Wednesday, November 30, 2011



Eleven years ago today the lord blessed our little family with a beautiful baby girl. She has since grown up into a wonderful, smart, blessed young lady who continues to bless us each and every day of her life. Congratulations Elyssa to making it another year in this world. It may not seem like much but each day that we have you in our lives is a day we are truly blessed. I love you so much and hope you day is the best day ever. Enjoy your blessings and family.


Mom, Dad, Dj, and Cheyenne.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 42 of RFYLH

Question # 42

What are your most deeply held values?

Simply put my values are a direct reflection of my faith. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We hold ourselves to a higher standered because we believe that we are an example to everyone who see's us.

Blog at you later.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 41 of RFYLH

Question # 41

Describe a favorite Christmas.

I don't want to sound Corny but I think every Christmas we have as a family is a favorite Christmas to me. I think this Christmas will be just a little more special because Cheyenne was just baptized and will be here with us for the first time. Its always better when family is around.

Blog at you later.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 40 of RFYLH

Question #40

Did you go camping? Tell about your experiences.

As a child we did camp once in awhile but mostly only when we went to family reunions. I don't remember very much about them because we stopped going when my parents divorced. The one time I do remember camping was with my mother and step dad and we had our dog Cody. I went to take a shower after a long day of swimming in the river and Cody came with me. When I entered the bathroom there was no one in there so Cody sat by the door and wouldn't let anyone into the bathroom until I was done. It was pretty funny.

Blog at you later.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 39 of RFYLH

Question #39

Do you have a favorite Author? Who? Why?

The short answer is yes. Her name is Stephenie Myers. She is the author of the famous Twilight Saga books. I have never been one to really get into the mythical books or movies but when I picked up her book it flowed so well that it just sucked me right in and I couldn't put it down no matter what. Those are rare and hard to find kinds of books for me so she has quickly become my favorite author. That's not to say someone else wont come along and take her place but for now that is where my heart is.

Blog at you later.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 38 of RFYLH

Question #38

Describe a favorite childhood friend or something you did with him/her?

I cant really remember any of my childhood friends. I moved around a lot as a child so I never really made any long term friends. That is kinda sad when you think about it but now that I am an adult and more in control of my living situation I have made a lot of really great friends here in Middle Tennessee.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving


Well today is Thanksgiving and I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I have a wonderful husband who loves us all very much. Two beautiful children who are growing and are healthy. A beautiful sister who is growing and thriving with us and who will be baptized on Saturday. I have a great group of friends that love me and keep me grounded when I feel like I just want to float away. I have a job to help pay our bills and get us out of debt as well as put a nice nest egg aside for later in life. I also didn't have to cook a big ole meal this year. Only a turkey and my famous Cranberry salad since we went over to Brett's house for dinner. (that's dales best friend). I also have a great extended family whom I love dearly and miss a lot around this time of year. I didn't however get to take any pictures this year since my battery was dead on my camera. But we got some great memories.

blog at you late.

Day 37 of RFYLH

Question #37

What is your Fathers best trait? Worst? The traits you share.

As with my mother, my father has many traits that I admire. The best one I can think of is his work ethic. I can't ever remember a time when my father wasn't working. He always made sure he could provide for his family no matter what he had to do. His worst trait would have to be the fact that he rambles on and on when he talks. While this is not a terrible trait all together it can get quite annoying at times. The trait we share would have to be our short fuse when it come to children disrespecting their elders. It is one of my biggest pet peeves.

blog at you later.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 36 of RFYLH

Question #35

What is your mother's best trait? Worst? The traits you share?

Wow this is a hard question to answer. I would have to say her best trait is that She is a great cook and baker. That is also the one I think we have in common. As for her worst trait I would have to say is her lack of parenting style. She would rather be our friend then be our mom. In some cases that would be fine but when that is you overall parenting style it doesn't work so well. Don't get me wrong I love her to death but its just not working.

blog at you later.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 35 of RFYLH

Question #35

Describe a childhood Christmas.

Well this is an appropriate question since Christmas is just around the corner. I wouldn't say this is the best Christmas I had as a child but probably the most memorable one to say the least.

