So normally I would post my usual Wednesday HodgePodge but since they are not doing it this week I guess I will just post about our day. Where to start..... Well the day started at 4:45 this morning when Zach and Zoie showed up for me to babysit. I was hoping that they both would go back to sleep so that I could also sleep but no such luck. Zack did sleep for about an hour and then he was up also. Zoie didn't sleep at all... all day. I love watching those two kids. They are usually so easy to take care of. Anyway I didn't have them long....just until Lori got off work at 2:00 and when then left I went to take a short nap...only my short nap lasted from about 3:00 until about 8:30 pm. Ya I was really tired. Anyway I sent the kids off to bed and then sent Dale off to work then sat down to watch a little tv to try and tired myself out again. It didn't work very well. It is now about 12:30 and I am still awake. I think I need to go and try to pass out again since I have to be up in about 4 hours to start my day over again. Let's hope today they both go back to sleep so I can also sleep and not be tired by 3:00 again. Here's hoping.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A night with my little man...Ok so he's not so little anymore.
So not a lot happened today. I got a box of 10 puzzles before Christmas because that is one of favorite winter hobbies to do. Anyway Elyssa and I put together a 300 piece puzzle shortly after I got it and then she wanted to do a harder 500 piece but quickly got tired of it. It sat for about two days and then I started to really work on it. After about 6 hours DJ and I finally finished it. Since he helped I let him choose the next puzzle to be done and he chose and even harder 750 piece. We got all of the border done and a little bit of the side done but quickly decided we were getting to frustrated with it so we walked away for the rest of the day. Since Elyssa decided to spend the night at her friends house and Dale had to work DJ and I got to spend some good quality time together. Its nice when its just the two of us because we usually don't fight at all and have a really good time. We watched the 16 and pregnant finale and he had a couple of really good questions for me which I have to admit I wasn't expecting but I answered them honestly and he responded positively so I think it went well. We really bonded tonight. Anyway after a couple of tv shows it was almost midnight so we headed to bed. I went to take a shower to relax and finally go to sleep since I have to work tomorrow. When I was in the shower I thought I heard Dj calling me but then thought it was just my imagination. When I went to check on him and the doors I found a note that he wrote for me. I love him so much. We may have our tiffs now and then but once in a while he really surprises me with how sweet he really is and how much he really does love me and appreciate what I do for him. Well that's all for now.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Meet me on Monday

1. What are your New Year's Eve plans?
Not much just hanging out with Dale and the kids and hoping to stay awake long enough to watch the ball drop. It will be the first time in a long time that Dale will be home when the new year rolls in.2. How tall are you?
I am a shorty being on 5'2"3. What is your favorite pudding flavor?
I don't know. I don't really eat pudding4. What room of the house do you blog the most in?
My livingroom because my computer is hooked up to my tv. Saves space that way when you live in an apartment.5. What is your best physical feature?
According to my husband my legs.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wrestling with Dad
So the kids and Dale are always wrestling around the house and I usually don't get pictures of it but I figured since I got my new little camera I would test it out and get a couple shots of them playing around.
This is Dj and Elyssa playing around. I turned around for a second and when I turned back this is what I saw. They are so silly
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Taking pictures.
So we finally all got over that great flu that went through our house and got the chance to meet up with Michelle so that we could get our family photos taken. It has been a couple of years since we did it so it was time. We meet her at the riverside walk and took some great pics I think. Although I have not seen them yet I know she did a great job. She always does. Anyway after that we went home and got warm because it was starting to really get cold.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Share your Christmas Eve traditions.
Watch Christmas movies and then while playing Christmas carols we open one small gift.2. What was the best book you read in 2010? (we're not going to include The Bible here)
It has nothing to do with Christmas but I discovered a not so new author named Beth Wiseman and she wrote a series called The Daughters of Promise and The land of Cannon. I love her books.
3. Do you have pets and if so do you allow them on the furniture?
No I don't have pets and if I did I would not allow them on the couch...Well, unless you count my daughters fish as a pet but I don't allow him on the couch either. lol
4. What event from 2010 are you most thankful for?
It came from a sad situation but being able to reconnect with my mother and younger sibling at the beginning of the year.
5. What did you do in 2010 that you'd never done before.
I can honestly say I have no idea if I have done anything new this year...Lol that is sad.
