So today was the shortest day ever I think. We got up and got ready for the day then went to the park and played for a bit then came home and ate lunch. Then the kids wanted to go swimming at the YMCA and I can't right now so instead of sitting in the hot swim room I dropped Dale and the kids off at the Y and headed over to the Book store to browse. I found it quite nice not having the kids running around yelling for me every five seconds asking for this and that. I got the chance to just take me time and really browse the store and pick out a few books for the kids and then spend some time reading a book. It was nice and quiet and peaceful. Just what I needed and didn't realise. Isn't funny how we get so wrapped up in our everyday lives that somehow we forget the simple things in life. I am so glad I did that. It's not that I don't enjoy spending time with my husband and kids but once in a blue moon its nice to just be alone. What I think would have been even better is if I had my girlfriends around. Its nice to be with them and they really keep my spirits up. Plus they are so funny. Love you girls.
Anyway onto another topic. I Have Found My House. I hope so anyway. I was getting emails from my friend who sales houses and finally I got one I really like. It is a three bed two bath house on an acre of land. It comes with a pool and a big toy barn as they put it and a huge tree house playset all for 119,900. It is in Pleasant View and on a very quiet street just down the road from my old house. I am looking at it this week coming up so keep your fingers crossed that we get it cause we both love the place so far. I will be so happy if we get it because Dale will be closer to work, I will be back in the country where I belong and my kids will be back in the school system they love. I am really praying that this goes through for us. We could really use some good luck.
Well that is all for now....Blog at you later.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Out of energy
Ok so I started yesterday and just have had no energy what so ever. I hate it. I wish I could skip past all this and get to the next stage already. Yes I am realistic about that to. I know it won't be a piece of cake but I would take the hot flashes over the pain and mood swings any day. I know it is only temporary and will only last for three days for me but it seems like three days of Hell. Pardon the french. Anyway I have not done anything for two days. Including my blogging. I am almost done with this and am ready to get my energy and my schedule back to normal. I know my kids and husband are ready to have the real me back to. Ok enough about that onto other things.
Ok so we have started the kids on the token economy system this week and so far I think it is going good. We have also decided to start the kids on what we call the Bellard bucks. This is a way for the kids to earn the right to do things such as watch tv at night before bed or play on the PlayStation. It seems they were spending way to much time doing those things already so we have come up with a way for them to earn those and other privileges. They seem to be liking it so far and are up for anything. On the other side of that we feel they are old enough now to buy their own things, such as toys and clothes. My girlfriend told me about what she does with her kids and so we are doing the same with ours. If they want clothes they have to buy them themselves. Ofcourse we will match whatever they spend so if they buy $50.00 worth of clothes we will also buy $50.00. But if they want toys or video games they have to pay for it themselves. We will not be matching that. They also have to start washing their own clothes. Yes they are. They seem to like it to tell the truth. Now they don't have to wait for mom or dad to do a load they can just do it themselves. The down fall to this is Dj now has pink underwear. He put a red shirt in with his whites by accident and now everything is pink. I laughed a little then told him it would be fine cause no one sees your underwear anyway. I guess its a good thing he likes the color pink. Ha ha. Elyssa on the other hand really seems to have the hang of it. She hasn't messed anything up yet. I think they really like this new set up. I know I do. Plus I am getting a lot more help around the house now. They are really gung ho about this whole thing. Oh ya on top of earning their weekly pay they also earn their Bellard bucks which they can either save to use for fun or they can trade for cash. The down fall to that is they can only get $10.00 for every $100.00 in Bellard Bucks earned. They are not thrilled about the exchange rate but I think it is fair.
Anyway everything else is going great so I am going to get off here cause I am about to fall asleep. Yeah its only 12:00 and I am tired. I hate this time of month.
Blog at you later.
Ok so we have started the kids on the token economy system this week and so far I think it is going good. We have also decided to start the kids on what we call the Bellard bucks. This is a way for the kids to earn the right to do things such as watch tv at night before bed or play on the PlayStation. It seems they were spending way to much time doing those things already so we have come up with a way for them to earn those and other privileges. They seem to be liking it so far and are up for anything. On the other side of that we feel they are old enough now to buy their own things, such as toys and clothes. My girlfriend told me about what she does with her kids and so we are doing the same with ours. If they want clothes they have to buy them themselves. Ofcourse we will match whatever they spend so if they buy $50.00 worth of clothes we will also buy $50.00. But if they want toys or video games they have to pay for it themselves. We will not be matching that. They also have to start washing their own clothes. Yes they are. They seem to like it to tell the truth. Now they don't have to wait for mom or dad to do a load they can just do it themselves. The down fall to this is Dj now has pink underwear. He put a red shirt in with his whites by accident and now everything is pink. I laughed a little then told him it would be fine cause no one sees your underwear anyway. I guess its a good thing he likes the color pink. Ha ha. Elyssa on the other hand really seems to have the hang of it. She hasn't messed anything up yet. I think they really like this new set up. I know I do. Plus I am getting a lot more help around the house now. They are really gung ho about this whole thing. Oh ya on top of earning their weekly pay they also earn their Bellard bucks which they can either save to use for fun or they can trade for cash. The down fall to that is they can only get $10.00 for every $100.00 in Bellard Bucks earned. They are not thrilled about the exchange rate but I think it is fair.
Anyway everything else is going great so I am going to get off here cause I am about to fall asleep. Yeah its only 12:00 and I am tired. I hate this time of month.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Random Dozen
It is Wednesday and you know what that means. Its time to learn something new. Ha ha.
Here we go.
1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party? I love to do both but if I had to choose I would have to say Host a Party.
2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to. That would have to be my 30th birthday party I threw a Back to the Prom party and everyone had to show up in a fancy dress and everything. Not a whole lot of people came but it was so much fun. I think I will do something crazy like that for all my 10 year birthday's.
3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life? To be with all my family and friends. Cause what fun would heaven be without them. I know I don't wanna find out.
4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine? The fact that for once I get a little color and don't look like a ghost anymore. Ha ha. Not a big fan of the heat though. If it could be mid 70's all summer that would be great.
5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift? I have done both and liked both. But it seems more personal when its coming just from you.
6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family? Oh easy one Having my house cleaned. I hate cleaning but I do it.
7. What song describes your mood today? I don't think I can pick just one song but anything with a beat to make you wanna dance is how I feel.
8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use? (If you are not married, feel free to sub a gift you received a long time ago.) Well considering the fact that I lost all my stuff in a Hurricane in 05 I would have to say nothing. I wish I still had my dish set cause I really liked that.