It started off like a normal weekend that year. It was Friday the 23rd of December and my mom had us kids helping her put up the Christmas ornaments on the tree and finishing the rest of the house decorations while my dad worked on his old Yellow truck in the garage. Nothing out of the ordinary. Once we were finished mom sent us to bed while dad finished working on his truck. On Saturday the 24th dad went back to finish what he didn't the night before and we went about our normal begging to open all our presents that were already under the tree that day in stead of waiting for Santa to come. Mom wouldn't let us and then we all heard this loud crash as dad's truck came through the dinning room wall. Mom ran into the garage to make sure dad was ok and then ran back into the house to use the phone. As she dialed she tossed a big towel into the garage and dad came in the house with it wrapped around his hand. We all cried trying to figure out what happen. Then mom piled us all into the car and dropped us off at the J's family home while she rushed dad to the doctors office. You see we lived in a small town and didn't have a hospital but the local doctors office to fix almost everything or at least hold you in one piece until you could make it the half and hour or so to the nearest hospital. All us kids were scarred and the J family did a lot to keep us calm through it all. We went to bed that night and awoke the next morning to a big breakfast awaiting my parents. They came to get us on Christmas morning with dads hand in a big bandage. We were all just glad he was ok but mostly we wanted to get home to see if Santa had come to our house or not. Once we got home we found lots of presents under the tree ( Which I later found out was the J family mom who after putting us all to sleep the night before ran over to our house and put all the presents mom and dad had hidden in their closet under the tree). I can honestly say I don't remember what I got as gifts that year but I will never forget how we spent that Christmas. My dad is now the proud owner of a pointer finger with the tip of it missing. He likes to tell the grand kids that this is what happens when you pick your nose to much. The little people that live in your nose eat your finger because they think it is food. Lol. Silly Grandpa.

blog at you later.

Monday, November 21, 2011

day 34 of RFYLH

Question #34

What were your favorite places to go with your family?

I am going to answer this question in the now since the only places I remember going with my family as a kid were to family reunions. As an adult now with a family of my own I would have to say my favorite place to go as a family is Cherokee, NC. We meet up with Dales family there for a couple of days of fun. Then we head on to Pigeon Forge, TN. and spend a couple more days as just us. We have not gotten to do this in a couple of years but I am looking forward to getting back into the groove this summer.

Blog at you later.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 33 of RFYLH

Question # 33

what is you advice to those younger than you?

Honestly the only advice I can give to those younger than me is that an education is more important than almost anything else. Realize your dreams and goals before you settle down in life and have regrets. This does not mean putting anything before God in you life. He should always be number one, Always. That goes a little bit against what I believe as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints but I strongly believe that as a strong woman in today's society you have to be able to stand on your own two feet in life. Mostly because you never know what hand you will be delt in this world so you better be prepaired for anything. This means getting a great education and having a career. Also going on a mission if that is what you want to do.

blog at you later.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 32 of RFYLH

Question #32

Do you have a close relationship with your grandparents? Tell about it.

I really only had a close relationship with my namesake grandmother. I lived with her my freshman year in High School and loved it. I honestly did not want to go back to living with my father. She was a great influence on me and I believe that if I had stayed with her I would have gone on mission and gone to collage before I got married and started my family.

Blog at you later.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 31 of RFYLH

Question #31

How did you like being the oldest, youngest, or middle child?

At times it was great being the oldest but most of the time it sucked because I was always in trouble for something even if I didn't do it I still got in trouble because I was the oldest and I knew better so I should have stopped them or set a better example for the younger kids. I guess no matter where you are in the family its not always peaches and roses. Lol.

Blog at you later.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 30 of RFYLH

Question #30

What would you like to be remembered for?

Well I guess that would be the same answer that I gave yesterday. I have a lot of really great things about myself (not to sound conceded) that I hope I not only pass on to my children but I am remembered for when I am no longer walking this earth.

Blog at you later.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 29 of RFYLH

Question #29

what personality trait do you admire and why?

Well if you are asking what trait of mine I admire then I would have to say my Charity and kindness. That is also a trait I admire in others also. I tend to always put everyone ahead of myself. Sometimes to my own downfall. I end up giving all of me to everyone and leaving nothing for myself. Its something I admire and also regret at times.

Blog at you later.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 28 of RFYLH

Question #28

Do you wish you had more brothers and sisters? Why?

