So today we went to church for Sacrament only and it was so full that the overflow spilled into the gym. I couldn't belive how many people where there today. Anyway today Dale heads back to the Academy for week two of training. I hope this week goes better and faster than last week.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Lazy day at home
We did absolutely nothing today. We spent the whole day just hanging out as a family. It was wonderful.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Memory Preservation Day
So today we had scrapbooking at church and since the kids are out for summer vacation they came with me. They were really good and so I took them out to lunch as a reward. They loved that. Today Dale came home from his first week at the academy and he said it was a long bad week. I guess this is their weeding out week cause he said it was like being back in Basic training all over again. I had to give him a pep talk and let him know he can do this. I am so glad he is home. Now I will sleep better. I hope anyway. We didn't do much today once he got home. Just let him unpack and start laundry.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge

1. What is something about living in this country that you value?
("this country" is what ever country you live in)
I value the fact that we are able to freely say what is on our minds not only as a woman but as am american. I don't know what I would do if I lived somewhere where my oppion was not valued for what it was worth.
2.What is a favorite something you own that is red, white and/or blue?
That would have to be these cute new little earing that I just picked up the other day that are Red white and Blue hearts inside each other.
3. Do you fly a flag at your house on Patriotic holidays?
I would if I had a place to put it but living in an apartment give me restrictions that I have to follow.
4. What ingredents do you think should be included in a great picnic basket?
I think it is really up to the person making the basket as to what goes in it but my personal favorites are potato salad and corn on the cob and ribs.
5. What is one interesting piece of trivia you know? Interesting is of course a relative term.
My son came to me the other day and said " Mom did you know that a pearl is the start of a baby oyster. And you wear them as jewlery." Now I don't know if that is right or not but it really got me thinking about my jewlery collection. Ha ha ha.
6. Wednesday May 24th is National Escoargot day...have you ever tried them? Eww or Ooh?
No I have not tried them, nor am I planning on trying them. I am going with Ewwwww.
7.What is one thing you know for sure?
Something I know for sure is that kids are the best gift any mother can get. They are honest to a point and are a sorce of uncondtional love all the time. No matter what happens they always put a smile on my face for something.
8.Insert your own random thought here.
Its not the load that breaks you down
Its how you carry it.
-Lena Horne
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Bad day
So today started off alright but as the day went on this migraine of mine just got worse and worse. I tried to ignore it but it just wasn't happening. I went with Mindy and picked up the kids from school since they only had a half day anyway then we headed over to a re-store to look at a couple of things. By the time we were done with that I was feeling pretty crappy so I had Mindy take us home and I took some meds and headed to bed. I slept for about three hours and when I woke up I couldn't talk but my migraine was gone. I hate when I get sick.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Last Day of School
Well really they have a half day tomorrow which I don't understand cause they are only there for a couple of hours then they come home. Anyway I spent most of the day hanging out with Mindy at home and then after the kids got home from school I started on my new summer fun. I am making hand made- well really machine made- quilts for the kids. I thought they would love that. Other than that I didn't do much today. Just missing my hubby. Thurday needs to come faster.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Last day
So today is the day. Dale leaves for the academy at 2:00 so we only went to sacrament at church today. On our way out I ran into Jenna Khan. I have not seen her in so long. She looked great. We have so much to catch up on. For those who don't know Jenna and I went to camp together. She was one of the girls I was over my first couple of years. I miss seeing her. I hope to see her more often.
Anyway after we left we came home and ate lunch and Dale finished packing for the academy. He loaded everything into my car and we headed out at 1:30. I sure am going to miss him this week. I know he will be home on Thursday night but that seems so long away. Let's hope it goes fast.
Oh yeah I almost forgot. Annalise went into labor this morning. I can't believe it. It is a rare thing for a woman to go into labor on her due date. Most either start just before or just after. That is great. I hope her and the baby are fine.
Blog at you later.
Anyway after we left we came home and ate lunch and Dale finished packing for the academy. He loaded everything into my car and we headed out at 1:30. I sure am going to miss him this week. I know he will be home on Thursday night but that seems so long away. Let's hope it goes fast.
