1. What insect are you most afraid of? Feel free to post a picture.

2. What is the greenest/most organic thing about you or that you do?
I try really hard to be as green as possible so I try to use organic products including my cleaning supplies and my food.
3. Tell me about a recurring dream that haunts you.
I don't usually remember my dreams but if I had to pick one I do remember it would have to be the one where I am walking down the road with my friends talking and laughing and having a great time when all of the sudden all of my teeth fall out of my mouth and then all my hair falls out. Not sure as to why these things are happening to me I freak out and wake up screaming every time.
4. Have you ever missed a flight? What were the circumstances?
Yes when I went to spend time with my Mother and siblings in May. I was trying to get home to see my husband and kids and had to drive from Tehachapi to L.A and forgot what L.A. traffic is really like and ended up missing my flight by 30 minutes. I got on another flight that day but it was a long process. Next time I will leave like 5 hours before I have to be somewhere in California. Not that I plan to be going out there ever again. LOL.
5. What do you consider your best feature?
I don' know that a laugh is a feature but I consider that my best one.
6. What was the last concert you went to?
I have been to a lot of them so I am going to tell you the most memorable one. It was the first concert I went to with my husband before we were married. It was the Areosmith concert in Biloxi, Mississippi. We had so much fun that night. I think that may have been the first time I really thought I could be with this person for the rest of my life. The funny part was that I had told him that I wanted to go to this concert and so he said he would try to get tickets. After he got them he thought he would try and pull a fast one on me and showed up at my house with an envelope and said the concert was sold out but that he had gotten tickets to see the local Hockey team. I acted like it was fine with me but he could tell I was not happy. I hate Hockey and so when I opened the envelope and looked at the tickets they said Areosmith on them. I laughed and told him he was a butt for trying to trick me like that. He and my parents thought it was so funny the way I reacted. I love my husband.
7. Describe the most embarrassing church moment you ever experienced.
I would have to say that would be the time I tucked my skirt into my pantyhose and didn't realize it. Thank goodness for great friends who didn't let me go far with it like that.
8. Are you a whistler, hummer or singer?
That would be a hummer or singer depending on where I am.
9. George Washington Carver said, "I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." What is God saying to you through nature today, or this very minute?
That I really need to slow down and really enjoy the blessing in my life and not worry so much about the material things or the worldly things going on around me all the time.
10. On September, 1, 1752, the Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia. What memorable event will take place in your life on September 1, 2010?
I would have to say that the most memorable thing that happens to me everyday including September 1, 2010 would be the time I get to spend with my wonderful husband and kids and the fact that I have the best friends in the world.
11. Taco Bell or the Liberty Bell? (You must choose.)
That's a hard one. I love Taco Bell but I would have to say if I had to choose it would be having the opportunity to see the Liberty Bell. Who would in their right mind pass up that chance. Not me.
12. Do you believe men and women can have purely platonic friendships?
Oh yes I do. Growing up I had more guy friends than girl friends because with guys there is just less drama. I'm all about the no drama. I have never had any patients for it. Even today I am still really great friends with all of them. Even though we don't live in the same place anymore we still talk all the time.
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