Ok so I have been so looking forward to this movie coming out. All of us girls got together and went to the midnight premiere and had a blast. When I say all of us girls I mean there were 14 of us total. Jen (Niki's sister), Niki, Me, Meghan, Ryan, Jen Mantlo, Megan (Jens sister), Kelsey, Ashley, Carmen, Cassie, Julia, Christie, and Michelle. We all had such a good time. We got to the movie about an hour and a half early so we all chatted and laughed and took pictures and just plain had fun until the movie started. The movie by the way was awesome. I loved it so much but I can't wait until the last one comes out because of all the books Breaking Dawn is my favorite so I am excited to see how well the movie turns out. From what I understand it will be broken up into two movies because there is just so much material that needs to be covered from the book that they can not put it all into one movie. Either way I can't wait for it to come out. Well I need to go now so....
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ok so have you ever had one of those days were you feel completely disconnected from everyone and everything. Where no matter what you do or what you say nothing gets better. Yeah well I have been having one of those weeks. I really don't know what is going on with me. I want to hang out with my friends and spend time with my family but I just can't bring myself to do it. Sometimes I feel like I could just disappear and everyone and everything would be much better. I don't know what to do. Nothing I try seems to help and the more I want to talk about it the more I just cant. Lord I wish whatever was wrong with me would just go away. I just want to be normal and have a healthy life. Including my health. I want to be a social person and I want to have a great relationship with my kids. And I want to feel like I am at least somewhat attractive despite what others say about me. I know my husband loves me for who and what I am but I don't. I hate not loving myself and I hate always wanting to be alone even though I don't want to be alone. I know that doesn't make since but in my head that's how I feel. I want to loose this weight because I feel like a skinny person trapped in this fat suit that I can't get out of no matter what I try. I work out. I eat right. I do everything I am suppose to and I'm not changing. Why God Why can't I just for once get something I really want and need. Why can't I just have it easy for just once. I'm not asking for forever just for a little. I understand we all have trials we must endure and you don't give us more than you think we can handle but I am drowning here. I feel like I have two ton weights tied to my feet and I can't come up for air. Please God Please just help me through this.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The end of the week catch up
Ok so I have been slacking a little on my blogging these past couple of days but I have an excuse. My husband has been on vacation from work for the past two weeks and we have been spending a lot of family time together as well as alone time. So lets just say I haven't spent much time on the computer lately. Anyway lets get caught up on our little family shall we.
Wednesday 23- Today I got up and went to DWA and then came home and cleaned my house. Later we watched a couple of movies together as a family and played a bunch of games. It doesn't seem like a whole lot but we did that for most of the day.
Thursday 24- Not a whole lot happened today just hanging out with the kids and Dale and doing the normal everyday things. I had Isiaha all day today. I got him at midnight and his dad didn't come and get him until 7pm. I also spent most of the day at church with my scrapbooking krew making really cute mini albums. I love scrapbooking.
Friday 25- I went to DWA again today and got my butt kicked by Christie. Man I am so soar after not working out for almost three weeks. I am glad that I do it though. I know in the long run it is good for me. After class I went strait home. I didn't even spend time in the hot tub which is unusually for me because I always go to the hot tub after words but this being the last day of Dales vacation I thought I would spend it with him and the kids. Since I got paid yesterday I thought I would take everyone out to eat since we have not done that in a long time and then we went to Wal-mart to try and find a new family game to play but no such luck then went to Dollar General so I could pick up a few odds and ends things and get a new pot to plant my tomatoes in since they are rapidly outgrowing the pots I put them in. I am really surprised at how well they are growing since I think I have the blackest thumb in the world. I mean really I do. I even killed a cactus. Really I did. So you can see why I am so happy that my tomatoes are growing so well. I also have strawberry's growing but they are not doing as well as the tomatoes. I think I might need to replant those to. Anyway after we came home we played some games and then Dales co-worker came over to visit with us while his girlfriend used our computer. They are a really cute couple. I think we are going to go on a double date with them next week. Anyway after they left we watched a little tv as a family then all headed to bed.
Well I guess that's all for now. I have my whole week caught up on now. So......
Blog at you later.
Wednesday 23- Today I got up and went to DWA and then came home and cleaned my house. Later we watched a couple of movies together as a family and played a bunch of games. It doesn't seem like a whole lot but we did that for most of the day.
