Ok so I don't normally blog about my dreams, well truthfully I don't usually remember my dreams when I wake up but this one was so strange I just had to blog about it.
Ok so the dream starts out with me and pretty much everyone I know ( Ryan Michelle Christie Niki Holly Elaine and a ton of other people) all living in the same area of town. Now understand that I don't really know where this place is but we all live there and are very happy. We are all members of the LDS church and are very happy about it. Then one day this lady Pastor moves into our area and starts up a church. (I can't remember what the name of the church is) but almost everyone starts to join this church. I was talking to Ryan and she starts telling me how great this church is and how we were wrong the whole time and that this new church is the right one. I start to argue with her telling her that she is wrong and that she can do what she likes but I'm going to stick with the LDS church. She says fine but asks me to come to at least one of her meetings with her. I said yes and we went about our day. Then next morning she comes to get me and we go to the church but it wasn't like most Church's. When you walk into the chapel it is set up almost like a college classroom. There are rows of long tables and each row descends upward toward to top. Anyway Ryan and I walk in and take a seat at one of the tables in the first row. Now instead of there being Bibles or some other reading material in front of us there is a small plate of various food in front of me along with a glass of what looks like water but the glass has this rubbery looking disc on top of it with what I think is either a piece of plastic or ice on top of that. Now everyone's top piece is shaped differently but mine looks like fire. So the Pastor starts to talk and talk and talk and then says " Will everyone please peal off your greatest problem from on top of your glass." I look at Ryan a little confused and she shows me what to do so I pull off the fire looking thing and peal off the rubber disc and underneath it is stamped the words " Not in love with your Husband" at this point I get really mad and start to yell at Ryan saying "Why does everyone keep telling me that I am not in love with my husband, of course I am in love with my husband, I always have been and I always will be. On top of that this is the stupidest church I have every been too. Who has food in front of them instead of a bible." So I storm out of there feeling very mad and as I am walking out I can hear the Pastor say now will everyone please come up to the fire and throw in your biggest problem. I shake my head and keep walking. As I get outside I look to my left and see a bunch of my friends sitting at the end of the walkway talking so I walk down there and start to tell them about what was going on inside. Then I get to the part where the disc said that I wasn't in love with my husband and all of my friends get really quiet. When I ask whats wrong they all say the same thing that I am not in love with my husband and that I just think I am to keep myself happy. At this point I am so mad that I could just explode. As I turn to walk away I notice that my scene is split in two. On one side its black and white and the other is colored. All of the sudden I hear this big booming voice telling everyone to come to the black and white side of the dream. As I look around everyone from inside the church and all my friends go to this zombie like state and start to walk. As they cross the line they go from colored to black and white. Meanwhile the big voice is still talking telling everyone to come and see the new show. As I start to walk I cross over into the black and white scene but I stay colored. Now in this scene we are in the area where there is a roadway with two sidewalks, one on each side, and on the left side where I am standing there is a bridge above me kinda shielding me and a little boy who is black and white but dressed like he is from the twenty's or thirty's and standing next to him is a man holding a little girl and they are also colored. Now on the other side of the road is another sidewalk where everyone else had gathered and behind them is the rail with stairs going down. Now when you look over the rail it like a little garden or viewing area. Anyway as I am standing there trying to figure out what is going on I see out of the corner of my eye that the little boy who is no more than maybe 7 or 8 had this fancy looking detonation box and he pulles the handle up and hanging off of it is strings of pretty things and when he gets it all the way up he is still holding onto it and starts to fall down slowly he isn't pushing down just holding onto it as it falls down. Now everyone is oohing and Awwing and when it gets to the end these big sparkling things start shooting out of the roadway. Everyone claps and then the big voice says to turn around for the main part of the show. Now as everyone turns this big stream of something shoots out of the garden area and soaks everyone except me and the boy and the man holding his daughter. Then the little boy pulls up the handle again and turns it three times then lets it start to fall again as it gets to the bottom there is a huge explosion and a lot of the people are dead and those that are not dead are running around on fire screaming. Now it hits me that whatever spayed them before was some kind of excelerent and I start to freak out and run to hid in the bathroom. As I am hiding there I look out of the window and I see Ryan storming down the walkway towards me and I can tell she is really man so I sit down to try and hide from her and that is when I wake up.
