. Its a good way to help your own kids learn their articles of faith. The kids would love it. I think I will try it out on my kids first and see how it goes. Again I will let you know how it turns out.
Well other than that I spent the whole day just hanging out and working on a couple of projects I have going on. Not that I got any of them finished except the Articles of Faith game. But what do you expect to happen when my husband is home all day. Sometimes he's just as much of a handful as the kids are. But I love him anyway and I don't get to see him that much so anytime I get with him is fine with me. Even if I don't get to finish my projects. I love you babe.
Well I guess that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Of course you know you could always just do this at home for a family home evening activity also. Its a good way to help your own kids learn their articles of faith. The kids would love it. I think I will try it out on my kids first and see how it goes. Again I will let you know how it turns out.
Well other than that I spent the whole day just hanging out and working on a couple of projects I have going on. Not that I got any of them finished except the Articles of Faith game. But what do you expect to happen when my husband is home all day. Sometimes he's just as much of a handful as the kids are. But I love him anyway and I don't get to see him that much so anytime I get with him is fine with me. Even if I don't get to finish my projects. I love you babe.
Well I guess that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Learning a new lesson
today was another day by myself. Well mostly anyway. I did go to Wal-Mart to pick up somethings but I mostly stayed home today. I got caught up on the things i needed to do for the girls in Activity Days. Getting their folders together and printing out a few things that needed to go in them. I found these really cute 8x10 mini posters about the young women's values that the girls can color and then hang on their wall so I printed those out and put them in their folders also. then I spent the rest of the day just playing with the kids and talking to dale.
Dominic got into a little trouble today and had to learn a hard lesson. He was riding his bike with the next door neighbor and he ran over and broke one of their sidewalk lamps. He had to say he was sorry and offer to pay for it. He didn't like that very much but he did it anyway and I explained to him that this was part of taking responsibility for our actions. That it's not easy but it shows that he has good character. He said fine and did it but was upset about it for a little bit. Of course he got over it real fast when he learned that I made cheesy chicken and rice for dinner which is his favorite food. I am real proud of him for standing up and taking responsibility for his mistake today.
Marykrista came over tonight for a little to catch up and to borrow our air bed then had to leave. It was a short visit but nice all the same.
After diner we did our normal routine and headed to bed. Now that my blogging is done for the day I am also headed to bed. That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Dominic got into a little trouble today and had to learn a hard lesson. He was riding his bike with the next door neighbor and he ran over and broke one of their sidewalk lamps. He had to say he was sorry and offer to pay for it. He didn't like that very much but he did it anyway and I explained to him that this was part of taking responsibility for our actions. That it's not easy but it shows that he has good character. He said fine and did it but was upset about it for a little bit. Of course he got over it real fast when he learned that I made cheesy chicken and rice for dinner which is his favorite food. I am real proud of him for standing up and taking responsibility for his mistake today.
Marykrista came over tonight for a little to catch up and to borrow our air bed then had to leave. It was a short visit but nice all the same.
After diner we did our normal routine and headed to bed. Now that my blogging is done for the day I am also headed to bed. That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Finally getting to see a long lost Friend...Ha Ha
ok so lets start with not to much happened on Tuesday. Dale worked a double and the kids went to school so I stayed home and got caught up on some last minute house work and spent the rest of the day just hanging out with myself. It was really peaceful. I wasn't expecting that. Usually I don't like to be home all alone all day. But it wasn't to bad.
Ok now for today. I got up and cleaned as usual then got dressed and just as I was about to walk out the door Michelle called to tell me that she can't get her Klick-N-kut to work right so she was going to have Robert take a look at it tonight and she would call me tomorrow. I was fine with that so I made plans to go to Wal-Mart instead. Then just as I was about to walk out the door again she called and said never mind why don't you come over anyway and we can figure this out together. I said fine and told her that I would be there in about 10 min. and left the house as fast as I could so no one else to call and hold me up. I got there and we spent the next four and a half hours working on it. First we couldn't get it to work and that took about and hour, then we couldn't get it to communicate with the computer and finally it did about two hours later and much listening to a movie and reading the instructions book, then we couldn't get the thing to cut without popping up some error that said it wasn't authorized or it was the wrong port. Finally we got it working then the picture we wanted wouldn't work with the program so we had to call a friend and ask her how she did it. By this time it was 3:00 and I needed to get home to my family so that I could feed them and do scriptures before we had to go to church. At church Sis. Huff was in charge and she did a get to know you game with m&m's which was really cool. Now we are home and its time for bed.
Well that's all for tonight. Blog at you later.