6. Brussle sprouts...friend or foe?
Yummm friend only if they are cooked right though.
7. Who would you nominate for man/woman of the year?
That is a loaded question so I am going to leave it open.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Keeping and open mind is a virtue, but not so open that your brains fall out.
-Bertrand Russel
Merry Christmas to all and to all thanks for playing!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Family sickness
So our family has been cursed so to speak with the new flu bug going around. Elyssa had it first and then Dale came home with it on Sunday and I thought by quarantining him in our room and not letting him our or anyone in it would end with him but no such luck. Sure enough Monday morning I ended up with it. DJ so far has been the only one to escape it. Now that everyone is finally over it I hope we can put it behind us.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Meet me on Monday

1. What will your Christmas dinner consist of?
Pretty much the same as Thanksgiving except instead of a turkey we will have a Ham.2. Do you watch commercials or flip through the channels?
Oh so flip I hate commercials. They are very annoying and only make you want to buy stuff you really don't need.3. How long will you leave your Christmas decorations up?
Usually until after the first of the Year. Normally they are down and put away by the end of the first week.4. What movie makes you cry every time you watch it?
Dirty Dancing and Gone with the Wind5. Do you have a Facebook?
Yes I do
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Ginger Bread Village
So every year we do a gingerbread house for Christmas. Well this year when I went to go get it from Walmart they also had little Villages so we decided to do that instead of just one big house. Let me tell you that village was a pain to put together but once it was done it was so darn cute. I glued the houses together and Dale and the kids decorated them. They all turned out adorable. I think next year we will just stick with the one house though. lol.
Here is the village all finished. Dale even wrote NOEL on the front with spice drops
We all had such a good time working on this village. Now its just time to wait to eat them. Wow now that's going to be a sugar rush. Lol.
Blog at you later.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Elyssa's choir program.
So today was Elyssa's Choir Program at her school. She has been practicing for this for about four months now and really enjoyed it. The program was so cute. They sang about five songs and everyone got a chance to talk in the talking parts. I didn't get a chance to get a picture of her during her talking part because she went through it so fast. They all were cute. I am so glad she is expanding her choices of things to do. Anyway here are just a few of the pics that I took. I hope you enjoy them.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
last day
Today was my last day of babysitting for the Christmas break. I am so glad that I will have 15 days off. I of course will not be getting paid but I really need the break. Plus I need to spend more time with my kids.
After everyone left for the day we all just hung out and played a couple of games and watched a little TV and talked. It was nice just to enjoy my family without anyone else around.
Blog at you later.
After everyone left for the day we all just hung out and played a couple of games and watched a little TV and talked. It was nice just to enjoy my family without anyone else around.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. What does it mean to have the 'holiday spirit'?
Personally I feel like it means that you truly get what this holiday is about. It's not about the gifts or what you get but how you truly feel about helping others.
Personally I feel like it means that you truly get what this holiday is about. It's not about the gifts or what you get but how you truly feel about helping others.
2. What sits atop your tree (s)? Why?
Usually it is one of three things. An Angel, A star or a Bow. This year I let the kids pick the theme of the tree and they couldn't decide if they wanted a star or an angel so I picked a bow.
Usually it is one of three things. An Angel, A star or a Bow. This year I let the kids pick the theme of the tree and they couldn't decide if they wanted a star or an angel so I picked a bow.
3. When was the last time you gave yourself a pat on the back?
I honestly cant remember the last time. I tend to do so much for everyone else that I rarely reward myself for anything. I know that kinda sounds bad but its the truth.4. Which of your senses is most sensitive this time of year?
probably my hearing just because all my other senses are sick from the flu I tend to get every year.5. What do you have too much of in your kitchen?
Nothing now that I finally cleaned out everything that I don't need. Its nice to purge once in a while although I tend to do it once a month just because it seems like my stuff is multiplying behind my back or something.6. What do you do for meals on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day? Big meal? Breakfast tradition? Open the cookie tins and have at it?
Christmas Eve is nothing special. We usually just have a normal meal then open one small gift from under the tree. Christmas day is the traditional dinner. Never a Big Breakfast just something to tide us over until dinner and the cookie jar is always open.7. What is the best thing about winter?