Thursday 24- Not a whole lot happened today just hanging out with the kids and Dale and doing the normal everyday things. I had Isiaha all day today. I got him at midnight and his dad didn't come and get him until 7pm. I also spent most of the day at church with my scrapbooking krew making really cute mini albums. I love scrapbooking.
Friday 25- I went to DWA again today and got my butt kicked by Christie. Man I am so soar after not working out for almost three weeks. I am glad that I do it though. I know in the long run it is good for me. After class I went strait home. I didn't even spend time in the hot tub which is unusually for me because I always go to the hot tub after words but this being the last day of Dales vacation I thought I would spend it with him and the kids. Since I got paid yesterday I thought I would take everyone out to eat since we have not done that in a long time and then we went to Wal-mart to try and find a new family game to play but no such luck then went to Dollar General so I could pick up a few odds and ends things and get a new pot to plant my tomatoes in since they are rapidly outgrowing the pots I put them in. I am really surprised at how well they are growing since I think I have the blackest thumb in the world. I mean really I do. I even killed a cactus. Really I did. So you can see why I am so happy that my tomatoes are growing so well. I also have strawberry's growing but they are not doing as well as the tomatoes. I think I might need to replant those to. Anyway after we came home we played some games and then Dales co-worker came over to visit with us while his girlfriend used our computer. They are a really cute couple. I think we are going to go on a double date with them next week. Anyway after they left we watched a little tv as a family then all headed to bed.
Well I guess that's all for now. I have my whole week caught up on now. So......
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My Girls Camp week June 14-19 2010
ok so I know I need to update you on everything that had gone on last week at girls camp so here we go.
Tuesday. I got up and dressed for the day and finished my packing then headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of last minute things I needed for camp then headed over to the church to finish helping the girls load the trailer and head out to camp. We got to camp on time and got all the tents set up including the kitchen tent in no time at all. Of course just like mother nature to have fun with us it stormed right after we got everything done. It didn't really rain until late that night but either way we ended up in the barn on our first night at camp yet again. At least this time I had a cot to sleep on instead of the hard barn floor. It was kinda nice in a way because Ryan, Michelle and Myself all set up our cot together and chatted with Beth until late into the night. It was a great bonding experience. Nothing like last year.
Wednesday. I woke up early this morning and went to check on the camp site to see if we had any damage from the storm. Guess what nothing happened to any of the tents or anything. Everything was great. Michelle and I looked over everything and opened up all the tents to keep then cool. We went and woke all the girls up and loaded up all their sleeping gear into her truck to keep in all in one place just in case yet again we ended up back in the barn. After our opening flag ceremony and our daily chores were done I got the girls together to practice their skit. We ran through it twice and the girls did great. Later all the parents showed up and we did our skit for the whole camp. It went great and I think we got our message across. We were not the best show of the night though. There was a ward right next to ours that waited until dark and then came out in these costumes that made them look like stick people and danced. It was by far the most creative thing I have ever seen at camp. After everyone left Michelle we talking and I kept getting buzzed but I just ignored it cause what Michelle and I were talking about was important. When we finished talking I checked my phone and it was Dale so I called him back to find out what was going on. He proceeded to tell me about his uncle and that he needed me to come home. So I went to find Michelle and Ryan and let them know what was going on. They both agreed that I needed to be with my family so I called Dale back to let him know that I would come home. Or should I say that he could come and pick me up since I didn't have a car. He said fine and that he would be by tomorrow afternoon to get me. I said fine and let Ryan and Michelle know what was going to happen and then went to take a shower and go to bed. We got to sleep in our own camp because there was no storm tonight. It was nice. I think I much rather sleep on the cot than the air mattress any day. I got such a great nights sleep.
Thursday. We got up and were in the middle of making breakfast when all the sudden it was announced that we had yet another storm coming our way. At this point I have given up hope that we were going to make it through the week nice and smooth. We all headed into the barn and listened to a couple of speakers. There were really starting to get into their talks when it started raining really hard. When they stopped talking the rain stopped. That's what I like to call the Devil not wanting to girls to hear what they had to say. Their talks were about Dating. Important information about it. So we all moved down to the bottom of the barn so that if it started raining again we could hear the talks. We made it though without any more raining. After we were done with that we headed back to our campsite to get ready for girls to split up into their certification groups. That left me with nothing to do so I went to the Directors meeting and then talked to Eva for a bit then went to talk to Ryan and say goodbye. Dale showed up at about noon and we loaded up my stuff and headed off.
