Ok so this is just a silly one to think about but i couldn't help but post it anyway. So here goes. Hope you enjoy.
1. Do you believe, somewhere deep inside, that blonde's do indeed have more fun? That they are "dumber" than brunettes or redheads? Be honest! ok well having been all three at some point in my life I would have to say No to the first part and a Yes sometimes in some cases I find that natural blonds tend to be a little less smart. Is this true of all blonds No but I have meet my fair share of ones that were. Just saying.
2. Which animal would you most like to observe in its wild habitat? oh easy that would be the Giraffe. They are the most beautiful animal in the world but what most people don't know is that they can be very dangerous also.
3. This week the U.N. announced that Dr. Mazlan Othman has been appointed the official "Alien Ambassador," should any extraterrestrials contact us. Have you, or has anyone you know, ever seen a UFO? That would be a no for me and as for anyone I know if they have they never said anything to me. Now that does not mean that I don't believe there are aliens out there because if we are the only being that seems like a total waste of space to me.
4. Name your favorite Hitchcock film. Don't have one. Never really watched these shows as a kid.
5. Would you rather spend time at the library, the mall, a craft store or home? Easy at home and the craft store. duhhhh
6. Which Disney princess is your favorite? (Or Disney character, if you are a guy) I would have to say Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I have always loved that movie.
7. What kind of art is your favorite? Really anything I'm not picky. I love painting and sculptures as well as anything handmade.
8. How do you feel about viral videos, that is, videos made by amateurs that end up on YouTube receiving thousands of hits? I think that whatever floats their boats let them show the world. As long as I'm not in it I'm cool. Most of them are pretty funny anyway.
9. Where do you buy your jeans? Mostly Cato's but anywhere I can find a nice pair on sale.
10. Tell me about your first automobile accident. OMGosh. That is so crazy, I was just telling this story to a friend of mine the other day. Ok so most of the accidents I have been in have been before I could ever drive so once I finally got my chance to drive by younger brother and I had to share a car. Most of the time I drove just because I was older but on this particular day we were late for school and so I let him drive. As we came to a red light everything was fine. I was doing my makeup and the light turned green but the guy in front of us didn't move. He had some sort of trailer on his car and we couldn't see his turn signal on. So instead of my brother going to the right of the car to go around he went to the left and just as we got up to the guy he turned and slammed into us. Knocking me into the windshield and then into the passinger door. Thankfully I had put down my eyeliner before we hit otherwise that would not have been good. I ended up going to the hospital with a gash on my head while my brother and the other guy were fine. Needless to say the car was totalled and I never let my brother drive my car again.
11. Have you ever been honest when you knew you would benefit more if you would be dishonest? Yes and lets just leave it at that.
12. If you were appointed "Ambassador to Aliens," what would you show and tell first about life on Earth? What would be the most difficult thing to explain? I would have to say the love of family and friends as the first thing and as for the most difficult thing would be why we are always fighting one another.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
random dozen
1. Have you, or has someone close to you, ever won an award for anything? Nothing to big or important but yes.
2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? Well currently serving would be my brother Theron and my cousin Shane. But almost every man in my family at one point or another has served including my husband. He was in the Navy when he was younger and the Army for almost four years.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. Well I believe that we should always be patriotic but I think I am the strongest around the holidays. Not just the fourth of July but all holidays.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? I am the oldest. The first born is said to be the most creative child in the family. Well I would have to agree. I am very creative in many ways. So I would say Yes I think my placement made a big difference in my personality. Although there were many factors in creating who I am today. But that is for another post. Lol.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Well that is a hard one to answer. I guess I already have the creative gene that is evident in my mother and I would have to say as for my father it would have to be his willingness to do whatever it takes to make sure his family is well taken care of. He has sacrificed a lot to get all of his children grown up and doing well in their own lives. So that is something I would love to say I have inherited from him.
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo? As a female I prefer pants or shorts just because I feel more dressed that way. I know it sounds silly. As a child I loved dresses but the older I got the more I like pants.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? It just depends on the night. Most night I don't get to bed until late so I don't usually get up at all but if I go to bed early ( which anything before 10 is early ) then at least once to go to the bathroom then I just fall back asleep. It doesn't take much when I am tired.
8. Share a favorite movie quote. I can't say I have a favorite movie quote but I do have a favorite quote in general. Several actually but one is " Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that no body's going to know whether you did it or not." Oprah Winfrey.