Oh yeah I almost forgot. Annalise went into labor this morning. I can't believe it. It is a rare thing for a woman to go into labor on her due date. Most either start just before or just after. That is great. I hope her and the baby are fine.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Another Baby Shower
So today was Annalise's baby shower. She too is having a girl. I made a diaper cake for her cause I know how much new baby's go through. Anyway it was a ton of fun. We had it at Ryan's house. The funny part was Annalise is due tomorrow. Lets see if she really goes into labor on her due date. Not many woman do. I know I never did. After all the fun I headed home and we spent the rest of the day just being a family. We watch a couple of movies and played a game or two. Now its late and all are in bed but me. I'm headed there now.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Running last minute Errands
Ok a day of non stop fun. So I did my usual Thursday scrapbooking followed by lunch with the girls and then home to clean the house followed by a few last minute errands. So we had another day of full Scrapbooking with lots of great women. We always have a blast when we get together. After that we decided to head over to Old Chicago's for lunch. It was so yummy. Then I headed home to finish up cleaning and then Dale and I ran some last minute errands before he headed out to the academy on Sunday. Other than that it was a long day. I'm now headed to bed. Night.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
another Wednesday
Just the normal Wednesday. DWA in the morning then home for cleaning followed by Church activities at 6:30 and home by 8:00. The rest of the time was spent hanging out with my husband and kids.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
So I normally only do scrapbooking on Thursdays but since I am running low on cards I decided to hang out with Holly and Elaine today and make some cards. We had a great time making them and then at lunch time we found out that a couple of the ladys from church were taking Jenn Glancys out for lunch since she and her family are moving soon. So we all joined them. It was lots of fun. When we were done we headed over and picked up Dj from school and then went back to Elaines house to finish up our cards then Dj and I headed home. Along the way we dropped Holly off at home. It was a great day.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Dales Last week
Ok so this is dales last week before he heads off to the academy for training for the whole summer. It kinda sucks that he wont really be around except on the weekends to spend the summer with us. Oh well at least he will be closer to home when hes done and we will be able to spend more time with him.
I had DWA today and it was a butt kicking to say the least. I loved it. I just wish I could go more often. My schedule is just crazy right now. Maybe once the kids are back in school I will be able to be more consistent with my workouts. Here's hoping anyway. I know I know I should make the time to go more often but what can I say. There really is no good excuse for not going. I just need more motivation.
Blog at you later.
I had DWA today and it was a butt kicking to say the least. I loved it. I just wish I could go more often. My schedule is just crazy right now. Maybe once the kids are back in school I will be able to be more consistent with my workouts. Here's hoping anyway. I know I know I should make the time to go more often but what can I say. There really is no good excuse for not going. I just need more motivation.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Stake Conference
This year they decided to broadcast the stake conference so that everyone wouldn't have to drive all the way to Hop town. That was nice of them but we still didn't go. Mostly because I slept through my alarm and Dale didn't wake up either so by the time we were all up it was after 11. Ya that's what happens when you stay up to late on a Saturday night. I try not to do that very often but with Dale leaving soon to go to the academy I want to spend as much time with him and our family as we can. Anyway I guess we will go next time.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Baby Shower
So today we had Jen Mantlo's baby shower. She is having a girl and is due in a couple of weeks. There were a ton of people there and lots of fun. Kelsey and I played the games together so that we would have a better chance of winning. We both won two games. It was a blast. While I did that Dale took the kids to the mall and spent some time with them. Better him than me. I hate the mall. To many stores, to many people and not enough air. After we were both done we met at home and just spent the rest of the day hanging out. Its nice to just be with the family once in a while.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Just another Friday
So today was a bad weather day so I didn't go to DWA like I would normally do on a friday. Instead I stayed home and cut up the kids school pics so I could send them out and made some cards to send them in. They turned out so cute. I love when I come up with really cute cards. After that not much happened. We watched the ending of Smallville. It was a great ending Im just mad they waited until the end to let him fly. Anyway nothing much else happened.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Scrapbooking with the girls
So it is Thursday again and where else would I be but scrapbooking with the greatest girls in the world. We had our usual girls but we were joined by Holly and Carmen today. It was great to see them and get to chat with them. It has been along time since I last hung out with them. Anyway after all the crafting and gabbing was done we decided to go to Olive Garden for lunch. We had a great time and a wonderful waiter. Just as we were finishing up Brother and Sister Bass came around the corner and said they thought they heard familiar voices. We all laughed and giggled and chatted for a minute then they left and we finished up. I got out of there just in time to leave and pick up Dj from school only I forgot that I didn't need to pick him up until after 4:30 cause he was at the last dace for the school year. Wow that came fast. I can't believe this school year is almost over already. Where does the time go. Well on to summer we go.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Lazy day at home
So nothing real interesting happened today. I got up and cleaned the house after putting the kids off to school and then spent the day just hanging out at home. I was so nice.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 9, 2011
DWA/ Cheering up
So today I went to DWA for the first time in a couple of weeks and got a butt kicking like never before then had to cheer up Michelle because she didn't have a very good Mothers day so we all went out to lunch together. All in all a great day.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Strawberry Picking
So today started with Caitlins last game which I thought was last weekend but this turned out to be a make up game since they missed one due to the weather a few weeks ago. After that was done we drove around to a couple of places looking for oil lamps to put in our emergency kits and found a couple of really great ones at this place on Craft st. I forgot what it is called but it is right by the bowling ally. Not bad prices either.
