Hodge Podge 41
1. What is something that bothers you if it's not done perfectly?
Most of the time nothing just because I am always saying it doesn't have to be done perfectly but when it comes to my jewelry making that is the one thing I stress over when its not done to perfection.
2. Do you think a 6th sense exists? Explain.
Well I think that all depends on the person truthfully. I believe in ghosts but that is just me. My husband on the other hand thinks I'm nuts for it but I cant help what I see and hear. He thinks its all in my head but then again they say that children can see things that adults can not because their minds are pure and open to anything while adults are more shut off. So Yes I think a 6th sense exists.
3. Do you say your goodbyes slowly, quickly, or not at all?
Again depending on the person. Some are quick if I know I will see or talk to the person in a fairly short amount of time but if its someone I know I'm not going to see or talk to anytime soon then they tend to be very long goodbyes.
4. On a scale of 1-10, with ten being hot hot hot, what level of spice do you like in your food? What's your favorite 'spicy' dish?
I'm not a spicy person so I would say probably a 2 unless it is curry chicken made by my good friend Dawnette. She makes the best chicken in the world.
5. What is one of your all time favorite commercial jingles?
I can't say that I have one. I personally hate commercials so I tend to either mute the tv or change the Chanel until its over.
6. Plane, train, boat or auto...your preferred method of travel?
plane if I can afford it if not then auto all the way. I don't do trains or boats.
7. What is something you take for granted?
I use to take a lot of things for granted but just recently I have discovered just how sweet and short life really is and how lucky we are to have the things that we have. So now I try really really hard not to take anything for granted at all.
Hodge Podge 42
1. Do you think the world became a more dangerous place on September 11, 2001 or did we just become more aware of the danger? How has your own life changed as a result of that day?
I think we just became more aware of the danger on 9/11 because we had it thrown into our faces. I would have to say that I have become more knowledgeable of whats going on in and around our nation and the world since then. I have become more involved with whats happening also.
2. Did you think your parents were too strict when you were growing up? How about in hindsight?
when I was a teenager I would have said heck yes they were to strict but as an adult and parent now and knowing what I know about the world I would say no they were not strict at all.
3. Share one random but candid fact about yourself.
Wow. Something I know most women deal with but not a lot talk about is how self concise I really am about myself. Not a lot of people know that about me only because I try to hide it well.
4. Would your nearest and dearest describe you as simple or far too complicated?
I'm not sure maybe simple at least that's how I feel about myself.
5. What is your favorite stadium or carnival food?
Oh without a doubt it would be funnel cakes. I can get myself into some trouble with those things.
6. Tornado, hurricane, earthquake...how many of these natural disasters have you experienced? Which event do you think would be the scariest?
I have experienced all three of them. A tornado when I was younger and lived in Ok. with my parents and grandparents. That was pretty scary. Several Earthquakes living in California. The scariest part about those is you have no warning they just hit ya. And Several Hurricanes. The last one Hurricane Katrina is what brought me and my family up here to this beautiful Tennessee. Those not so scary unless you stay and ride one out then very scary.
7. Labor Day weekend is approaching so a work related question seems appropriate. Growing up, did your parents assign you regular chores? Were you paid for doing those chores? If you're a parent do you assign chores to your own children? Why or why not?
Well yes I was assigned chores but we were not payed because my dad believed that you did your part to keep the house running. I am a parent now and Yes I do assign chores to everyone in the house including myself and my husband and No we don't pay our kids not because of the same reasons I was not paid but because it just isn't in the budget at this time.
Hodge Podge 43
1. What is one piece of advice you would give a 'just turning' 21- year old adult?
You know that wasn't that long ago for me so I would have to say that my number one advice would be to follow your bliss and really figure out what you want to do with your life because before you know it you will be 30 and trying to figure out where it all went and what you have to show for it.
2. Besides cooler weather (or warmer weather, depending on your hemisphere) what is one thing you are looking forward to this fall?
Oh that's an easy one. It would have to be the beautiful colors of the trees as they change color here in Middle Tennessee.