Now I'm not sure what this crazy dream has to do with but I just couldn't let it go. Usually I forget my dreams as soon as I wake up but this has stuck with me. Anyway I just thought I would save it. Maybe someone will read it later and be able to explain to me what the heck was up with that dream. Oh well for now I am just going to go on with my day.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So sick
Ok so I was pulled out of my dreams at about 3:00 in the morning on Tuesday to throwing up. Who might you ask was sick well that would be me. Yup me. I don't get sick that often but I guess with how busy I have been lately I was just susceptible to it. I think the kids may have brought it home with them but I was the one who ended up with it. I couldn't hold anything down at all for two days. On top of that my monthly friend decided to throw in her two cents and make it that much worse for me. Yes to say the least it was the worst two days of my life. Well probably not the worst but it felt that way at the time. I am feeling much better today but not 100% yet. I felt well enough to go and get my nails filled and pick up a few things I needed at Wal-Mart then went over and talked for a bit to the girls at the church. Then I headed home. We were suppose to go to the Blue and Gold Banquet for the scouts tonight but Elyssa came home today not feeling well and coughing really bad so I think we are going to have to skip it just to be on the safe side. Its not like it will be the last one. Anyway I am going to go and make dinner and get the kids in bed early tonight. I am still a little tired. I am going to try and go to Zumba tomorrow but it will all depend on how I am feeling. Hopefully 100%.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Our First Appt.
Well today was our first session with the psychologist and i think it went pretty well. We got there on time with no major fights and talked with the Dr. for about an hour and a half. She has put him on a small dose of Zoloft because she thinks there might be a little bit of depression in all this, as well as a little bit of normal teenage behavior, and referred a therapist for us to talk to in her office. We will start meeting with him on Friday. On top of that she has asked Dj to start writing in a journal about how he feels everyday. She then wants to see us again in about four weeks to see where we are and if anything needs to be adjusted. She also warned us that in a small amount of children his age that the Zoloft can cause suicidal thoughts and that if he feels this way or we see any major changes in him to stop and call her. Overall I would say it was a really good session. Dr. Edda seems to be a really good psychologist and Dj responded to her very well. She was very honest and upfront with us about everything and made sure that we knew what we were going into before we left her office. I am very excited to see how this all helps. Im not saying at all that things are going to change overnight and this all be some miracle cure but Im at least hoping that this is going to be the start of a new family lifestyle for us. We shall see how it all goes. I will keep posting as things progress.
After our session was over we headed out to get something to eat and then headed home. All in all we had a great day without any blowups until after Elyssa got home. I have a feeling she may be joining us in therapy. We are now headed to the Y for youth Zumba and then swimming for the kids.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
After our session was over we headed out to get something to eat and then headed home. All in all we had a great day without any blowups until after Elyssa got home. I have a feeling she may be joining us in therapy. We are now headed to the Y for youth Zumba and then swimming for the kids.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Ok so I have not posted a lot about this because truthfully its kinda personal but I figure if I write about everything else on here and this is really for my family more than for anyone else then there should be no reason not to right. Right.
Ok so here goes. I have posted in the past about the issues I have with DJ. The truth of it is that it is an on going battle with him everyday. We fight about everything and that's only the beginning of it. So I talked to his Pediatrician and told her that I wanted to have DJ tested for ADD/ ADHD and see if maybe that was the reason we were having so many problems. So we did and today was the day we were going to get the results of the testing. So I talked to her and she asked a few questions which I answered and then she hit me with the news I wasn't expecting. She said that yes DJ may have ADHD but that that was not the only thing he had. She said that he had something called ADHD/ODD which at first I didn't understand until she told me what it stood for. The ADHD part I understood (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but the ODD ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder) part I didn't. I have heard of it once before from a friend of mine who said that her son had it when he was younger or maybe still does I'm not sure but anyway that was to only time I had heard of it. Then the doctor said that she was not going to medicate DJ for anything at this point because she didn't feel that it would solve any of the issues we were having and suggested the we go and see a Psychologist and take it from there. She handed me a couple of pages about the ODD and a