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent? Well my favorite scent over all is Watermelon but as for my favorite Fall scent that would have to be pumpkin.
10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to? Oh that is easy Halloween. I love Halloween. I know that is silly but just getting to dress up and decorate. I just love it.
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. I can't say that I have had a pleasant surprise lately or even a surprise at all. Now isn't that interesting.
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be? I think what I remember the most is the fact that most of them didn't think we would last very long but a few had faith and really welcomed me into the family. We are coming up on our 11th year of marriage and 12 years together so I would have to say we are showed them. Lol. I do remember being very nervous the first time I met them all because he has such a big family.
2. Who is the nearest relative to you who has served in the US Military? Well currently serving would be my brother Theron and my cousin Shane. But almost every man in my family at one point or another has served including my husband. He was in the Navy when he was younger and the Army for almost four years.
3. Share something that stirs the patriotic spirit in you. Well I believe that we should always be patriotic but I think I am the strongest around the holidays. Not just the fourth of July but all holidays.
4. Where are you in the birth order in your family? Do you think your "placement" made a difference in your personality? I am the oldest. The first born is said to be the most creative child in the family. Well I would have to agree. I am very creative in many ways. So I would say Yes I think my placement made a big difference in my personality. Although there were many factors in creating who I am today. But that is for another post. Lol.
5. Name one trait you hope you carry that was evidenced in your parents or grandparents. Well that is a hard one to answer. I guess I already have the creative gene that is evident in my mother and I would have to say as for my father it would have to be his willingness to do whatever it takes to make sure his family is well taken care of. He has sacrificed a lot to get all of his children grown up and doing well in their own lives. So that is something I would love to say I have inherited from him.
6. If female, do you prefer wearing a skirt or pants? If male, shirt and tie or polo? As a female I prefer pants or shorts just because I feel more dressed that way. I know it sounds silly. As a child I loved dresses but the older I got the more I like pants.
7. Approximately how many times do you wake during the night? What do you do to go back to sleep? It just depends on the night. Most night I don't get to bed until late so I don't usually get up at all but if I go to bed early ( which anything before 10 is early ) then at least once to go to the bathroom then I just fall back asleep. It doesn't take much when I am tired.
8. Share a favorite movie quote. I can't say I have a favorite movie quote but I do have a favorite quote in general. Several actually but one is " Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that no body's going to know whether you did it or not." Oprah Winfrey.
9. What is your favorite Fall candle scent? Well my favorite scent over all is Watermelon but as for my favorite Fall scent that would have to be pumpkin.
10. What is one Fall activity you're looking forward to? Oh that is easy Halloween. I love Halloween. I know that is silly but just getting to dress up and decorate. I just love it.
11. Tell us about a pleasant surprise that happened to you recently. I can't say that I have had a pleasant surprise lately or even a surprise at all. Now isn't that interesting.
12. What was it like when you first met your in-laws-to-be? I think what I remember the most is the fact that most of them didn't think we would last very long but a few had faith and really welcomed me into the family. We are coming up on our 11th year of marriage and 12 years together so I would have to say we are showed them. Lol. I do remember being very nervous the first time I met them all because he has such a big family.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Back to the Gym
So today was a way better day. My neck still hurts but only if I put my hands over my head or if I use my neck to much. I went to Dwa with Mindy today and had a great workout. Christie told me that she was beginning to think that Mindy didn't exist because she hadn't seen her yet. It was pretty funny. Mindy loved the class also and has every plan to become a member of the YMCA very soon. The kids have decided that they both wanted to spend the night at friends houses so they are gone for the night which is great with me because tonight is Date night with the hubby. Well I have to go for now. Have to get ready.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Couples Game night.
So I was wrong about feeling better today. I am so sore and my neck is so stiff that when Mindy called me to come over I told her I couldn't cause my neck hurt way to much. She told me that she had a messager and if I came over I could use it. Yes that did the trick so I got my stuff together and slowly took the short walk (that normally only takes me a couple of minutes but took 10 this time) over to her house. When I got there I sat down and put the messager right on my neck. It helped a little but then Mindy made a steak burrito for breakfast and then I took a couple of Tylenol passed out for a couple of hours. I wasn't the only one Mindy and the baby did the same thing. It was a sight to see I'm sure. Anyway when I woke up my neck felt a little better so I took some more meds and headed home. Later that night Mindy and David came over for our new Couples Game night tradition. It was so much fun that we didn't get to bed until after midnight. Of course I had to take more meds in the middle of all that. Man I really hope tomorrow is a better day for my neck.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
random dozen
1. Do you do garage sales? If so, tell me about one great find. If not, tell me why not. It really just depends on my mood. I do go once in awhile but for the most part I just don't have time.