So that is all that happened while I was at camp. Blog at you later.
Tuesday. I got up and dressed for the day and finished my packing then headed out to Wal-Mart to pick up a couple of last minute things I needed for camp then headed over to the church to finish helping the girls load the trailer and head out to camp. We got to camp on time and got all the tents set up including the kitchen tent in no time at all. Of course just like mother nature to have fun with us it stormed right after we got everything done. It didn't really rain until late that night but either way we ended up in the barn on our first night at camp yet again. At least this time I had a cot to sleep on instead of the hard barn floor. It was kinda nice in a way because Ryan, Michelle and Myself all set up our cot together and chatted with Beth until late into the night. It was a great bonding experience. Nothing like last year.
Wednesday. I woke up early this morning and went to check on the camp site to see if we had any damage from the storm. Guess what nothing happened to any of the tents or anything. Everything was great. Michelle and I looked over everything and opened up all the tents to keep then cool. We went and woke all the girls up and loaded up all their sleeping gear into her truck to keep in all in one place just in case yet again we ended up back in the barn. After our opening flag ceremony and our daily chores were done I got the girls together to practice their skit. We ran through it twice and the girls did great. Later all the parents showed up and we did our skit for the whole camp. It went great and I think we got our message across. We were not the best show of the night though. There was a ward right next to ours that waited until dark and then came out in these costumes that made them look like stick people and danced. It was by far the most creative thing I have ever seen at camp. After everyone left Michelle we talking and I kept getting buzzed but I just ignored it cause what Michelle and I were talking about was important. When we finished talking I checked my phone and it was Dale so I called him back to find out what was going on. He proceeded to tell me about his uncle and that he needed me to come home. So I went to find Michelle and Ryan and let them know what was going on. They both agreed that I needed to be with my family so I called Dale back to let him know that I would come home. Or should I say that he could come and pick me up since I didn't have a car. He said fine and that he would be by tomorrow afternoon to get me. I said fine and let Ryan and Michelle know what was going to happen and then went to take a shower and go to bed. We got to sleep in our own camp because there was no storm tonight. It was nice. I think I much rather sleep on the cot than the air mattress any day. I got such a great nights sleep.
Thursday. We got up and were in the middle of making breakfast when all the sudden it was announced that we had yet another storm coming our way. At this point I have given up hope that we were going to make it through the week nice and smooth. We all headed into the barn and listened to a couple of speakers. There were really starting to get into their talks when it started raining really hard. When they stopped talking the rain stopped. That's what I like to call the Devil not wanting to girls to hear what they had to say. Their talks were about Dating. Important information about it. So we all moved down to the bottom of the barn so that if it started raining again we could hear the talks. We made it though without any more raining. After we were done with that we headed back to our campsite to get ready for girls to split up into their certification groups. That left me with nothing to do so I went to the Directors meeting and then talked to Eva for a bit then went to talk to Ryan and say goodbye. Dale showed up at about noon and we loaded up my stuff and headed off.
So that is all that happened while I was at camp. Blog at you later.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Last Post
So today will be my last post for the week. As you know it is Girls Camp time. Yay. I am ready for it. I have some last minute things I need to pick up tomorrow and then I will be set. Today I have to finish packing my tote and making sure I bring everything I need for the week. I promise to post a very long and detailed blog about camp when I get back with lots and lots of pictures. Wish me luck. Im off.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Another Hot day / Service for a friend
Ok so it was 95 today and it felt like 110. I wish it would cool down just a little bit but it doesn't seem like it is going to happen. The weather man said that it is suppose to be in the high 90's all week. I'm not looking forward to that at all.