very long list of great Psychologists that her practice has encountered. Wow let me tell you that was a lot to take in at one time. So I took DJ back to school and then headed home to discuss everything with Dale. We together did some more research on ODD and man it was DJ to the T he had every system of ODD in the book and then we proceeded to contact several Psychologists to try and find one that not only was taking new patients at this time but was also taking our insurance. We finally found one but he is all the way out in Nashville. I guess I can handle that considering the fact that I am to the point that if we don't get this under control soon I was about to send DJ off to Military School. Which I learned today would be a reward for him not a punishment considering the fact that he wants to join the military when he grows up. Then I had the fun job of contacting DJ's birth Father to ask him if by any chance that this ODD runs in his family because from the research I found it said that it is genetic and can be passed from generation to generation. He was very helpful and surprisingly very civil with me about the whole thing considering the fact that we really have not gotten along very well up to this point. Anyway as far as I knew no one in my family has this or maybe they did and it was not for closed in any records. Anyway I am just thankful to finally have a few answers to why my son is they way he is. I will post again later to let you know how it all went.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Ok so here goes. I have posted in the past about the issues I have with DJ. The truth of it is that it is an on going battle with him everyday. We fight about everything and that's only the beginning of it. So I talked to his Pediatrician and told her that I wanted to have DJ tested for ADD/ ADHD and see if maybe that was the reason we were having so many problems. So we did and today was the day we were going to get the results of the testing. So I talked to her and she asked a few questions which I answered and then she hit me with the news I wasn't expecting. She said that yes DJ may have ADHD but that that was not the only thing he had. She said that he had something called ADHD/ODD which at first I didn't understand until she told me what it stood for. The ADHD part I understood (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) but the ODD ( Oppositional Defiant Disorder) part I didn't. I have heard of it once before from a friend of mine who said that her son had it when he was younger or maybe still does I'm not sure but anyway that was to only time I had heard of it. Then the doctor said that she was not going to medicate DJ for anything at this point because she didn't feel that it would solve any of the issues we were having and suggested the we go and see a Psychologist and take it from there. She handed me a couple of pages about the ODD and a very long list of great Psychologists that her practice has encountered. Wow let me tell you that was a lot to take in at one time. So I took DJ back to school and then headed home to discuss everything with Dale. We together did some more research on ODD and man it was DJ to the T he had every system of ODD in the book and then we proceeded to contact several Psychologists to try and find one that not only was taking new patients at this time but was also taking our insurance. We finally found one but he is all the way out in Nashville. I guess I can handle that considering the fact that I am to the point that if we don't get this under control soon I was about to send DJ off to Military School. Which I learned today would be a reward for him not a punishment considering the fact that he wants to join the military when he grows up. Then I had the fun job of contacting DJ's birth Father to ask him if by any chance that this ODD runs in his family because from the research I found it said that it is genetic and can be passed from generation to generation. He was very helpful and surprisingly very civil with me about the whole thing considering the fact that we really have not gotten along very well up to this point. Anyway as far as I knew no one in my family has this or maybe they did and it was not for closed in any records. Anyway I am just thankful to finally have a few answers to why my son is they way he is. I will post again later to let you know how it all went.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Deep water Trouble
No I was not the one in trouble. He he. You see we had Deep water class today with Christie who by the way is my favorite teacher and I called Ryan before hand to see if she was going. At first she was like no I can't find my suit and I have to much cleaning to do and blah blah blah. So I told her to suck it up and bite the bullet and just go to class and then after class I would come over and help her with whatever she needed. She said fine and so I left for class. But guess what Ryan didn't show up. No surprise there. When that women gets going on something she doesn't stop until she is done. Anyway everyone at class said they were going to call her and tell her she should have come. I went to go see her. Guess what I found when I got to her house. A very clean house is what I found and Ryan in the kitchen finishing up the last of her dishes. Wow she did a lot in just an hour. Anyway I helped her fold some clothes and just kinda hung out a bit to visit with her until I needed to leave and go get the sister missionary's for Activity Days.