Well the simple and short answer will be NO!!!!!!!! The long answer is because I already am the oldest of 14 siblings. So I never had any privacy or quiet in the house. The upside to that is that there was never a shortage of people to keep me entertained. Plus there was no dull moments in the house. While they were not all from the same two parents I was raised with all of them at one point or another so I just consider them all my whole siblings. The fun part would be to try and get them all together in once place at the same time. A ne'er impossible thing to do considering that most of them are adults with lives of their own now and a couple of them have just plain sworn off the family all together and one of them is no longer living. That being said its a great dream of mine to one day get as many as possible together.

Blog at you later.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 27 of RFYLH

Question # 27

What do you think brings good or bad luck?

Well to tell you the truth I don't believe in luck. I believe in opportunities and what you make of them. I think that anything that happens to you is a direct result of a choice you or someone else made. True not always the best result but a result non-the-less.

Blog at you later.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 26 of RFYLH

Question #26

What do you think about movies? What is your favorite movie and why?

In general I think movies are great but I wish they would make more movies that were less on the general cursing side and more on the family entertainment side.

I would have to say that my favorite movies are Gone with the wind just because of the fact that it is such a classic and a well made movie. Plus I like Rhett Butler. My other favorite and by far the most watched is Dirty Dancing. I just love the whole romance of a boy and girl from different sides of the tracks falling in love and everything working out right. Not so fond of the language or the sex scenes but overall a great movie.

Then of course there are the christian movies like. Facing The Giants and Fireproof and such movies. I just love the wholesomeness of those movies.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 25 of RFYLH

Question # 25

What is your favorite scripture and why?

I read the scriptures every night and to tell you the truth I don't have a favorite. I like all of them and my favorite is whatever one applies to the situation at hand. I tend to believe that God never intended for us to like one more than the other so I don't.

Blog at you later.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Etiquette Dinner

So today my sister got to go with sever other wards and have an Etiquette dinner and Dance lessons. She decided to take her boyfriend with her so that she would not feel so silly by herself even though several of her church friends were there. She ended up having a great time and even learned a couple of dances. I am so proud of her. At least now she can know that put in that situation she will know what to do. She looked so beautiful but next year we are going all out with our outfits. I didn't take pictures but I know that several other people did so I will try to get some and post them on here.

Blog at you later.

Day 24 of RFYLH

Question #24

What is the most exciting place that you have ever been to and why?

I have not traveled outside of the united states so I would have to say the most exciting place I have been is when I was a child and my family took a vacation to the Grand Canyon. It wasn't the fact that it was a most beautiful place I have ever been to but the fact that my whole family including extended family was together and having a great time. That is all I ever wish for for my own little family.

Blog at you later.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 23 of RFYLH

Question #23

Did you have a favorite TV, radio, program as a child? Tell about it?

Yes, as a child I didn't do much watching TV mostly because I grew up in an age when kids went outside and played instead of sitting in the house and playing video games all day. I use to love watching a program on Sunday night put on by Disney. I'm not sure if anyone remembers it but every week on Sunday night they would play a family movie and we would all sit and eat popcorn and watch the movie together as a family. It was a great way to spend time together and watch something that was appropriate for everyone in the family. I really miss those Sunday night movies.

Blog at you later.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


In case you didn't get that. Today is my 33rd birthday. Yes I said my age. I'm growing to understand that really its just a number. You are only as old as you feel and I gotta tell ya I don't feel 33. I'm loving life and my family and friends are wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better day than today. I have no major plans for my birthday but I'm sure my family will make it special anyway they can. So here's to another year older and wiser.

Blog at you later.

Day 22 of RFYLH

Question # 22

What are your food preferences and how did they come about?

I wouldn't say I have any preferences. I like food just fine. I'm not much of a picky eater and will try anything at least once. I use to hate to cook but after I got married and had kids and started to really practice and experiment with food I have grown to really enjoy the process. I still don't like to be in the kitchen for long periods of time but seeing my family enjoy what I make really makes up for it.

Blog at you later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 21 of RFYLH

Question # 21

Were you responsible for household chores? What were they? Which did you enjoy most/least?

Yes in my house growing up all of us kids were in charge of cleaning the house. We all took turns doing everything. The one I loved the most was the vacuuming and the one I hated the most was cleaning the Kitchen. Its still like that today. I hate doing the chores and I do get help with the kids and dale so its not so bad but I still hate cleaning the kitchen. I use to hate to cook but its growing on me now.

blog at you later.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 20 of RFYLH

Question # 20

Tell about the house you lived in growing up.