All the white snow covering everything. I know that sounds a little kiddish but I just love the look of snow covered....well everything. Not a big fan of being cold but I know it comes with the snow so I accept it.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and
those who matter don't mind
-Dr. Seuss
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Two extra Days
today was a good day. I had five extra kids today but all were pretty good for the most part. It was a short work day so everyone was gone by 6 o'clock and we got to spend the rest of the night as a family. We signed our Christmas cards and finished decorating the tree. Then watched a Charlie Brown Christmas and drank some hot cocoa. Later Dale had to work and the kids had to go to bed because they do have school tomorrow. They were not happy about that but they get two extra days off this week so that was a plus for them. It made for a long weekend but I got to enjoy our time together. Anyway I'm headed to bed now because I have to work tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Meet me on Monday

1. How do you order your steak?
usually well done.2. Are you superstitious about anything?
I have my quarks about things but I wouldn't consider myself superstitious.3. Who is your best friend (not including your spouse)?
I have a couple of best friends. I don't think anyone should have just one.4. When is the last time your wore a dress (for the guys...a suit)?
That would be a couple of Sunday's ago. I always wear a dress to church. Of course that is usually the only time I wear one also.5. Do you have any trips scheduled?
We did but most of them fell through at the last minute so the answer would be no for now.
Our First real snow fall of 2010
Here is what our apartments looks like now that we have our first real snow fall. Last night we got about three inch's of snow and it was amazing to watch. I am so happy we got a good snow fall. The kids are thrilled because they are out of school for the day and it is suppose to snow another four inch's on Wednesday so we are thinking they may not have very much school at all this week. Oh well more Christmas vacation for them. Yeahhhhhhh. Did I mention I love this time of year. Anyway here are the pics.
The tree right next to my apartment.
our first ice sickle and the snow continuing to fall.
my deck this morning.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Short but sweet.
Today was a day of total relaxing. I got to spend the day hanging out with just my family. It was wonderful. We watched Christmas movies and had a great dinner. We laughed and played and talked and just really had a good time. It is rare that we get to do that anymore but when it does happen it is just wonderful. Well I'm off to bed. Enjoy your day with the family.
Blog at you Later.
Blog at you Later.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Truths-- A Facebook Note-- Do if you Wish
I borrowed this from Laura....You should copy and past this to your blog. I enjoyed doing it and I hope you will to. Enjoy
1. Last beverage? Glass of Water
2. Last phone call? Ryan Pew
3. Last text message? Dale ( my husband)
4. Last song you listened to? not sure but probably something Christmas
5. Last time you cried? don't remember
6. Dated someone twice? Yes
7. Been cheated on? Yes
8. Kissed someone and regretted it? Nope
9. Lost someone special? Yes
10. Been depressed? Yes
11. Been drunk and thrown up? Sad to say but Yes
12. Pink
13. Green
14. Purple
15. Made a new friend? yes
16. Fallen out of love? Ummm heck No
17. Laughed until you cried? Yes
18. Met someone who changed you? I would have to say Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were? Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Yes
