above is the sign that shows what and where the trail of tear is.
These next two were called either grass dancers or grass stompers. I cant remember but their job was to stomp all the grass down so that the dancers could dance on a flat area.

These were the Tadtional Male and Female leaders for the weekend. I love their outfits.

This lady was beautiful in her whole outfit but I don't know how she managed to make it all weekend in that leather without overheating. I would have passed out by the end of the first hour.
These were the Tadtional Male and Female leaders for the weekend. I love their outfits.
This lady was beautiful in her whole outfit but I don't know how she managed to make it all weekend in that leather without overheating. I would have passed out by the end of the first hour.
This guy was just way to cool not to take a picture of.

This is the Story Teller. She would tell all the kids about storys that would help them be better people and entertain them at the same time. Elyssa liked her but I think Dj was only their for the candy.

This guys outfit was awesome. I tried to get several shots of him but he didn't stay still long enough for me to get any really good shots.

This is the Story Teller. She would tell all the kids about storys that would help them be better people and entertain them at the same time. Elyssa liked her but I think Dj was only their for the candy.
This guys outfit was awesome. I tried to get several shots of him but he didn't stay still long enough for me to get any really good shots.
These two are Father and Son and they did a dance with hoops. It was very interesting. Again I wish I had a video of it cause the whole dance was just beautiful.
Blog at you later.
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