9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is? That's a hard one cause I like so many flavors but I guess Rocky Road.
10. When was the last time you felt "tested?" Everyday...Ha ha. No really cause my kids seem to think I was born yesterday and want to try and test me to see if they can get away with anything. They seem to forget that mom has been there and done that. They have nothing new to try.
11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop." Chocolate. Duhhh.
12. "-----" is the best motivation. My friends and my husband are my best motivation to do anything. When I feel like I don't want to they keep me in check and show me the bigger picture.
Ok now it's your turn. just copy and past then change your answers. I can't wait to learn more about you.
Blog at you later.
Here we go.
1. Would you rather host party or simply attend a party? I love to do both but if I had to choose I would have to say Host a Party.
2. Tell us about the most memorable party you've been to. That would have to be my 30th birthday party I threw a Back to the Prom party and everyone had to show up in a fancy dress and everything. Not a whole lot of people came but it was so much fun. I think I will do something crazy like that for all my 10 year birthday's.
3. What is one thing you hope for in the after-life? To be with all my family and friends. Cause what fun would heaven be without them. I know I don't wanna find out.
4. What do you enjoy most about sunshine? The fact that for once I get a little color and don't look like a ghost anymore. Ha ha. Not a big fan of the heat though. If it could be mid 70's all summer that would be great.
5. When you attend a bridal/baby shower, do you prefer to bring your own gift or chip in with others to buy a larger gift? I have done both and liked both. But it seems more personal when its coming just from you.
6. Would you rather have a FREE week of having your house cleaned or all of your meals cooked for you and your family? Oh easy one Having my house cleaned. I hate cleaning but I do it.
7. What song describes your mood today? I don't think I can pick just one song but anything with a beat to make you wanna dance is how I feel.
8. What is something you received for your own bridal shower/wedding that you still own or use? (If you are not married, feel free to sub a gift you received a long time ago.) Well considering the fact that I lost all my stuff in a Hurricane in 05 I would have to say nothing. I wish I still had my dish set cause I really liked that.
9. Your favorite flavor of ice cream is? That's a hard one cause I like so many flavors but I guess Rocky Road.
10. When was the last time you felt "tested?" Everyday...Ha ha. No really cause my kids seem to think I was born yesterday and want to try and test me to see if they can get away with anything. They seem to forget that mom has been there and done that. They have nothing new to try.
11. "[Fill in the blank] is a food that once I start eating I find really hard to stop." Chocolate. Duhhh.
12. "-----" is the best motivation. My friends and my husband are my best motivation to do anything. When I feel like I don't want to they keep me in check and show me the bigger picture.
Ok now it's your turn. just copy and past then change your answers. I can't wait to learn more about you.
Blog at you later.
Ok Im back
Ok so it seems that my computer is rebelling against me. But I think I finally got it under control now. Anyway sorry about the short break but I am back now. So lets get you caught up.
Sunday I woke up not feeling well so to spare everyone from possibly getting something I stayed home. I hate when I have to stay home from church. I feel like I am missing so much when I can't be there. Plus I miss seeing everyone. Anyway I went to bed early in hopes that I would feel better on Monday.
Monday was no such luck. I woke up with not only feeling bad but have to be in the bathroom because, well excuse the crude but, I had to poops all day and night. I think I might have a stomic thing but I don't have a fever and Im not throwing up. Just a very upset tummy and a very sore butt. I didn't get to go to my DWA class and I was very upset about it. I am really trying to get back into my routine of exercise and good eating. Man a week out of town with family and my whole schedule goes caddy wonk on me. What the Heck. Anyway I went to bed early on Monday also in hopes that I would please feel better.
Tuesday, guess what I feel better no more sore butt and upset tummy but my computer decided to go crazy on me so I had a friends son come over and look at it. Finally I think it is working right again. We shall see. The down side to that is he came when I needed to be at the Gym for Zumba and Dale was working a double so no such luck for today either. They kids played outside all day and really wore themselves out. They crashed hard. I love when they do that.
Now for Wednesday. Today I was able to go to DWA and get a great workout in. I got to meet the newest lady in our Ward which is Kirsten Baldon. I hope I spelled that right. And I think she is going to fit in with our group great. She is very outgoing and very sweet. I know we will all get along wonderfully. On top of all that fun today is my good friend Carmen's Birthday. I don't know how old she is but she looks great. We love you Carmen. Have a wonderful birthday and make someone else make you dinner tonight. He he. Anyway I got home and Dale went off to the YMCA to work out and I figured out that I left my cell phone in the car when I got home. Silly me so now I am phone less until he gets home. Oh well. I think I might survive it. He he. Well that is all for now and I will try to post about the rest of my day tonight.
Blog at you later.
Sunday I woke up not feeling well so to spare everyone from possibly getting something I stayed home. I hate when I have to stay home from church. I feel like I am missing so much when I can't be there. Plus I miss seeing everyone. Anyway I went to bed early in hopes that I would feel better on Monday.
Monday was no such luck. I woke up with not only feeling bad but have to be in the bathroom because, well excuse the crude but, I had to poops all day and night. I think I might have a stomic thing but I don't have a fever and Im not throwing up. Just a very upset tummy and a very sore butt. I didn't get to go to my DWA class and I was very upset about it. I am really trying to get back into my routine of exercise and good eating. Man a week out of town with family and my whole schedule goes caddy wonk on me. What the Heck. Anyway I went to bed early on Monday also in hopes that I would please feel better.
Tuesday, guess what I feel better no more sore butt and upset tummy but my computer decided to go crazy on me so I had a friends son come over and look at it. Finally I think it is working right again. We shall see. The down side to that is he came when I needed to be at the Gym for Zumba and Dale was working a double so no such luck for today either. They kids played outside all day and really wore themselves out. They crashed hard. I love when they do that.
Now for Wednesday. Today I was able to go to DWA and get a great workout in. I got to meet the newest lady in our Ward which is Kirsten Baldon. I hope I spelled that right. And I think she is going to fit in with our group great. She is very outgoing and very sweet. I know we will all get along wonderfully. On top of all that fun today is my good friend Carmen's Birthday. I don't know how old she is but she looks great. We love you Carmen. Have a wonderful birthday and make someone else make you dinner tonight. He he. Anyway I got home and Dale went off to the YMCA to work out and I figured out that I left my cell phone in the car when I got home. Silly me so now I am phone less until he gets home. Oh well. I think I might survive it. He he. Well that is all for now and I will try to post about the rest of my day tonight.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Welcome To Summer
So today was the kids official last day of school. They got home at about 12:30. Wow I can't believe how fast this year has gone by. It seems like just yesterday they were starting the year and now they are done. A recap of the 2009-2010 school year.
August 2009-May 2010--- Dj started this year off in Middle School at Sycamore Middle school and had an awesome teacher.. Mrs. Alexander. Just as he was getting settled in we had a kitchen fire and had to move to Penn. for five weeks. Then we returned and moved into the city. He went back into Elementary school ( Barksdale Elementary with Mrs. Clouser) for the rest of the year. I guess in Clarksville 5th grade is still Elementary where as in Pleasant View it is Middle school. Anyway he graduated again from Elementary school and will be moving on to the 6th grade at Richview Middle School. Dj is a smart and very intelligent young man and I know that if he just put a little more effort into his work he would made better grades.
