Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wednesday Hodge Podge

Wednesday Hodge Podge

While I would normally do this on a Wednesday but since I just started posting again I thought I would start today and pick up again next Wednesday like normal.

1. What is ONE thing or area in your home or life you hope to report is completely organized when 2013 draws to a close?  Do you  have a plan to make it happen?

 I would have to say that the one place in my home I hope to have completely organized by the end of 2013 will be my craft room. While it is already pretty organized it could certainly use more. I would like to get it done by putting up shelves and getting all my stuff on a computer to keep track of what I have and how much.

2. What's the worst uniform you've ever had to wear for a job?

I have not had many jobs and most of the ones I did have were before I had a husband and family. I would have to say I didn't have one that I didn't really like. Most of them were pretty comfy.

 3. What was your last kitchen 'mishap'?  This question comes to you courtesy of Betty who blogs over at A Glimpse Into Midlife...everyone go say hi to Betty!

I honestly cant say that I recall the last time I had a mishap in the kitchen. Im usually pretty good about making sure I don't break anything or burn or mess up a recipe.

 4. How do you protect yourself from other people's negativity?

I don't think you can really protect yourself truly because we are all human and have feelings. I just try to remember that that is their opinion and to take it with a grain of salt.

 5. Who in your family do you most resemble (physically)? If you have children, who do people say they favor? Do you agree?

People say Im an equal split of both my parents. As for my children. My son looks a lot like me and my daughter is a good cross between my husband and myself. I would have to agree with it all.

 6. January 8th is National Bubble Bath Day...will you be celebrating?

Well if I had known Im sure I would have but as I didn't know then No I wont be. lol

 7.  Some of the 'world's best winter festivals' are - Mardi Gras (New Orleans), Quebec Winter Festival (Canada), Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah),  Rio Carnivale (Brazil), Sapporo Snow Festival (Japan), Venice Carnival (Italy) and the Harbin Ice Festival (Northern China).  Of those listed (and if cost were not a factor) which would you most like to attend and why?

Well considering the fact that I am from the south and celebrated several times Mardi Gras and the fact that I have no idea about the others I would have to say any of them except Mardi Gras.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here

It has been so good being able to blog again. I have missed being able to write down my thoughts and have them to be able to look back on and remember how I was feeling about the day.

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