Ha Ha. well she really isn't long lost but it seems like forever since the last time i got to spend some time with Michelle so when she called last night and asked if I wanted to hang out with her today I was like oh ya. She said she on the hunt for a game and didn't come over to get me and the kids until like 2 or 3 which was fine because I needed to clean my house first anyway. Not that it was really messy but I had about three days worth of laundry to do and the normal everyday upkeep so I didn't mind. After she picked me and the kids up we went to a couple more stores looking for this game she wanted and then headed over to my storage to pick up the twin beds I had in there for Brently and Kelsey. After Michelle, Ashley, and I spent the better part of 20 Min's trying to make everything fit into her Yukon we all headed to her house. Once we got there I helped her and Ashley put Brently's bed together and then I sat in the boys room and talked to Michelle while she cleaned it up. After that I helped her make home made pizza's and then we played a game called Banana Grams. I would explain it but it would take to long. Really you have to play it to understand how fun it is. Anyway after three games the food was done and we ate then talked for a bit till Dale showed up to get us. Then Aubrey wanted to spend the night with us so we took her with us. Now Dale is getting ready for work, the kids are all in Elyssa's room talking to each other on their Ds's and I am catching up on my day.
So there you have it. My day in a nut shell. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 28, 2009
OK so let me get you all caught up on my weekend. Not that a whole lot happened but you just never know.
Saturday: Today started out like any other day. We all got up and ate breakfast and then cleaned the house then Dominic and Elyssa went out and played with their friends while I did a little laundry and played with my new toys I got for Christmas. Then Elyssa had a friend (Hannah) spend the night with us. She is such a sweet little girl. She and Elyssa are in the same school but not the same class but Hannah lives here in these apts also so they became friends at the bus stop. Anyway the girls played and Dominic and I watched TV after dinner then we all went to bed because we have Church the next day.
Sunday: We all got up and got dressed for Church and left. Now I only live maybe 5 to 10 Min's away from Church so you would think that I have no excuse for being late but it never fails I am late every Sunday. How crazy is that. When I lived in Pleasant View I was never late to Church. Anyway we got there and Dominic decided he wanted to act like a two year old instead of an 11 year old. I don't know why but he just wasn't having any part of church today. So dale took him home to have a little talk with him about how he should be acting in church then they came back. Toward the end of the second hour I started to get a little headache and didn't think much of it but the longer I ignored it the worse it got. At first I thought it was just because I was hungry so after church we went out to eat. It didn't help. So we went home and I took some aspirin and went to sleep. I thought that would help but it really didn't which is strange because usually I can just take some medicine and go to sleep for about an hour and I am fine but this time it wasn't working so I took a long hot shower to try and relax a little then went back to bed. I was asleep for about 45 Min's when the kids came in and said someone was here so I got up and went to get the door. It was a friend of Carolin's from Pleasant View and he was here to bring us some kitchen stuff and some gifts for the kids. Anyway we chatted for a little then he had to leave so we put the stuff away and I got the kids ready to go because they were going to spend the night at their friends house. Yes i said house not houses. They both made friends with kids that live in the same house which made it easy for us to say yes because we knew their parents already. So I had the house to myself again last night. Let me tell I have decided I am tired of sleeping alone at night so dale is finally going to put in for Day shift. Yahhhhhhh. I cant wait. Anyway I went to bed at about 9:45 and didn't get up until 8:15 when the kids got home.
So there you go. I am all caught up on my weekend. I told you not much happened but I needed to record it all for my own personal access. You know so when I am old and cant remember what happened I can go back and know. He he he.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Saturday: Today started out like any other day. We all got up and ate breakfast and then cleaned the house then Dominic and Elyssa went out and played with their friends while I did a little laundry and played with my new toys I got for Christmas. Then Elyssa had a friend (Hannah) spend the night with us. She is such a sweet little girl. She and Elyssa are in the same school but not the same class but Hannah lives here in these apts also so they became friends at the bus stop. Anyway the girls played and Dominic and I watched TV after dinner then we all went to bed because we have Church the next day.
Sunday: We all got up and got dressed for Church and left. Now I only live maybe 5 to 10 Min's away from Church so you would think that I have no excuse for being late but it never fails I am late every Sunday. How crazy is that. When I lived in Pleasant View I was never late to Church. Anyway we got there and Dominic decided he wanted to act like a two year old instead of an 11 year old. I don't know why but he just wasn't having any part of church today. So dale took him home to have a little talk with him about how he should be acting in church then they came back. Toward the end of the second hour I started to get a little headache and didn't think much of it but the longer I ignored it the worse it got. At first I thought it was just because I was hungry so after church we went out to eat. It didn't help. So we went home and I took some aspirin and went to sleep. I thought that would help but it really didn't which is strange because usually I can just take some medicine and go to sleep for about an hour and I am fine but this time it wasn't working so I took a long hot shower to try and relax a little then went back to bed. I was asleep for about 45 Min's when the kids came in and said someone was here so I got up and went to get the door. It was a friend of Carolin's from Pleasant View and he was here to bring us some kitchen stuff and some gifts for the kids. Anyway we chatted for a little then he had to leave so we put the stuff away and I got the kids ready to go because they were going to spend the night at their friends house. Yes i said house not houses. They both made friends with kids that live in the same house which made it easy for us to say yes because we knew their parents already. So I had the house to myself again last night. Let me tell I have decided I am tired of sleeping alone at night so dale is finally going to put in for Day shift. Yahhhhhhh. I cant wait. Anyway I went to bed at about 9:45 and didn't get up until 8:15 when the kids got home.
So there you go. I am all caught up on my weekend. I told you not much happened but I needed to record it all for my own personal access. You know so when I am old and cant remember what happened I can go back and know. He he he.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
a bag full of scrapbooking things.
Someone knows me very well.
We decided to take our
family pics in our Pj;s this
a horse we got her
Dale with his favorite gift of the year
a book about swords and
a survival DVD
To start things off let me tell everyone Merry Christmas. I hope everyone got everything they asked for this year. I know I did. The kids really had a great Christmas as you can see from the photos. At first I really didn't think they were going to have much of a Christmas with the fire and the move we had to go through so close to Christmas but I prayed to the lord every night that he would please just let the kids have a good Christmas this year and he did. I am so thankful to everyone who stepped up and really gave my kids the Christmas I wish I could have provided myself. Almost all of the people who stepped up are people who are unknown to me as in they stepped up anonymously. So to all of you I send a great big thank you out into the world for you. You know who you are. I am very very very grateful. I just hope that one day I will be able to do the same for someone else. Pay it forward as it is said. Anyway I am going to go and spend the day with my family. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day and these pictures. Including our newest family picture. Merry Christmas everyone, and a very Happy New Year.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All alone
Ok so last night we went with Ryan to run a few last minute errands and then came home. The kids wanted to spend the night with her and she said yes to both of them. I asked if she was sure she wanted both and she said ya so they spent the night with her.
Dale had to work so I had the house to myself for the first time. Wow it was really quiet. Thank goodness for Bella. Oh ya I am dog sitting Bella for Michelle while her family is out of town for Christmas. She is such a sweet lil dog. I love taking care of her. Anyway Michelle, Kelsey, and Aubrey brought her over to me at about 7 and we hung out and talked for a bit. They also helped me wrap up the last of my christmas gifts. Thank you so much girls. I would have been up till like 4 o clock in the morning wrapping.
Anyway I got to sleep in a little bit and then spent some time with dale without the kids yelling and fighting with eachother. It was very nice. Then we went and picked up the kids. Now we are back home and Im making dinner so I will get off here for now.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Dale had to work so I had the house to myself for the first time. Wow it was really quiet. Thank goodness for Bella. Oh ya I am dog sitting Bella for Michelle while her family is out of town for Christmas. She is such a sweet lil dog. I love taking care of her. Anyway Michelle, Kelsey, and Aubrey brought her over to me at about 7 and we hung out and talked for a bit. They also helped me wrap up the last of my christmas gifts. Thank you so much girls. I would have been up till like 4 o clock in the morning wrapping.
Anyway I got to sleep in a little bit and then spent some time with dale without the kids yelling and fighting with eachother. It was very nice. Then we went and picked up the kids. Now we are back home and Im making dinner so I will get off here for now.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Gingerbread house
ok so today was a great day. I got to sleep in a little bit. Thats always nice. Then i got up and made breakfast for everyone then cleaned the house and had some quiet time with my kids while my husband slept. After he got up at around 2:30 we watched a couple of christmas movies that were on tv and then i made dinner. We had cheesy chicken and rice. The kids love that dish. I do to cause it is not only good but quick and easy to make. After that we put together the gingerbread house and it turned out pretty much like i thought it would. The kids had a great time and i got a sugar high. Let me tell you a little secret, dont lick your fingers while you are putting the house together. You tend to get a sugar rush alot faster that way. Wow did i ever have a headach after that. Anyway Ryan stopped by to drop off a gift for me but got all the way here and left it in her church bag at home....hahaha been there done that. Anyway she came up and visited for about a half hour then had to head back home.
Ok so quick question how many of you are done with the shopping part of christmas but still have not wrapped the gifts yet. Ha ha ha. Guilty as charged. I dont mind the buying part just not the teadiusness(is that even a word)of wrapping the gifts. Anyway I have to get on that tomorrow night after the kids go to bed. Anyway I need to go to bed so i will end here.
Thats all for tonight....Blog at you later.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday Blessings
Well today started out a little late. I woke up at 7:45 like normal to get ready for church only to find that my husband had not yet made it home for work. That was not normal considering the fact that he get off work at 6:00 and it usually only takes him 45 mins to get home. So I texted him to find out where he was and he said in the parking lot. I said our parking lot or works he said ours. I said why are you so late today he said they sent him to the hospital last night instead of putting him in his normal spot which is in the truck. So he didn't get relieved from work until 6:45 then had to go back to the prison to pick up his car and then drive home. I was just glad he was home safe by this point so I told him to hurry up and take a shower and get ready and I would have a nice breakfast ready for him when he was done since we were going to be late anyway.Then he tells me oh I can't take a shower I need to go to wal-mart and get headlights for my car because both lights went out last night. So needless to say he got dressed for Church went to wal-mart got headlight and put them in only to have them not work at all. So he took them back in and exchanged them thinking they might be faulty lights and went back out to put the new ones in turned them on and they worked, then turned them off and on again only to not have them not work. So to make a long story short we think there might be something else wrong with them so he is going to take it to someone tomorrow to have them look at it and see whats wrong. Meanwhile I cooked up some nice turkey Bacon and some eggs and corned beef hash and biscuits for breakfast. Ymmm it was so good. Anyway after breakfast I cleaned up the kitchen and got the stuff out to make more sugar cookies when we got home from church. Then we left and went to church. We got there just as sacrament let out. So we all went to our next class. That being the Temple prep class for dale and myself. We talked about the blessing you get from being worthy to go to the temple. Plus a little off the subject Brother Cravath ( I hope I spelled that right, sorry if I didn't) was our teacher and he told us about this one time he were at a temple and a truck driver drove by and thought that the temple was on fire and called the fire dept. only to have them show up and nothing was wrong. Now while that was a little funny it also proved to me that what he saw was the lord coming to his house to visit and that it is true that this is truly a special place to be. Of course we ran out of time as we always do and had to end there. Anyway the rest of church went great and then we went to this Priesthood Preview thing for D.j. to help him understand what will be happening and what he will need to do when he turns 12 next July and goes into young men's and receives the priesthood. Man I can not believe he is really at that age already. Where has the time gone. They really do just grow up way to fast. Now don't get me wrong it will be great to have another priesthood holder in the house but i just wish he could stay little for just a little longer.