Ok now for today. I got up and cleaned as usual then got dressed and just as I was about to walk out the door Michelle called to tell me that she can't get her Klick-N-kut to work right so she was going to have Robert take a look at it tonight and she would call me tomorrow. I was fine with that so I made plans to go to Wal-Mart instead. Then just as I was about to walk out the door again she called and said never mind why don't you come over anyway and we can figure this out together. I said fine and told her that I would be there in about 10 min. and left the house as fast as I could so no one else to call and hold me up. I got there and we spent the next four and a half hours working on it. First we couldn't get it to work and that took about and hour, then we couldn't get it to communicate with the computer and finally it did about two hours later and much listening to a movie and reading the instructions book, then we couldn't get the thing to cut without popping up some error that said it wasn't authorized or it was the wrong port. Finally we got it working then the picture we wanted wouldn't work with the program so we had to call a friend and ask her how she did it. By this time it was 3:00 and I needed to get home to my family so that I could feed them and do scriptures before we had to go to church. At church Sis. Huff was in charge and she did a get to know you game with m&m's which was really cool. Now we are home and its time for bed.
Well that's all for tonight. Blog at you later.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Catching up with the weekend
Well there really isn't much to talk about today. This weekend was really boring as far as things to talk about. We mostly spent time together as a family and got caught up on some house work. Dale worked a double on Sunday so we were not able to go to chruch. Then the kids spent most of today playing with the next door neighbors and taking turns going back and forth between the two houses. Its really nice to have people next door that have kids to play with. It keeps both sets of parents from loosing their minds. Ha Ha Ha. Anyway there isn't much else to say so I will stop here. Blog at you later.
Friday, September 4, 2009
just killing time
ok so there isnt much to talk about today. Dale and I went antiquing and just fiddled around all day to kill time until the kids got home. Then Dominic and I played my new Twilight Game a couple of times and I made dinner. Now we are all headed to bed. Thats all for tonight. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Two days off
Wow it has been a great day. I don't think I can remeber the last time that my husband had both of his days off. It has been a true blessing considering the fact that I spent most of his first day off in a bead store and he spent it sleeping. But we got to really spend some good time together today. We went and paid a few bills then went out to lunch and just really talked. I love spending time alone with him. It reminds me of when we first met and had a ton of things to talk about. I guess when you spend all your time together you seem to run out of things that are intersting to talk about and so you end up only talking about the kids or what needs to be done around the house. I guess its a good thing we don't get to spend all our time together. I love him anyway. Well thats all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Spending the day at a Bead Store
Today I spend most of the day at Sister Moores Bead store in Clarksville helping her make some and bagging the sets of stuff to make the rest of the bracelets that we will be making at the Woman's Conference at the end of the month. it was a ton of fun. I wish I could find a good part time job somewhere like that. I just know I would have a blast working there. Anyway I got home at about 5 and spent the rest of the day with Dale and the kids.
Well that's all for today. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cool new food
Today was another day alone at the house. I don't mind it so much when I have things to do. Like cleaning this house the right way since while I was sick my kids thought that it was slack time. Anyway I got the house cleaning done and then worked on my Christmas cards some more. I think I am getting closer to knowing what I am finally going to do. Anyway Dale and the kids got home right about the same time and I helped with homework and made dinner. Then we did our scripture study and the kids headed to bed.
Oh I have to tell you about this recipe that I tried tonight. It is a slightly different version of the sloppy Joe only a lot neater.
Its called Crescent Roll Sloppy Joe's
First pre heat your oven to 375 then you take two cans of Crescent Rolls and open them up. Then you pinch together two of the triangles so that they make a square. Then you cook up 1/2 a pound hamburger meat until brown and add two tablespoons of taco seasoning and a cup of salsa and cook those until heated through. But don't add water to the taco seasoning because the salsa wets it enough. Then you add a spoonful of the mixture to the crescent square and add a small amount of cheese then fold it in half and pinch the sides together. Continue this process of adding the meat, cheese and folding it in half until all the squares are filled. Then you brush them with a beaten egg and place on a cookie sheet. Don't forget to spray the pan so the food doesn't stick. And cook until the Crescent Rolls are done. Then remove and serve. My kids loved them and they really fill you up. Plus they are way neater than real sloppy Jose. Not that I don't like the real thing but I'm all about the easy and clean. Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Oh I have to tell you about this recipe that I tried tonight. It is a slightly different version of the sloppy Joe only a lot neater.
Its called Crescent Roll Sloppy Joe's
First pre heat your oven to 375 then you take two cans of Crescent Rolls and open them up. Then you pinch together two of the triangles so that they make a square. Then you cook up 1/2 a pound hamburger meat until brown and add two tablespoons of taco seasoning and a cup of salsa and cook those until heated through. But don't add water to the taco seasoning because the salsa wets it enough. Then you add a spoonful of the mixture to the crescent square and add a small amount of cheese then fold it in half and pinch the sides together. Continue this process of adding the meat, cheese and folding it in half until all the squares are filled. Then you brush them with a beaten egg and place on a cookie sheet. Don't forget to spray the pan so the food doesn't stick. And cook until the Crescent Rolls are done. Then remove and serve. My kids loved them and they really fill you up. Plus they are way neater than real sloppy Jose. Not that I don't like the real thing but I'm all about the easy and clean. Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
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