Dale and his bowl
Hannah and her bowl
Ok so now for the second part of my title. I am always telling Dominic to stop bugging his sister and go out and make some friends. Well with it being so cold and no one wanting to be out longer than 10 min. Dominic decided to make a friend of his own out of pillows and cloths. Sometimes I wonder where his imagination came from. He can be so creative when he is truly bored. Anyway here is what he made. He is so proud of it.
Oh ya I almost forgot to tell you how to make the Snow cream. This way you don't have to google it.
Snow Cream
1 Cup Milk
1 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla
and a whole lot of very clean snow.
Mix all ingredients together in a mixer. Start with about 10 cups of snow and add more until you get the thickness of Ice cream. Add any flavoring that you like such as fruit or cocoa to taste and enjoy.
Its pretty simple to make and the kids really love it. Of course you can add or take away from the sugar to make it as healthy as you like. I only added about 1/2 a cup of sugar instead of the full amount just because I'm not a big sugar person but its up to you. I hope you can get creative and come up with some great recipes of your own. Please share them with me when you do. I'm all about the new things.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.