Anyway we got home at about 1:45 and we all took a nap for about an hour and a half. Well I say all of us but Dale ofcouse is still sleeping because he has to work tonight. Then the kids and I got up and they played in their rooms while I cooked more sugar cookies since the ones I made yesterday went to the neighbor for all his help yesterday. This time the kids will be frosting these ones and saving a few for Santa. Wow Santa already I can't wait until Christmas. Its only five days away and I don't think it will come fast enough. Now while I am sure that I don't have any gifts under the tree this year it will be great to watch the kids open theirs. I love that part. They always get so excited to open a gift even if its clothes. Anyway I need to get off here and get dinner made for the kids and I. I know right I made cookies before dinner but they didn't eat them just frosted them.
Well that's all for tonight so...Blog at you later.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Finally (short and sweet)
Ok so i finally have my intenet hooked up which means i can finally start to blog everyday like i want to. So lets get started.
Yesterday I went to the church for our monthly memory preservation day and intended to work on my christmas cards but tuned out working on these mittens for the salvation army. They are pretty easy to make truthfully. I was a little worried about it because i have never sewed anything that wasnt a strait edge so i took my time at first but it wasnt to hard and once i got the hang of it i was knocking them out like nobodys business. Anyway I had to leave early so i had to take the rest of the bag home with me and finish them. Let me tell you its really hard to sew at home when you have two children and a husband who always need something. Anyway i finshed today so now i can take them to church tomorrow.
As for today I sewed the rest of those mittens like i said before and Dale went to go and get some things he needed. Plus he went and picked up a couch for us. Its not the best looking couch but at this point beggers cant be choosers right. Thats what slip covers are made for i guess. At least its a place to sit. I know i can always get a better couch later. I also made cookies for the first time. They didnt turn out to bad i guess. At least they are eatable. The kids and dale were impressed at my cookie making skills. Ha Ha Ha. But then again I was too. Anyway I am going to go and finish decorating my tree, ya ya I know im a little behind but at least all my shopping is done, and wrapping gifts so i will let yall go for now.
Thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Yesterday I went to the church for our monthly memory preservation day and intended to work on my christmas cards but tuned out working on these mittens for the salvation army. They are pretty easy to make truthfully. I was a little worried about it because i have never sewed anything that wasnt a strait edge so i took my time at first but it wasnt to hard and once i got the hang of it i was knocking them out like nobodys business. Anyway I had to leave early so i had to take the rest of the bag home with me and finish them. Let me tell you its really hard to sew at home when you have two children and a husband who always need something. Anyway i finshed today so now i can take them to church tomorrow.
As for today I sewed the rest of those mittens like i said before and Dale went to go and get some things he needed. Plus he went and picked up a couch for us. Its not the best looking couch but at this point beggers cant be choosers right. Thats what slip covers are made for i guess. At least its a place to sit. I know i can always get a better couch later. I also made cookies for the first time. They didnt turn out to bad i guess. At least they are eatable. The kids and dale were impressed at my cookie making skills. Ha Ha Ha. But then again I was too. Anyway I am going to go and finish decorating my tree, ya ya I know im a little behind but at least all my shopping is done, and wrapping gifts so i will let yall go for now.
Thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 7, 2009
planning for the temple
Ok so i know i have been a little out of sorts lately and not blogged in a long time but its hard to blog on a cell phone even if you have a full keyboard. We are going to have our internet and cable installed on the 16th of dec so i will be able to blog everyday like before. Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that we are great as a family. We have started takeing the temple prep classes and are getting ready to go to the temple to be sealed as a family. I cant wait. I will let everyone know when the final date will be but for now we are planning for next summer. I hope all goes well and things can happen as planned. But then again nothing really ever goes as we plan. Its all in heavenly fathers hands. Where it should be. Well thats all for now so....
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
getting caught up....short and sweet
ok so i have been off here for a long time. we came back to Tn. on the 20th of november and I am so happy to be home. We moved into an Apt in the city and it is about 100 sqr foot bigger than the house. which i love. I dont love that its upstairs but ill get over it. Anyway we are settling in nicely. Only a few things left to get to make it all nice and homely. The kids are in school and doing great. I hate having to move them again but they dont seem to mind. Well im going to go for now so......Blog at you later.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Great news and my birthday coming up
OK so got the great news today. Dale got the apt and signed the lease. Yahhh, well sort of anyway. Not thrilled that it is an apt but at least we are back in Tn. Hating that it is in the city also. But what can you do. Anyway on to other things. The kids are doing great in school and looking forward to being with their daddy again. As am I. Well not looking forward to being with my daddy but with my husband. Ha ha ha. I miss him so much. It seems like the time is flying by so fast. I feel like it has only been a couple of days when really its been like a couple of weeks. I know it will only go faster now that I really have something to look forward to. I was teasing DJ today and told him that i was going to leave him hear and just take Elyssa and he said cool. I know it wont last long he will wont to be home with us in no time. Not that there is any chance that i would leave him here. I would miss him way to much. Anyway on to other things.
There are three more days until my birthday. I wish I could be home with my husband and my friends and family in Tn for my birthday but that's not going to happen. Oh well doesn't really matter anyway I am only turning 31 its not like its a major birthday or anything. Plus i can always have a late party when i do get back. I just wish i could be back in time to see New Moon with Michelle Ryan and Dale. Let hope. Keep those fingers crossed.
well i have to go there are other people waiting to use the computers so....
that's all for now. Blog at you later.
There are three more days until my birthday. I wish I could be home with my husband and my friends and family in Tn for my birthday but that's not going to happen. Oh well doesn't really matter anyway I am only turning 31 its not like its a major birthday or anything. Plus i can always have a late party when i do get back. I just wish i could be back in time to see New Moon with Michelle Ryan and Dale. Let hope. Keep those fingers crossed.
well i have to go there are other people waiting to use the computers so....
that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Playing catch up
Ok so i know it has been a while since i last blogged but i have been really busy with the kids and halloween and eveything going on with dale down in Tn. So let me catch you up on my life.
First of all we had a great Halloween. The kids had tons of fun. Elyssa was a rock star and dj was a skelaton. Well really more like a scarry man in a skelaton mask that you would not want to run into in a dark ally. but i went with what i could afford at the time so there ya go. We went down to visit with Melissa for the week of Halloween because my cousin does not celebrate and the kids really wanted to trick or treat. So she let me use her extra car since Melissa lives only an hour and a half away.
On to other things. Dale is still down in Tn trying to get us a place to live in so we can be together as a family again. this has been one of the most trying times in our marriage. by far not the longest we have been apart but i think dale may go crazy soon. The kids and I do miss him but we are coping fine. He on the other hand is going stir crazy not having us there when he comes home after work. I miss him so much and cant wait to see him again. From what i understand he has found a place in Clarksville for us to be in but has not moved in just yet. I think it is right down the road from ryan if i am right, but dont quote me on it. Anyway we are planning to come back down there when the kids go on christmas vacation if we get the place.
Well that is all for now so i am going to go. Blog at you later.
First of all we had a great Halloween. The kids had tons of fun. Elyssa was a rock star and dj was a skelaton. Well really more like a scarry man in a skelaton mask that you would not want to run into in a dark ally. but i went with what i could afford at the time so there ya go. We went down to visit with Melissa for the week of Halloween because my cousin does not celebrate and the kids really wanted to trick or treat. So she let me use her extra car since Melissa lives only an hour and a half away.
On to other things. Dale is still down in Tn trying to get us a place to live in so we can be together as a family again. this has been one of the most trying times in our marriage. by far not the longest we have been apart but i think dale may go crazy soon. The kids and I do miss him but we are coping fine. He on the other hand is going stir crazy not having us there when he comes home after work. I miss him so much and cant wait to see him again. From what i understand he has found a place in Clarksville for us to be in but has not moved in just yet. I think it is right down the road from ryan if i am right, but dont quote me on it. Anyway we are planning to come back down there when the kids go on christmas vacation if we get the place.
Well that is all for now so i am going to go. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
house cleaning habbits
ok so i know im not the most perfect house keeper but i can say at least that i have formed some great habbits having michelle as a friend. i get up in the morning and clean up my area and put the bed away and clean up the kids room but my cousin on the other hand is a clean freak. her house gets just a couple of things out of place and she acts like world is going to end. her husband is even worse. sometimes i think i would much rather be living with michelle. at least she understands that kids are not the most cleanest things in the world and just handles the situation in stride. I love you michelle. On the other hand my cousins husband freaks out when the boys dont make the bed right when they wake up or when they mess up the room while playing. Now dont get me wrong i am very greatful for them letting us stay here whilw we get situatedand i understand that people have their quarks but dang lighten up on the kids already. thats why they are kids. they need to have fun.
anyway i am going to go for now. blog at you later.
anyway i am going to go for now. blog at you later.
Monday, October 26, 2009
the smallest parade ever
ok so it is almost halloween and the small town we are in is having a parade. we thought it would be long and the kids would be tired and worn out by the end and go right to bed. The parade was suppose to start aty 630 but didnt start until five min later whoich was fine. I thought it would at least be half an hour to an hour long but it was littrally 15 mins. it consisted of two bands a float and a bunch of kids dressed up. dont get me wrong it was cute but very small. the kids had fun running around and they got a little bit of candy. Anyway they are in bed now and i am headed that way so......
thats all for now. blog at you later.
thats all for now. blog at you later.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
a nice day
well we had a great day today. the kids played outside for most of the day after being cooped up in trhe house all day yestersay. it rained so much that the creek next to the house became a river. it was crazy. anyway we all got a nice dose of sunshine. it was nice.
thatsall for tonight. blog at you later.
thatsall for tonight. blog at you later.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Getting all caught up
ok so let me get you all caaught up on our crazy lives lately.
As you know our kitchen caught on fire causing us to have to leave. Then we stayed with my good friend michelle for a little over a week. While we were ther we found a really nice house that was only 50 dollars more a month but it turns out that she wanted 1800 dollars up front and we did not have it so we decided to try and move down close to my father-in-law and dale would stay in tennessee and work a little longer and save some money. I was not happy about it but figured it was for the best and said fine. As we were headed down to north carolina we were talking to my father-in-law on the phone and he proceded to tell me that the only way he would help is if i got a job. He doesnt seem to understand that me getting a job is taking away from my children and im not willing to do that. Dont get me wrong i understand that there r woman out there that choose to work or have to work due to their situation but i dont have to so i choose not to. Anyway due to that we decided to go to my cousins house instead.
So here we are for now and we are praying hard that Dale finds us a big enough house very soon.
Meamwhile I got the kids enrolled in school and thay are both doing very well. Djs class does this thing where the go to school in the morning and do their math work and then theu spend the rest of the day outside learing about nature and things. the school feels that being outside helps the kids be able to absorb their lessons better. personally i think its a great idea. Anything that helps dj like school and learn at the same time is a great thing.
elyssa has a male teacher for the first time and he is really sweet. elyssa ofcourse made a ton of friends her first day and is already teachers pet. I love how she just jumps right in like she has been there all her life.