2. Name the last thing you fixed. That would be my broke down vacuum cleaner that I need to toss out and get a new one. It is always getting clogged.
3. Name your A) Favorite item of makeup OR B) Favorite tool. My favorite item of makeup would be my many eye shadows. And my favorite tool would be my drill and drill bit set. I know girls are not suppose to like tools but I grew up with all boys in my family and they all love to work on cars. So it just goes with who I am.
4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other? None now I just finished doing that last week. but before it was my living room.
5. Which room could use re-decorating? I would have to say my kitchen. I live in an apartment but so there is not much I can do about it right now.
6. Share something unique about your town. Nothing that I know of, its a big city.
7. If you could send a one-sentence message to your great-grandchild, what would it be? Do better than me....LOL
8. Do you Facebook? You better believe I do. Well when I have the time to get on there.
9. Describe your favorite shoes. They are brown flip-flops. My favorite shoes of all time.
10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it? More music radio and mostly the country Chanel's.
11. How far would you travel for a really good (favorite) meal? maybe an hour. I don't know I usually find a great place pretty local to go.
12. If you were totally honest with yourself (and us) what should you probably be doing right now instead of blogging? Cooking dinner but it is my date night with my hubby so I tend to let the kids have free range over the kitchen. They are old enough now to fend for themselves.
2. Name the last thing you fixed. That would be my broke down vacuum cleaner that I need to toss out and get a new one. It is always getting clogged.
3. Name your A) Favorite item of makeup OR B) Favorite tool. My favorite item of makeup would be my many eye shadows. And my favorite tool would be my drill and drill bit set. I know girls are not suppose to like tools but I grew up with all boys in my family and they all love to work on cars. So it just goes with who I am.
4. Which room in your home needs organizing more than any other? None now I just finished doing that last week. but before it was my living room.
5. Which room could use re-decorating? I would have to say my kitchen. I live in an apartment but so there is not much I can do about it right now.
6. Share something unique about your town. Nothing that I know of, its a big city.
7. If you could send a one-sentence message to your great-grandchild, what would it be? Do better than me....LOL
8. Do you Facebook? You better believe I do. Well when I have the time to get on there.
9. Describe your favorite shoes. They are brown flip-flops. My favorite shoes of all time.
10. Do you listen to more talk radio or more music radio? What kind of station is it? More music radio and mostly the country Chanel's.
11. How far would you travel for a really good (favorite) meal? maybe an hour. I don't know I usually find a great place pretty local to go.
12. If you were totally honest with yourself (and us) what should you probably be doing right now instead of blogging? Cooking dinner but it is my date night with my hubby so I tend to let the kids have free range over the kitchen. They are old enough now to fend for themselves.
Babysitting and Sore.
today I watched little john for Ryan so that she could go to the temple with her mom. I was glad to do it since he is a pretty easy child to take care of and for that I was also grateful because my neck is so sore from hurting it yesterday. Other than that I didn't do any else except taking DJ to church for is weekly meetings. Now I am going to bed. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
No Zumba!!!
Ok so I was all excited about going to Zumba today because I don't usually get to go on Tuesday with my husband always working overtime but today he didn't work so I was going to Zumba. I called Ryan and she was on her way already. I got there first only to find a note on the door that said " Due to Instuctor Scheduling there will be no Zumba until September 22. In its place will be a cardio circut class." Man was I bumbed. Ryan got there and she wanted to try the class so I said fine I would try it out. I got half way through and couldn't go anymore. In the process of doing a couple of the workout's I managed to pull a muscle in my neck but didn't really relize it until later. That's what I get for trying new things that are out of my area of move ability. Ha ha. Anyway now I am out for a few days with pain. Man that will teach me.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Weekend catchup *EDIT*
First of all I am not defending myself to anyone and I am only posting this because God knows even though I try not to I care what people think about me and my family so with that said.....i have gotten a little flack from a few people who have not liked the change I made to my white bread recipe. Let me just say that the first two loafs of bread I made were white but they went bad before they could be eaten because my kids don't like home made white bread. I had to do something to change it up a little to get them to eat it so yes I added brown sugar to give it a wheat bread look and a slightly sweeter taste. No this is not something I plan to do all the time but when you are on a tight budget and cant go get whole wheat flour to make the kind of bread that is 1- healthier for your family and 2- your family is very much use to. You do what you have to to get them to eat it. When we get a little more money saved I will buy whole wheat flour to make the kind of bread I planned on making in the first place but until then please don't criticize me for doing what I had to to at least get my family to eat something other than snacks and my home made dinners.