Elyssa started this year at Pleasant View Elementary in the Third grade with Mrs. Armstrong and ended the year with Mrs Hubbard at Barksdale Elementary. She passed with all A's again. I know no surprise there. We love her and know that she is a beautiful and smart young lady.
Ok so it is summer now and time for the kids to be home all day everyday which means two things. First we will be having a ton of fun and second that will last about three weeks before they start getting on my nerves. I love my children and know they don't do it on purpose but man they do get bored easy. I hope all the plans we have for the summer keep them so busy they don't have time to be bored. We shall see how it goes.
Well that's all I have to say for now so......Blog at you later.
August 2009-May 2010--- Dj started this year off in Middle School at Sycamore Middle school and had an awesome teacher.. Mrs. Alexander. Just as he was getting settled in we had a kitchen fire and had to move to Penn. for five weeks. Then we returned and moved into the city. He went back into Elementary school ( Barksdale Elementary with Mrs. Clouser) for the rest of the year. I guess in Clarksville 5th grade is still Elementary where as in Pleasant View it is Middle school. Anyway he graduated again from Elementary school and will be moving on to the 6th grade at Richview Middle School. Dj is a smart and very intelligent young man and I know that if he just put a little more effort into his work he would made better grades.
Elyssa started this year at Pleasant View Elementary in the Third grade with Mrs. Armstrong and ended the year with Mrs Hubbard at Barksdale Elementary. She passed with all A's again. I know no surprise there. We love her and know that she is a beautiful and smart young lady.
Ok so it is summer now and time for the kids to be home all day everyday which means two things. First we will be having a ton of fun and second that will last about three weeks before they start getting on my nerves. I love my children and know they don't do it on purpose but man they do get bored easy. I hope all the plans we have for the summer keep them so busy they don't have time to be bored. We shall see how it goes.
Well that's all I have to say for now so......Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Random Dozen
Ok I have missed doing these so I am going to start up again. So here goes nothing.
1. What is one really fast, know-by-heart "go-to" meal to fix in a pinch? Oh that ones easy my famous Cheesy Chicken and Rice. My kids love it and it only takes about 5 minutes to prep and 35 minutes to cook in the oven.
2. What is one item you won't leave home without. (Purse and license do not count.) sunglasses
3. Where is one place you never tire of visiting? Duhhh anyone who knows me can guess this one. Say it with me.... Hobby Lobby.
4. Share one factoid of your family's history. I am the oldest of 14 children. That includes step children also but I have always just considered them my siblings.
5. Complete this sentence: "Once upon a time I ...." considered being something other than a mom but that was short lived. I love being a mom and wouldn't trade it for anything.
6. If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be? That would have to be either money food or gas. All things well needed in this day in time.
7. "One quirky thing you may not know about me is ...." I guess my laugh but anyone who really knows me has heard me laugh.
8. You have one dollar in your pocket. What will you buy? I guess gum. Idk. Theres not much you can buy these days for a dollar.
9. "One thing that always makes me laugh is ...." The sound of my children laughing, and Good friends having fun.
10. What is one thing you could do today to help yourself reach a personal goal? eat healther I guess, and exercise more. Although I am already doing that.
11. What is one thing you could do today to bless someone else? I really don't know these things usually are a spur of the moment thing. I am always looking to help someone else out where I can. My mom say's its one of my down falls. I just see it as a blessing.
12. What is one thing you're looking forward to soon? Spending some quality time with my family this summer.
There you have it my latest Random Dozen uplink. Hope you learned something new about me.
Blog at you later.
1. What is one really fast, know-by-heart "go-to" meal to fix in a pinch? Oh that ones easy my famous Cheesy Chicken and Rice. My kids love it and it only takes about 5 minutes to prep and 35 minutes to cook in the oven.
2. What is one item you won't leave home without. (Purse and license do not count.) sunglasses
3. Where is one place you never tire of visiting? Duhhh anyone who knows me can guess this one. Say it with me.... Hobby Lobby.
4. Share one factoid of your family's history. I am the oldest of 14 children. That includes step children also but I have always just considered them my siblings.
5. Complete this sentence: "Once upon a time I ...." considered being something other than a mom but that was short lived. I love being a mom and wouldn't trade it for anything.
6. If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be? That would have to be either money food or gas. All things well needed in this day in time.
7. "One quirky thing you may not know about me is ...." I guess my laugh but anyone who really knows me has heard me laugh.
8. You have one dollar in your pocket. What will you buy? I guess gum. Idk. Theres not much you can buy these days for a dollar.
9. "One thing that always makes me laugh is ...." The sound of my children laughing, and Good friends having fun.
10. What is one thing you could do today to help yourself reach a personal goal? eat healther I guess, and exercise more. Although I am already doing that.
11. What is one thing you could do today to bless someone else? I really don't know these things usually are a spur of the moment thing. I am always looking to help someone else out where I can. My mom say's its one of my down falls. I just see it as a blessing.
12. What is one thing you're looking forward to soon? Spending some quality time with my family this summer.
There you have it my latest Random Dozen uplink. Hope you learned something new about me.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Catching up
Sorry it has been a few days since I last posted but I have been trying to get myself back into my normal routine since being gone for a week. Its crazy how easy it is to fall out of a routine and just how hard it is to get back into it. I have been trying to get my house back into normal order since I got home and get my kids back into their everyday routines. Anyway to catch you up on what has been going on in my life lets start with friday.
Friday- I got up today and did some cleaning but had the worst migraine I have had in months. James dropped off Isiaha and went off to apply for more jobs. Isiaha was really good and didn't make much noise or mess so that helpped with the stress of the day. He did however fight his nap all day and was very cranky by the end of the day. Finally he fell asleep in his chair and stayed that way until James came to get him about 10 minutes later. After he left I took some more meds and took a small nap. I woke up in time to find out Elyssa's friend Hannah would be spending the weekend with us. I think its great considering the fact that we thought she moved to Texas last month. Turns out she just moved to another part of town. Yahhh for Elyssa. Anyway Dj made dinner and we ate then I sent Dale off to work and then hit the bed.
Saturday- As for today I slept in until about 9:30 which is unusual for me because I am alway up when the kids get up but I guess my body just needed a little more sleep today. Anyway I got up and dressed for the day and cleaned up a bit until it was lunch time. I ate lunch and waited for the kids to come in to eat. They never did. I guess they are just having to much fun playing outside. Now it is starting to storm and so I sent Dale out to get the kids. He found them and they came in. Now I am watching the storm and getting ready to make dinner. That's all for now.
Blog at you later.