Anyway i am going to get off here now because i am doing this from my phone and it is killing my hands.
so thats ll for now. Blog at you latet.
As you know our kitchen caught on fire causing us to have to leave. Then we stayed with my good friend michelle for a little over a week. While we were ther we found a really nice house that was only 50 dollars more a month but it turns out that she wanted 1800 dollars up front and we did not have it so we decided to try and move down close to my father-in-law and dale would stay in tennessee and work a little longer and save some money. I was not happy about it but figured it was for the best and said fine. As we were headed down to north carolina we were talking to my father-in-law on the phone and he proceded to tell me that the only way he would help is if i got a job. He doesnt seem to understand that me getting a job is taking away from my children and im not willing to do that. Dont get me wrong i understand that there r woman out there that choose to work or have to work due to their situation but i dont have to so i choose not to. Anyway due to that we decided to go to my cousins house instead.
So here we are for now and we are praying hard that Dale finds us a big enough house very soon.
Meamwhile I got the kids enrolled in school and thay are both doing very well. Djs class does this thing where the go to school in the morning and do their math work and then theu spend the rest of the day outside learing about nature and things. the school feels that being outside helps the kids be able to absorb their lessons better. personally i think its a great idea. Anything that helps dj like school and learn at the same time is a great thing.
elyssa has a male teacher for the first time and he is really sweet. elyssa ofcourse made a ton of friends her first day and is already teachers pet. I love how she just jumps right in like she has been there all her life.
Anyway i am going to get off here now because i am doing this from my phone and it is killing my hands.
so thats ll for now. Blog at you latet.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Kitchen Fire
ok so yesterday was an eventful day. It started out like any other Sunday. Elyssa and Dale were not feeling well so they stayed home but DJ and I went to church like usual. We got home and I had a really bad migraine so I took some meds and went to bed to try and sleep it off. Dale being the great husband that he is was making dinner for the kids and while it was cooking in the oven they were watching a movie in the living room. All of the sudden Dale heard a pop pop pop from the kitchen so he got up to see what it was. He saw smoke so he pulled out the stove and the outlet behind the stove was on fire. He got the kids out and came to wake me up. He came running in the room saying to get up cause the house was on fire. At first I thought he was just playing with me but then he started yelling more urgently so I finally got up and ran out of the room as I got to the kitchen Dale was there trying to put the wall out with dry towels that were now on fire themselves. I yelled at him to put them down and get out of the house. When we got out the neighbors had already called 911 and another neighbor had brought over a fire extinguisher. The put out most of the outside fire on the wall but it had moved up the wall into the attic. We all got out and the fire dept. finally got there. They had to tear down the wall between the kitchen and bathroom and sprayed water in the attic to kill the fire that was smoldering in the insulation. Then the landlord showed up to assess the damage and then left. Meanwhile I was trying to call everyone I knew to find a place for us to stay for the night at least. I couldn't get anyone and was starting to get upset. Finally I got in touch with Rosemary and she said she would call around also to find a place for us. After all was said and done we finally got in touch with Michelle and she said we could stay with her.
Then this morning we woke up at 7 to a phone call from the landlord saying that we needed to move all of our stuff out of the house while they replaced the carpet and ceiling and did all the rewiring and rebuilt the kitchen and bathroom. He said it would take a minimum of 6 weeks to get everything done. Meanwhile we still have not found a place to stay until then. I have my real estate lady looking for something to hold us temporarily as well as Michelle's real estate lady looking. So that is the spot we are in now. I will post pictures of the damage whenever I can. Plus I still have to post about our field trip on Friday. Until then I will try and keep u updated on our progress.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Off to Diana's
today was a fun day. I woke up this morning at 5:30 and could not go back to sleep. I don't know why. Anyway I was up and dressed with my daily chores done before 8:00 and was headed over to Michelle's by 9:30. When I got there there where no cars in her driveway which is weird because she has four cars. Anyway as I started slowly up her driveway I tried to call her but her phone went strait to voice mail. At first I couldn't figure out what was going on because she had just texted me and told me to come over like 5 mins before so at first I thought she was pulling a prank on me, then I thought well maybe she was in the garage but she wasn't. As I drove to the top of her driveway I could finally see her in the back yard. She was trying to jump the Yukon with the small car they have. When I got down to where she was the trailer that holds the four wheelers was still hooked up to the Yukon, and she was trying to straiten it out so that she could unhook it. Finally she got it strait but then couldn't get the lift to go all the way to the ground so she had to go and get blocks. Anyway to make a long story short she finally got it unhooked and we headed out at about 10:15. We went over to Diana's to do some more organizing and get in a lesson on the Klick-N-Kut. Well we did all the organizing but didn't have time to get to the lesson because Michelle had to get home in time for the younger kids to get home from school. We didn't and they were only home alone for about 15 min but they stayed inside and everything was fine when we got there. She took then for ice cream for being good. Anyway I got home and talked with Dale and the kids and now I am making dinner and blogging at the same time. Yahhh me I'm talented. Not. Anyway I need to go because I have to get to bed early because DJ and I are going on a field trip tomorrow. I can't wait.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Helpping out a friend
I guess you could say today was fine. I didn't do much out of the ordinary and spent most of the day talking to my friend Melissa who is finally leaving and divorcing her husband. Not that I think anyone should opt out of a marriage just because they are bored or unhappy for unrealistic reasons but hers has been bad from the beginning. She tried to leave several times before but could never stay gone and now she has finally hit her wall or at least this is what she is saying. We shall see how this all plays out. I can't sympathize with her because I myself have never been in the position that she is in having never been divorced myself but I empathize with her. I have seen several of my friends as well as my parents and a brother of mine go through it. I wish her all the best and hope that she can finally get out and stay out this time. Anyway like I said I spent most of the day talking with her making sure this is really what she wants to do. Then I had to get ready for Activity days for which I was not teaching but needed to be there because we have 17 active girls in our class. Now we are home and I am headed to bed. I have a big day tomorrow with Michelle and Diana. I tell you more tomorrow.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another Tuesday
So nothing interesting happened today as usual. Its Tuesday and dale always works his double shift so I was home alone all day. I worked on some Christmas gifts that I am making and tried to work on cards also. I will very happy when I get a car of my own and can get a part time job so that I am not stuck in the house all day alone. Anyway that's all for now
Blog at you later
Blog at you later
Monday, October 5, 2009
Easy going
So today was a pretty easy going day. I got up and did my normal house chores then I finished putting everything away in the living room and rearranging my craft stuff. It looks much better. After all that was done it was lunch time so I ate and then headed over to Michelle's house to do some card making with her. Once I got there we got to talking and hanging out and decided not to do anything today so we just stayed in her room and watched a couple of movies. I left at about 4:00 and headed home. Then I made dinner talked with Dale and the kid and watched a movie as a family. Now Dale is at work the kids are in bed and I am headed that way. Like I said and easy going day.
Well I guess it's short and sweet tonight. Blog at you later.
Well I guess it's short and sweet tonight. Blog at you later.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Deep cleaning Again
Ok so this time it wasn't the kids rooms that needed the deep cleaning it was the living room and our bedroom. You know its not like I don't clean but some how the clutter seems to just appear out of now where. I hate when that happens. But I guess it took us thinking that we were going to have to move to put us in gear for the clean. We took all day and cleaned up the living room throwing away about 5 bags of trash and donating about two boxes of stuff then we went into our room and did the same thing only this time we only threw away two bags of trash and got rid of about half a box of stuff to donate. Plus we rearranged our room and while it doesn't make the room look any bigger it is a good change. I guess with all the changes that we are going through right now this is a good thing. I love when you can really get into cleaning and truly feel better after it is all done. I know traditionally you are suppose to do this in the spring as my son lovingly pointed out but I really don't care when it gets done as long as it gets done. Anyway I am tired and headed to bed so.....
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Short and Sweet
Today Michelle and I went over to Diana house to learn how to use her Klic-N-Kut. See Diana has one and so we needed to learn how to really use it. In exchange for lessons we helped her organize and clean up her craft room. It wasnt that bad and only took us like an hour or so to do it . She really taught us a lot about it and then we left at about 4. After that i made dinner and put the kids to bed.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A big move on the horizon
Yesterday was a really quiet day. Dale and I spent a little time together until the kids got home from school then we played with them.
Dale and I have been trying to figure out what to do about him not working so much over time but needing the money to get out of debt so we have been preying about a move to Pa. There is a job working at the prison out there that pays twice what he makes now without overtime and the cost of living is half what it is here. I was afraid to make the move considering the fact that we have a whole network of people out here that we can count on plus this is the longest we have ever lived anywhere and on top of it all I really love this area and really didn't want to move anywhere else, but after giving it to the lord and telling him that what he thinks is best for us is what we will do, Dale and I both got the same answer which was to go. Dale says it's not like we will be gone forever and that we can come back in like 5 years when we have saved enough money to buy a house and stay out of debt. I said fine but that I was still upset about having to leave this place. I know that the lord only takes us to where he thinks we need to be and maybe there is something or someone up there that is in need of us. I'm not sure but I do know that the last time I didn't do as the lord asked bad things happened. I don't want another repeat of that. So I will go and do as he has asked and see where it takes us. We are not sure as to when we are going to move but Dale is thinking sometime before the end of the year. That seems a little soon for me but it is out of my hands now.
Anyway, today I cleaned the house from top to bottom then I got a visit from Danielle and Shelby. They had been in Nashville because Shelby has therapy on Tuesdays. Anyway they got done early and didn't have anything else to do so they came over to visit. Danielle and I talked while Elyssa and Shelby played. Oh ya I had to keep Elyssa home today because she wasn't feeling well yesterday and she had a slight fever this morning. Meanwhile Dale used Danielle's truck to take out all the trash that has been building up since she moved away. Then I gave Danielle a pedicure and filled her nails for her. They stayed until about 3:30 then had to leave to go and pick up Danielle's other daughter Jessica from her after school program. Then I made dinner and we read our scriptures and we put the kids to bed. Now I am blogging and Dale is getting ready for work.
Well I guess that is all for today. Blog at you later.
Dale and I have been trying to figure out what to do about him not working so much over time but needing the money to get out of debt so we have been preying about a move to Pa. There is a job working at the prison out there that pays twice what he makes now without overtime and the cost of living is half what it is here. I was afraid to make the move considering the fact that we have a whole network of people out here that we can count on plus this is the longest we have ever lived anywhere and on top of it all I really love this area and really didn't want to move anywhere else, but after giving it to the lord and telling him that what he thinks is best for us is what we will do, Dale and I both got the same answer which was to go. Dale says it's not like we will be gone forever and that we can come back in like 5 years when we have saved enough money to buy a house and stay out of debt. I said fine but that I was still upset about having to leave this place. I know that the lord only takes us to where he thinks we need to be and maybe there is something or someone up there that is in need of us. I'm not sure but I do know that the last time I didn't do as the lord asked bad things happened. I don't want another repeat of that. So I will go and do as he has asked and see where it takes us. We are not sure as to when we are going to move but Dale is thinking sometime before the end of the year. That seems a little soon for me but it is out of my hands now.