So I went to get the Sisters and brought them to class today. I was a little worried about how the girls would act considering the fact that the last time I was the only leader there it didn't turn out so well. But the girls were really good. They payed attention and asked questions and really got involved with the Sisters. I am really proud of them. Anyway I had to rush the Sisters home because I needed to be home in time for Dale to leave for work. I love the Sister Missionary's I wish they were in our ward. But none the less we have great Missionary's in our ward. We always get the best I think anyway.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
So I went to get the Sisters and brought them to class today. I was a little worried about how the girls would act considering the fact that the last time I was the only leader there it didn't turn out so well. But the girls were really good. They payed attention and asked questions and really got involved with the Sisters. I am really proud of them. Anyway I had to rush the Sisters home because I needed to be home in time for Dale to leave for work. I love the Sister Missionary's I wish they were in our ward. But none the less we have great Missionary's in our ward. We always get the best I think anyway.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Zumba and back to school
So Yahhh the kids went back to school today. They started about an hour later than normal but at least they didn't cancel the whole day. I had Isaiha today. His dad dropped him off at my house at 5:30 in the morning so that he could try and get a day job at Labor Ready. For those of you who don't know what that is, its a place you can go to make a little extra money for the day. Its just temp jobs that don't really want to hire extra people so they take people who only wanna work for the day. Anyway he ended up not getting anything so he went and looked for a better job all day. He finally came to get him at about 6:00 pm. Which was totally fine with me because I love having Isaiha he is such a good boy. Anyway I had Zumba today and so Ryan came to get us so that we could go. I put Isaiha in the day care and went to class only to find a nice little surprise there. Michelle and Carmen had come to the class. I love when that happens. I was not expecting to see either of them today. Then when class was almost over Christie showed up. After class we all started talking and Christie invited us over to her house to see some of her Photography. She is really talented. I think I may have here do our family pics in a few months when I have lost a little more weight. After we were done visiting we all went our separate ways and Ryan took us home then headed home herself. After the kids got home and Isaiha went home the kids, Dale and I went back to the Y to do a little swimming.
Now we are home and headed to bed. Blog at you later.
Now we are home and headed to bed. Blog at you later.
Monday, February 15, 2010
No School anyway
Well I guess mother nature has a different idea for our children today. You see the kids were suppose to go to school today (Presidents Day) as a make up for one of the four snow days they have to make up but Mother Nature decided that yet again she was going to lay down a layer of not only ice but snow also. So yes the kids are out of school.
I went to Deep water class this morning and got a really good workout while the kids played in the smaller pool and got a workout of their own. After class we all got out and went home to clean my house. It was in a bad way needing to be cleaned. I never realized how dirty a house can get when you are not really home much. I guess the little things just keep piling up and get bigger. Anyway I'm glad its finally clean.
I hope the kids go back to school tomorrow. I really don't need them trying to make up another day.
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
I went to Deep water class this morning and got a really good workout while the kids played in the smaller pool and got a workout of their own. After class we all got out and went home to clean my house. It was in a bad way needing to be cleaned. I never realized how dirty a house can get when you are not really home much. I guess the little things just keep piling up and get bigger. Anyway I'm glad its finally clean.
I hope the kids go back to school tomorrow. I really don't need them trying to make up another day.
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
No go Valentine
ok so this morning I was totally exhausted and just could not pull myself out of bed to go to church. I know its been like three weeks since I went but I am just not sleeping well and then on top of it all I'm tired all day. I have an apt with my doc next week to do some tests and see whats going on with me. Hopefully we get some good news.
Well today is Valentines Day. Yahhh. Well truthfully we never really celebrated it because I always thought it was just a made up day to sell more things to us consumers but Dale really seems to be getting into it this year. The kids of course always get into it because well they are kids. Ha ha. We bought the kids cards and a little gift. Nothing big and gave them to them this morning. Then Dale gave me my card that he bought and I gave him the one I made and he told me that his gift to me would be here in a couple of weeks. I told him he shouldn't have gotten me anything but he didn't care. Anyway I don't know what he got me but he said I will love it. So when I do get it I will post pictures of it for you to see.
Well I think we are going to just hang out and watch TV or just spend some family time together today so I will go for now.
Blog at you later.
Well today is Valentines Day. Yahhh. Well truthfully we never really celebrated it because I always thought it was just a made up day to sell more things to us consumers but Dale really seems to be getting into it this year. The kids of course always get into it because well they are kids. Ha ha. We bought the kids cards and a little gift. Nothing big and gave them to them this morning. Then Dale gave me my card that he bought and I gave him the one I made and he told me that his gift to me would be here in a couple of weeks. I told him he shouldn't have gotten me anything but he didn't care. Anyway I don't know what he got me but he said I will love it. So when I do get it I will post pictures of it for you to see.