Friday- I got up today and did some cleaning but had the worst migraine I have had in months. James dropped off Isiaha and went off to apply for more jobs. Isiaha was really good and didn't make much noise or mess so that helpped with the stress of the day. He did however fight his nap all day and was very cranky by the end of the day. Finally he fell asleep in his chair and stayed that way until James came to get him about 10 minutes later. After he left I took some more meds and took a small nap. I woke up in time to find out Elyssa's friend Hannah would be spending the weekend with us. I think its great considering the fact that we thought she moved to Texas last month. Turns out she just moved to another part of town. Yahhh for Elyssa. Anyway Dj made dinner and we ate then I sent Dale off to work and then hit the bed.
Saturday- As for today I slept in until about 9:30 which is unusual for me because I am alway up when the kids get up but I guess my body just needed a little more sleep today. Anyway I got up and dressed for the day and cleaned up a bit until it was lunch time. I ate lunch and waited for the kids to come in to eat. They never did. I guess they are just having to much fun playing outside. Now it is starting to storm and so I sent Dale out to get the kids. He found them and they came in. Now I am watching the storm and getting ready to make dinner. That's all for now.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Mothers Day Interview
I know this is a little late but since I was in California I got the opportunity to interview my mom. We went for a very long time without talking to each other. After a few years we started talking again. I am proud to say that we are closer than ever. I wish I had never lost touch with her but things happen in life and it changes people. Anyway here is what I asked her thanks to a friends blog. Now understand that I am the oldest of 14 children in my family but not all of them are blood children. Of the fourteen 5 are step children. So in question 4 my mom answered the question to her 8 remaining live children. One of our brothers died when he was just a baby.
#1. Whats the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
I would have been more patient with you kids. I would have done more with you all. I would be more easy going and have more fun.
#2. Why did you choose to be with my father?
He was fun and easy going. We had a lot in common at the time. I choose your father because he made me feel alive. He was caring and giving and just all around fun to be with. I chose him because he was calm and collected and full of charisma. The biggest reason was because I loved him.
#3. In what ways do you think I am like you? And not like you?
You are like me in the way you care and give yourself to everyone especially your family. You live your life to the fullest and you have fun doing it. Your not like me in you have no fear. If you want something you go for it. I love that part of you. You never give up. You make things work out without a second thought.
#4.Which one of us kids do you like the best?
Quon- for your courage.
Gabe-for his strong sense of family
Theron-for his Strong ethics and values
Uriah-for his sense of adventure
Noah-for his easy going and fun ways
Keanu-for his constant need to succeed
Cheyenne- for her many talents
Shannon-for her abilities to just get and do whatever (no fear)
In all I like you all because you all have qualities in which I wish I had.
#5. Is there anything you wish you had told me but never have?
You were always such a loving, caring, giving person who always put everyone else before yourself. You should spend more Me time and take care of you. Don't feel guilty about doing it. You need to take care of yourself for all your kids and husband. If something happened to you where would they be. You care for life so patiently now its time for you.
#6. Do you think it is easier or harder to be a mom now than when you were raising our family?
It is easier and harder. When I was raising you all things weren't that hard. Times were different, but now things in the world are harder and money doesn't go far. Easier because I am older and more confident, harder because its just me doing it alone.
#7. Is there anything you regret not asking your parents?
In that sense not really because most of what they believed I really didn't agree with. My mom was always protective because of dad.
#8. Whats the best thing I can do for you right now?
Just be there when things are not right. Call more often and most certainly send more pictures of the family.
#9. Is there anything that you wish had been different between us or that you would still like to change?
No, all that has been changed already. We are closer and have a lot more in common. I do wish though that I had not let you stay with your grandma back then.
#10. When did you realize you were no longer a child?
When one day something came out of my mouth that sounded like my mother and that was scary.
#1. Whats the one thing you would have done differently as a mom?
I would have been more patient with you kids. I would have done more with you all. I would be more easy going and have more fun.
#2. Why did you choose to be with my father?
He was fun and easy going. We had a lot in common at the time. I choose your father because he made me feel alive. He was caring and giving and just all around fun to be with. I chose him because he was calm and collected and full of charisma. The biggest reason was because I loved him.
#3. In what ways do you think I am like you? And not like you?
You are like me in the way you care and give yourself to everyone especially your family. You live your life to the fullest and you have fun doing it. Your not like me in you have no fear. If you want something you go for it. I love that part of you. You never give up. You make things work out without a second thought.
#4.Which one of us kids do you like the best?
Quon- for your courage.
Gabe-for his strong sense of family
Theron-for his Strong ethics and values
Uriah-for his sense of adventure
Noah-for his easy going and fun ways
Keanu-for his constant need to succeed
Cheyenne- for her many talents
Shannon-for her abilities to just get and do whatever (no fear)
In all I like you all because you all have qualities in which I wish I had.
#5. Is there anything you wish you had told me but never have?
You were always such a loving, caring, giving person who always put everyone else before yourself. You should spend more Me time and take care of you. Don't feel guilty about doing it. You need to take care of yourself for all your kids and husband. If something happened to you where would they be. You care for life so patiently now its time for you.
#6. Do you think it is easier or harder to be a mom now than when you were raising our family?
It is easier and harder. When I was raising you all things weren't that hard. Times were different, but now things in the world are harder and money doesn't go far. Easier because I am older and more confident, harder because its just me doing it alone.
#7. Is there anything you regret not asking your parents?
In that sense not really because most of what they believed I really didn't agree with. My mom was always protective because of dad.
#8. Whats the best thing I can do for you right now?
Just be there when things are not right. Call more often and most certainly send more pictures of the family.
#9. Is there anything that you wish had been different between us or that you would still like to change?
No, all that has been changed already. We are closer and have a lot more in common. I do wish though that I had not let you stay with your grandma back then.
#10. When did you realize you were no longer a child?
When one day something came out of my mouth that sounded like my mother and that was scary.
Flight home and all my pics
Ok so yesterday I flew home from California where I have been for the past week. I was suppose to catch a flight out of LAX at 12:20 but didn't realize that I was in LA and got stuck in traffic for 45 minutes and missed the flight. It was an hour later before I could catch another flight. I flew from L.A. to Denver and had a two hour layover there. Then from Denver to Nashville. The flight was so bumpy that I was surprised we stayed up in the air. I guess it was a good thing I slept most of the time on the Plane. I didn't get home until after midnight and then hit the bed after chatting with Ryan for a bit about my week. I slept until 10:15 this morning and then went to my DWA class. Man did I ever get a butt kicking. That's what I get for not working out for almost two weeks. Anyway I don't have much else going on today other than Church tonight so I will post some of my pics from the week. I hope you like them.
This is the house I grew up in. The only thing different is it use to be Yellow and there was no porch.