Anyway, today I cleaned the house from top to bottom then I got a visit from Danielle and Shelby. They had been in Nashville because Shelby has therapy on Tuesdays. Anyway they got done early and didn't have anything else to do so they came over to visit. Danielle and I talked while Elyssa and Shelby played. Oh ya I had to keep Elyssa home today because she wasn't feeling well yesterday and she had a slight fever this morning. Meanwhile Dale used Danielle's truck to take out all the trash that has been building up since she moved away. Then I gave Danielle a pedicure and filled her nails for her. They stayed until about 3:30 then had to leave to go and pick up Danielle's other daughter Jessica from her after school program. Then I made dinner and we read our scriptures and we put the kids to bed. Now I am blogging and Dale is getting ready for work.
Well I guess that is all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Up all night
ok well today could have gone a little better. I was up all night last night sick. I went to the conference yesterday and was feeling fine. Then I came home and was still feeling fine until about 1:00 this morning. I woke up out of a dead sleep and lost it. I was up all night with a high fever and throwing up. I think I caught whatever it is that is going around right now. I feel a little better but not much. I didn't go to church just in case I was still contagious because I didn't want to give anyone what I had. I don't have a fever anymore and am starting to get my appetite back a little. So I pretty much just sat around all day trying to feel better. So here's hoping. Sorry today's entry is so short.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Womans conference
That was great. It's not very often that I get to get out of the house with no kids. But today was the woman's conference at the stake center and it was great. We got there a little later than I was suppose to but I guess that's what happens when you don't get started on time. Anyway I drove over to Ryan's house to carpool with her and we left there as soon as I got there then arrived at the stake center at a little after 2:00. I was suppose to be there before two to help set up, ooops. Anyway we got there and jumped right in helping all the ladies make their braclets. Then about an hour and a half later we started our classes. Ryan and I got lucky and got the same classes at the same time so our first class was on Raising children in a poluted world. It was a great class. Very informitive and put alot of my worries at ease. Anyway that lasted about 55 mins then we headed to our next class which was the many gifts of a woman given by Sister Taylor. It was also a very good class. She talked alot about the many gifts that woman have and that if we can just see them in ourselves then we will be a least a little bit happier. That class was also about 55 mins. Afterwards everyone headed into the gym to eat dinner. I sat at a table with 7 other woman from my ward. It was great we had a good time talking and I even learned a little something new about each of the wonderful woman that were at the table with me. The food was wonderful and when we were all finished eating it was time for the satalight conference. Unfortunatly Dale was home alone with the kids and D.J. was still sick so Ryan and I had to leave right after dinner.
On our way home Ryan needed to pick up a couple of lottery tickets for Tanner and we got into talking about what we would do if either one of us ever won alot of money playing the Lottery. It was a fun little game. I hope some day it will really happen. Anyway I am home now and ready to hit the bed. So I will so goodnight and.....
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
On our way home Ryan needed to pick up a couple of lottery tickets for Tanner and we got into talking about what we would do if either one of us ever won alot of money playing the Lottery. It was a fun little game. I hope some day it will really happen. Anyway I am home now and ready to hit the bed. So I will so goodnight and.....
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Catching up on a busy week
OK sorry it has been a very busy week. So I guess I should get you caught up on what has been going on in my little world.
Tuesday: Not much really happened today. I was home alone as you know Dale works overtime on Tuesday's so I pretty much have the house to myself. Anyway nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: OK today I got as usual and did my morning cleaning then got dressed and got ready to leave to take the footprint papers over to Sylvia Moore. Little did I know I wasn't going to get far. I went out to leave and had not one but two flat tires. Yahhh what a start to my day. So I had to spent 50.00 that I didn't really have to spend on two tires. So I went and fixed the tires and called Sylvia and told her that I can't make it all the way to Clarksville and she said she would come out and pick them up. So I went to Michelle's house to let her know and we just hung out there until Sylvia got there. Then she gave us the folders and we stuck the footprint papers to the folders. We were done in like 15 mins. It was so fast. After that I headed home to get ready for Activity Days at Church. We played the Articles of Faith game and the girls really liked it. Of course that probably had something to do with the fact that they got candy. Anyway it went well then we headed home for the night. All together it was a great day other than the whole flat tires thing. Oh ya I almost forgot. We swiched out cell phones from T-mobile to AT&T to save lots of money and the phones came in today. I couldn't wait to get home so that I could play with my new phone.
Thursday: Today was a good day. I got up and got ready for the day and had dale take me to Michelle's so that we could carpool over to the Church for our monthly Scrapbooking day. It was good we got to make some really cool Halloween cards and then I got to make a really cute snowman out of fabric. Then we went out to lunch at this really good Mexican restaurant right by the church. I will most likely be going back there again very soon. Then I headed home at about 5:00 to spend some time with dale and the kids. Dale is taking both of his days off this week and I am very happy about that. I don't get to spend much time with him so it is a real treat when I get two whole days with him. Anyway we did our normal nightly thing and then hit the bed early. It was nice other than the fact that he is not use to being in bed with anyone else and he kept kicking me out of bed. I hope he goes to day shift soon cause I'm tired of either sleeping alone or being kicked out of bed. Oh well one thing at a time I guess.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you tonight.
Tuesday: Not much really happened today. I was home alone as you know Dale works overtime on Tuesday's so I pretty much have the house to myself. Anyway nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: OK today I got as usual and did my morning cleaning then got dressed and got ready to leave to take the footprint papers over to Sylvia Moore. Little did I know I wasn't going to get far. I went out to leave and had not one but two flat tires. Yahhh what a start to my day. So I had to spent 50.00 that I didn't really have to spend on two tires. So I went and fixed the tires and called Sylvia and told her that I can't make it all the way to Clarksville and she said she would come out and pick them up. So I went to Michelle's house to let her know and we just hung out there until Sylvia got there. Then she gave us the folders and we stuck the footprint papers to the folders. We were done in like 15 mins. It was so fast. After that I headed home to get ready for Activity Days at Church. We played the Articles of Faith game and the girls really liked it. Of course that probably had something to do with the fact that they got candy. Anyway it went well then we headed home for the night. All together it was a great day other than the whole flat tires thing. Oh ya I almost forgot. We swiched out cell phones from T-mobile to AT&T to save lots of money and the phones came in today. I couldn't wait to get home so that I could play with my new phone.
Thursday: Today was a good day. I got up and got ready for the day and had dale take me to Michelle's so that we could carpool over to the Church for our monthly Scrapbooking day. It was good we got to make some really cool Halloween cards and then I got to make a really cute snowman out of fabric. Then we went out to lunch at this really good Mexican restaurant right by the church. I will most likely be going back there again very soon. Then I headed home at about 5:00 to spend some time with dale and the kids. Dale is taking both of his days off this week and I am very happy about that. I don't get to spend much time with him so it is a real treat when I get two whole days with him. Anyway we did our normal nightly thing and then hit the bed early. It was nice other than the fact that he is not use to being in bed with anyone else and he kept kicking me out of bed. I hope he goes to day shift soon cause I'm tired of either sleeping alone or being kicked out of bed. Oh well one thing at a time I guess.
Well thats all for now. Blog at you tonight.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Stupid Fights
Now I know what they mean when they say that the devil will find any chance to get in there and try to take your family apart. Let me explain. Yesterday started out a great day. We all got up and I do mean all, including Dale, went to church and had great lessons. About half way through the last hour I got a really bad migraine. I stayed for the rest of church then we came home and ate lunch and I took some pain med's and went to bed. I woke up to Dale and D.J. yelling at each other. Dale was trying to help him with his study island assignments but D.J. was just getting an attitude and Dale was loosing his temper. So I jumped in and told them to stop and that I would help D.J. tomorrow with his work. D.J. was upset so I went in and talked to him and Dale came in a little later and said he was sorry for loosing his temper. They were fine after that. Then a little later I was watching t.v. and Dale started in on how he is really tired of all the over time he is having to work so that we can get caught up on our bill's and that he was going to turn everything off and just let us struggle for the next couple of weeks or so until everything is caught up. I said fine already just do it and quite complaining about everything. Either do it or just shut up about it. He wouldn't so I threw the remote at him to shut him up, it missed him and hit the door but he picked it up and tossed it back at me but it hit me knee. I was so pissed off that I threw it back at him and told him to go to hell. I know I know I shouldn't of said it but I was really tired of hearing him complain all the time but never do anything about it. He left it this time and went into the bathroom to finish getting ready for work so to avoid another fight I just shut off the lights and t.v. and went to bed. He left for work without even so much as a goodnight. That just pissed me off more. He did call when he got there to say goodnight. I went to bed and was still pissed off. I know you are not suppose to go to bed angry but I couldn't help it. Anyway he got home this morning and said he was sorry about last night. I said I was sorry also and we hugged and kissed. Now he is asleep and I'm blogging. I really hate when a good day gets ruined by stupid fighting.
Anyway I need to go because the plumber is here to fix my sewer line. I really hope he fixes it good this time. I would hate to have to call him again to come and fix it.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Anyway I need to go because the plumber is here to fix my sewer line. I really hope he fixes it good this time. I would hate to have to call him again to come and fix it.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A day with Honor
Ok so Honor got here right around 7:45 this morning and was more awake than I was expecting her to be. Elyssa got up with me this morning to keep Honor company while I made breakfast and got myself started for the day. Everything went fine and Honor wasn't to hyper today. She did pase a little but not to much. Unfortunately it was suppose to rain today so the kids had to be cooped up in the house for most of the day. But by the afternoon it was looking pretty nice outside so I went out with the kids and let them run off some of their energy. Well Honor found this really old really big badminton ball and some old tennis rackets in the yard that I forgot were out there and decided that she wanted to play golf with them. Ofcouse she got a kick out of it and so did my kids so they played that for awhile then they decided that that was not enough and wanted to climb the tree in the front yard. Now while I don't usually allow my children to climb the tree because they can get hurt Honor was up it before I could tell her no. So I figured why not and allowed them all to play in the tree. Now you have to understand that the tree is not very big so they had to take turns in the tree. It wasn't that bad but man can Honor climb (pictures to come tomorrow). Who so we had her from 7:45 this morning until 6 tonight. Let me tell you I think I got my work out with that one today. She really is a handful but I loved having her here. I hope that she can come and play again. I know Elyssa liked having a friend here to play with but maybe not as long next time.
Honor climbing up into the tree.
D.J. climbing up into the tree

Elyssa climbing up into the tree
Well that's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Family Fun Day
Ok so not much happened yesterday so thats why I didn't blog. I just did my usual thing and that was it.
Now for today. I got up with the kids and put them on the bus and then got ready for my day. Then I went up to Elyssa's school to vol. for the day but only stayed until 12:00 then I headed over to Michelle's house to try and finish up the Footprint covers for the Womens Conference next weekend. Ofcouse I didn't finish but I don't have much left to do so I should be able to finish them on Monday. Here's hoping anyway. Then I got home at about 4 and made dinner. Then we watched a couple of movies together as a family. Since we don't get to spend very much time together our new family fun day is on Friday's. Then I put the kids to bed around midnight and cleaned up the house to get ready for Honor tomorrow. She is suppose to be here around 7:30 in the morning. I can't wait. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Now for today. I got up with the kids and put them on the bus and then got ready for my day. Then I went up to Elyssa's school to vol. for the day but only stayed until 12:00 then I headed over to Michelle's house to try and finish up the Footprint covers for the Womens Conference next weekend. Ofcouse I didn't finish but I don't have much left to do so I should be able to finish them on Monday. Here's hoping anyway. Then I got home at about 4 and made dinner. Then we watched a couple of movies together as a family. Since we don't get to spend very much time together our new family fun day is on Friday's. Then I put the kids to bed around midnight and cleaned up the house to get ready for Honor tomorrow. She is suppose to be here around 7:30 in the morning. I can't wait. I will let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Doing Nails
Tuesday was a good day. Not to much happened except we went and paid some bills then had a little family time then came home. Like I said not much happened.