Well I think we are going to just hang out and watch TV or just spend some family time together today so I will go for now.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Family Day
Ok so we went and picked up the kids from Ryan this morning and then came home so the kids could change. They we gave them a choice of what they wanted to do today since it was their turn to choose for Family Day. They both chose to see a movie which is surpising because they never agree on anything but they both picked the same movie. Avatar. It was a great movie. I really enjoyed it. The kids sat there and didn't move though the whole movie. Which is unusall because usually one of them has to go to the bathroom or just doesn't like the movie or something but this time nothing. They both loved the movie and want to own it as soon as it comes out on DVD. Silly kids but I have to admit it was really good. After the movie we went to eat and had a good time laughing and talking and just getting along all together. Then we came home and just spent the rest of the night playing and talking and watching movies together. Now we are all headed to bed except Dale ofcouse he has to go to work tonight which is why we didn't go to the dance tonight. Although that would have been great we just didn't think it was practical. Anyway that's all for now.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Date with my husband
Ok so today we spent the whole day together. First I had to go and pick up my friend Danielle who cant drive right now due to medical reasons but anyway and we went to the mall to look for something nice to where out with our husbands tonight. Yes I went to the mall I know shocking right. I never go to the mall. I hate it there. Anyway after we found her something we went to go and get my hair cut by a friend of ours Cathie in the mall. Which by the way I didn't know she worked in the mall. Anyway after I got my hair cut we went and got our nails done, Danielle and I not Dale. Although that would have been cute if he had gotten a manicure...hahaha. Then headed over to Cato's so I could pick up something to where tonight. I found it and it is so cute. Anyway we took Danielle home so she could get ready for her date and then went home ourselves. I called Ryan to still see if she would watch the kids for us tonight so we could have alone time and she said yes. She came and picked them up just in time for Dale and I to leave for the movie. We went and saw Dear John. OMGosh it was such a good movie. I cried at least three times during it. Dale didn't cry at least not that I saw but he said he liked it. Then there was about an hour wait between my movie and his so we went to Chopsticks to eat and then back to the movies. This time we met up with his friend Daniel Bell who by the was is the greatest guy ever and is still single. I wish I knew someone to fix him up with. Anyway we saw The Book of Eli. Which I didn't really like but Dale said he did. It was just to slow moving for me although the concept of the movie was a good idea. Its about this guy who lives in a Post-Apacalipical world and is on a mission from God to take the last Bible on the planet to a place in San Franciso so that it can be reprinted but what you don't learn until the end is that the Bible is in Brail and the guy is blind although you never expect it by the way he acts in the movie. Anyway he gets to where he is going without the Bible but has memorized it and retells it to a man who writes it all down just in time for him to die. The guy on the mission dies. So all in all the concept of the movie was good but I think they could have moved it along a little faster. I don't know maybe I was just to tired to sit through two movies. Anyway I enjoyed the time we got to spend together. After the movies we came home and now we are headed to bed. All in all I would say we had a great night out together. Sort of an early Valentines Day Date. Not that we really celebrate Valentines Day because we are that loving to each other all year around. Anyway I'm pretty tired so.......
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My new favorite Hobby
Ok so I was looking online the other day and saw these really pretty cookie bouquets and thought ya I can do this. So I made a couple of them for the Sister Missionary's as a thank you for coming to speak with the girls about being a Full Time Missionary and what made them choose it. Anyway so here they are.

Now when you are looking right at them you cant see that in the middle are a bunch of little hearts. I should have arranged it a little better but hey what can I say for a first time making them. I think they came out pretty well. Maybe I will do this more often and make a small business out of it. Who knows.
Blog at you later.
This is both the baskets I made. Well I didn't make the basket but the cookies in it.
This was the first basket made.
This was the second one made.
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I have had Enough
Ok so I wished for the snow to come. Yes I did but I also wished that it would come in December not January and February. I mean really don't you think enough is enough. Don't get me wrong I love the snow just not the biting cold. Yesterday we went to the Y yet again so that the kids could take youth Zumba. It was really cute to see them doing it. Then when we got outside there was so much snow on the ground that the car was covered in it. We brushed it off then headed home. I got here and realized that I needed to go to Wal-Mart for something I had forgotten earlier. It had only been 10 mins since I got home but when I got outside again the car was covered. Man really that fast. I slipped and slided all the way to Wal-Mart preying to God to please just let me get there and home safely. I did and didn't go out again until today. Anyway I got the call saying the kids would be out of school today and they were not happy about it. Then today just when I think all is good I get TWO calls in a row. The first saying the children will be attending school on Presidents Day to make up for one of the missed snow days then the second was to inform me that yet again the children will be out of school tomorrow. Man that throws my plans way out of wack for tomorrow. But ok fine I'm going to go with it. All I have to say is Please Lord No More Snow.