This is the street I grew up on.

This is my favorite shot of the two girls. You wouldn't know it by looking at this picture but they fight all the time. Makes me kinda glad I didn't grow up with sisters in the house.

Here is the whole gang. Back-mom and me...Middle-Cheyenne, Meshak(the dog), Keanu, and Shannon...Bottom- Noah.

This is the best sister picture ever. Well I think so anyway. Cheyenne was trying to get a piece of hair out of her face but it looks like she is frowning. Oh ya by the way we were sitting on the edge of a cliff. Yeah very scary.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Shannon. Even though she has hair in her face,

Noah and Shannon onto of the cliff. Very scary.

Noah and Cheyenne onto of the cliff. Again very scary.

Me and the boys. Its the only shot I got alone with them. They wouldn't sit still for nothing. Got to love those boys.

Mom and the girls. I can't believe how much we all look alike.

Me and mom. The only shot I got alone with her. She hates taking pictures.

My favorite picture of Cheyenne.

This is me and Grandma and Grandpa Carrington. I have not seen them since I was little so it was really good to see and talk to them again. Muhhhhha I love and miss you guys.

I love this picture.

All of us kids together.

Ok these pictures are in the park by my mom's house. Someone carved them out of trees. It was the coolest thing ever. The first one is for you Michelle cause I know how much you love bears. As soon as I saw it I thought about you.
This is the house I grew up in. The only thing different is it use to be Yellow and there was no porch.
This is the street I grew up on.
This is the gas station we use to walk to all the time because it was the only store in town. Now its part of what they call OLD TOWN.