Thank you. Quon.
Thank you. Quon.
Hanging out with Mindy.
So today I was suppose to go to DWA but Mindy called me and wanted to hang out since we hadn't seen each other but a couple of minutes on Sunday all weekend. She said she was sad cause her and her man had been fighting all weekend and she just needed to be out of the house. I said that was fine and she came to pick me up. We ran a few errands together and then went out to lunch. Then I needed to mail some things to my sisters since they forgot them when they left so Mindy dropped me off at the post office and she headed over to Walgreen's to pick up a medicine for the baby. I thought I would be in and out of the post office before she was done but I was wrong. Man the post office was crazy. It took me almost an hour just to get the stuff mailed because I could just drop it in the box because it was to big and it needed to be weighed. Ya note to self for future reference Never Go To The Post Office On A Monday. Yeah I wont make that mistake again. After all that we went and picked up Mindy's oldest boy from school since it was half day and dropped Cameron and Austin at their dad's house to spend a couple of hours. Then she brought me home and went about the rest of her day. She is planning on coming with me on Wednesday to DWA so that I don't miss any more class and she can start working off some of her baby weight. I hope she really likes the class cause she is planning on joining the Y.
Well that is all for today.
blog at you later.
Well that is all for today.
blog at you later.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
weekend catch up
so this weekend has been a crazy one. I spent most of the weekend going through the kids rooms and getting rid of things. Sometimes I wonder where it all keeps coming from. I think it might be multiplying by itself. ha ha ha. No really i dont know how they seem to get so much stuff. Just when I think I might have it under control I have to go back through it again. Anyway that took up all of Friday and most of Saturday. We had planned on going to the river fest on saturday but couldnt go because i was still cleaning the kids rooms. Instead we went to Cici's pizza to help out DJ's school. I guess a lot of other people had the same idea because it was really busy. On Sunday I got up and got dressed and went to go check on the kids and DJ wasn't ready to go. I was so mad and frustated that I gave him 10 mins to get ready. When he wasnt ready at that time I told them to just forget it and go back to bed. After I cooled down I sat down and told the kids that I was no longer going to miss church because they were not ready. They are old enough now to know what is expected of them on Sunday's. I told them they are also old enough to know right from wrong and that I no longer will be frustrated by them. I told them that I will leave the house at 8:30 on Sunday morning and if they were not ready to walk out the door well that was just to bad for them. I am not babysitting them anymore. I am not going to get mad and yell. And I am not going to miss out on my spiritual filling because they don't want to get it together on time. I hope they got the message cause Momma means business. Anyway after all that I made four more loaf's of bread and made a slight change in them. I used the white bread recipe and just added a cup of brown sugar to it to give it a slight sweet taste and make it look like wheat bread. It turned out so yummy the kids ate a whole loaf before the end of the day. I also gave Mindy a loaf since she had never had home made bread before and she loved it. Now I get to teach her how to make it. Yahhhh. Well that is all for now.
Blog at you later
Blog at you later
Thursday, September 9, 2010
funny what you find
Today was a day of cleaning and reorganizing my livingroom and kitchen/dining room. Its amazing what you find when you move things around. I found a stamping block i thought i lost like four months ago under my book shelf. and a pair of shoes i thought were gone forever under my couch. How they agot there I will never know but at least I have them now. Other than that it was a pretty calm day.
blog at you later
blog at you later
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Random Dozen
1. Describe the best sandwich in the world, according to you.
That would have to be a nice big Ham and Cheese sandwich with all the fixings on home made whole wheat bread.
3. What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly or any of the Twilight games.
4. As you grow older, are you more or less patient with small children?
I would say a little of both. For most things I am very patient but when it comes to whining I can't stand it. I guess that is because my kids are out of that stage for the most part.
