ok so today was a great day. I got to sleep in a little bit. Thats always nice. Then i got up and made breakfast for everyone then cleaned the house and had some quiet time with my kids while my husband slept. After he got up at around 2:30 we watched a couple of christmas movies that were on tv and then i made dinner. We had cheesy chicken and rice. The kids love that dish. I do to cause it is not only good but quick and easy to make. After that we put together the gingerbread house and it turned out pretty much like i thought it would. The kids had a great time and i got a sugar high. Let me tell you a little secret, dont lick your fingers while you are putting the house together. You tend to get a sugar rush alot faster that way. Wow did i ever have a headach after that. Anyway Ryan stopped by to drop off a gift for me but got all the way here and left it in her church bag at home....hahaha been there done that. Anyway she came up and visited for about a half hour then had to head back home.
Ok so quick question how many of you are done with the shopping part of christmas but still have not wrapped the gifts yet. Ha ha ha. Guilty as charged. I dont mind the buying part just not the teadiusness(is that even a word)of wrapping the gifts. Anyway I have to get on that tomorrow night after the kids go to bed. Anyway I need to go to bed so i will end here.
Thats all for tonight....Blog at you later.
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