Now for today. I got up this morning and did my usual routine. You know put the kids on the bus did a little cleaning then went about my day with crafts or reading or cooking. Today I decided to try and cook a pork roast in the oven since it wont fit in my slow cooker. I turned out fine but next time I need to remember to season it first. It was kinda plane tasting. Anyway you learn from you mistakes right. After I finished that I got a call from Danielle asking me if I would come over to her house today and do her nails for her. I said yes and that I would be there about 4:00. She said that was fine and we hung up. Then I went about the rest of my day. I needed to go to the store to get some food because well it was just time to go shopping. I spent a little more than I was expecting to but it will be fine. Then when the kids got home from school we all headed over to Danielle's. I did her nails in this gold glitter then painted the tips black with a yellow pinstripe at the bottom. She is a total Stealers fan. Can you tell. Anyway we stayed there until 8:15 and are now at home. I know I know I shouldn't keep the kids out so late on a school night but we don't get to see Danielle and her girls very often so I think it will be fine. Well I am tired and headed to bed so.......
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Now for today. I got up this morning and did my usual routine. You know put the kids on the bus did a little cleaning then went about my day with crafts or reading or cooking. Today I decided to try and cook a pork roast in the oven since it wont fit in my slow cooker. I turned out fine but next time I need to remember to season it first. It was kinda plane tasting. Anyway you learn from you mistakes right. After I finished that I got a call from Danielle asking me if I would come over to her house today and do her nails for her. I said yes and that I would be there about 4:00. She said that was fine and we hung up. Then I went about the rest of my day. I needed to go to the store to get some food because well it was just time to go shopping. I spent a little more than I was expecting to but it will be fine. Then when the kids got home from school we all headed over to Danielle's. I did her nails in this gold glitter then painted the tips black with a yellow pinstripe at the bottom. She is a total Stealers fan. Can you tell. Anyway we stayed there until 8:15 and are now at home. I know I know I shouldn't keep the kids out so late on a school night but we don't get to see Danielle and her girls very often so I think it will be fine. Well I am tired and headed to bed so.......
That's all for today. Blog at you later.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Major Migraine
Ok so my day went fine until about 3:00 when I got this really bad headache. I use to get them all the time when I had long hair but not since I cut it short, so it really surprised me when I got it this afternoon. I did what I normally do and took a couple of pain killers and went to bed but I still have it. I hope this doesn't last to much longer. I hate having headaches. Anyway like I said my day went fine. I got up with the kids this morning and put them on the bus then went about my cleaning as usual. After all that was over I finished up on some crafts I have been working on and then got that really bad headache. Now I am getting ready to go back to bed and hopefully wake up without this migraine.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Normal Day at Church
Today was a pretty normal day as far as Sunday's go. We got up ate breakfast got dressed and went to chruch. The kids practiced their parts for the Primary Program on the 20th and we learned a really great lesson in Sunday school and Relief Society. We also got a new girl called into the Activity Days Program. Her name is Sis. Molly Cherrington. I am really glad they called her. Then we came home and ate lunch and did our scriptures and now are all headed to bed.
That's all for today. Blog at you Later.
That's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Family day for the most part
I woke up early today and made pancakes for everyone then cleaned the house. After all that was done we decided to take a walk as a family. Normally Dale and the kids just take the dog and go by themselves but today I wanted to go with them. So we all got dressed and took our walk. We walked down the road to the neighborhood behind us on Bluebird lane. It was a great walk and I got a good amount of exercise in. I have discovered that from now on I am going to drive to the neighborhood and then walk it because it has a very big hill at the beginning of the road and it just about killed me to walk up it. Anyway the kids decided that they wanted to stay over there and play with their friends and Dale and I came home. Then I helped him set up his blog. It is called Sweat Lodge, A reflection of my life. I think its a cleaver title and really reflects who he is. Anyway the kids came home at about 2:00 and Elyssa's friend Madison stayed over until her mom finished her running around. Then I made dinner and we did our scriptures. After dinner was over we all sat down and watched a couple of movies. The first was Wall-E I love that movie. I have not been able to see it in a while because I let a friend borrow it and then she moved so I had to wait until he unpacked everything before I got it back. Anyway after Wall-E we watched Two Brothers. For anyone out there who has never seen it, it is about to brother Tigers and everything they go through in the first few years of their lives. It is a really cute movie. Although I have to admit that at first glance I thought I wasn't going to like it because there really isn't much talking. But all in all I think I really did like it. Anyway after the movies the kids headed to bed and Dale headed off to work. So now I am catching up on my day and then headed to bed myself because we have church tomorrow.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Articles of Faith
Today I found a really cool place to go and get good idea's for activity days. Its called Emma's Place. Its a LDS blog site I didn't know about until I found it today. Anyway she had a couple of really good idea's. I have been looking for a fun way to help the girls learn their articles of faith and she had a really good one. Its called magnet articles of faith. First of all you print up all the articles of faith and make sure they are big enough that you can cut the individual words apart. Then you laminate them and cut them apart. Make sure you space the words far enough apart other wise you have a hard time cutting them. Then you put magnets on the back of each word. Once all of this is done and trust me its a lot of work. You find a nice piece of metal that you can cover with fabric to make it look pretty. Then you just have them take the words that are all mixed up and put them in the right order to spell out the article of faith. Doesn't that sound like fun for the girls anyway? I think the girls will get a kick out of it. I was thinking about having them break up into a couple of teams and try to win a prize. Of course all the girls will get something but the winners will get a little something extra. I was thinking about doing this for the next activity. I will let you know how it turns out.
Of course you know you could always just do this at home for a family home evening activity also. Its a good way to help your own kids learn their articles of faith. The kids would love it. I think I will try it out on my kids first and see how it goes. Again I will let you know how it turns out.
Well other than that I spent the whole day just hanging out and working on a couple of projects I have going on. Not that I got any of them finished except the Articles of Faith game. But what do you expect to happen when my husband is home all day. Sometimes he's just as much of a handful as the kids are. But I love him anyway and I don't get to see him that much so anytime I get with him is fine with me. Even if I don't get to finish my projects. I love you babe.
Well I guess that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Of course you know you could always just do this at home for a family home evening activity also. Its a good way to help your own kids learn their articles of faith. The kids would love it. I think I will try it out on my kids first and see how it goes. Again I will let you know how it turns out.
Well other than that I spent the whole day just hanging out and working on a couple of projects I have going on. Not that I got any of them finished except the Articles of Faith game. But what do you expect to happen when my husband is home all day. Sometimes he's just as much of a handful as the kids are. But I love him anyway and I don't get to see him that much so anytime I get with him is fine with me. Even if I don't get to finish my projects. I love you babe.
Well I guess that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Learning a new lesson
today was another day by myself. Well mostly anyway. I did go to Wal-Mart to pick up somethings but I mostly stayed home today. I got caught up on the things i needed to do for the girls in Activity Days. Getting their folders together and printing out a few things that needed to go in them. I found these really cute 8x10 mini posters about the young women's values that the girls can color and then hang on their wall so I printed those out and put them in their folders also. then I spent the rest of the day just playing with the kids and talking to dale.
Dominic got into a little trouble today and had to learn a hard lesson. He was riding his bike with the next door neighbor and he ran over and broke one of their sidewalk lamps. He had to say he was sorry and offer to pay for it. He didn't like that very much but he did it anyway and I explained to him that this was part of taking responsibility for our actions. That it's not easy but it shows that he has good character. He said fine and did it but was upset about it for a little bit. Of course he got over it real fast when he learned that I made cheesy chicken and rice for dinner which is his favorite food. I am real proud of him for standing up and taking responsibility for his mistake today.
Marykrista came over tonight for a little to catch up and to borrow our air bed then had to leave. It was a short visit but nice all the same.
After diner we did our normal routine and headed to bed. Now that my blogging is done for the day I am also headed to bed. That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Dominic got into a little trouble today and had to learn a hard lesson. He was riding his bike with the next door neighbor and he ran over and broke one of their sidewalk lamps. He had to say he was sorry and offer to pay for it. He didn't like that very much but he did it anyway and I explained to him that this was part of taking responsibility for our actions. That it's not easy but it shows that he has good character. He said fine and did it but was upset about it for a little bit. Of course he got over it real fast when he learned that I made cheesy chicken and rice for dinner which is his favorite food. I am real proud of him for standing up and taking responsibility for his mistake today.
Marykrista came over tonight for a little to catch up and to borrow our air bed then had to leave. It was a short visit but nice all the same.
After diner we did our normal routine and headed to bed. Now that my blogging is done for the day I am also headed to bed. That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Finally getting to see a long lost Friend...Ha Ha
ok so lets start with not to much happened on Tuesday. Dale worked a double and the kids went to school so I stayed home and got caught up on some last minute house work and spent the rest of the day just hanging out with myself. It was really peaceful. I wasn't expecting that. Usually I don't like to be home all alone all day. But it wasn't to bad.
Ok now for today. I got up and cleaned as usual then got dressed and just as I was about to walk out the door Michelle called to tell me that she can't get her Klick-N-kut to work right so she was going to have Robert take a look at it tonight and she would call me tomorrow. I was fine with that so I made plans to go to Wal-Mart instead. Then just as I was about to walk out the door again she called and said never mind why don't you come over anyway and we can figure this out together. I said fine and told her that I would be there in about 10 min. and left the house as fast as I could so no one else to call and hold me up. I got there and we spent the next four and a half hours working on it. First we couldn't get it to work and that took about and hour, then we couldn't get it to communicate with the computer and finally it did about two hours later and much listening to a movie and reading the instructions book, then we couldn't get the thing to cut without popping up some error that said it wasn't authorized or it was the wrong port. Finally we got it working then the picture we wanted wouldn't work with the program so we had to call a friend and ask her how she did it. By this time it was 3:00 and I needed to get home to my family so that I could feed them and do scriptures before we had to go to church. At church Sis. Huff was in charge and she did a get to know you game with m&m's which was really cool. Now we are home and its time for bed.
Well that's all for tonight. Blog at you later.
Ok now for today. I got up and cleaned as usual then got dressed and just as I was about to walk out the door Michelle called to tell me that she can't get her Klick-N-kut to work right so she was going to have Robert take a look at it tonight and she would call me tomorrow. I was fine with that so I made plans to go to Wal-Mart instead. Then just as I was about to walk out the door again she called and said never mind why don't you come over anyway and we can figure this out together. I said fine and told her that I would be there in about 10 min. and left the house as fast as I could so no one else to call and hold me up. I got there and we spent the next four and a half hours working on it. First we couldn't get it to work and that took about and hour, then we couldn't get it to communicate with the computer and finally it did about two hours later and much listening to a movie and reading the instructions book, then we couldn't get the thing to cut without popping up some error that said it wasn't authorized or it was the wrong port. Finally we got it working then the picture we wanted wouldn't work with the program so we had to call a friend and ask her how she did it. By this time it was 3:00 and I needed to get home to my family so that I could feed them and do scriptures before we had to go to church. At church Sis. Huff was in charge and she did a get to know you game with m&m's which was really cool. Now we are home and its time for bed.