On to other things. So as I was checking my Facebook today I saw a post from a friend of mine saying that her sister and brother-in-law were going to be at her house at around 2:30 and she would love to have some help from anyone who could spare the time to unload the 24 ft truck they were bring with them. I quickly jumped on and said I would be there. She thanked me and I said it was no prob cause that's what friends are for right. Anyway in the process I was talking to Michelle about a couple of things and mentioned that Niki ( our friend) needed help and if she could spare some time to come and help unload. At that point Niki texted me to tell me they were there and so I told the kids to stop the movie they were watching and told Dale to put his shoes on that we had to leave. He said why and I told him that Niki was in need of some service and that we were going to help. On our way to Niki's house I saw a truck that looked like Michelle's and thought that might be her but she got there fast. What I didn't know was that she was already out and about. We got to Niki's house at the same time. There was a total of 13 people that showed up to help unload the truck. I think it took a total of about 45 mins to completely unload it. Then we helped move things around so that everything would fit in the house. The funniest part of the whole day was watching 6 men try and figure out how to get a refrigerator into the house after Niki's sister had already told them that they would have to take the doors off. They took one of the doors off but not the other and thought they could manage. Yeah needless to say they made it to the front door and then got stuck. Finally they listened and took the other door off all though it couldn't come all the way off because of the water line. So anyway they got it in the house and up the stairs and into its place in the kitchen. It was the greatest thing ever to see. Mean while all us girls just sat and watched the big strong men do this. He he he. I didn't have my camera with me but Michelle took some pictures with her phone so I will try and get those later to put on here. After it was all done we had pizza and talked for a bit longer. Just before Dale and I had to leave so that he could get ready for work Christie came by to visit. I wish I could have stayed longer and chatted. Anyway we got home and the kids finished watching the movie they had started and then went to bed. Now I am finishing up this post and hitting the hay myself. After all we do have church tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
On to other things. So as I was checking my Facebook today I saw a post from a friend of mine saying that her sister and brother-in-law were going to be at her house at around 2:30 and she would love to have some help from anyone who could spare the time to unload the 24 ft truck they were bring with them. I quickly jumped on and said I would be there. She thanked me and I said it was no prob cause that's what friends are for right. Anyway in the process I was talking to Michelle about a couple of things and mentioned that Niki ( our friend) needed help and if she could spare some time to come and help unload. At that point Niki texted me to tell me they were there and so I told the kids to stop the movie they were watching and told Dale to put his shoes on that we had to leave. He said why and I told him that Niki was in need of some service and that we were going to help. On our way to Niki's house I saw a truck that looked like Michelle's and thought that might be her but she got there fast. What I didn't know was that she was already out and about. We got to Niki's house at the same time. There was a total of 13 people that showed up to help unload the truck. I think it took a total of about 45 mins to completely unload it. Then we helped move things around so that everything would fit in the house. The funniest part of the whole day was watching 6 men try and figure out how to get a refrigerator into the house after Niki's sister had already told them that they would have to take the doors off. They took one of the doors off but not the other and thought they could manage. Yeah needless to say they made it to the front door and then got stuck. Finally they listened and took the other door off all though it couldn't come all the way off because of the water line. So anyway they got it in the house and up the stairs and into its place in the kitchen. It was the greatest thing ever to see. Mean while all us girls just sat and watched the big strong men do this. He he he. I didn't have my camera with me but Michelle took some pictures with her phone so I will try and get those later to put on here. After it was all done we had pizza and talked for a bit longer. Just before Dale and I had to leave so that he could get ready for work Christie came by to visit. I wish I could have stayed longer and chatted. Anyway we got home and the kids finished watching the movie they had started and then went to bed. Now I am finishing up this post and hitting the hay myself. After all we do have church tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Funny Story. Girls Camp 2010
Ok so I have been at this whole camp thing for five years now and I have to say this is the first time we have had this much issues before camp. Don't get me wrong it is not any ones fault about the things that have happened this year it just seems like a lot at once. Let me explain. So it started with the most pitiful turnout for our Spaghetti dinner and the fact that we made less than half of the money we made last year or any year so far. Then we started getting some flip-flopping for the girls as to how many were going to camp. We finally ended up with 18 going then one by one they started dropping out of camp as of today we now have 14 going and there is still a couple of days before camp so who knows what will happen. Then on top of it all we are all stressing about camp and its making us forget things...Ha ha ha funny story. Michelle will hate that I am putting this on here but I just have to write it down so that I don't forget this. I love you Michelle and we all understand the stress is doing this its not just you. Anyway Michelle and I met up yesterday to do some last minute things before camp like go through the closet and Beehive house to make sure we had everything we needed for camp. As we were doing that I looked a Michelle and said " Where are the mess kits that I sent last