1. If you could work for any one government agency which would you choose and why? (if you're in the US here's a helpful list)
Well considering the fact that I grew up with a father in the police force and now am married to a cop I would have to say something along the lines of FBI.
2. How difficult is it for you to forgive someone who refuses to apologize?
I find it hard at first but then I just remember that no one is perfect and that eventually they will come around when they don't feel the pressure to do so. At least that has been my experience in the past.
3. What is your favorite meatless supper?
I don't think I have a meatless supper.
4. Wednesday August 10th is National Lazy Day...will you be celebrating? If so, tell us how so we can be lazy too.
I am never lazy on a Wednesday because I got to DWA at the YMCA and that gives me a boost of energy for the day to keep me going.
5. As a child did you have any special back to school traditions and if so, what were they? If you're a parent did you carry on those traditions with your own children?
No I didn't have any special traditions but with my kids we always take them to class on their first day of school. I know that wont last once they are in High School but I like it for now.
6. Write a summer tongue twister.
I am never good at these so I am going to pass.
7. Would you be interested in observing a surgery or do you turn away when the nurse brings out the needle?
I turn away when they come in with a needle. I am very much prone to throwing up when I see blood so I try not to watch it very often. I can't even watch it on tv.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am so glad the kids are back in school. I hope their year is a great one.
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