Ok enough with the complaining already. So let me tell you about my day today. I got up and got everyone dressed nice and warm for the our day out. You see we got our taxes back today and paid off some debt along with the last of our monthly bills and put quite a bit of it away for emergency's and thought we should treat ourselves just a little. So we first went to Hobby Lobby (duhhhh as if you didn't know me) and picked up some paper for Elyssa since she is now into Scrapbooking with me, then picked up a few things I needed to make Cookie Baskets for the Sister Missionary's who will be speaking to the girls at Activity Days tomorrow night. Yes I am very excited about this one. Then we headed over to the book store so that I could pick up the latest version of The Biggest Loser Cookbook as a guild to helping me make better food choices. The kids and Dale picked up a book for themselves also. Then we headed over to Cato's so that I could get a nice winter coat for myself since I don't have one but they didn't have any. So we went on to Wal-Mart so that Dale could pick up some new shoes. You see he tends to wear his shoes until they literally fall off his feet. Now we are home and Elyssa and I have just finished baking, frosting and setting the cookies for the Baskets that we are making for the Sisters. I will post pictures of them tomorrow. I don't want to spoil the fun and give away what they look like now. Not that the Sisters will be reading my blog but you never know.
Anyway I'm pooped and headed to bed finally. Blog at you later.
Ok enough with the complaining already. So let me tell you about my day today. I got up and got everyone dressed nice and warm for the our day out. You see we got our taxes back today and paid off some debt along with the last of our monthly bills and put quite a bit of it away for emergency's and thought we should treat ourselves just a little. So we first went to Hobby Lobby (duhhhh as if you didn't know me) and picked up some paper for Elyssa since she is now into Scrapbooking with me, then picked up a few things I needed to make Cookie Baskets for the Sister Missionary's who will be speaking to the girls at Activity Days tomorrow night. Yes I am very excited about this one. Then we headed over to the book store so that I could pick up the latest version of The Biggest Loser Cookbook as a guild to helping me make better food choices. The kids and Dale picked up a book for themselves also. Then we headed over to Cato's so that I could get a nice winter coat for myself since I don't have one but they didn't have any. So we went on to Wal-Mart so that Dale could pick up some new shoes. You see he tends to wear his shoes until they literally fall off his feet. Now we are home and Elyssa and I have just finished baking, frosting and setting the cookies for the Baskets that we are making for the Sisters. I will post pictures of them tomorrow. I don't want to spoil the fun and give away what they look like now. Not that the Sisters will be reading my blog but you never know.
Anyway I'm pooped and headed to bed finally. Blog at you later.
Friday, February 5, 2010
All Day at the Y
Ok so I spent all day today at the YMCA.Dale left to go to the gym at 10:00 and I got there at about 11:15 for Tai-Chi and then Zumba after that. I loved both. The only problem with Zumba was that the instructor liked to hop around alot and with bad knees I couldn't do that part so other than that I loved it. And Tai-Chi was the best I am really glad I went to try it out. After Zumba Dale wanted to take the Tai-Chi class so I waited for him. We finally left at about 2:30. We went home and cleaned up a bit and waited for the kids to get home from school then went back to the Y so the kids could go swimming. We were there until 7:30. Dj wanted to stay with Ryan so he didn't get home till about 9:00. So we were really there all day, for a grand total of about 8 hours. Wow that's along time to be there. But I would have to say it was the best investment we ever made. Anyway I'm going to bed now cause I'm really tired.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Not feeling so Hot
ok so today wasn't the best of days but I got through it. I woke up this morning with the worst headache and not feeling well at all but figured that I should just try to push through it and I would be fine. So I got up and dressed and went and walked the track for about an hour then came home and did a little cleaning. Just as I was settling down I got a call from Diana asking me where I was. I told her I was sitting on my couch and she said did you forget about today. I had forgotten. I was suppose to go scrapbook at her house like we always do on Thursdays. So I went over there for about an hour and came home. Needless to say I didn't scrapbook at all. Once I got home I woke up Dale so that we could go to the kids school and turn in some paper work. then headed home again. Together we just chilled until the kids got home from school. Meanwhile I'm still feeling like crap and its not getting any better. The kids wanted to go swimming so we waited until 5 so that Elyssa's friend Hannah could go with us. I didn't swim but the kids did for about an hour and a half then we ate dinner and now everyone is headed to bed. I sure hope tomorrow I feel better cause I hate feeling like this.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Finally Back to School
Yahhhhh. Finally our children have gone back to school. I was a little worried when Michelle text me to tell me that Cheatham County was yet again out of school today. But with luck on my side they went to school this morning. It was so nice to get them up and send them off to school then have the house to myself while I was getting ready for Deep Water today. Man speaking of Deep water class I got a serious workout today. Thanks Christie. She is the best at pushing you when you really just want to stop. As my husband likes to say she pushes me beyond the burn to the good stuff....lol.