week with Ryan to put in the closet." Michelle couldn't remember and said that they should have been in here. So off we went on a mad search of the Church for the mess kits. When we couldn't find them we started making calls trying to find out where they went. We called Ryan first asking if they were still in her car and she said no she unloaded them and put them in the Young Women's room. They were not there. So we then call Annalise to see if she moved them or put them in the Young Women's closet. She said no that they wouldn't fit in there anyway. Panic started to set in and we were really getting upset. As a last ditch effort I called Niki to see if she might know where they were. If she didn't then we would have to buy all that stuff again and I would have to put the kits together again. I didn't want to do that. Turns out that when Ryan dropped the kits off on Wednesday a couple of weeks ago Michelle had asked Niki to take them home and keep them with the food. Ha ha. The whole time they were safe with Niki and Michelle had forgotten until I told her that. Ha ha ha ha. Don't you just love what stress does to your memory. Again we love you Michelle. Its ok and we know its not the normal you. Welcome to the world of Girls Camp.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Long busy Day
Today was a busy day of running around and getting last minute things for camp. My day started with a phone call saying that I would have Isiaha this morning for a couple of hours. I let him know that was fine but that I had a ton of things to do today and couldn't watch him all day. He said he understood and that it really would only be a couple of hours. I said fine. He dropped him off at 10:00 and picked him up at a little after 12. Great. Meanwhile I had DWA and could not be late considering the fact that the Big Wigs were going to be there. We had a total of 13 people in class today. I think that might have been the biggest class ever so far. Anyway the Big Wigs never did show up and the class seemed to take forever to get over with. It was a great class and I got a wonderful workout but I thought the clock was very slow moving. Anyway we sat in the hot tub afterwords and chatted a bit. On our way out Michelle and I walked together and planned what we needed to do. As I walked to the back of the parking lot where I parked Michelle kept following me so I thought that she parked by me. There was a SUV that was the same color as Michelles next to me but it was not the same make or model of hers. Anyway as she got closer to it she said what happen to the back of my truck and I said I don't know then she said oh wait this isn't even mine. I laughted so hard. She had parked up by the doors and had forgotten about it. I just love Michelle. She always keeps me entertained. Then I took the car home and headed out with Michelle to run a few errands for camp. First we stopped and ate lunch at Taco Bell....Yummm. Then went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some T-shirt ink for the silk screen T's we are making for our camp ward T-shirts. Well I say we but I mean Michelle and Ashley. Then went to Home Depot and Lowes looking for 8/10 tiles for our end of the week gift for the girls that we give every year. We were very disappointed in the results we found or didn't find. Anyway then we went on to Wal-Mart so that we could pick up the last minute things for Michelle for camp and then Michelle had to do some food shopping for next week so her family could eat....I said that I was just letting my family fend for themselves, I wasn't about to make a bunch of meals for them. Anyway we finally got finished and she took me home at about 5:30. By that point we were both so tired I think we could have slept for a couple of days. Ha ha. When I got home I walked into the house to a husband that was mad a son that was crying and a daughter that was upset. I asked what happened and Dale informed me that Dj was poking his sister and he was told to stop. When he didn't Dale lost his temper and got in Dj's face. I informed Dale that he shouldn't have lost his temper and that he should say he is sorry. He did so and so did Dj to Elyssa. Everything was ok then. All it takes is a moms touch. LOL. We decided to watch movies tonight as a family event instead of going out on a date which was fine with me because I was tired. First we watched Eragon which is a movie I love but have not seen in a while because we had so many movies. (Oh yeah side bar we went through all our movies about a week ago and got rid of about 40 movies, which still left us with over a hundred. But they are more manageable now.) And then we started watching Fireproof but Dales cousin Denise who we thought had left a couple of days ago to go home to La. showed up. She needed us to drop off a couple of things for her that he son couldn't take care of before he deployed at the beginning of the week and She couldn't stay until Monday to do them so we said fine and chatted a bit with her before she left to go back home. Then we finished watching fireproof and then did our nightly scripture reading and our Family meeting as well as our Family prayer. Now we are all headed to bed. Soooooo.....
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Really in this heat.
Today has been a very busy day. I was woke up this morning by a very panicked Michelle stressing over things for camp. She had everything under control but she needed help reminding herself of that. This is why I am here. I let her know everything was fine and went over every detail with her. By the end of the conversation she was fine. I love you Michelle. Then I proceeded to separate out the Activity Day Girls stuff since they are now divided up into two groups. The 8/9 year olds I will still be in charge of with Julia as my assistant and the 10/11 year olds will be Molly's. Anyway I need to give Molly all the information I have on those girls so she knows what they have left to work on. After all that was done I finished up some last minute details for camp like typing up the cheer and printing out the name tags of the girls for the cubbies and going over last minute stuff with Niki. Who by the way is so on top of everything it is wonderful. Makes me so happy she is in this with us. Anyway I took a small break to play with the kids and pack a few things needed for camp and then went right back into it. You would be surprised at how many little things can only be done at the last minute.