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list? Yes My hubby
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life? All of them
23. Do you have any pets? NO!
24. What did you do for your last birthday? Went shopping and spent time with my family
25. What time did you wake up today? 8:45
26. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
27. Name something you can't wait for: Christmas. I love this time of year.
28. Last time you saw your mother: This Summer
29. One thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing.
30. What are you listening to right now? Kids playing in my hallway
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably
32. What's getting on your nerves right now? These kids
33. Most visited web page: my Blog and facebook
34. Nickname: Mom, Mrs Quon and Sweetheart.
35. Relationship status: Happily Married!
36. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
37. He or She? She
38. Elementary: I went to a couple of them
39. Middle School: I also went to a couple of them
40. High School: CVH in California and Biloxi Senior High in Biloxi, Ms.
41. Hair color: dark brown
42. Long or short? medium
43. Height: 5'2"
44. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes! ♥ Dale♥
45. What do you like about yourself? At the moment everything except my weight.
46. Piercings: 1 set in the ears
47. Tattoos: nope!
48. Righty or lefty? Righty
49. First surgery: C-section with my son
50. First piercing: Ears
51. First best friend: Andy Iyler
52. First sport you joined: Tennis
53. First pair of trainers: ??
54. Eating: nothing
55. Drinking: nothing
56. I'm about to: go eat lunch
57. Listening to: Kids playing
58. Waiting for: Nap time
59. Want kids? Have 2.
60. Get married? yes....11 years
61. Career: At the moment a Childcare provider and mom but soon a nurse.
62. Lips or eyes? both
63. Hugs or kisses? both
64. Shorter or taller? taller
65. Older or younger? older
66. Romantic or spontaneous? Both!
67. Nice stomach or nice arms? both
68. Sensitive or loud? Both
69. Hook-up or relationship? relationship
70. Trouble maker or hesitant? trouble
71. Kissed a stranger? Yes
72. Drank hard liquor? Yes
73. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes
74. Sex on the first date? no
75. Broken someones heart? Pretty sure I have.. Not on purpose though
.76. Had your own heart broken? Yes.
77. Turned someone down? Yes.
78. Cried when someone died? UHHHH duhhhhh!
79. Fallen for a friend? yes
80. Yourself? Thats a silly question....Yes
81. Miracles? YES!
82. Love at first sight? Yes when I first saw my hubby.
83. Heaven? Yes!
84. Santa Claus? spirit of
85. Kiss on the first date? YES
86. Angels? Yes
87. Had more than one BF/GF at one time? Guilty
88. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes and I am very happy with him! ♥
89. Did you sing today? Im sure I have
90. Ever cheated on somebody? yes, not proud of it.
91. If you could go back in time, how far would you go and why? I wouldn't that is why the past is the past. We have already lived it why live it again.
92. If you could pick a day from the last year and relive it, what would it be? None
93. Are you afraid of falling in love? No because I fall in love with my hubby everyday.
1. Last beverage? Glass of Water
2. Last phone call? Ryan Pew
3. Last text message? Dale ( my husband)
4. Last song you listened to? not sure but probably something Christmas
5. Last time you cried? don't remember
6. Dated someone twice? Yes
7. Been cheated on? Yes
8. Kissed someone and regretted it? Nope
9. Lost someone special? Yes
10. Been depressed? Yes
11. Been drunk and thrown up? Sad to say but Yes
12. Pink
13. Green
14. Purple
15. Made a new friend? yes
16. Fallen out of love? Ummm heck No
17. Laughed until you cried? Yes
18. Met someone who changed you? I would have to say Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were? Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you? Yes
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list? Yes My hubby
22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life? All of them
23. Do you have any pets? NO!
24. What did you do for your last birthday? Went shopping and spent time with my family
25. What time did you wake up today? 8:45
26. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping
27. Name something you can't wait for: Christmas. I love this time of year.
28. Last time you saw your mother: This Summer
29. One thing you wish you could change about your life: Nothing.
30. What are you listening to right now? Kids playing in my hallway
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? Probably
32. What's getting on your nerves right now? These kids
33. Most visited web page: my Blog and facebook
34. Nickname: Mom, Mrs Quon and Sweetheart.
35. Relationship status: Happily Married!
36. Zodiac sign: Scorpio
37. He or She? She
38. Elementary: I went to a couple of them
39. Middle School: I also went to a couple of them
40. High School: CVH in California and Biloxi Senior High in Biloxi, Ms.
41. Hair color: dark brown
42. Long or short? medium
43. Height: 5'2"
44. Do you have a crush on someone? Yes! ♥ Dale♥
45. What do you like about yourself? At the moment everything except my weight.
46. Piercings: 1 set in the ears
47. Tattoos: nope!
48. Righty or lefty? Righty
49. First surgery: C-section with my son
50. First piercing: Ears
51. First best friend: Andy Iyler
52. First sport you joined: Tennis
53. First pair of trainers: ??
54. Eating: nothing
55. Drinking: nothing
56. I'm about to: go eat lunch
57. Listening to: Kids playing
58. Waiting for: Nap time
59. Want kids? Have 2.
60. Get married? yes....11 years
61. Career: At the moment a Childcare provider and mom but soon a nurse.
62. Lips or eyes? both
63. Hugs or kisses? both
64. Shorter or taller? taller
65. Older or younger? older
66. Romantic or spontaneous? Both!
67. Nice stomach or nice arms? both
68. Sensitive or loud? Both
69. Hook-up or relationship? relationship
70. Trouble maker or hesitant? trouble
71. Kissed a stranger? Yes
72. Drank hard liquor? Yes
73. Lost glasses/contacts? Yes
74. Sex on the first date? no
75. Broken someones heart? Pretty sure I have.. Not on purpose though
.76. Had your own heart broken? Yes.
