This is the house I grew up in. The only thing different is it use to be Yellow and there was no porch.
This is the street I grew up on.
This is the gas station we use to walk to all the time because it was the only store in town. Now its part of what they call OLD TOWN.

These pictures are of the mountains in Tehachapi, CA.
This first one I like to call "The Road to Nowhere. You cant see it in the picture but at the top of the hill the road just stops. It was so cool.

This is the highway into Bakersfield, CA. The picture is not blurry that is the Smog making it look like that. Crazy huh.

This is outside my moms window. Beautiful isn't it.

Moms Mothers day Flowers.
This first one I like to call "The Road to Nowhere. You cant see it in the picture but at the top of the hill the road just stops. It was so cool.
This is the highway into Bakersfield, CA. The picture is not blurry that is the Smog making it look like that. Crazy huh.
This is outside my moms window. Beautiful isn't it.
Moms Mothers day Flowers.
Below are Some of my favorite pics of the family this week. I didn't get to many with the boys because well boys are boys and they just wanted to hang out with their friends. But I still love them.
This first picture is of me and Keanu. He is 15 years old and very active. He wants to be a marine when he is older. I love that he has such a sense of adventure.
This picture is of me and Noah the day I left to go home. Yes I finally nailed him down long enough to take a single picture alone with me. He is 16 and is ready to drive. He is a very loving and caring person. I love that he has such a good sense of family.
This is one of my favorite shots of Keanu. It really shows his true nature
This is Shannon. She is 12 and very much a girl. She says she wants to be just like her big sister when she grows up but I think she was just flattering me personally. Ha ha. She is a very good dancer though and really wants to be a professional Dancer when she grows up.
This is my favorite shot of the two girls. You wouldn't know it by looking at this picture but they fight all the time. Makes me kinda glad I didn't grow up with sisters in the house.
Here is the whole gang. Back-mom and me...Middle-Cheyenne, Meshak(the dog), Keanu, and Shannon...Bottom- Noah.
This is the best sister picture ever. Well I think so anyway. Cheyenne was trying to get a piece of hair out of her face but it looks like she is frowning. Oh ya by the way we were sitting on the edge of a cliff. Yeah very scary.
This is one of my favorite pictures of Shannon. Even though she has hair in her face,
Noah and Shannon onto of the cliff. Very scary.
Noah and Cheyenne onto of the cliff. Again very scary.
Me and the boys. Its the only shot I got alone with them. They wouldn't sit still for nothing. Got to love those boys.
Mom and the girls. I can't believe how much we all look alike.
Me and mom. The only shot I got alone with her. She hates taking pictures.
My favorite picture of Cheyenne.
This is me and Grandma and Grandpa Carrington. I have not seen them since I was little so it was really good to see and talk to them again. Muhhhhha I love and miss you guys.
I love this picture.
All of us kids together.

Ok these pictures are in the park by my mom's house. Someone carved them out of trees. It was the coolest thing ever. The first one is for you Michelle cause I know how much you love bears. As soon as I saw it I thought about you.
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