These pictures are of the mountains in Tehachapi, CA.
This first one I like to call "The Road to Nowhere. You cant see it in the picture but at the top of the hill the road just stops. It was so cool.

This is the highway into Bakersfield, CA. The picture is not blurry that is the Smog making it look like that. Crazy huh.

This is outside my moms window. Beautiful isn't it.

Moms Mothers day Flowers.
This first one I like to call "The Road to Nowhere. You cant see it in the picture but at the top of the hill the road just stops. It was so cool.
This is the highway into Bakersfield, CA. The picture is not blurry that is the Smog making it look like that. Crazy huh.
This is outside my moms window. Beautiful isn't it.
Moms Mothers day Flowers.
Below are Some of my favorite pics of the family this week. I didn't get to many with the boys because well boys are boys and they just wanted to hang out with their friends. But I still love them.
This first picture is of me and Keanu. He is 15 years old and very active. He wants to be a marine when he is older. I love that he has such a sense of adventure.
This picture is of me and Noah the day I left to go home. Yes I finally nailed him down long enough to take a single picture alone with me. He is 16 and is ready to drive. He is a very loving and caring person. I love that he has such a good sense of family.
This is one of my favorite shots of Keanu. It really shows his true nature
This is Shannon. She is 12 and very much a girl. She says she wants to be just like her big sister when she grows up but I think she was just flattering me personally. Ha ha. She is a very good dancer though and really wants to be a professional Dancer when she grows up.
This is my favorite shot of the two girls. You wouldn't know it by looking at this picture but they fight all the time. Makes me kinda glad I didn't grow up with sisters in the house.
Here is the whole gang. Back-mom and me...Middle-Cheyenne, Meshak(the dog), Keanu, and Shannon...Bottom- Noah.
This is the best sister picture ever. Well I think so anyway. Cheyenne was trying to get a piece of hair out of her face but it looks like she is frowning. Oh ya by the way we were sitting on the edge of a cliff. Yeah very scary.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Shannon. Even though she has hair in her face,
Noah and Shannon onto of the cliff. Very scary.
Noah and Cheyenne onto of the cliff. Again very scary.
Me and the boys. Its the only shot I got alone with them. They wouldn't sit still for nothing. Got to love those boys.
Mom and the girls. I can't believe how much we all look alike.
Me and mom. The only shot I got alone with her. She hates taking pictures.
My favorite picture of Cheyenne.
This is me and Grandma and Grandpa Carrington. I have not seen them since I was little so it was really good to see and talk to them again. Muhhhhha I love and miss you guys.
I love this picture.
All of us kids together.

