So today I went and did my normal Thursday stuff. Scrapbooking with the girls, out to lunch then home to pick up the kids from school. But a new thing has just entered my schedule. I am now part of the Nashville Photography Club. We meet once a month for a club meeting but have a class every thursday. Its great. I am so excited about learning new things and getting a better understanding of what I want to do with my photography. We (as in Jamie, Diana and I) went to our first class tonight. We got there a little late because of a turnaround we missed but not to late. We even got our first assignment. I am excited to get started. Well Im tired and my mom and siblings should be here tonight or tomorrow morning so Im off to bed.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge 40

1. Using what's in your frig right now what sort of meal would you be able to make for guests who are knocking at the front door this very minute?
Oh I have a ton of stuff in my frig right now because I just went shopping and I could make almost anything.
2. What is something about yourself that you hope will change but that probably never will?
The fact that I am so short. I know its never going to change but sometimes I wish I was just a little taller so I could reach the top shelf without having to use my husband or a chair.
3. What's something about yourself that you hope will never change?
My personality. I love who I am.
4. Do you usually send serious or funny greeting cards? Why?
Funny but that is just who I am.
5. Bird watching, shell gathering, or star gazing- your choice for whiling away the hours?
Star gazing. I just love to imagine what is out there beyond my view.
Star gazing. I just love to imagine what is out there beyond my view.
6. Do you double or triple check things? If so, what?
not usually. I trust I did things right the first time unless I am sewing then I always check more than once before I cut.
7. What's your favorite place for people watching?
I am guessing most people would say the mall but since I hate the mall I will say Wal-Mart. You can find some strange people at that place.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Wow this week is dragging on.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Photography Class
So today was my first meeting with the Photography club that Christie and Michelle have been going to for awhile. I meet up with Diana and Jamie and we all drove out together. It was a great class and meeting and then we all went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner afterwards. It was a ton of fun. Although I don't know how anyone can not have fun when Christie and Michelle are around. They are just a bundle of joy. I got home around 12:00 and now am hitting the bed. I have a long day tomorrow. 6:45 comes early.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Week two
On to week two. I started going back to the gym today and I love it. I missed being able to go during the summer so I was ready for school to start so I could go back to the gym. I got a good work out an some good clean fun with great friends today. This is what I have been missing. The kids had a good day at school and I got everything done that I needed to today. So all around we are in a great place.
Blog at you later
Blog at you later
Sunday, August 14, 2011
So today I woke up in a mood to watch documentarys all day. Since I forgot to set my alarm on my clock we missed church but that was alright because we still spent the whole day learning new things. The kids were not thrilled about it but when Mom wants something it gets done.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
today I did nothing all day. We just hung out as a family and spent the day playing games and watching movies. I love days like these.
Blog at you later
Blog at you later
Friday, August 12, 2011
What a week
Well the first week of school is over and we survived. The kids had a great week and I finally got caught up on all my house work. Dale is coming to an end with his inhouse training and should be heading out with an FTO soon. Now for our much needed weekend.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Short and sweet
/Today I went and did my scapbooking stuff as I always do on Thursdays. I cleaned the house when I got home and then relaxed with the kids until dinner time. Then we did our 20 mins of reading time and now I am headed to bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. If you could work for any one government agency which would you choose and why? (if you're in the US here's a helpful list)
Well considering the fact that I grew up with a father in the police force and now am married to a cop I would have to say something along the lines of FBI.
2. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?
I find it hard at first but then I just remember that no one is perfect and that eventually they will come around when they don't feel the pressure to do so. At least that has been my experience in the past.
3. What is your favorite meatless supper?
I don't think I have a meatless supper.
4. Wednesday August 10th is National Lazy Day...will you be celebrating? If so, tell us how so we can be lazy too.
I am never lazy on a Wednesday because I got to DWA at the YMCA and that gives me a boost of energy for the day to keep me going.
5. As a child did you have any special back to school traditions and if so, what were they? If you're a parent did you carry on those traditions with your own children?
No I didn't have any special traditions but with my kids we always take them to class on their first day of school. I know that wont last once they are in High School but I like it for now.
6. Write a summer tongue twister.
I am never good at these so I am going to pass.
7. Would you be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse brings out the needle?
I turn away when they come in with a needle. I am very much prone to throwing up when I see blood so I try not to watch it very often. I can't even watch it on tv.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am so glad the kids are back in school. I hope their year is a great one.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
The first full day
today was a long day. I am not use to getting up that early in the morning so I am very tired. Im not going to post much today. I got the kids off to school and decided that they are both going to be car riders this year. Elyssa took the bus home today and didn't get home until almost 5:30 so now she is a full time car rider. She is very happy about that. Dj had a great day. He got his locker but he got a bottom one this year. hes not happy about that but oh well. But he did find out that all his text books will be online this year. I am very happy about that. Now I am going to bed because it is another long day tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Back to school
so the kids start school tomorrow and I cant wait. They are ready to. It has been a long summer of stuff and they are ready to be in a schedule again. I just hope this year goes better than last year.
blog at you later.
blog at you later.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Swapping kids
So today we went and picked up Elyssa from Ryan's house and dropped Dj off. He and Hunter wanted to play together some more. We did some running around and then went out to dinner with Elyssa. Dj did a service project for another boy in our ward who had an eagle scout thing to do and so he was up and gone at 5:45 this morning. After he got done is when he went to Ryan's house to spend the night. Now we are home and I am hitting the bed early cause Im not use to being up that early in the morning yet.
blog at you later.
blog at you later.
