These are just some random pictures from the day. I really liked this wooden mask that they had on sale but I just couldn't buy it this time. Next time though I am so getting it. It is of a Giraffe if you couldn't guess.
Ok in these pictures we are in a new enclosure for some birds called Lorikeet's. They are really pretty birds and you can buy these cups with nectar in them and the birds will fly onto you and drink the stuff right from your hand. It was the coolest thing ever.
This poor little leopard was so cute. As we were standing there looking at him a family with a toddler came in and they put him on the railing by the glass. When the leopard saw him he jumped on top of a piece of tree and started to stalk the little boy. Just when we thought nothing was going to happen the little leopard leaped at the boy and slammed into the glass face first and with full force. He tried again but this time he hit the glass with his paws and when he realized he couldn't get the boy through the glass he tried to bite the glass and then dig under it. It was so cute. He was bound and determined to get that little boy.
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