Well that's all for tonight. Blog at you later.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Catching up with the weekend
Well there really isn't much to talk about today. This weekend was really boring as far as things to talk about. We mostly spent time together as a family and got caught up on some house work. Dale worked a double on Sunday so we were not able to go to chruch. Then the kids spent most of today playing with the next door neighbors and taking turns going back and forth between the two houses. Its really nice to have people next door that have kids to play with. It keeps both sets of parents from loosing their minds. Ha Ha Ha. Anyway there isn't much else to say so I will stop here. Blog at you later.
Friday, September 4, 2009
just killing time
ok so there isnt much to talk about today. Dale and I went antiquing and just fiddled around all day to kill time until the kids got home. Then Dominic and I played my new Twilight Game a couple of times and I made dinner. Now we are all headed to bed. Thats all for tonight. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Two days off
Wow it has been a great day. I don't think I can remeber the last time that my husband had both of his days off. It has been a true blessing considering the fact that I spent most of his first day off in a bead store and he spent it sleeping. But we got to really spend some good time together today. We went and paid a few bills then went out to lunch and just really talked. I love spending time alone with him. It reminds me of when we first met and had a ton of things to talk about. I guess when you spend all your time together you seem to run out of things that are intersting to talk about and so you end up only talking about the kids or what needs to be done around the house. I guess its a good thing we don't get to spend all our time together. I love him anyway. Well thats all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Spending the day at a Bead Store
Today I spend most of the day at Sister Moores Bead store in Clarksville helping her make some and bagging the sets of stuff to make the rest of the bracelets that we will be making at the Woman's Conference at the end of the month. it was a ton of fun. I wish I could find a good part time job somewhere like that. I just know I would have a blast working there. Anyway I got home at about 5 and spent the rest of the day with Dale and the kids.
Well that's all for today. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Sorry its so short. Blog at you later.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Cool new food
Today was another day alone at the house. I don't mind it so much when I have things to do. Like cleaning this house the right way since while I was sick my kids thought that it was slack time. Anyway I got the house cleaning done and then worked on my Christmas cards some more. I think I am getting closer to knowing what I am finally going to do. Anyway Dale and the kids got home right about the same time and I helped with homework and made dinner. Then we did our scripture study and the kids headed to bed.
Oh I have to tell you about this recipe that I tried tonight. It is a slightly different version of the sloppy Joe only a lot neater.
Its called Crescent Roll Sloppy Joe's
First pre heat your oven to 375 then you take two cans of Crescent Rolls and open them up. Then you pinch together two of the triangles so that they make a square. Then you cook up 1/2 a pound hamburger meat until brown and add two tablespoons of taco seasoning and a cup of salsa and cook those until heated through. But don't add water to the taco seasoning because the salsa wets it enough. Then you add a spoonful of the mixture to the crescent square and add a small amount of cheese then fold it in half and pinch the sides together. Continue this process of adding the meat, cheese and folding it in half until all the squares are filled. Then you brush them with a beaten egg and place on a cookie sheet. Don't forget to spray the pan so the food doesn't stick. And cook until the Crescent Rolls are done. Then remove and serve. My kids loved them and they really fill you up. Plus they are way neater than real sloppy Jose. Not that I don't like the real thing but I'm all about the easy and clean. Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Oh I have to tell you about this recipe that I tried tonight. It is a slightly different version of the sloppy Joe only a lot neater.
Its called Crescent Roll Sloppy Joe's
First pre heat your oven to 375 then you take two cans of Crescent Rolls and open them up. Then you pinch together two of the triangles so that they make a square. Then you cook up 1/2 a pound hamburger meat until brown and add two tablespoons of taco seasoning and a cup of salsa and cook those until heated through. But don't add water to the taco seasoning because the salsa wets it enough. Then you add a spoonful of the mixture to the crescent square and add a small amount of cheese then fold it in half and pinch the sides together. Continue this process of adding the meat, cheese and folding it in half until all the squares are filled. Then you brush them with a beaten egg and place on a cookie sheet. Don't forget to spray the pan so the food doesn't stick. And cook until the Crescent Rolls are done. Then remove and serve. My kids loved them and they really fill you up. Plus they are way neater than real sloppy Jose. Not that I don't like the real thing but I'm all about the easy and clean. Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Monday, August 31, 2009
So Much Better
I have been stuck in this house for four days strait now and I think I am going to go crazy so I decided to head out and go run a couple of errands that needed to be done and while I was out I stopped by and spent some time with Ryan. I really miss being able to hang out with her all the time like it was when she lived out here in the county. I hope they get to build their house out here soon because I hate not being able to see her all the time. Yes she is my best friend but more like my sister than anything. I can talk to her about anything and she understands and helps me though it. I love ya girl.
Anyway I woke up feeling so much better today. I am so glad that I am finally over this whole thing. I hope I don't get sick again anytime soon.
Well other than that not much happened today so I guess that's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Anyway I woke up feeling so much better today. I am so glad that I am finally over this whole thing. I hope I don't get sick again anytime soon.
Well other than that not much happened today so I guess that's all for today. Blog at you Later.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Missing chruch
Ok so maybe going out yesterday wasn't the best of idea's. I woke up this morning feeling even worse than I did the last three days. I hope this will be over soon because I really hate being sick. Plus I had to miss church and the Relief Society Overnight event that I was really looking forward to this weekend. Oh well I guess me getting better is better than getting a bunch of other people sick right.
Well I'm really tired and just want to sleep so that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Well I'm really tired and just want to sleep so that's all for now. Blog at you Later.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sick of being Sick
I spent the rest of Friday really sick with the cold that the kids had brought home from school last week. I was ok on Wednesday but when I woke up on Thursday I wasn't feeling that great but I didn't think that much of it but when Friday finally came around I felt like my head was going to explode. I took some sinus meds and fell asleep on the couch for about 4 hours when I got up I made dinner and still felt horrible so I took some more meds and crashed for the rest of the night. When I woke up this morning I was feeling better. I don't have a headache anymore but I am still a little stuffy. I really hope this goes away soon because I am sick of being sick.
Well as for today we spent the day together as a family. We went and payed a few bills then let the kids pick out something that they wanted since they have been doing so well with their chores. Then I brought Dale and D.J home and took Elyssa to go food shopping. Now I am home for the day and ready to stay.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Well as for today we spent the day together as a family. We went and payed a few bills then let the kids pick out something that they wanted since they have been doing so well with their chores. Then I brought Dale and D.J home and took Elyssa to go food shopping. Now I am home for the day and ready to stay.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wow what a short week
I can't believe that its Friday already. Where has this week gone. Well let me get you caught up.
Monday: Not to much happened today. I did a little light cleaning and worked on my Christmas cards today. The kids had school and Dale slept. Then they all had Hapkido. When they got home the kids took showers and ate dinner then got ready for school the next day. We did our scripture study and went to bed.
Tuesday: Nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: We went over to our good friend Daniel's house and saw her new place. Its pretty nice and in an alright neighborhood. I personally won't live in Clarksville not that there is anything wrong with it but I am a country girl not a city girl. Then we headed to Church which took me a little longer to get there than I thought it would and I was about 15 mins late. Then we headed home for our nightly schedule and went to bed.
Thursday: Not to much to report for Thursday just the normal things. Hapkido at 5 and home by 7 then dinner and reading and then bed.
Friday: Which brings us to today. So far not much to report either. All though I have to say it has been a long time since I last talked or saw Michelle and am a little worried about her. She never seems to answer her phone and never calls back when I leave a message. I hope everything is alright. If I don't hear from her by tonight I think I might stop by and see her tomorrow. Anyway we have no major plans for the day other than our usual so i guess that's all for now.
Blog at you later.
Monday: Not to much happened today. I did a little light cleaning and worked on my Christmas cards today. The kids had school and Dale slept. Then they all had Hapkido. When they got home the kids took showers and ate dinner then got ready for school the next day. We did our scripture study and went to bed.
Tuesday: Nothing interesting happened.
Wednesday: We went over to our good friend Daniel's house and saw her new place. Its pretty nice and in an alright neighborhood. I personally won't live in Clarksville not that there is anything wrong with it but I am a country girl not a city girl. Then we headed to Church which took me a little longer to get there than I thought it would and I was about 15 mins late. Then we headed home for our nightly schedule and went to bed.
Thursday: Not to much to report for Thursday just the normal things. Hapkido at 5 and home by 7 then dinner and reading and then bed.
Friday: Which brings us to today. So far not much to report either. All though I have to say it has been a long time since I last talked or saw Michelle and am a little worried about her. She never seems to answer her phone and never calls back when I leave a message. I hope everything is alright. If I don't hear from her by tonight I think I might stop by and see her tomorrow. Anyway we have no major plans for the day other than our usual so i guess that's all for now.
Blog at you later.
House to Myself
Wow so this is a weird feeling that I don't get to experience very often. The kids have been begging Ryan and myself for a long time now to go over and spend the night with Ryan. Well she and I finally got a time that was most convienient for both of us and it happen to be tonight. I didn't really do a whole lot of things. Mostly just cleaned and spent some time with dale. I don't get this oppertunity very often so I like to take advantage of it when I can. Anyway I am going to cut it short and spend more time with my hubby. Blog at you later.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
What A Day
Today started out great. Dale got home from work and we ate breakfast together then got ready for church. As you know the kids spent the night at Ryan's last night so she brought them to church with her this morning. I should have know that that was going to be the end of my good day. When we got to Church Ryan had beat us there. That was a first usually she is late. Anyway we got there and the kids (and I don't just mean my kids) were cranky from staying up to late last night and having to get up early today. D.J. just wanted to sleep and gets very mean when he hasn't had enough sleep. Then there was Elyssa who is very emotional anyway is even worse when she doesn't get enough sleep. They both just wanted to go the sacrament and then go home but I told them no because I wasn't going to sacrifice my spiritual needs because they were not responsible enough to go to bed before 1:30 in the morning. They didn't like that very much, but they did go to class without to much complaint. Then when church was over we went home and ate lunch then took a nap which is usually was we do on Sundays. They slept from the time we got home which was about 12:45 until about 4:30. I'm sure they would have slept more but I didn't want them to have a hard time sleeping tonight with them having school tomorrow. So they got up a played a little then we had dinner and Scripture time and now back to bed for the night. Anyway I guess they will be more responsible next time about what time they head to bed.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
House to Myself
Wow so this is a weird feeling that I don't get to experience very often. The kids have been begging Ryan and myself for a long time now to go over and spend the night with Ryan. Well she and I finally got a time that was most convienient for both of us and it happen to be tonight. So she came over at about 4 and picked them up. Dale was still sleeping because he worked a double so they didn't get to say goodnight to him but that was ok. Anyway after they left I spent the rest of the day just cleaning the house and doing a little reading. Im sure you know what I am reading if you know anything about me. Yes it was The Twilight series. I just can't seem to get enough of them. When Dale finally woke up for dinner he and I ate then did our scripture study that we have been doing as a family lately. Anyway Dale went to work at about 9 and I am going to bed early. It seems weird to me to be going to sleep in a house with only me in it.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Delight In Life
I am so excited. I know it has been a few days since I have posted anything but I have been really busy these past couple of days. Ok so I was talking with Michelle last year about starting a business of my own because I need to make money but I really don't want to work outside the home. You know the whole being there for your kids even though they are in school thing. I am still really passionate about being a stay at home mom and really taking care of my kids even though they are both in school now. I just don't want to go back to work and have their grades drop or something else happen because I'm not here to help them out. Anyway I am also very passionate about Photography and have wanted to start my own business for a long time. Like I said was talking to Michelle about starting a business together because she likes taking pictures also. Anyway she has gotten really busy with her whole building her new house thing that I really don't think she has time for one more thing so I have been putting it off for awhile but now I am going ahead with the business and when she is ready she can join me if she would like ( I love you Michelle and I hope you can come and join me). Well now back to the exciting news. I have been really busy these past couple of days getting everything ready for the launch of Delight In Life Photography. I have been getting my business cards printed and trying to get my company out there. I am really glad that I am finally getting this started and not just talking about it any more. I love taking pictures just ask anyone who knows me or even my kids they will tell you I usually have a camera permanently attached to my hand. So why not do something that I love and make a little money at it right. That's what I think anyway. Plus my dad has always said that if you are doing something you love its never work. I tend to agree with him. So if any of you out there who keep up with my blog are interested in having a few pictures taken whether its a family picture or just some casual shots just let me know and I will be glad to help you out. I really love taking outdoor pictures I just think they are so much prettier than posed indoor pictures. Please let others know to that I am out here. I love taking pictures and will always do a good job I promise. I can post my prices later if that helps. Just comment on this blog if you need more information. I am so excited about this.