On to other things. We as a family have been looking forward to this Pool Party that our Apartment complex has been saying they are going to have on Friday but at the last minute today we got a note on the door that said " We will not be having the Pool Party due to to many days of rain delaying the process. The party instead will be on the 18th of June." My guess it wont happen then either. By the way what apartments do you know use a garden hose to fill a pool. None that I can think of...Oh wait that would be my apartments. Yeah crazy right. Im am just thankful for the fact that I have the YMCA to swim at when ever I want. I don't get sun but that just means I don't have to mess with sunscreen. On top of all that I have had my air conditioner on all day and my house is still 85 degrees inside. Yeah I hate living in this place. I so want to be in a house in the country surrounded by trees.
Well I will stop here for now and say.....Blog at you later.
On to other things. We as a family have been looking forward to this Pool Party that our Apartment complex has been saying they are going to have on Friday but at the last minute today we got a note on the door that said " We will not be having the Pool Party due to to many days of rain delaying the process. The party instead will be on the 18th of June." My guess it wont happen then either. By the way what apartments do you know use a garden hose to fill a pool. None that I can think of...Oh wait that would be my apartments. Yeah crazy right. Im am just thankful for the fact that I have the YMCA to swim at when ever I want. I don't get sun but that just means I don't have to mess with sunscreen. On top of all that I have had my air conditioner on all day and my house is still 85 degrees inside. Yeah I hate living in this place. I so want to be in a house in the country surrounded by trees.
Well I will stop here for now and say.....Blog at you later.
God's Cake
So once in awhile I read someones blog and it really touches me and I just have to share it with everyone else. This such a thing happened today while I was reading a friends blog. Its funny how just when we think God is not going to answer our prayers it comes in the oddest form. I won't elabarate as to the details but lets just say that this is what I have been looking for. I hope this helps all of you in some way like it did me.
Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation.
A daughter is telling her mother how everything is going wrong in her life. She's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her, and her best friend is moving away.Meanwhile, her mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack and the daughter says "absolutely Mom. I love your cake!"
"Here, have some cooking oil," her mother offers."Yuck!" says the daughter."How about a couple of raw eggs?" "Gross, mom!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe some baking soda?""Mom, those are all yucky.
"To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

"God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every Spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.
God's Cake
Sometimes we wonder, "What did I do to deserve this?" or "Why did God have to do this to me?" Here is a wonderful explanation.
A daughter is telling her mother how everything is going wrong in her life. She's failing algebra, her boyfriend broke up with her, and her best friend is moving away.Meanwhile, her mother is baking a cake and asks her daughter if she would like a snack and the daughter says "absolutely Mom. I love your cake!"
"Here, have some cooking oil," her mother offers."Yuck!" says the daughter."How about a couple of raw eggs?" "Gross, mom!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe some baking soda?""Mom, those are all yucky.
"To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!

"God works the same way. Many times we wonder why He would let us go through such bad and difficult times. But God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every Spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
When I look at you
Ok so I heard this song today and it totally makes me think about me and my wonderful, never ending and grateful husband. Yes I know that it is a Miley Cyrus song but I never really listened to the lyrics before today. So this is for you babe and since I don't know how to put a song on here or a video I am just going to put the words. I love you so much and I know that I am truly blessed to have you as my life and beyond partner. I could not have gotten a better man to have in my life. You have put up with so much from me and I have not said it enough in our life together but I love you so much and would be lost without you.
