So another week of training has come to an end. I know it sounds crazy but I really look forward to Thursdays because I miss seeing him everyday. Even if it is just him sleeping in the house while we all go about our day, knowing he is here is a comfort. Anyway we get him until Sunday again and then he is back to training for another week. At least he is almost done. After picking him up we put all his stuff away and then hung out for the rest of the night.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What makes you stand to your feet and cheer?
A lot of things really but mostly when someone stands up for someone else who is being treated badly.2. What's your favorite patriotic song?
O say can you see3. Do you believe that opposites attract? If you have a significant other are you opposites?
Yes and No because my husband and I do have some things in common and others that are opposite but with out that we would not work. Like if we had everything in common we would never be apart from each other and that would drive me crazy and if we had nothing in common the nagging alone would drive us apart.4. You're going to get a behind the scenes look someplace...where would you like that someplace to be?
The White House. I would really love to know how this whole running the country thing really works and if it is really as hard as they say it is.5. How far would you have to travel to ride a carousel (merry-go-round)?
I don't know. I have not been on one of those for a very long time.6. When was the last time you saw fireworks? What was the occasion? Do you enjoy fireworks?
Last 4th of July and yes I enjoy them very much.7. Of all the 'beauty products' you own, what item do you consider to be the most overpriced?
That would be my lipstick. I am really does it need to cost that much.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Just ready for the husband to be done with his Police training so he can be home every night.
Hanging with Mindy
So today was just a day of relaxing. I hung out with Mindy and her kids and just chilled all day at my house. For the most part her kids were pretty good. After David got home we went and did a little more couponing and then went our seperate ways for the night. I had a good day today. Still miss seeing my husband everyday but he is almost done.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Hand Sanitizer
Not a lot to report today other than I went with Mindy to run a few errands and we ended up at Kmart which I don't usually pay much attention to because I don't usually find any good deals there but we just happen to be there at a time when it was pretty dead and so we sat and chatted while looking at their adds in the paper when we came across a coupon for a free hand sanitizer. We didn't think much of it until we really looked at it and saw that it was for an 8 oz bottle of the stuff and so we grabbed all the coupons we could find and found a bottle to match each coupon and ended up with 11 bottles of free hand sanitizer each. Yes I said absolutely FREE. I paid nothing at all. I even have about 10 more coupons left but we cleaned them out so we are going to go back in a couple of days and see if we can get more. I mean you can't beat FREE right.
Blog at you later
Blog at you later
What a day
So today was one of those days you just don't expect. I got up cleaned the house, did a little card making ( my new obsession by the way) and then watched a little tv. Then the kids wanted to go swimming so I told them to wait until about three or four when it wasn't as hot outside. Just as we were heading out I got an out of the blue text from my best friend Ryan who has been a-wall from my life for about three or four months now. Don't get me wrong I know she is a busy woman with babysitting and her church callings and all but I miss her (and all my friends). Anyway she wanted to know what I was up to and I told her that we were down at the pool and guess what she showed up. I was so happy to see her. We hung out for a bit and talked and then headed over to the YMCA to let the kids swim in the big pool while she hit the Zumba class then we hung out some more. We made plans to hang out tomorrow and I can't wait. It seems I have lost touch with almost all of my friends lately and that really makes me sad. I almost have to make appointments with them just to see them anymore. I hate that. I miss the days when friendship was easy and you didn't have to work so hard to see them. Anyway maybe one day we will all get back to that again. For now I'm just a little disconnected and not happy about it.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Week 6
So I dropped Dale off for week 6 of training and was kinda sad to see him go. I know it is only for a couple of days but this weekend we really connected. I think to he is ready to be done and home with us all the time. I noticed it in him while he was saying his goodbyes today. Even Dj noticed. Its funny how they pick up on the little things like that. Anyway now we are just hanging out at home. So starts another week.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Starting fresh
Ok so it has been a long time since I last blogged and instead of going back and trying to remember what the heck happened I am just going to start fresh from now. I know I said one goal for the year was to blog everyday but when you have an old as dirt computer that doesn't always work its hard so I will just try from today on to blog and we will see how it goes.
So I have a few things that are in the past but really need to be remembered. First Dale is heading into his 6th week of training at the Police Academy and is loving it. Well not loving the military style of it but the training he is loving. He only has four more weeks before he is home all the time again. Well not all the time because he will be in FTO ( Field Training Officer) which is where he works with another officer for about 16 weeks. He is really looking forward to that.
Second. Last week for fathers day we surprised Dale and took him to Chattanooga for the weekend. It was a long over due needed vacation plus we have been wanting to go for along time. Anyway we got tickets to see Ruby Falls and Rock City. We also saw the Aquarium but we only saw the river side because nobody told us that there are two building that make up the Aquarium. Anyway we didn't get to see Rock City because it was raining but our tickets are good for a year so we are planning on going back plus we need to see the other side of the Aquarium. It was a nice vacation and really put us all in better moods.
Now on to today. We are just enjoying our weekend together. Dale has to be back at the Vista office tomorrow so we are just spending as much time together as possible. I think Mindy might be mad at me because I have not spent very much time with her lately. Mostly because I want time alone with hubby but some has to do with the fact that lately it has been nothing but drama with her and her man and she has just wanted to drink and get back at him. I'm not all about the drama. I have moved past that stage in my life and she is just in the middle of it. See this is why 99% of my friends are older than me because they don't have that kind of drama. Anyway, I love her but I can only take so much at a time.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
So I have a few things that are in the past but really need to be remembered. First Dale is heading into his 6th week of training at the Police Academy and is loving it. Well not loving the military style of it but the training he is loving. He only has four more weeks before he is home all the time again. Well not all the time because he will be in FTO ( Field Training Officer) which is where he works with another officer for about 16 weeks. He is really looking forward to that.
Second. Last week for fathers day we surprised Dale and took him to Chattanooga for the weekend. It was a long over due needed vacation plus we have been wanting to go for along time. Anyway we got tickets to see Ruby Falls and Rock City. We also saw the Aquarium but we only saw the river side because nobody told us that there are two building that make up the Aquarium. Anyway we didn't get to see Rock City because it was raining but our tickets are good for a year so we are planning on going back plus we need to see the other side of the Aquarium. It was a nice vacation and really put us all in better moods.
Now on to today. We are just enjoying our weekend together. Dale has to be back at the Vista office tomorrow so we are just spending as much time together as possible. I think Mindy might be mad at me because I have not spent very much time with her lately. Mostly because I want time alone with hubby but some has to do with the fact that lately it has been nothing but drama with her and her man and she has just wanted to drink and get back at him. I'm not all about the drama. I have moved past that stage in my life and she is just in the middle of it. See this is why 99% of my friends are older than me because they don't have that kind of drama. Anyway, I love her but I can only take so much at a time.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
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