Ok these pictures are in the park by my mom's house. Someone carved them out of trees. It was the coolest thing ever. The first one is for you Michelle cause I know how much you love bears. As soon as I saw it I thought about you.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mothers Day
Today was an almost perfect day.
We got up early and got dressed then went to Pat Memorial. It wasn't the Funeral but a memorial for him for all his friends and family. The actual funeral will be next Sunday when they have his body already cremated and they spread the ashes over the ocean like he wanted. Anyway it was a beautiful memorial and I am glad I was able to come out for it.
Now for some happier things.
Today is Mothers Day. After the memorial for Pat we came home and changed then went and got all our gifts for mom and gave them to her. She really loved them all. Noah gave her a wooden red bird and a penguin. Mom loves those. Keaneu gave mom a glass piece that had a whale etched into it, which mom had been looking at the day before, another glass piece that said Give and it shall be given to you, and a wooden dog. Mom loves that sort of stuff. Shannon gave mom a bath set that was pink grapefruit. And Cheyenne and I gave mom a lavender bath set, tea lights and four little holders with plates to put them in, a pedicure set and gum. Mom loves gum. Then I gave her a neck less that was two hearts intertwined and Crystal earring to match. It was beautiful. All the kids thought so to but said "you had to out do us all didn't you." I think I may have started something here. They are older now so I think they will think a little harder about what they are giving mom for Mothers day and her birthday instead of just picking something up at the last minute. Don't get me wrong mom loved everything she got. She was grateful for it all because she usually only gets a card but I think the kids will put a little more effort into what they give her from now on. Anyway mom gave me my gift which I totally was not expecting but it was a charm bracelet watch and neck less. I love them both very much. Mom knows the way to my heart. I love jewelry. Anyway after all that we loaded up in the truck and headed up to Mountain State Park to have a barbecue and take some pictures. It took us a while to get the fire going because the kids decided instead of doing it on the grill the wanted to cook their hot dogs over an open fire. Which was totally fine with me but man it took forever to get it going. After all the food was done we went on a hike and took a ton of pictures. Then went back to hang out by the fire cause it was starting to get cold and cloudy out. We had a great time laughing and joking around and just letting go. It was so much fun. I never knew just how funny Noah is. That boy should be a stand up comedian because he had us all laughing so hard our sides were hurting. Then the boys started to cut a log in half with a hatchet and they took turns chopping at it until they finally cut it in half. I will post the pics when I get home. Finally it started to rain so we put out the fire and packed up the stuff and headed home. It was a good thing we left when we did cause about ten minutes after we got back to moms house it started to downpour. We all took showers to clean up and warm up and then the boys went out into the homemade Man Cave and chilled while us girls sat nice and warm in the living room. Mom and Shannon were on one couch and Me and Cheyenne were on the other. I started to mess with Cheyenne's hair and she fell asleep for a little bit then woke up and I played with her hair some more. When I was done she looked cute so I took pics of it which I will post later. Well it is pretty late so we are all headed to bed now. Anyway It was a great day. Really nice to be with my mom for mothers day.
Blog at you later.
We got up early and got dressed then went to Pat Memorial. It wasn't the Funeral but a memorial for him for all his friends and family. The actual funeral will be next Sunday when they have his body already cremated and they spread the ashes over the ocean like he wanted. Anyway it was a beautiful memorial and I am glad I was able to come out for it.
Now for some happier things.
Today is Mothers Day. After the memorial for Pat we came home and changed then went and got all our gifts for mom and gave them to her. She really loved them all. Noah gave her a wooden red bird and a penguin. Mom loves those. Keaneu gave mom a glass piece that had a whale etched into it, which mom had been looking at the day before, another glass piece that said Give and it shall be given to you, and a wooden dog. Mom loves that sort of stuff. Shannon gave mom a bath set that was pink grapefruit. And Cheyenne and I gave mom a lavender bath set, tea lights and four little holders with plates to put them in, a pedicure set and gum. Mom loves gum. Then I gave her a neck less that was two hearts intertwined and Crystal earring to match. It was beautiful. All the kids thought so to but said "you had to out do us all didn't you." I think I may have started something here. They are older now so I think they will think a little harder about what they are giving mom for Mothers day and her birthday instead of just picking something up at the last minute. Don't get me wrong mom loved everything she got. She was grateful for it all because she usually only gets a card but I think the kids will put a little more effort into what they give her from now on. Anyway mom gave me my gift which I totally was not expecting but it was a charm bracelet watch and neck less. I love them both very much. Mom knows the way to my heart. I love jewelry. Anyway after all that we loaded up in the truck and headed up to Mountain State Park to have a barbecue and take some pictures. It took us a while to get the fire going because the kids decided instead of doing it on the grill the wanted to cook their hot dogs over an open fire. Which was totally fine with me but man it took forever to get it going. After all the food was done we went on a hike and took a ton of pictures. Then went back to hang out by the fire cause it was starting to get cold and cloudy out. We had a great time laughing and joking around and just letting go. It was so much fun. I never knew just how funny Noah is. That boy should be a stand up comedian because he had us all laughing so hard our sides were hurting. Then the boys started to cut a log in half with a hatchet and they took turns chopping at it until they finally cut it in half. I will post the pics when I get home. Finally it started to rain so we put out the fire and packed up the stuff and headed home. It was a good thing we left when we did cause about ten minutes after we got back to moms house it started to downpour. We all took showers to clean up and warm up and then the boys went out into the homemade Man Cave and chilled while us girls sat nice and warm in the living room. Mom and Shannon were on one couch and Me and Cheyenne were on the other. I started to mess with Cheyenne's hair and she fell asleep for a little bit then woke up and I played with her hair some more. When I was done she looked cute so I took pics of it which I will post later. Well it is pretty late so we are all headed to bed now. Anyway It was a great day. Really nice to be with my mom for mothers day.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
A visit with grandma and Grandpa and cops
Ok so today was a busy day. We (being the girls) got up and showered and got ready for the day. Then Mom had to go to work for a couple of hours. When she got home all of us girls drove into Bakersfield to get some grocery's. We got so much food that Cheyenne and Shannon were covered in grocery's on the way home. Yes we bought so much stuff that it filled the trunk and the back seat. It was a sight to see. Anyway once we got home we picked up the boys and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Carringtons house to have dinner with them and visit a bit. It has been a very long time since I last saw them. I think I may have been about twelve or thirteen the last time I spent anytime with them. It was a nice visit and great to see them again. We got to catch up and really get to know each other again. It was great. I got to drive up there since mom had a slight headache and didn't want to drive. On the way home though she drove because I have night blindness, which for those who don't know is when you are driving at night all the lights of the street lamps and on coming cars , even the dim lights, blind you and it makes it very hard to drive, and I didn't really know the roads well enough to trust my driving. Anyway we were about half way down the mountain when all the sudden there were blue and red lights behind us. I told mom she was being pulled over and to pull over so she did. When the sheriff came up to the car I was expecting him to show up on the drivers side so when he came over to my side it scared me a little and I jumped. I said sorry for jumping but I wasn't expecting you to be there. He explained that at night that is what they do so they don't get hit by an oncoming car. Good reasoning if you ask me. Anyway mom asked him what was wrong and he said she was driving with her brights on