Anyway after class was over I stayed around for a bit and relaxed in the pool then hit the steam room for a bit then got dressed and left. When I got home Dale was still sleeping so I woke him up so that we could go and run some errands. We went and paid a couple of bills then my tummy was really growling at me so we went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. I did really good I think. We both got the Avocado Turkey burger and water with lemon. The burger was really yummy. It tasted even better than Hamburger. I think I just might start buying Turkey instead of Hamburger. Its little things like that that are going to help me get healthier. Speaking of which I should update you on my progress so far. As of yesterday I have lost a whole 15 lbs. I am so proud of myself for sticking this out and going to exercise almost everyday. Anyway back on track after lunch we went back home to wait for the kids until we went to run one more errand. I decided to stay home and clean up a bit while Dale took the kids. The trip should have only taken about 45 mins but on their way back they got stuck on the Hwy because of a bad accident. They sat there until about 6:15. Thats almost two hours in non moving traffic.
Anyway tonight I am making Salmon flavored with lemon pepper and green beans. I love Salmon. I really wish there was a class I could take on healthier eating. Better foods to fix for myself and my family. Oh well for now I will just keep googling for them.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Anyway after class was over I stayed around for a bit and relaxed in the pool then hit the steam room for a bit then got dressed and left. When I got home Dale was still sleeping so I woke him up so that we could go and run some errands. We went and paid a couple of bills then my tummy was really growling at me so we went to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch. I did really good I think. We both got the Avocado Turkey burger and water with lemon. The burger was really yummy. It tasted even better than Hamburger. I think I just might start buying Turkey instead of Hamburger. Its little things like that that are going to help me get healthier. Speaking of which I should update you on my progress so far. As of yesterday I have lost a whole 15 lbs. I am so proud of myself for sticking this out and going to exercise almost everyday. Anyway back on track after lunch we went back home to wait for the kids until we went to run one more errand. I decided to stay home and clean up a bit while Dale took the kids. The trip should have only taken about 45 mins but on their way back they got stuck on the Hwy because of a bad accident. They sat there until about 6:15. Thats almost two hours in non moving traffic.
Anyway tonight I am making Salmon flavored with lemon pepper and green beans. I love Salmon. I really wish there was a class I could take on healthier eating. Better foods to fix for myself and my family. Oh well for now I will just keep googling for them.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Barrowed Blog
Ok so my post today is borrowed from Laura's blog.....It spoke to me so much that I just had to post it on mine for those who don't follow her blog. I don't know about most of you but after having four days off of school with the kids I was about to go crazy. I really needed to read this to bring me back to reality. Thank you Laura for posting this. I hope it helps all of you as much as it helped me. Muhhhha.
One of the problems we encounter when we first attempt to Live in Truth is that we have been so conditioned in the ways of Illusion. All our lives we’ve seen the same reaction to the same situations so we don’t even stop to realize there could be a different way to handle the situation.For example, a friend of mine lived with her older married sister during her last years of high school. One day Sharon asked her sister if she could take the car to visit some friends. The sister said she could but she needed the car back by four o’clock because she was taping an educational TV show for a local channel. Sharon said she’d be back by four and left, but once with her friends she forgot all about the time—until it was six o’clock.She hurried home, but her sister was gone. On the table was a freshly baked cake, Sharon’s favorite chocolate cake, with a note that said, “Don’t worry. I know you were having a good time. I managed to get a ride. I love you.”In a situation like this most of us have only seen someone react in anger. So when someone lets us down or doesn’t keep a promise, we do what we’ve always seen done—we get angry. But all that does is raise our blood pressure, make us tense and fill us with vexation. Instead Sharon’s sister used that energy to bake a cake. You don’t have to have an IQ of 160 to know which reaction causes the offending person to be sorry and learn a lesson. Being late with the car never happened again and many, many years later the lesson Sharon learned that day is still in her heart guiding and directing her.But what about the sister? By baking a cake instead of getting angry she escaped a great deal of unnecessary pain. She stayed in the realm of Truth where the spirit dwells. She went to the TV taping with positive energy instead of depleted from the vexation.Sometimes when we feel anger swelling in us all we need to do to stay in Truth is ask ourselves the simple question, “How else could I handle this?” and then do something good with the energy building within us.