After all that was done I got a call from sister Abren asking if we wanted to go pick some strawberry's with her and Andrew. We said yes and she came and picked us up and we all headed out. It was such a nice day and we had a blast. We found some really great berry's and I think sis. Abren got the best one of all. At the end we all picked three berry's and had a contest to see who could eat them the fastest. Dale one but only because Sis. Abren looked at him and started laughing so hard that she sprayed strawberry juice everywhere causing me to loose it and not be able to finish. After all that fun we had we ended up with about three big flat box's full of Strawberry's. Sis Abren took us out to eat and we all ate a great dinner on Twenty bucks total. All in all it was a great day.
blog at you later.
After all that was done I got a call from sister Abren asking if we wanted to go pick some strawberry's with her and Andrew. We said yes and she came and picked us up and we all headed out. It was such a nice day and we had a blast. We found some really great berry's and I think sis. Abren got the best one of all. At the end we all picked three berry's and had a contest to see who could eat them the fastest. Dale one but only because Sis. Abren looked at him and started laughing so hard that she sprayed strawberry juice everywhere causing me to loose it and not be able to finish. After all that fun we had we ended up with about three big flat box's full of Strawberry's. Sis Abren took us out to eat and we all ate a great dinner on Twenty bucks total. All in all it was a great day.
blog at you later.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Chili supper for girls camp
So today was a relax day since I have to go to church tonight so Mindy came over to hang out with me at home and we made some crab ragoo and wontons for lunch then I headed over to the church at 6 to help with the set up and getting everything ready for the Chili cookoff and auction for the Girls Camp fundraiser this year. I wont be attending camp in person this year so I was more than willing to hang out with a great bunch of young woman and help them raise money for camp. I will miss seeing them for a week this summer but I need a slight break before my wonderful daughter joins in this group of girls in a couple of years.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
My Thursday
So everyone who know me knows that I scrapbook on Thursday with a great bunch of girls and today was no different. We have so much fun together. Afterwards we headed over to the Olive Garden to have their soup salad and breadstick lunch. I love having my thursdays. I would be lost without them.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Not feeling well
Ok I really hope this weather gets itself under control soon because I think I have been more sick in this season than I have been all year. Maybe Im not doing something right but I hate being sick and here I am again not feeling well. Hope I feel better tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Out and about
So today was just a day out and about. I dropped the kids off at school and sent Dale off to his second day of training then I went and looked at a couple of houses with Mindy and ran a few erronds in the process then came home, picked up the kids and spent the rest of the day hanging out at home.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Dales Swear in
Ok so today is the day that my husband became an official member of the Clarksville Police Department.
So today I had to be up early to go to Dales swearing in at the mayors office downtown. It was such a nice thing to see him finally doing something that he has wanted to do for a long time. After the ceremony and some picture time they gave them a long lunch and then I dropped him off at the training center for some in house training for the next few weeks. In the process I missed Elyssa's last choir concert for the year but that was ok considering it was the same one I saw a week ago at the Rivers and Spires.
After all was done I came home and made dinner for everyone. Then Elyssa gave our Family Home Evening Lesson and the kids headed off to bed. I then made up all of Dales flash cards that he needed for studying and now I am headed to bed to.
Blog at you later.
So today I had to be up early to go to Dales swearing in at the mayors office downtown. It was such a nice thing to see him finally doing something that he has wanted to do for a long time. After the ceremony and some picture time they gave them a long lunch and then I dropped him off at the training center for some in house training for the next few weeks. In the process I missed Elyssa's last choir concert for the year but that was ok considering it was the same one I saw a week ago at the Rivers and Spires.
After all was done I came home and made dinner for everyone. Then Elyssa gave our Family Home Evening Lesson and the kids headed off to bed. I then made up all of Dales flash cards that he needed for studying and now I am headed to bed to.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Not to much happened today. We went to church and then came home for some lunch followed by a nap for me because I keep getting these really bad migrains. At about 6 I woke up feeling a bit better and made dinner for the kids then we had family prayer and now I am headed back to bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
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