5. Name one item you never let yourself run out of.
Nail polish. I know that sounds funny but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't paint my toes.
6. Do you agree with Tennyson's assertion, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?"
You better believe it. I am very thankful for my husband. I am very glad I have him in my life. If I lost him I would just be grateful that I had him for as long as I had him for. Love you babe.
7. Name one national treasure or monument that you have visited.
Arlington Cemetery. We came across it by accident when we lived in West Virgina and went to visit Washington since it was only two hours away. It was nice but I think the next time we go we will take a tour bus tour cause we got so lost trying to find places there.
8. Which is more painful, to be disappointed in someone else or to be disappointed in yourself?
Both but I would say it is more painful for me to be disappointed in myself because I know what I am capable of and when I don't live up to that I hate it.
9. What makes your kitchen uniquely yours?
Absolutely nothing. I have a pretty plain kitchen.
10. Are you a crafty person?
You better believe it. As my husband says I am a master of many crafts. I can't help it. It just comes natural to me.
11. What is your favorite traditional picnic or bbq (cookout) food?
That would be bbq chicken. I know that is clique but it just isn't a picnic without it.
12. Name one leisurely activity you enjoyed over Labor Day Weekend.
The church picnic. It was nice just to hang out and chat with everyone.
That would have to be a nice big Ham and Cheese sandwich with all the fixings on home made whole wheat bread.
2. Which inspires you more: a good conversation, a song, a book or movie?
I would have to say all the above inspire me to do different things. I really like a good conversation though.
3. What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly or any of the Twilight games.
4. As you grow older, are you more or less patient with small children?
I would say a little of both. For most things I am very patient but when it comes to whining I can't stand it. I guess that is because my kids are out of that stage for the most part.
5. Name one item you never let yourself run out of.
Nail polish. I know that sounds funny but I don't know what I would do if I couldn't paint my toes.
6. Do you agree with Tennyson's assertion, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?"
You better believe it. I am very thankful for my husband. I am very glad I have him in my life. If I lost him I would just be grateful that I had him for as long as I had him for. Love you babe.
7. Name one national treasure or monument that you have visited.
Arlington Cemetery. We came across it by accident when we lived in West Virgina and went to visit Washington since it was only two hours away. It was nice but I think the next time we go we will take a tour bus tour cause we got so lost trying to find places there.
8. Which is more painful, to be disappointed in someone else or to be disappointed in yourself?
Both but I would say it is more painful for me to be disappointed in myself because I know what I am capable of and when I don't live up to that I hate it.
9. What makes your kitchen uniquely yours?
Absolutely nothing. I have a pretty plain kitchen.
10. Are you a crafty person?
You better believe it. As my husband says I am a master of many crafts. I can't help it. It just comes natural to me.
11. What is your favorite traditional picnic or bbq (cookout) food?
That would be bbq chicken. I know that is clique but it just isn't a picnic without it.
12. Name one leisurely activity you enjoyed over Labor Day Weekend.
The church picnic. It was nice just to hang out and chat with everyone.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
felling crummy
so today was a blaaaa day. I woke up with a migraine and a sore throat. I thought maybe it was just because I slept with my fan on me last night but it hasn't gone away yet so i think it might me my fall cold coming on. i hate getting sick. It seems since I moved to Tennessee I have gotten sick more often than I use to. I think its the weather changes. Plus my allergy's don't help out any either. Anyway Mindy came over today for a fill on her nails and we chatted a bit. Well she chatted mostly cause I wasn't in talkative mood. Anyway after she was done she left and I took a small nap until the kids got home from school. Then I made dinner and now I am hitting the bed early. Lets hope I feel better tomorrow. I can't miss class anymore.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Happy Labor Day / Elyssa's Indian Longhouse
Happy Labor Day to everyone. Ok so today was a great day. I got up and decided that today was the day that we needed to finish Elyssa's Indian Longhouse project for school. Personally I hate when they send projects home because I end up doing most of the work unless it is a science project in which they have to do it. Anyway Elyssa got assigned a Longhouse and so I told Dale that he would have to be the one to help her with this because I am just to busy. Ha ha on me because guess who ended up doing most of the work. Yup you guessed it, it was me. Now don't get me wrong Dale helped out a lot as did Elyssa and Dj tried to help but I really wanted Elyssa to come up with the ideas for the project. Anyway we finally finished it at about 3:30. Anyway here are some pic's from the finished project. Elyssa hand make a canoe and a bowl and grinder as things they used in their everyday lives.