Well other than that not much has happened around here. Like I said just busy launching my company. The kids are doing really well in school so far. I know its only the second week but I can usually tell what kind of year we are going to have by this point especially with D.J. but they are both doing well so I have good hopes for the rest of the year.
Well that's all for today. Back to launching my company. Blog at you later.
Well other than that not much has happened around here. Like I said just busy launching my company. The kids are doing really well in school so far. I know its only the second week but I can usually tell what kind of year we are going to have by this point especially with D.J. but they are both doing well so I have good hopes for the rest of the year.
Well that's all for today. Back to launching my company. Blog at you later.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pain in the back
Not a whole lot happened today. I woke up and got the kids off to school then proceeded to clean up the house. Then I spent the rest of the day sitting around reading New Moon again. Yes I know its like the 30th time I have read it but I can't help it I love the series. Stephenie Myer is a wonderful writer. Anyway the reason I had to sit still all day is because while I was cleaning the bathroom I pulled a muscle in my back and it has been killing me all day. Dale tried to rub it for me but the more he touched it the more it hurt so I finally just told him to stop. I hope it feels better tomorrow because I don't think I can handle two days in a row of this pain. Anyway the kids got home and I helped them with their homework and then just enjoyed the rest of my day with them. Good news though their rooms are still clean. Yahhhhh.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Peaceful Sundays
Ok its time for the things that I am grateful for.
To start I am thankful for the technology that we have. Although it can be a pain sometimes I have to say I like it most of the time because I personally hate to write things down and it is so much easier to just type it up here online and save it. Otherwise I fear I would never have a record of the things that have happened to me for my future decedents to read and learn from.
I am also thankful for the fact that my wonderful husband has such a wonderful job and that he loves us enough to work to keep us in the lifestyle that we love so much.
I am thankful for the wonderful friends I have as well as the extended family that we have here in Tn. You know who you are. Just a little piece of my husbands extended family finally close enough that he can see them.
I am also very thankful for the fact that my children still have clean rooms after all we went though yesterday to clean them. I hope they stay that way for a very very very long time.
Of course I am always thankful for my heavenly father and the gospel. That is a given but I just thought I would throw it in there.
Ok well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
To start I am thankful for the technology that we have. Although it can be a pain sometimes I have to say I like it most of the time because I personally hate to write things down and it is so much easier to just type it up here online and save it. Otherwise I fear I would never have a record of the things that have happened to me for my future decedents to read and learn from.
I am also thankful for the fact that my wonderful husband has such a wonderful job and that he loves us enough to work to keep us in the lifestyle that we love so much.
I am thankful for the wonderful friends I have as well as the extended family that we have here in Tn. You know who you are. Just a little piece of my husbands extended family finally close enough that he can see them.
I am also very thankful for the fact that my children still have clean rooms after all we went though yesterday to clean them. I hope they stay that way for a very very very long time.
Of course I am always thankful for my heavenly father and the gospel. That is a given but I just thought I would throw it in there.
Ok well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The True meaning of Clean
Well lets start with some good news. I got my computer back from the shop yesterday and everything is working perfect. Just like it did when it was new. Turns out that it wasn't a virus after all it was just a short. When we had that big storm (right before all the problems started) the lightning blew out the part of the computer where the phone line connects to the computer. I guess I forgot to unplug that part. Oooops. Anyway it was about 130.00 to get it fixed because they had to replace that whole part. At least it wasn't worse than that, an easy fix. OK now on to other things.
OK so let me explain. I woke up this morning at 8:00 with this overwhelming urge to really do a deep clean on the kids rooms. So I started with Elyssa. You would think because she is a girl that she wouldn't take as long because she stays pretty neat. Well you would be wrong. Her room was horrible. I really thought at first I was in D.J.'s room. But no such luck. Anyway I started with all the books and stuff that she just has laying around in her room and doesn't read. I went through them and now,she went from about 50 books to about 20 that she really reads because they are age and grade appropriate. Then I proceeded to go through the many many movies that she has taken into her room and get out all the ones that belong to the family which left her with about 12 or so movies that are really hers. Then I went through her toys and clothes. After all that it was about 11:30. Then I proceeded to clean her dresser and book shelf along with her bed. Then after all that I started to rearrange her room. By the time I was completely done with her room it was a quarter to 4. I can't believe it really took me that long just to clean her room.
Next was D.J.'s room. By this point Dale had gotten up for the day and helped D.J. out a little while I finished up Elyssa's room. By the time I got to him Dale had taken everything out of his room and I do mean everything, and it was all piled up out in the hall and in the kitchen, including his bed. I proceeded to clean off his dresser and bed along with his book shelf. Since his book shelf was falling apart I fixed it by putting what else but duck tape on the back of it so that it wouldn't wobble anymore. Then I went though the same thing with D.J. that I had done with Elyssa. Only instead of movies and books I went through his books and PlayStation games. Now they almost all fit on his book shelf. Well all but about 10 books that are now on his headboard. Then I went though his clothes and put them away. And then his toys. I have to say he really didn't have many toys because he mostly listens to his radio or plays his PlayStation or watches t.v. Then I rearranged his room and put everything away. By the time I was don't with his room it was almost 8:00. I have to say it didn't take me quiet as long to do his room but now I feel so much better knowing that their rooms are really clean.
Anyway as for the meaning of the word clean. I had to really show the kids what it meant to keep their rooms clean otherwise they were going to have to put up with me doing this every week. I have a feeling they will keep their rooms clean from now on because I have to say they really hated having to help me deep clean their rooms today instead of playing with their friends or playing outside on such a nice day. At least that is what I am hoping for because the next time I have to do this there wont be much left to their rooms except the basics. Here's hoping I wont have to do this again anyway.
On top of everything I never did get to go shopping for food today which was suppose to be my number one priority today. Oh well I guess I will just have to do it tomorrow. I know I know its Sunday and your not suppose to do anything but go to church and relax but I have to get food or else we will starve.
Well that is all for today. Blog at you later.
OK so let me explain. I woke up this morning at 8:00 with this overwhelming urge to really do a deep clean on the kids rooms. So I started with Elyssa. You would think because she is a girl that she wouldn't take as long because she stays pretty neat. Well you would be wrong. Her room was horrible. I really thought at first I was in D.J.'s room. But no such luck. Anyway I started with all the books and stuff that she just has laying around in her room and doesn't read. I went through them and now,she went from about 50 books to about 20 that she really reads because they are age and grade appropriate. Then I proceeded to go through the many many movies that she has taken into her room and get out all the ones that belong to the family which left her with about 12 or so movies that are really hers. Then I went through her toys and clothes. After all that it was about 11:30. Then I proceeded to clean her dresser and book shelf along with her bed. Then after all that I started to rearrange her room. By the time I was completely done with her room it was a quarter to 4. I can't believe it really took me that long just to clean her room.
Next was D.J.'s room. By this point Dale had gotten up for the day and helped D.J. out a little while I finished up Elyssa's room. By the time I got to him Dale had taken everything out of his room and I do mean everything, and it was all piled up out in the hall and in the kitchen, including his bed. I proceeded to clean off his dresser and bed along with his book shelf. Since his book shelf was falling apart I fixed it by putting what else but duck tape on the back of it so that it wouldn't wobble anymore. Then I went though the same thing with D.J. that I had done with Elyssa. Only instead of movies and books I went through his books and PlayStation games. Now they almost all fit on his book shelf. Well all but about 10 books that are now on his headboard. Then I went though his clothes and put them away. And then his toys. I have to say he really didn't have many toys because he mostly listens to his radio or plays his PlayStation or watches t.v. Then I rearranged his room and put everything away. By the time I was don't with his room it was almost 8:00. I have to say it didn't take me quiet as long to do his room but now I feel so much better knowing that their rooms are really clean.
Anyway as for the meaning of the word clean. I had to really show the kids what it meant to keep their rooms clean otherwise they were going to have to put up with me doing this every week. I have a feeling they will keep their rooms clean from now on because I have to say they really hated having to help me deep clean their rooms today instead of playing with their friends or playing outside on such a nice day. At least that is what I am hoping for because the next time I have to do this there wont be much left to their rooms except the basics. Here's hoping I wont have to do this again anyway.
On top of everything I never did get to go shopping for food today which was suppose to be my number one priority today. Oh well I guess I will just have to do it tomorrow. I know I know its Sunday and your not suppose to do anything but go to church and relax but I have to get food or else we will starve.
Well that is all for today. Blog at you later.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Back at the Library
Ok so I have been here for two days in a row now. There really isnt much to do around the house when the kids are at school and the house chores are done. So here I am again. I am really ready to finally have my computer back. One more day. Yahhhh.
There really isnt much to talk about today other than that so I am going to go for now. Blog at you later.
There really isnt much to talk about today other than that so I am going to go for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Off to a Roaring Start
The kids are back in school now and I have to say I am loving the quiet around the house. Of course I know that it wont last long and I will be wishing for something to do. But for now I am loving it.
DJ is in Sycamore middle school now and so far is really enjoying himself. He loves his teacher's and all the friends that he has in his class. He got his first thing of homework yesterday and all it was was reading in his history book. I have to say I didn't get any complaints from him. I am hoping that this is a good omen for how the year is going to go. We shall see.
Elyssa is still at Pleasant View Elementary and will be for this year and next but she seems to like the fact that she doesn't have her big brother around all the time. She has always liked school and her teacher so its no surprise that she loves school. She also got her first homework yesterday and it was spelling. Of course she did wonderful. I think not having to worry about being compared to her brother is a great thing for her.