When I look at you
By Miley Cyrus
Everybody needs inspiration,
Everybody need a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights so long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there is no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I am not alone
Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I ,I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me
Just like Kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need, Every breath, that I breathe
Dontcha know? your beautiful
Yeah yeah
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
I look at you
Yeah Yeah
Oh oh
You appear just like a dream to me
When I look at you
By Miley Cyrus
Everybody needs inspiration,
Everybody need a song
A beautiful melody
When the nights so long
Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there is no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When I look at you
I see forgiveness
I see the truth
You love me for who I am
Like the stars hold the moon
Right there where they belong
And I know I am not alone
Yeah when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I ,I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me
Just like Kaleidoscope colors that cover me
All I need, Every breath, that I breathe
Dontcha know? your beautiful
Yeah yeah
When the waves are flooding the shore
And I can't find my way home anymore
That's when I, I, I look at you
I look at you
Yeah Yeah
Oh oh
You appear just like a dream to me
My Day
Ok so I have had Isiaha since 11:30 last night and his dad didn't get home from work until 10:45 tonight. Wow that was a long day with him. I love that little boy but he really missed his daddy today. Anyway I had to walk Dj to the Middle School today because Dale worked a double and then I had to walk and pick him up. Man I tell you that is a walk right there. I doesn't seem that bad when I am driving it but to walk it about killed me. Well not really I'm just exaggerating but I don't think I am going to let Dj walk to and from school next year like I thought I was going to. It was tuff trying to get across Memorial Dr. I know a ton of other kids do it but I just don't trust traffic to let him walk it. Anyway I worked out a deal with Jennifer and she is going to take her son Logan and Dj in the morning and I will pick them up in the afternoons.
Anyway it is the final countdown to Girls Camp 2010. I found out today that my Director ( whom I wont mention.....Yeah you know who you are. ) has been out doing Camp things without letting me know so that I can help her. Ummmm that's what I am here for silly woman. Anyway I still love her. We have 5 days until camp. I am ready for it but I'm not so sure my husband is. He always hates when we are apart. I can't blame him I have been doing this for 5 years now and have loved every minute of it. I love the girls and the spirit and all the fun things we get to do while we are there. Plus it doesn't hurt that I am kid free for 5 days. Although I do miss my family I really enjoy the peace. I think I have everything I need other than a cot but I will get that the day of camp. Oh ya and my folder which I still have not gotten back from Ryan who was suppose to bring it by yesterday but did not. Kinda didn't surprise me though. That's just how that crazy woman is. We still love you though. She is a never ending constantly going busy busy busy woman. She needs a break to. Anyway I am done for now so I will stop and say....
Blog at you later.
Anyway it is the final countdown to Girls Camp 2010. I found out today that my Director ( whom I wont mention.....Yeah you know who you are. ) has been out doing Camp things without letting me know so that I can help her. Ummmm that's what I am here for silly woman. Anyway I still love her. We have 5 days until camp. I am ready for it but I'm not so sure my husband is. He always hates when we are apart. I can't blame him I have been doing this for 5 years now and have loved every minute of it. I love the girls and the spirit and all the fun things we get to do while we are there. Plus it doesn't hurt that I am kid free for 5 days. Although I do miss my family I really enjoy the peace. I think I have everything I need other than a cot but I will get that the day of camp. Oh ya and my folder which I still have not gotten back from Ryan who was suppose to bring it by yesterday but did not. Kinda didn't surprise me though. That's just how that crazy woman is. We still love you though. She is a never ending constantly going busy busy busy woman. She needs a break to. Anyway I am done for now so I will stop and say....
Blog at you later.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Short and Sweet
So today I went to DWA and had a great workout. Although I am not 100% better yet I did my best and wore myself out. I was good though and came home and made a nice healthy lunch and then cleaned my house. I then spent the rest of the day relaxing in the house where it was nice and cool while Dale and Elyssa rode their bikes and Dj played with his friends. I then made dinner and went through my Girls Camp tote box and organized everything making sure that I had almost everything I needed for Camp this year. Anyway I am beat so I am going to keep this short and say.......
That's all for now... Blog at you later.