The first picture is of the right side of the longhouse. The second is of the front with the front down so you can see inside. The third is of left side of the longhouse. The fourth is of the back of the long house and the fifth and last is of the front with the front up.
Then headed over to the church for the Labor Day Pic-Nic. We had a great time and got to really talk to our friends. On that note I think that my little Dj is becoming more of a teenager everyday. Today as we were leaving the Pic-nic, he and Liza Wall we up at the ward building talking a laughing with each other. At first I didn't think anything of it and kinda teased him a little about it. But at the end of the night when he was about to go to bed he handed me a note that read,"How do you know when a girl really LIKES you." I had to ask why and he said just answer the question so I told him it is different with different girls and then asked again who it was he was talking about. He told me Liza and that he really likes her but wasn't sure if she liked him the same way. I told him that he just had to wait it out and see where it goes. He said ok and went to bed but I have a feeling that this won't be the end of that conversation. Since he is not allowed to date until he is 16 I don't think I have much to worry about but you never know with kids these days. This may just end up being a crush that he gets over and then again it may end up being more. Who knows I guess we shall see where this adventure leads us. Ha ha. Anyway after all that I sent Dale off to work and I am now headed to bed.
Blog at you later.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
New Calling
Ok so on Wednesday when I arrived to church for our normal Wednesday meetings I was met at the door by Brother Fuller asking if he could meet with Dale and I sometime that night. I said yes that would be fine and went about my night. When Dale showed up to pick us up I told him that Brother Fuller wanted to speak with us. To be honest I truly thought that they were finally giving Dale a calling since he has been a member for 10 years and never had one. To my surprise it was not for Dale but for me. They have decided that they finally need some one who will be in charge of keeping the building schedule in order. In other words they have been needing a Ward Building Coordinator. So ta-da that is me. Plus today they made it official and set me apart. I guess I have been doing so well in all of my other callings as far as keeping them organized and in order that this is where the lord has put me. On the other side of that it means that I am no longer the Activity Day Girls Leader or Young Women's Camp Assistant Leader. That is sad for me because I really enjoy being with the youth. But the lord knows best where we should be and so I am gladly taking this calling and will be giving it my all as I always do. Now I just hope they finally give Dale a calling. Here's wishing right. Well that's all for now so.........
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
My first attemt at making bread.
What a wonderful day. Last night Dale and I had the best date night in a very long time. Then we got to sleep in and wake up to a quiet house. Once we were up and ready for the day we went and got the kids from Mindy's house and thanked her profusely for the favor. She said no prob. After picking up the kids Dale wanted to show me some houses he had found for sale. I said fine and we went to look at them. They were nice but not what I was looking for in a home. After that we decided to drive around the area and look at the neighborhoods since we really have not had the chance to do that out here. We were all impressed by what we saw and even found my dream house. It is for Rent or Sale, and isn't in Pleasant View which Dale loves, but is in a great area that I could be happy with. It is surrounded by trees and is in a quiet neighborhood. Dale is going to call on Monday to see what they are asking for Rent. Then we headed over to the Halloween Express store to get some ideas about what we all want to be for Halloween this year. Anyway after all of that we came home and the kids went to go play outside while Dale and I took a crack at my first attempt at making home made bread. I have to say it was really good. It turned out great. I forgot to take pictures of it because my family ate it to fast. I promise to take pictures the next time though. This was a white bread and I am not a big fan of white bread but it was pretty good tasting. I will attempt Whole Wheat bread next week. Here's wishing me luck. Anyway I am pretty beat from the day so I am headed to bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Date night
Ok so Dale and I have not had much alone time together in awhile and after talking to Brother Fuller on Wednesday we decided that he was right and very soon these children of ours will be out of the house and it will just be him and I so we better like each other if we plan to stay together forever, which we do by the way, so I had my friend Mindy watch the kids for us tonight while Dale and spent the night at home alone. I know I know its not really a date if you stay home but when you are broke you do what you can. Anyway we rented a couple of movies from the RedBox and enjoyed a night of alloness. I was so great just getting to spend time without the constant interruptions from our children and being able to really have an adult conversation with out pre-teen butting in with their two cents. I guess its true when they say the simple things in life are what make us the happiest. Anyway we are headed to bed pretty late tonight since it is like 2:30 in the morning. I am just glad we will get to sleep in a little tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Why must they make us Wait?
