Well today started out a little late. I woke up at 7:45 like normal to get ready for church only to find that my husband had not yet made it home for work. That was not normal considering the fact that he get off work at 6:00 and it usually only takes him 45 mins to get home. So I texted him to find out where he was and he said in the parking lot. I said our parking lot or works he said ours. I said why are you so late today he said they sent him to the hospital last night instead of putting him in his normal spot which is in the truck. So he didn't get relieved from work until 6:45 then had to go back to the prison to pick up his car and then drive home. I was just glad he was home safe by this point so I told him to hurry up and take a shower and get ready and I would have a nice breakfast ready for him when he was done since we were going to be late anyway.Then he tells me oh I can't take a shower I need to go to wal-mart and get headlights for my car because both lights went out last night. So needless to say he got dressed for Church went to wal-mart got headlight and put them in only to have them not work at all. So he took them back in and exchanged them thinking they might be faulty lights and went back out to put the new ones in turned them on and they worked, then turned them off and on again only to not have them not work. So to make a long story short we think there might be something else wrong with them so he is going to take it to someone tomorrow to have them look at it and see whats wrong. Meanwhile I cooked up some nice turkey Bacon and some eggs and corned beef hash and biscuits for breakfast. Ymmm it was so good. Anyway after breakfast I cleaned up the kitchen and got the stuff out to make more sugar cookies when we got home from church. Then we left and went to church. We got there just as sacrament let out. So we all went to our next class. That being the Temple prep class for dale and myself. We talked about the blessing you get from being worthy to go to the temple. Plus a little off the subject Brother Cravath ( I hope I spelled that right, sorry if I didn't) was our teacher and he told us about this one time he were at a temple and a truck driver drove by and thought that the temple was on fire and called the fire dept. only to have them show up and nothing was wrong. Now while that was a little funny it also proved to me that what he saw was the lord coming to his house to visit and that it is true that this is truly a special place to be. Of course we ran out of time as we always do and had to end there. Anyway the rest of church went great and then we went to this Priesthood Preview thing for D.j. to help him understand what will be happening and what he will need to do when he turns 12 next July and goes into young men's and receives the priesthood. Man I can not believe he is really at that age already. Where has the time gone. They really do just grow up way to fast. Now don't get me wrong it will be great to have another priesthood holder in the house but i just wish he could stay little for just a little longer.
Anyway we got home at about 1:45 and we all took a nap for about an hour and a half. Well I say all of us but Dale ofcouse is still sleeping because he has to work tonight. Then the kids and I got up and they played in their rooms while I cooked more sugar cookies since the ones I made yesterday went to the neighbor for all his help yesterday. This time the kids will be frosting these ones and saving a few for Santa. Wow Santa already I can't wait until Christmas. Its only five days away and I don't think it will come fast enough. Now while I am sure that I don't have any gifts under the tree this year it will be great to watch the kids open theirs. I love that part. They always get so excited to open a gift even if its clothes. Anyway I need to get off here and get dinner made for the kids and I. I know right I made cookies before dinner but they didn't eat them just frosted them.
Well that's all for tonight so...Blog at you later.
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