Friday, August 5, 2011
The new adventures of School
So the new adventures of school began today. Dj entered the 7th grade with a great attitude this morning. He got the team he wanted to be in (the longhorns) with not one but two male teachers as well and his girlfriend on the same team and in two of his classes. What a great way to start the year. Elyssa on the other hand started and ended the day on a weird and bad note. First off the school cut their amount of buses from 16 to 10 and didn't bother telling anyone. They moved the bus stop and didn't tell anyone and changed the bus number and didn't tell anyone. So her bus showed up at the right time and right place but noone knew it. So I had to drive her to school. Which I think I will do everymorning anyway. I mean why not I already drive Dj so I guess a couple more miles wont kill me. Then after school she was suppose to release at 12:00 but didn't get out until 1:00 and the teachers put her on the wrong bus and she didn't get home until after 2:00. I swear if this is going to be a regular habbit of the school. She just might end up being a car rider all the time. Anyway everyone made it home alright and Dj started his sleep over birthday party at 5:30. He ended up with 3 friends spending the night and they had a great time. I on the other hand will not be doing that again. Four boys is way to many for me. Elyssa meanwhile is spending the night at Ryans house, I know she will enjoy herself.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Getting Mrs Clouser
Today I went and did my scrapbooking class as always but on my way I needed to pick up some cash from the bank to pay off a debt that needed to be payed two weeks ago but couldn't find the time to pay it, So I went to the bank and picked up the money at the atm and got my receipt as always only to find that I had about 1600 dollars more than I thought in my account. So I quickly ran into the bank to find out what was going on. Well it was my money alright. You see Dale being a vet and all found out that he could get paid to be in training. Well the last we heard was that they were still going over his paperwork and then nothing. No letter saying yes or no on weather or not we were going to get the money. Just hello here I am to everyone's surprise. It was great timing. After all that fun stuff we had to go meet Elyssa's fifth (yes I said 5th) grade teacher. We were hoping all summer that she would get Mrs. Clouser which was Dj's 5th grade teacher. She is the best teacher ever. Anyway she did get her and we were all very happy. She even remembered Dj. After that we came home and I made dinner and now we are all headed to bed.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge.

1. Share a favorite song lyric. I better not see 'I can't think of one' on anybodies paper. That's an automatic F in the Wednesday Hodgepodge you know.
That would have to be the lyrics from our wedding song.
That would have to be the lyrics from our wedding song.
2. When was the last time someone yelled at you?
yesterday when my son got mad because he had to stop playing his game system to do his chore. He did it but not without complaint.
yesterday when my son got mad because he had to stop playing his game system to do his chore. He did it but not without complaint.
3. Money, fame, happiness...are they mutually exclusive?
I don't think so because I don't think money or fame can bring you true happiness.
I don't think so because I don't think money or fame can bring you true happiness.
4. What is your favorite dish to prepare for family and friends that doesn't require turning on the
stove, oven or an outdoor grill?
I don't have one actually. I hate to cook but all of the things I do cook take less than 30 mins to make.
I don't have one actually. I hate to cook but all of the things I do cook take less than 30 mins to make.
5. The first week of August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What is one thing you could do
this week to simplify your life? Will you do it?
Hire a maid to keep my house clean and no I wont because I can't afford one.
Hire a maid to keep my house clean and no I wont because I can't afford one.
6. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being 100% and 1 being not at all) how tuned in are you to your
country's national political scene?
about a 5 most of the time unless it is a election year then a full on 10.
about a 5 most of the time unless it is a election year then a full on 10.
7. What are your final parting words to the month of July?
Will this heat ever end. I'm not a big complainer but really I don't think I have sweated this much since I was a teenager.
Will this heat ever end. I'm not a big complainer but really I don't think I have sweated this much since I was a teenager.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This has been the longest and shortest summer in a long time. I know I know I contradicted myself but its true.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
My lazy day
Today was my lazy day. I only get one a week and so I choose this day to do it on. Mostly because my sundays are always busy and my Monday's always suck so here I am on Tuesday and already ready for a break. lol. Anyway I did not a lot of anything today. I cleaned the house like every morning and then spent then rest of the day lounging around. The kids start back to school on Friday and I am ready for them to go. All I heard all summer was how bored they were all the time. I can't wait for the eight hour break I get soon enough. Friday can't come soon enough.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Monday, August 1, 2011
short and sweet
Not a lot to report today. It was another hot day with me not going anywhere. I hope it cools down soon because I don't like the heat.
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