Yesterday at church a sister spoke about charity and quoted this famous verse by Mother Teresa. It impressed me so much that I wanted to share it:
"People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered.
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies.
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough.
Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
Mother Teresa
As a person who all too often wonders or cares what others think, these are wonderful things to keep in mind!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sunday & Out Of School Again
Ok so I didn't blog yesterday but here's what happened. We all got up at about 11:00 and ate breakfast. I made the kids pancakes cause that's what they wanted and I made dale and myself some Cinnamon rolls. Yummy I love those things. We didn't go to church today because they were only have sacrament and it was only going to be an hour so we decided not to go. We all got dressed for the day and I went and picked up some frozen fresh fruit to make flavored Snow Cream. Then we came home and I made about four batches of different flavors. I made so much that I put them in containers and stored them in my freezer. They were so good. I can't believe I have never heard of this thing before. The kids are so excited about it that they went and got the snow for their own flavors. They were so cute. I meant to get pictures but was to busy making to stuff to take pictures of it. Anyway after it was all made and put away it was time to do some deep cleaning. Yes I needed to do some serious cleaning of my house. We all cleaned the house and it only took us about 4 hours to do. After we were done we ate dinner and had some Snow cream then watched tv as a family. Then we all headed to bed except Dale of course he went to work. So there you go that was our Sunday.
Now for today.
Well its true they called off school again today. I think it might have something to do with the country roads that are not cleared yet but I'm not sure. Anyway my children are getting a bad case of cabin fever so I am taking them to the YMCA to swim today. Ryan and her crew are going to be there as well as Michelle and her crew. Just with the three of us that place is going to be busy busy busy. I love getting together with my girls they rock. We did not attend Deep water class today but starting tomorrow I am going back on my workout schedule. I know it is going to be hard to get back into it after taking four days off but I know with my girls by my side I am going to rock. They really know how to keep me going. Anyway I will swim today with the kids so that will be a little work out just not the major one i need.
Ok so I just got back from swimming with the kids and we had a few friends join us today. Of course there was Ryan and her two but then she brought four more with her for a grand total of 6. Then there was Michelle and Robert and they brought the twins and Brently so a grand total of 5. Then there was a nice surprise of Nicky Collis and her husband and their three kids for a grand total of 5. Plus us with a total of 3 making the pool very busy if you have not figured it out that's a grand total of 19 people with just us. We all swan for about 2 1/2 hours and man am I tired cause I didn't do much floating. I swam laps with Dj and then played around then did some of my deep water exercises and played some more. Man I am pooped. Anyway while I was in the pool I got a call from the school again saying Yes once again our wonderful children will be out of school tomorrow. Really. Ok that's fine with me but the kids really are not going to like it if they push back school because of this. Oh well we shall see what happens. I think I am going to take them to the Y again tomorrow just to get them out of the house for a bit. Well I'm off to make dinner and settle in for the night.
Blog at you later.
Now for today.
Well its true they called off school again today. I think it might have something to do with the country roads that are not cleared yet but I'm not sure. Anyway my children are getting a bad case of cabin fever so I am taking them to the YMCA to swim today. Ryan and her crew are going to be there as well as Michelle and her crew. Just with the three of us that place is going to be busy busy busy. I love getting together with my girls they rock. We did not attend Deep water class today but starting tomorrow I am going back on my workout schedule. I know it is going to be hard to get back into it after taking four days off but I know with my girls by my side I am going to rock. They really know how to keep me going. Anyway I will swim today with the kids so that will be a little work out just not the major one i need.
Ok so I just got back from swimming with the kids and we had a few friends join us today. Of course there was Ryan and her two but then she brought four more with her for a grand total of 6. Then there was Michelle and Robert and they brought the twins and Brently so a grand total of 5. Then there was a nice surprise of Nicky Collis and her husband and their three kids for a grand total of 5. Plus us with a total of 3 making the pool very busy if you have not figured it out that's a grand total of 19 people with just us. We all swan for about 2 1/2 hours and man am I tired cause I didn't do much floating. I swam laps with Dj and then played around then did some of my deep water exercises and played some more. Man I am pooped. Anyway while I was in the pool I got a call from the school again saying Yes once again our wonderful children will be out of school tomorrow. Really. Ok that's fine with me but the kids really are not going to like it if they push back school because of this. Oh well we shall see what happens. I think I am going to take them to the Y again tomorrow just to get them out of the house for a bit. Well I'm off to make dinner and settle in for the night.
Blog at you later.
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