Waiting around for someone to come on time is like wishing to fly. I really hate when someone says they are going to be at your house at a certain time then shows up like three hours later with no phone call I might add to say he is running late. What am I talking about you might ask well that would be the bug man. He was suppose to be here at 12:00 to spay for bugs but didn't show up until 2:45. Lets just say I didn't stick around for him. I needed to talk to him about the on going problem we are having but he didn't show up on time and I couldn't wait around for him to get here. I had errands to run in Nashville and an appointment to get to on time. Needless to say I didn't get the chance to talk to him but when I see him again I will let him know just how I feel about it. I mean really the least could have done was call and say he was running late. Am I right? Anyway other than that it was a very productive day. Dale and I finished what we needed to do and got home in time to meet the kids at the door. Well DJ anyway. Elyssa doesn't get home till 4. We had dinner at Mindy's tonight. Her on again off again boyfriend brought home these really yummy stakes for dinner and we provided the veggies. All in all it was a great meal with some great new friends.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Random Dozen
1. What insect are you most afraid of? Feel free to post a picture.

2. What is the greenest/most organic thing about you or that you do?
I try really hard to be as green as possible so I try to use organic products including my cleaning supplies and my food.
3. Tell me about a recurring dream that haunts you.
I don't usually remember my dreams but if I had to pick one I do remember it would have to be the one where I am walking down the road with my friends talking and laughing and having a great time when all of the sudden all of my teeth fall out of my mouth and then all my hair falls out. Not sure as to why these things are happening to me I freak out and wake up screaming every time.
4. Have you ever missed a flight? What were the circumstances?
Yes when I went to spend time with my Mother and siblings in May. I was trying to get home to see my husband and kids and had to drive from Tehachapi to L.A and forgot what L.A. traffic is really like and ended up missing my flight by 30 minutes. I got on another flight that day but it was a long process. Next time I will leave like 5 hours before I have to be somewhere in California. Not that I plan to be going out there ever again. LOL.
5. What do you consider your best feature?
I don' know that a laugh is a feature but I consider that my best one.
6. What was the last concert you went to?
I have been to a lot of them so I am going to tell you the most memorable one. It was the first concert I went to with my husband before we were married. It was the Areosmith concert in Biloxi, Mississippi. We had so much fun that night. I think that may have been the first time I really thought I could be with this person for the rest of my life. The funny part was that I had told him that I wanted to go to this concert and so he said he would try to get tickets. After he got them he thought he would try and pull a fast one on me and showed up at my house with an envelope and said the concert was sold out but that he had gotten tickets to see the local Hockey team. I acted like it was fine with me but he could tell I was not happy. I hate Hockey and so when I opened the envelope and looked at the tickets they said Areosmith on them. I laughed and told him he was a butt for trying to trick me like that. He and my parents thought it was so funny the way I reacted. I love my husband.
7. Describe the most embarrassing church moment you ever experienced.
I would have to say that would be the time I tucked my skirt into my pantyhose and didn't realize it. Thank goodness for great friends who didn't let me go far with it like that.
8. Are you a whistler, hummer or singer?
That would be a hummer or singer depending on where I am.
9. George Washington Carver said, "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." What is God saying to you through nature today, or this very minute?
That I really need to slow down and really enjoy the blessing in my life and not worry so much about the material things or the worldly things going on around me all the time.
10. On September, 1, 1752, the Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia. What memorable event will take place in your life on September 1, 2010?
I would have to say that the most memorable thing that happens to me everyday including September 1, 2010 would be the time I get to spend with my wonderful husband and kids and the fact that I have the best friends in the world.
11. Taco Bell or the Liberty Bell? (You must choose.)
That's a hard one. I love Taco Bell but I would have to say if I had to choose it would be having the opportunity to see the Liberty Bell. Who would in their right mind pass up that chance. Not me.
12. Do you believe men and women can have purely platonic friendships?
Oh yes I do. Growing up I had more guy friends than girl friends because with guys there is just less drama. I'm all about the no drama. I have never had any patients for it. Even today I am still really great friends with all of them. Even though we don't live in the same place anymore we still talk all the time.
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