3. What sound lulls you to sleep?
The sound of my fan. If it stops I wake up instantly.
4. September is National Preparedness Month...does your family have an emergency 'kit' and/or disaster plan in place?
Yes we do. You see we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and we strongly believe in being prepared for anything that is coming.
5. How has your blog changed since you started blogging? Or has it?
Wow well I definitely don't blog as much as I did when I first started but I am hopping to change that soon.
6. What's something you've recently learned to do on the computer?
Oh Photo shop. Its my new favorite toy.
7. Is a picture worth a thousand words? Elaborate.
I think if it is taken right any picture can tell a story just by looking at it.
Hodge Podge 44
1. What do you do at the first sign of a cold? Will you get a flu shot this year?
Usually I try to talk myself out of it but if not then I take some meds and get some rest. I don't ever get the flu shot for myself but my kids have to have it in order to stay in school.
2. What advice can you give about how to conquer fear?
The only thing I can say is to just face it and get it over with. Its not good to hold on to fear. It only holds you back.
3. Share two good things about your life right now.
1. My sister has permanently moved in with us to better her life and ours.
2. I am on the road to starting my own business. I am so excited.
4. A hot fall fashion trend in 2011 is a return to sixties style...tunics with pants, shift dresses, pencil skirts, cinched waists, bold prints, high necklines and short lengths to name a few. How does this fashion trend fit with your wardrobe and personal sense of style?
I don't usually follow the fashion trends just because I love to be myself so it doesn't fit at all.
5. Were you involved in scouting as a kid? How about as an adult?
No because I am a girl and when I was a kid they only had Brownies for girls which was dumb to me so I was not involved but as an adult I am a little involved because I have a son who is in scouts.
6. Apple, pear, plum, pumpkin...your favorite fall flavor?
All the above as long as I don't have to eat pumpkin.
7. What characteristics do you think are essential in a good teacher?
They have to have an open mind and willing to deal with each child as an individual and not as a group. Every child is different and a teacher that can see that and respond to it to help each child learn at their best is a great teacher.
Hodge Podge 45
1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?
Yes, White is my new favorite, both beans and no beans, I'm not a spice person but a little is good, and as for toppings I'm usually good with sour cream and cheese. unless its a white chili then just the cheese.
2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color?
All of the above.
3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?
I don't remember really idolizing anyone growing up.
4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and crafty'? Share please.
Everyday. I am always crafting something.
5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?
I don't usually get nervous unless I have to speak in front of a crowd of people.
6. Horse back riding...yay or nay (neigh?)
Oh yes all the way I love to ride horses.
7. What is your favorite cliche?
I wouldn't say I have a favorite one I like them all
Hodge Podge 46
1. It is officially fall here in North America...I realize not everyone who participates in the Hodgepodge lives in North America but if you do, what's your favorite memory of Summer 2011? If you're not in North America, what's your favorite memory of the season just ending on your side of the world?My favorite memory of 2011 summer is when my sister came to be a permanent part of my house hold.
2. Your favorite nut? You know I mean the edible kind, right?
Almonds are my favorite at the moment.
3. What activity puts your sense of balance to the test?
Hiking really tests my balance most of the time. Depending on the trail I am on.
4. How would you describe your sense of humor?
I think I'm pretty funny most of the time. I don't know about other people.
5. September 28th is National Ask a Stupid Question Day...what's your stupid question?
I believe the only stupid question is an unasked question. You can never learn if you don't ask.
6. Roller skates~hula hoop~jump rope...which activity would you most enjoy? Yes, you have to choose.
Well since I don't roller skate and I have not hula hooped in ages and Jumping rope is no longer and option thanks to my knees I would have to say Hula hoop at this moment.
7. What's your most sentimental possession?
That would be a mask that my late step father made before he died. Also the camera he left me. I cant use it because one I don't know how to use a film camera and two it is about 25 years old and they don't make them anymore so I cant get a battery for it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Wow I finally finished all of those questions. I hope I never have to do that again.
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