77. Turned someone down? Yes.
78. Cried when someone died? UHHHH duhhhhh!
79. Fallen for a friend? yes
80. Yourself? Thats a silly question....Yes
81. Miracles? YES!
82. Love at first sight? Yes when I first saw my hubby.
83. Heaven? Yes!
84. Santa Claus? spirit of
85. Kiss on the first date? YES
86. Angels? Yes
87. Had more than one BF/GF at one time? Guilty
88. Is there one person you want to be with right now? Yes and I am very happy with him! ♥
89. Did you sing today? Im sure I have
90. Ever cheated on somebody? yes, not proud of it.
91. If you could go back in time, how far would you go and why? I wouldn't that is why the past is the past. We have already lived it why live it again.
92. If you could pick a day from the last year and relive it, what would it be? None
93. Are you afraid of falling in love? No because I fall in love with my hubby everyday.
A borrowed Blog post
I borrowed this from my husbands blog. He writes at least once a month and most of the things he writes I always get sucked into. Not that they are always something I would normally be interested in reading but there is just something about they way he writes that I cant stop. Anyway here is his latest entry and I loved it so much I just had to post it on mine. Hope you enjoy.
It's been almost 22 years since I heard her beautiful voice singing, " Lord you are more beautiful than diamonds. Lord you are more costly than gold, and nothing I desire compares to you." I remember these sounds so clearly and vividly in the distant reaches of my mind. But is is also as a mist that disappears as soon as I return my focus back to this present state of time. Her name was Arleen, but to me; she was simply "MOM". She was a very kind hearted person. If angels really did exist and walk this planet in human form; then she was among the greatest of them. We laughed together, played together, and sang together. She was the great mediator to all. When my dad spent some time in jail and away from us; she was my comforter. I guess in a way; you can say that I was a traditional "Mamma's Boy". But, as in all realistic stories and tales of life and loss, the sinister darkness of cervical cancer developed within her. My little sister, Lindsey was born prematurely by c-section surgery to avoid the cancerous invaders from consuming her as well. She was born 4 lbs 4 ounces and is now 22 years old and in perfect health. That was a gift and a blessing given in such a dark time.My mom lived for about another year after my sister was born. She spent time at home in her own bed with a nurse that would stay with her. In 1989 she succumbed to the treacherous attacks of this dark disease and heaven welcomed another angel back home. Fantasy or not, this is one of the illusions that I will stick to until my dying day when I face the realities of if there's really anything out there.All we have in the end are our memories.
My 12 year old son D.J. is in the choir this year and recently had a Christmas musical that his choir sang in. My 10 year old daughter will sing for a Christmas musical that her school is doing as well. This will create warm memories for decades to come. The most valuable treasure that there is in this world in my opinion.What is the one thing that we all wish for whenever this body ceases to live? We wish for the continuation of some form of existence with our loved ones. In short, we wish to hang on to our "Personal Memories".
Memories are what make us who we are and ,in some form, what the rest of our bodies do to operate effectively in this world.We have memories of joy, love, loss, pain, the list just goes on and on. But they shape our lives and help to create our personal identities. Through the ages we have fabricated, added to, and taken away certain ideas, facts, and the like to either enhance, exclude, or change the meaning of our existence. But after all is said and done, memory is what really shapes this world.It is our comfort zone, a place where we create fantastic places to voyage to, wondrous people to whom help us on our paths to adventure and wisdom, and create a world for the dearly departed to embark upon and wait for our arrival.
There is also a problem with memory, I hesitate to say. But memory is only a poor reflection at best as the world as it really was. It consists merely of our own personal filters and therefore not actual. We either create memories that are more perfect than they were (Think back to all those old nostalgic movies of the "good ole' days" or the stories that you have heard), or we create a very dark sinister world, full of misery (This is the type of stuff that horror movie, extreme self-defense, and media history uses to feed off of our fears and anxieties).While I will always treasure my memories, I realize that they are not accurate manifestations of true reality (Whatever that really is. More on that in another posting for another time).