While I lived in a lot of different houses growing up there is one I remember most. The house I grew up in was in Tehachapi, California. It is the house I lived the longest in. It was a yellow house and I remember that mostly because we also had a yellow car and yellow truck. Ya I don't know what my parents were thinking there or if that was just a fluke. I don't remember the physical address but it sat on the corner of San Gabriel st and Star court. I only remember that because my brothers name is Gabriel. It was a nice house. We had a creek in the back yard that was deep enough to swim in in the summer and across the creek was a tree that all of the neighborhood kids turned into a tree house. It was a lot of fun there. I lived there until I was about 9 or 10 I guess and then we moved around. It was home. I was very sad when we had to move out because I loved the place so much. I went back to visit it when I was in California last year for my step-dad's funeral and the place still looks the same. Well not quite the same. Its older and the new owners added a porch but it's still Yellow.

Blog at you later.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 19 of RFYLH

Question # 19

What was your worst, really embarrassing moment?

Since I can't think of any embarrassing moments for myself I will tell you ones for my kids.

Cheyenne: my worst day ever was when I was pants in the middle of class in third grade and the guy I really liked saw everything cause my underwear came down to. I cried and ran to the bathroom.

Elyssa: my most embarrassing moment was when we stayed in Pennsylvania for a few days around Halloween a couple of years ago and my auntie Melissa's ex-husband snuck outside and put a mask on and jumped up in the window and scared me so bad that i cried.

Dj: My most embarrassing moment was when I was in the fourth grade and the family was all in the living room playing around and i was on all fours and my moms dog Phatty mounted me and his lipstick came out.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 18 of RFYLH

Question #18

What were your Fears, expectations, and anticipations about getting married?

Wow that is great question. My fears about getting married where just that I wanted to pick the right guy the first time because I watched my parents get married several times and I didn't want that. I wanted to just be married once and have a great life. I lucked out and did pick the right guy to marry and although we have not always been completely happy we have always made it through without to much damage. As for my expectations I didn't really have any. I just wanted to be happy with the man I loved and that's what I got. We didn't have a big wedding. In fact we just went down to the courthouse in Alabama and go married alone with just the two of us. It was great to not have the pressure of all the wedding stuff. I think we did the right thing because we are almost 12 years into our marriage and very happy.

Blog at you later.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 17 of RFYLH

Question #17

Tell about you family traditions.

Our family traditions were never set in stone we just went with the flow of things but now that I have a family of my own we have our own traditions that I just love. Like for Christmas we always put our tree up two weeks before so that it is still fresh. We open one gift of Christmas Eve which is always PJ's and we have a theme for the tree. Birthdays are all depending on the birthday but usually it consists of that person being pampered all day and their choice of dinner. Fourth of July is usually spent with friends. Halloween is an up in the air holiday because there are very few that Dale has off. Thanksgiving is a time for us to spend as a family. I make a big dinner and we enjoy our time together. Once in a while we go to family friends houses for a meal.

Blog at you later.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 16 of RFYLH

Question # 16

Where did your Grandparents live? What was their home like? did it have a certain smell or look?

My grandparents have lived in a lot of places the homes that I can remember where normal homes I would guess. They each had their own tastes and likes so they were different from each others. I remember my paternal grandmothers house always smelled like some sort of fresh baked goods. She loved to cook. I didn't really get to know my maternal grandmother until I was a grown adult with a family of my own. She lived in a trailer on my uncles property for several years and now lives with my aunt in Texas. Her home smelled normal I guess. She didn't cook but she cleaned a lot so I guess it kinda smelled like cleaning products.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 15 of RFYLH

Question #15

Do you remember any of your Grandparents? What were their names?

Yes I remember a couple of them. My paternal Grandmother is Quondaila Cameron and she had three husbands of which I only met and remember one. His name is Hershal Cameron. On my maternal side I have my Grandmother and her name is Opal and her husband William. I still keep in touch with my grandmothers but both of my grandfathers have passed away.

Blog at you later.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 14 of RFYLH

Question # 14

Tell about any ancestors that you know about- names, dates, ect. for historical purposes and any stories about them.

Well to tell you the truth as much as I love my family and love doing family history there isn't much I remember unless I go back and look at the stories myself. I know a lot about my history and all that but when it comes to knowing it off the top of my head im useless. To many stories and not enough space in my head. I have them all writen down so that anyone of my children or such can find out about them. If I remember a story I will come back and edit this one. Sorry.

Blog at you later.