That's all for now... Blog at you later.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Newest Book in the Set/ felling better
Feeling better. I am so glad that I am finally feeling better. Last night we rented the movie Alice in Wonderland and watched it at home. It was a great movie. Of course true to nature I had some very interesting dreams last night. Not that I can remember details but I do remember waking up thinking how strange my dreams were. Funny how that happens huh. Anyway, Today we got out of the house and went to Cheatham County to pay our car payment and decided to spend the day there. We drove around and went to a few yard sales and drove past a couple of houses that were for sale. I really want to be back out there. I am still waiting to find out about the dream house I want but my real estate agent still has not gotten back to me about it yet. I know I have to have patients but that is not my strong point when it comes to being out of the city. Anyway I really enjoyed my day out with the kids. Before we went and did that we went and picked up the newest book in the Twilight Saga. Its called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. I am done with it already. Its not a long book only about 178 pages but it is true to Stephenie Meyer's nature. I couldn't put it down. I loved it. It doesn't have chapters because it is a novella and not a true novel. Either way it is still a great book and wonderful addition to the set. I hope she writes more books. I love the way she pulls you into her little world with little effort. She is a great writer. Plus it doesn't hurt that she is LDS ( for those of you who don't know who she is, all though if you don't you must live under a rock). Anyway we got home at about 3:30 in the afternoon and of course the kids split to go and play while Dale and I enjoyed the nice cool apartment. Later I have to go to the store to pick up a few things for dinner but then its back to the house for early bed cause I have church tomorrow.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Coming to the end...I hope
Well it seems that my sickness is taking longer than I want it to to get over. I was hoping that I would be well enough to at least go to the gym today but no such luck. I have been going to bed pretty early and waking up later so my body must really need this rest...It knows what coming in a few weeks...lol. I woke up this morning feeling better but still not 100%. Have I mentioned that I hate being sick. Yeah it sucks big time. I wanted to get two weeks of hardcore workouts in before camp this year but I will have to have one. Maybe I can hit it double time and really get ready for camp this year. Its no surprise but I always loose a little weight at camp every year just because I never stop going. I seems to be a non stop fest from Tuesday morning until Saturday afternoon. Don't get me wrong I love camp and my girls and I really love the weight loss but I really think I am done after this year. I am just plain wore out. Five years of this is enough for now. I need time to regroup myself. I hate to say it but its true. Sometime you just have to give in and say that's it for me Im done. Da-ta-da-da. Im done. This has been a great ride and chapter in my life. Maybe next year I can just be the paperwork girl and not have to stress about all the other stuff that comes along with being the Assistant Camp Director. Ok wait how did I get on this subject...I thought I was talking about being sick and how much I hate it and low and behold I end up on girls camp again. See I just can't get it off my mind. Wow I think I have gone crazy. Ok well before I completely loose it I think I will end here and go to bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Countdown to Girls Camp / Dj in summer school
So as to tradition I have once again gotten sick. Yes so it seems that this happens every year around this time. I stress about camp and don't exercise enough and find all kinds of excuses not to do the things that I know are going to keep me well and low and behold I get sick. I never fails. I thought for sure I had strep throat because I always get it but Dale said he didn't see anything on my tonsils so I am thinking now it is just a sinus infection, which is by far better than strep but it still hurts and I don't want to do anything. I am just trying to relax and take it easy so that this will go away fast. I think I have hit bottom as far as how sick I am because I can't talk. So it can only go up from here right, right. Well on to more happier topics.
It is the count down to Girls Camp 2010. We have 11 days until camp. This year our theme is Twinkling Stars. Our ward has picked Leo as our constellation. I think it is great. From what I understand our camp shirts this year are beautiful. All shades of the blue sky. I can't wait to finally see them. The girls seem to be very excited about camp this year so that gives me great hope that this will be a wonderful year. Lets just hope Mother Nature co-operates with us. No repeats of last year.
Oh ya I started Dj on this Summer program at the middle school this year. He will be doing reading and math and the plus side of this is that when the school year starts in August he will be able to be a guild to help the students around school. I think it will be great for him plus it gives him a little boost to help with the subjects next year. He had his first day today and seemed to be ok with it. He is only at the school from 8:30 to 11:30 so its not like being in regular school. We shall see how it all goes.
Well I am just about out of energy so I am going to go for now. Blog at you later.
It is the count down to Girls Camp 2010. We have 11 days until camp. This year our theme is Twinkling Stars. Our ward has picked Leo as our constellation. I think it is great. From what I understand our camp shirts this year are beautiful. All shades of the blue sky. I can't wait to finally see them. The girls seem to be very excited about camp this year so that gives me great hope that this will be a wonderful year. Lets just hope Mother Nature co-operates with us. No repeats of last year.
Oh ya I started Dj on this Summer program at the middle school this year. He will be doing reading and math and the plus side of this is that when the school year starts in August he will be able to be a guild to help the students around school. I think it will be great for him plus it gives him a little boost to help with the subjects next year. He had his first day today and seemed to be ok with it. He is only at the school from 8:30 to 11:30 so its not like being in regular school. We shall see how it all goes.
Well I am just about out of energy so I am going to go for now. Blog at you later.
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