What must we do then? Well I am not suggesting that we become a Buddhist and discard our memories.....not entirely. I would suggest that from time to time you should conduct some mental spring cleaning. What things must be taken out to move on with you life? What would you like to keep as enduring qualities to be able to go back to an relish. and, what memories should be stored for safe keeping "just in case"?In short, especially during this holiday season; I say let go of what you think is supposed to be. Embrace your heritage. Enjoy your lives. Love everyone. And give your all. Because if memory is all that we do have left in the end, what else do you really need?
Quote of the week
Marriage resembles a pair of sheers,
So joined that they can not be separated;
Often moving in opposite directions,
Yet always punishing anyone who come between them.
-Sydney Smith
Thursday, December 9, 2010
New Movie
Yeahhhh so today I finally got my Eclipse movie. No thanks to the people at amazon. This is the second time they have sent something we have ordered to our old address in Pleasant View. We thought we cleared this up the last time but no such luck. I hope it is fixed this time. Anyway they shipped me a new one over night and I finally got it today. I wanted to watch all three movies in a row but my kids just were not having it. Oh well I will get to do it soon. On another note this week will be my last week watching Roddy and Valian. Now they are moved onto the base they will go into pre-k and so I am no longer needed. I have mixed feelings about this because, I will miss them so much but on the other hand I will finally get to go back to the gym. This is something I have both needed and wanted to do for a long time. Anyway I am getting ready to watch my movie and the extras and then hit the bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Hodgepodge....sleigh bells ringing....

1. Have you ever been on a real sleigh ride? How about the warm weather version - a carriage ride?
No i have not been on a sleigh ride but I have been on a carriage ride when we first moved here we took one in Nashville. It was pretty cool.
2. What's your policy on 'chain mail' know, the emails you receive that are often some sort of poem/blessing/good wish that ask you to send it on to 10 or 12 friends? Do you delete without opening, read and trash, read and trash and then worry you won't be blessed/lucky/protected? Do you delete the sender from your contacts or just go ahead and send the love onward?
It depends on the email and who it is from but most of the time I read it and delete it.
It depends on the email and who it is from but most of the time I read it and delete it.
3. Who is your favorite character in any of the Christmas movies and why?
I can't say I have a favorite character because I love all the movies.
I can't say I have a favorite character because I love all the movies.
4. Share a favorite quote.
It is not a holiday quote but it is from a book I keep of quotes that mean a lot to me...
It is not a holiday quote but it is from a book I keep of quotes that mean a lot to me...
We are Not human beings having a Spiritual experience. We are Spiritual beings having a Human experience. -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
5. What's your favorite holiday scent?
Pine tree, the real thing not a canned scent, and fresh baked cookies.
Pine tree, the real thing not a canned scent, and fresh baked cookies.
6. Does the Christmas season stress you out? In what way?
Nope I always enjoy the season.
Nope I always enjoy the season.
7. What's the best thing about your life right now?
Everything. I have a great family, wonderful friends and the good Lord in my life.
Everything. I have a great family, wonderful friends and the good Lord in my life.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My word for the day........Happiness.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Snow pics
So today was a good day. Most of the day was spent entertaining kids but we had fun doing it. I then got a small break when they all went to sleep without a fight and I got to finish up some of my Christmas cards. After nap everyone was in a great mood and we had an uneventful day. As for anything else, well it has snowed everyday for three days and nothing has stuck yet. I am hoping we get something good soon. I love this time of year and it just doesn't seem the same with out the snow. Anyway here are a couple of pic's I took of the drift we had yesterday. I thought for sure with how hard it was coming down and how big the flakes were that they would stick but they didn't. Oh well maybe next time. Off to bed I go. 

Blog at you later.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Meet me on Monday

1. What is your favorite kind of cheese?
I would have to say Cheddar.
2. What size is your bed?
Right now a full but when I move into a house it will be up sized to a queen or king
3. What is your most overused phrase?
Anyway.... I say that all the time. I even type it a lot.
4. Green or purple grapes?
Oh green all the way. I love the crunch of them. plus they are a little sour. yummmm.