and swerving a little in and out of the lane. So ya she was swerving a little but I didn't think to much and as for her brights she claimed she didn't realize they were on. Anyway the cop asked for her drivers licence and registration and insurance which I gave to him for her then he asked her to step out of the car and meet him at the back. She did so then all the sudden she got a little loud and so I am not under the influence of anything but a Tylenol I took about an hour ago. He didn't believe her and made her do five subriatity tests to prove she was sober. When they were done which was like twenty minutes the cop came up to my window again and asked if I had a licence and I said yes did he need to see it and he said no but that I was to drive the rest of the way home. I said that was fine and got out and went around to the other side of the car. He got in his car and left and I for warned everyone that I would be driving like a granny because of my night blindness. They didn't care. On the way home we stopped and picked up four movies at the red box and then got some gas and headed home. Once there we had to start putting the food away. But when I opened moms refrigerator there was literally no room for anything so we cleaned it out and man was there a ot of stuff in there that Pat just would not throw away. Stuff that was like a year old. Gross. Anyway we got that done and everything put away and mom went strait to bed then us kids headed our separate ways to watch our movies. Us girls watched The Lovely Bones first while the boy watch Ninja Assassins. After our movies were over the girls watched New Moon which I have seen like a hundred times but the boys were watching a movie called The Decent part two so I went and watched that with them. It was a scary movie. It even scared the boys which was so funny. Anyway now we are done and it is like 1:30 in the morning so I am off to bed. The memorial is tomorrow morning so I need to go to sleep. Oh ya I will post Pics of grandma and grandpa when I get back home.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
What a day
Today has been a very long day so far and its not even over yet. I got up pretty early this morning because I was literally kick out of bed by two sisters ( Cheyenne and Shannon) and their pit bull meshack. Yes I know that is a crazy name for a dog but that is what Pat named him. Not quite sure why. Anyway I got up took a shower and got dressed and ready for the day. Then when everyone else was up we all ate breakfast and then headed out to finish up some last minute things. When we were done mom dropped us off at her house while she ran to work. She has taken over Pats' business. He is a counsler for teenage and early adult hood people who need to get over drugs and alcohol abuse as well as domestic violence, parenting and Anger management. It is a really good business. Anyway mom had a new client come into the office this morning and so she had us stay at the house while she did that. When she was done she came home and told us to get in the car she was going to take us out to lunch. It was Mom, me, Shannon, Cheyenne, and Noah. We couldn't decide what we wanted to eat until Noah saw a Taco Bell and Mom saw this new restaurant called Don Pericos. It had to be the best food I have ever had. Their chef was awesome. It was the most authentic food ever....In case I forgot to say or you just have not guessed it was a Mexican Restaurant. Anyway after we ate we went to pay a few bills and let them know that Pat was no longer living and that we needed to turn all the bills over to my moms name. Of course they all needed a copy of the Death Certificate and then they could do it. Man I tell you it takes a lot to get things taken care of when a loved one dies. After all that we got home and had to deal with S.S.I. man was that ever a hassle and we didn't get anyway but sent in a big circle. I hate when that happens. Anyway we have to call back again tomorrow and try and finally get somewhere. I really don't think we will get very far because it is a Friday but we shall see. Any I need to go cause I am making my famous Cheesy Chicken and Rice for dinner tonight. I know they will love it.
That's all for now Blog at you later.
That's all for now Blog at you later.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My flight and first day in California
Ok so I finally got a ticket to California and headed out Tuesday May 4th, 2010. I caught my flight at 2:20 pm in Nashville, Tn and headed out to Houston TX. I landed there at 4:20 pm and checked in at my next flight then headed over to Subway to have something to eat since I was in such a hurry I didn't eat before I left. (later I figured out that wasn't the only thing I forgot.) Then I sat to wait for my next flight which wasn't scheduled to leave until 6:30 pm. The time flew by fast and before I knew it it was time to board the flight. From Houston I was flying to Las Vegas but only as a stop over to pick up a few others then on to Burbank, Ca. The flight seemed like it was taking forever and that I would never get off the plane. Plus it was so cold on the plane I thought my toes were going to fall off. I wore Capri's and a short sleeve shirt with my flip-flops. I figured that would be the best option considering the fact that I wanted to be comfortable and I knew I would have to take my shoes off at the security gate. I wont do that again trust me. Anyway I landed in Burbank at about 9:30 California time which is about a two hour difference from Tennessee. California is behind us on time just in case you wanted to know. He he he. I have to say though that in all the times that I have flown ( which are not many but I have flown a bit) I have never had to get off a plane on the tar-mack and had to walk into the airport. It was the craziest thing ever. Anyway I was picked up by my mother Loria and my little sister Cheyenne and Pat's brother Mike. I was so tired by the time that they got there that I slept most of the way to my mothers house. When I got to her house I said hi to all the kids and then hit the bed and crashed hard. I woke up this morning not to late at about 8:30 and took a shower then headed out with mom and Chey to do a few things to get ready for the memorial and get Pat stuff in order. He had two storage units and most of the stuff in them (according to mom) is just junk except for a few tools that are suppose to go to Noah and Keanu. They are my two youngest brothers. But because of the fact that Pat and my mom where never really married only by common law they wont let her into them until she can get proof that that is what Pat wanted. Its all a big mess but that's what happens when you don't get married. After all that mess we went and saw the old neighorhood that I grew up in when I was a kid. They changed the house a little because it use to be yellow but now it is white and they added a porch but other than that it is still the same. Then we went to look at the old school that I went to in Elementary School and then the park that I use to play at ( I didn't get any pictures of the park because my camera died but I did get pictures of everything else). I will post pictures later. Anyway, then we went back to her house and picked up Shannon and went to Radio shack to get a phone charger because that is one of the things I forgot, He he he, and then we went out to lunch. Then we came back to the house and just hung out. I took a lot of pictures of my sisters and brothers and my mom of course and will post those when I get back home. Anyway I miss all my friends and of course my wonderful husband and kids. I am really enjoying my visit out here but it just confirms that I really hate California and cant wait to be back in Tennessee. Well that's all for now....Sorry so short, I will elaborate later when I get home.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Middle Tenessee Flooding 2010
Ok so apperantly this kind of thing doesn't happen very often here in Middle Tenessee and we have not seen it in a very long time. So on May 1st we were suppose to get something like 25 inches of rain in a three day period. Because of this our rivers over flowed and ventured out of their bountrys and into our streets and citys. It is the craziest thing I have ever seen and I went through two Hurricanes. Bellow are some photos of what our area looked like. Understand that I dont take credit for any of these photos. They are from friends blogs and off the internet. Thank you everyone for letting me use these for a perminant record of what happen to us at this point in our lives. Anyway here they are....

This is the inside of Barns and Nobel in the OperyLand Mall
A little bit of beauty in all that mess
This is Arbys on Riverside drive
another beautiful picture in all that mess
This is the At@t Building in downtown Nashville
The BP that we alway filled up on when we were on Riverside Dr

Downtown Nashville
Shot from the sky of Downtown and Riverside Dr
Dunbar Cave Rd right by my house

This is a tipped over fire truck
House on fire surrounded by water.
inside the Grand Ole Opry which was just redone about two years ago i think
A couple caught in the flash flood in Hendersonville

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