I have such wonderful children and have no doubt that they will both do so well in school this year. They both have great teachers and I plan to be very involved in the school process this year. Well as much as the Middle School will let me anyway. They don't allow parent to vol. unless it is for a field trip. So I guess I will be much more involved in the Elementary school. I also plan to be in the PTO in both schools if I can.
Well that is how our week is going so far. And I have to say that I am really looking forward to Friday because I will be getting my computer back and will be able to finally do my daily blogging again. Yahhhhh. I hope I don't have anymore problems with it. Here hoping.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
DJ is in Sycamore middle school now and so far is really enjoying himself. He loves his teacher's and all the friends that he has in his class. He got his first thing of homework yesterday and all it was was reading in his history book. I have to say I didn't get any complaints from him. I am hoping that this is a good omen for how the year is going to go. We shall see.
Elyssa is still at Pleasant View Elementary and will be for this year and next but she seems to like the fact that she doesn't have her big brother around all the time. She has always liked school and her teacher so its no surprise that she loves school. She also got her first homework yesterday and it was spelling. Of course she did wonderful. I think not having to worry about being compared to her brother is a great thing for her.
I have such wonderful children and have no doubt that they will both do so well in school this year. They both have great teachers and I plan to be very involved in the school process this year. Well as much as the Middle School will let me anyway. They don't allow parent to vol. unless it is for a field trip. So I guess I will be much more involved in the Elementary school. I also plan to be in the PTO in both schools if I can.
Well that is how our week is going so far. And I have to say that I am really looking forward to Friday because I will be getting my computer back and will be able to finally do my daily blogging again. Yahhhhh. I hope I don't have anymore problems with it. Here hoping.
Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Heading back to school
Well the time has finally come. The kids are getting ready to head back to school. They start on the 10th and they are both very excited about the new year. Which I have to say is a first for D.J. he never is excited about school. He got to meet his teacher on Monday and he got Ms. Jane Alexander and I have to say she is an older lady which is a good thing. That means she is set on what things work and what things don't when it comes to teaching, plus she is not going to put up with any goofing off. Anyway maybe its the thrill of a new school or the fact that he is just growing up so fast I'm not sure but I'm thrilled that he is finally excited about school. Elyssa wont get to meet her teacher until Friday but we are all hoping she gets Mrs. Ryder. D.J. had her when he was in third grade and she is a great teacher. Plus she knows me and knows that I love to be up there helping out as much as I can. As for D.J. I wont be able to be up at his school to help out except for on field trips because they are really trying to wean the kids from the parents and make them a little more independent. Truthfully I'm not sure I can stand if my kids get anymore independent than they are now. They really just grow up way to fast. Anyway I am ready for the new school year and so are my wonderful children.
Ok as for this whole computer thing, I finally got a call from the computer store and they said that it wasn't as bad as they thought and that it would be easy to fix and not cost a whole lot of money. Which I have to say is a relief because I was really worried that it was going to cost an arm and a leg to get it fixed. Thank goodness for connections too. If Dale didn't know this guy personally then I'm sure it would have cost a whole lot more than it will. Anyway I will be getting it back on the 15th and then I wont have to come to the library just to check my emails anymore. Yahhh I can't wait.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Ok as for this whole computer thing, I finally got a call from the computer store and they said that it wasn't as bad as they thought and that it would be easy to fix and not cost a whole lot of money. Which I have to say is a relief because I was really worried that it was going to cost an arm and a leg to get it fixed. Thank goodness for connections too. If Dale didn't know this guy personally then I'm sure it would have cost a whole lot more than it will. Anyway I will be getting it back on the 15th and then I wont have to come to the library just to check my emails anymore. Yahhh I can't wait.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
stinking computer viruses
Ok so its been a long time since I last posted and that is because my computer got some kind of virus and now is in the shop until the 15th of August. Man it really sucks not being able to use the computer anytime i need to. So for now I will only be checking my email and updating this blog at the library. I cant wait to get it back.
Ok thats all for now. Blog at you later. I hope.
Ok thats all for now. Blog at you later. I hope.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Summer time almost done
Now that summer vacation is almost over I am getting ready for the kids to go back to school. I am so glad. While I love my children to death they are really starting to annoy me with the constant "Im borded" thing all the time. They stay pretty busy with activities that we have planned but its the days when we stay home and do nothing but spend time together that they complain. So to reiterate I am glad that summer vacation is almost over and they are headed back to school. They will be to tired after school to complain about being borded.
On to other things now. I have been having issues with my printer for the past week and am really tired of it considering the fact that its not very old. We just got it in February and Im already having problems. So the latest thing is that it is saying that there is a paper jam when there is no paper in the whole printer. So I called tech support and tried the things they suggested and nothing is helping so now they are sending me a replacement printer. I hope that this one works. We shall see.
On to other things now. I have been having issues with my printer for the past week and am really tired of it considering the fact that its not very old. We just got it in February and Im already having problems. So the latest thing is that it is saying that there is a paper jam when there is no paper in the whole printer. So I called tech support and tried the things they suggested and nothing is helping so now they are sending me a replacement printer. I hope that this one works. We shall see.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A blessed day
I know that just yesterday I was complaining about issues that I was having with DJ and I don't know how many people really keep up with this blog but I mostly use it as a Journal because I hate to write. Anyway I do love my children despite the things that they say and do.
Anyway time to move on. I usually count my blessings on Sundays when I do my peaceful Sundays blog but today I am going to do it since I didn't do it yesterday.
I just have to say that I am really blessed to have a family as wonderful as mine. Yes we fight and argue and bicker but I love them none the less and especially on days like today. I don't think I could have asked for a better day. We all got along all day without fighting and on top of that we played card games all day. The kids didn't ask to go next door to play or want to stay in their rooms and watch TV by themselves. They stayed with Dale and I and played happily and had a wonderful time. I love days when they are like these. I know that they are far and few between but I Cherish each and every one of them. My children are getting so big so fast and they need me less and less and it is just nice to see that even if it's once in a blue moon my children really do love to spend time with me. I couldn't have asked for a better day than today. I really love my family, and am very blessed to know that because of my heavenly father above I have them. That he has trusted me enough to care for his children and raise them in the right way. To make sure that they know right from wrong and make it back to him in the end. I know that I am just human and make mistakes but it's nice to know that not only do my children love and forgive me for my mistakes but so does my heavenly father. I am truly truly blessed. I hope that everyone out there in the world understands just how blessed they are. With or without children everyone is blessed in their own way. I love you all. Those I know and those I don't, and so does our heavenly father.
Well I think I will end on that wonderful note. Remember you are loved. Blog at you later.
Anyway time to move on. I usually count my blessings on Sundays when I do my peaceful Sundays blog but today I am going to do it since I didn't do it yesterday.
I just have to say that I am really blessed to have a family as wonderful as mine. Yes we fight and argue and bicker but I love them none the less and especially on days like today. I don't think I could have asked for a better day. We all got along all day without fighting and on top of that we played card games all day. The kids didn't ask to go next door to play or want to stay in their rooms and watch TV by themselves. They stayed with Dale and I and played happily and had a wonderful time. I love days when they are like these. I know that they are far and few between but I Cherish each and every one of them. My children are getting so big so fast and they need me less and less and it is just nice to see that even if it's once in a blue moon my children really do love to spend time with me. I couldn't have asked for a better day than today. I really love my family, and am very blessed to know that because of my heavenly father above I have them. That he has trusted me enough to care for his children and raise them in the right way. To make sure that they know right from wrong and make it back to him in the end. I know that I am just human and make mistakes but it's nice to know that not only do my children love and forgive me for my mistakes but so does my heavenly father. I am truly truly blessed. I hope that everyone out there in the world understands just how blessed they are. With or without children everyone is blessed in their own way. I love you all. Those I know and those I don't, and so does our heavenly father.
Well I think I will end on that wonderful note. Remember you are loved. Blog at you later.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Issues already
OK I think I have finally hit my wall. The day went fine all day today until I went to go and get the kids from next door where they were playing. Well let me start from the beginning. When the kids went to bed last night I asked them both to clean their rooms when they got up in the morning. They both said fine and went to bed. Well when we all got up (it was to late to go to church because I forgot to set my clock and Dale didn't wake me up when he got home) they ate breakfast and then asked if they could go next door to play. I said yes despite the fact that they still hadn't cleaned their rooms. Anyway I let them play until about 7 and then went and got them. Once they got back in the house I asked them if they could please go and clean their rooms and not to turn on their TVs because they wont clean if it's on and Elyssa did it with no problem but DJ just plain out gave attitude about it and refused to clean. When I went to ask him again nicely he said no and slammed his door. I went to ask him to please stop slamming the doors because he was ruining the door frame and that if he didn't he would loose his door. Well as I walked away he said so what and slammed his door again so I went and took it off. He started to scream at me and tried to give me an ultimatum about if I gave his door back he would clean his room. I told him that I would give it back if he would just clean and he told me that he hated me and didn't want to live with me anymore because I sucked as a parent and was mean. So I told him calmly that if he was so unhappy here then he could call his grandpa and ask him if he could go and live with him. I even dialed the number for him. Anyway he didn't talk and so my dad called back and I told him what was going on and he talked to DJ and told him that he can't be disrespecting me like that and that if he kept it up he could just forget about going and spending the summers with him. He also told him that I was the parent and had every right to take his door away for slamming it and that he should apologize to me and just do the right thing which was to do as he was told. He also told him that even if he could go and live with him (even though he can't because my dad isn't home half the year because he works offshore) he would still have the same rules at his house that he has here because they are the same rule he gave me when I was younger. So he said fine and said goodbye to my dad and hung up. Of course he didn't do anything at first and when I retold him that if he would please clean his room and I would give him his door back he said now and slammed his foot into the wall and put a big hole in the wall. I didn't say anything about it and just calmly said to him again to please clean his room. He finally gave in and cleaned his room. I did give him back his door and told him that I love him and that there was nothing he could do to ever change that. I think he understands now that when I tell him to please do something and that I'm only doing it because it's in his best interest he will listen to me. Who knows. I guess time will tell. I know this is not the last fight we will have but hopefully it will be the last blow out we have.
Anyway through all that I am tired so I'm headed to bed. Blog at you later
Anyway through all that I am tired so I'm headed to bed. Blog at you later
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Picking up DJ
OK today we went and picked up DJ from my dad in AL. We left at 9:45 to head out and Dale drove. He was suppose to just drive until we get out of Nashville because I hate driving through there but once we where out he decided to just keep driving. I told him I would take over but he insisted on driving down. Anyway we were suppose to meet my dad at exit 246 at about 1:30 but when I called him to see where they were he told me that they had just left and we had already been on the road for about an hour. Anyway we got there on time but had to wait for about and hour and a half before they got there. Well killed time by eating lunch and walking around Wal-Mart. When they finally got there Dale was napping so I had to wake him up so he could say hi to my dad and greet DJ. I can't believe how big he has gotten in few days he was gone. I think he grew at least a half a foot. He looks great though. It was nice to see my dad to. I miss getting to see him more often. But that's what happens when you live in different states. Anyway I drove home and we got here at about 7:30. Pretty good time getting back I think. It only took us about 3 and a half hours. Dale slept the whole time and DJ told us about his time down there. It sounds like he had a blast. But I am glad he is home now.
Well I'm headed to bed to recover from a long day driving. Blog at you later.
Well I'm headed to bed to recover from a long day driving. Blog at you later.
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