5. Shower, morning or night?
mostly at night but sometimes both depending on how I feel in the morning.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Ok I know that it is only flurrys and nothing has stuck yet but yeahhhhh its finally snowing. I am so happy.This is my favorite time of the year. Now lets just hope we get a White Christmas this year. I have been waiting for that every since I moved here to Tennessee. I have yet to get it but here's hoping I do this year. Keep your fingers crossed.
How we celebrate Christmas
I am borrowing this from Beverly, who borrowed this from Blooming Lovely, who borrowed it from Mom 2 my 3 girls.
How we celebrate Christmas
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate with out a doubt.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Always wrapped
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White always white I just don't like the look of colored lights unless you have a white tree.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I guess I would if I knew where to get it from but other than that Nope.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
I always start the decorating right after Thanks giving and it traditionally stays up until the first week of January. That is how my parents did it and my grandparents also, so that is how we do it.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish?
I can't say that I really have one favorite dish at Christmas because it is all good.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
Oh that one is easy, My favorite memory from my childhood is when we would all pile into the car and drive around in our PJ's looking at all the pretty houses with all the decorations and lights. Its a tradition that I still carry on with my children.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I would have to say at about the fourth grade when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my mom and dad wrapping the gifts that were suppose to be from Santa and saw my dad eating Santa's cookies. Yeah I was heartbroken.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes always it is a family tradition.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
It changes every year. Depending on whatever theme I am going with that year. This year will be a Red Green and Silver tree. Dj picked the theme. I figured why not.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Love it always. I even love playing in it. I know I'm a big kid. I am still waiting on my White Christmas though.
12. Can you ice skate?
Yes I can....not well but I can. I wish I knew of a place where I could take the family to skate together.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
I have gotten so many wonderful gifts over the years that I can't choose just one favorite gift. Usually though it is something that was home make with love. I tend to treasure those more.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
That would have to be being around the family. I don't get to see much of my extended family anymore because we are all so spread out but I am hoping one day soon we will all be able to be together. Also doing a little Charity work. It always warms my heart to see others happy. Everyone deserves to have a great Christmas.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
That would be the same thing as my favorite Thanksgiving dessert. My family's traditional Sweet Cranberry Salad. It is made at both holidays and its just not the same without it.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Driving around looking at lights in our PJ's.
17. What tops your tree?
Again that depends on the theme for the year. This year I think it will be a bow. I have not finished the tree yet so I'm not sure but it is always one of three things. Either an Angle, a Star, or a Bow.
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving?
When I was younger most definitely receiving but now that I am older and really understand the meaning of Christmas It is always giving. It just does my heart good to see others have a wonderful Christmas also.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
I cant say I have a favorite I really love all of them.
20. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?
Always Yum. But only the traditional flavor nothing else.
21 Favorite Christmas Show?
I love all the classics...but also I love The Polar Express!!
22. Saddest Christmas Song?
I can't say I have heard a sad Christmas song but everyone else seems to think its one called Christmas Shoes. I personally have never heard it but will be looking it up on YouTube later.
How we celebrate Christmas
1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate with out a doubt.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?
Always wrapped
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?
White always white I just don't like the look of colored lights unless you have a white tree.
4. Do you hang mistletoe?
I guess I would if I knew where to get it from but other than that Nope.
5. When do you put your decorations up?
I always start the decorating right after Thanks giving and it traditionally stays up until the first week of January. That is how my parents did it and my grandparents also, so that is how we do it.
6. What is your favorite holiday dish?
I can't say that I really have one favorite dish at Christmas because it is all good.
7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child?
Oh that one is easy, My favorite memory from my childhood is when we would all pile into the car and drive around in our PJ's looking at all the pretty houses with all the decorations and lights. Its a tradition that I still carry on with my children.
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?
I would have to say at about the fourth grade when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my mom and dad wrapping the gifts that were suppose to be from Santa and saw my dad eating Santa's cookies. Yeah I was heartbroken.
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
Yes always it is a family tradition.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?
It changes every year. Depending on whatever theme I am going with that year. This year will be a Red Green and Silver tree. Dj picked the theme. I figured why not.
11. Snow! Love it or Dread it?
Love it always. I even love playing in it. I know I'm a big kid. I am still waiting on my White Christmas though.
12. Can you ice skate?
Yes I can....not well but I can. I wish I knew of a place where I could take the family to skate together.
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?
I have gotten so many wonderful gifts over the years that I can't choose just one favorite gift. Usually though it is something that was home make with love. I tend to treasure those more.
14. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you?
That would have to be being around the family. I don't get to see much of my extended family anymore because we are all so spread out but I am hoping one day soon we will all be able to be together. Also doing a little Charity work. It always warms my heart to see others happy. Everyone deserves to have a great Christmas.
15. What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?
That would be the same thing as my favorite Thanksgiving dessert. My family's traditional Sweet Cranberry Salad. It is made at both holidays and its just not the same without it.
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?
Driving around looking at lights in our PJ's.
17. What tops your tree?
Again that depends on the theme for the year. This year I think it will be a bow. I have not finished the tree yet so I'm not sure but it is always one of three things. Either an Angle, a Star, or a Bow.
18. Which do you prefer giving or Receiving?
When I was younger most definitely receiving but now that I am older and really understand the meaning of Christmas It is always giving. It just does my heart good to see others have a wonderful Christmas also.
19. What is your favorite Christmas Song?
I cant say I have a favorite I really love all of them.
20. Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?
Always Yum. But only the traditional flavor nothing else.
21 Favorite Christmas Show?
I love all the classics...but also I love The Polar Express!!
22. Saddest Christmas Song?
I can't say I have heard a sad Christmas song but everyone else seems to think its one called Christmas Shoes. I personally have never heard it but will be looking it up on YouTube later.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
We got our Tree
So today we went and got our tree but first we had a little running around to do. We went and picked up a couple of things to help decorate the house for Christmas and then went to a few places the kids wanted to go so they could spend some of their money they earned in the last couple of weeks then headed over to walmart to pick out our tree. It is a beautiful tree. Dj is the one who actually picked it this year and he did a great job. I will post a pick of it when I get it all decorated. For now It is just in my living room with a couple of ornaments and lights on it. So be looking for the tree in a couple of days.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Not much happened today because I woke up all night last night not being able to breath. Just as I thought I have a cold. I guess it was bound to happen with all these kids running around here. I really hate being sick. I now have no energy so I am going back to bed. Sorry so short today.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Couch
today was a good day. I spent the day hanging out with dale and the kids down stairs. We went to go and check on possibly renting a house with another couple. It was a great house but after talking it over we decided that it just wasn't for us. One it was to far away from anything and two the kids would have to share a room. Not at this age so we decided to keep looking. After that we went and ran a few errands and then headed home in time to get Zoie from her mom. After the kids got home from school Dale took Dj and they went and got us a couch, yes finally something to sit on besides the floor or the lawn chairs from off the deck. Anyway it is very comfy for now and we will be getting another one on the fifteen that way we have plenty of seating in the living room. Now everyone is gone and I am headed to bed. Not feeling to hot. I think I might be getting a cold. Let hope not I hate being sick.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wednesday HodgePodge Holly Jolly edition

1. What is the most interesting thing you've done in the last year?
In the last year a lot of things have happened not all of them things I wanted to happen but all the same very interesting. It has been a very eventful year. I would say flying to California to see my mother and siblings for the first time (well first time for three of the kids anyway) although it wasn't on great terms was the most interesting thing that stands out to me.
2. What is your most meaningful family heirloom?
I can't say that I really have an heirloom so to speak unless you count the very old camera that my now passed away step dad left to me.
3. What food festival would you most like to attend? If you're not sure click here to see a list of possibilities.
Honestly any festival that has anything to do with Christmas. That is my favorite time of the year.
4. you love it or is it considered a four letter word where you live?
I love it personally but if you ask my husband he would say it is not his favorite time of year. I personally wouldn't know what to do with myself if we didn't have snow.
5. Can you ski? Do you ski? Are you any good?
Can I ski, yes. Do I ski, no mostly because I don't live anywhere close to a place I can ski. And as for am I good at it well I guess if I had more practice I might be, but for now no.
6. What quality in your spouse or best friend are you most thankful for?
I would have to say that his ability to be so great with kids and have just the best spirit about him makes him the best person I know.
7. Describe the coziest spot in your home.
That would be any place where we are all gathered together as a family having a great time.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
No random thought today. Just blessed to be here with a wonderful family and great friends.
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