Ha Ha. well she really isn't long lost but it seems like forever since the last time i got to spend some time with Michelle so when she called last night and asked if I wanted to hang out with her today I was like oh ya. She said she on the hunt for a game and didn't come over to get me and the kids until like 2 or 3 which was fine because I needed to clean my house first anyway. Not that it was really messy but I had about three days worth of laundry to do and the normal everyday upkeep so I didn't mind. After she picked me and the kids up we went to a couple more stores looking for this game she wanted and then headed over to my storage to pick up the twin beds I had in there for Brently and Kelsey. After Michelle, Ashley, and I spent the better part of 20 Min's trying to make everything fit into her Yukon we all headed to her house. Once we got there I helped her and Ashley put Brently's bed together and then I sat in the boys room and talked to Michelle while she cleaned it up. After that I helped her make home made pizza's and then we played a game called Banana Grams. I would explain it but it would take to long. Really you have to play it to understand how fun it is. Anyway after three games the food was done and we ate then talked for a bit till Dale showed up to get us. Then Aubrey wanted to spend the night with us so we took her with us. Now Dale is getting ready for work, the kids are all in Elyssa's room talking to each other on their Ds's and I am catching up on my day.
So there you have it. My day in a nut shell. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 28, 2009
OK so let me get you all caught up on my weekend. Not that a whole lot happened but you just never know.
Saturday: Today started out like any other day. We all got up and ate breakfast and then cleaned the house then Dominic and Elyssa went out and played with their friends while I did a little laundry and played with my new toys I got for Christmas. Then Elyssa had a friend (Hannah) spend the night with us. She is such a sweet little girl. She and Elyssa are in the same school but not the same class but Hannah lives here in these apts also so they became friends at the bus stop. Anyway the girls played and Dominic and I watched TV after dinner then we all went to bed because we have Church the next day.
Sunday: We all got up and got dressed for Church and left. Now I only live maybe 5 to 10 Min's away from Church so you would think that I have no excuse for being late but it never fails I am late every Sunday. How crazy is that. When I lived in Pleasant View I was never late to Church. Anyway we got there and Dominic decided he wanted to act like a two year old instead of an 11 year old. I don't know why but he just wasn't having any part of church today. So dale took him home to have a little talk with him about how he should be acting in church then they came back. Toward the end of the second hour I started to get a little headache and didn't think much of it but the longer I ignored it the worse it got. At first I thought it was just because I was hungry so after church we went out to eat. It didn't help. So we went home and I took some aspirin and went to sleep. I thought that would help but it really didn't which is strange because usually I can just take some medicine and go to sleep for about an hour and I am fine but this time it wasn't working so I took a long hot shower to try and relax a little then went back to bed. I was asleep for about 45 Min's when the kids came in and said someone was here so I got up and went to get the door. It was a friend of Carolin's from Pleasant View and he was here to bring us some kitchen stuff and some gifts for the kids. Anyway we chatted for a little then he had to leave so we put the stuff away and I got the kids ready to go because they were going to spend the night at their friends house. Yes i said house not houses. They both made friends with kids that live in the same house which made it easy for us to say yes because we knew their parents already. So I had the house to myself again last night. Let me tell I have decided I am tired of sleeping alone at night so dale is finally going to put in for Day shift. Yahhhhhhh. I cant wait. Anyway I went to bed at about 9:45 and didn't get up until 8:15 when the kids got home.
So there you go. I am all caught up on my weekend. I told you not much happened but I needed to record it all for my own personal access. You know so when I am old and cant remember what happened I can go back and know. He he he.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Saturday: Today started out like any other day. We all got up and ate breakfast and then cleaned the house then Dominic and Elyssa went out and played with their friends while I did a little laundry and played with my new toys I got for Christmas. Then Elyssa had a friend (Hannah) spend the night with us. She is such a sweet little girl. She and Elyssa are in the same school but not the same class but Hannah lives here in these apts also so they became friends at the bus stop. Anyway the girls played and Dominic and I watched TV after dinner then we all went to bed because we have Church the next day.
Sunday: We all got up and got dressed for Church and left. Now I only live maybe 5 to 10 Min's away from Church so you would think that I have no excuse for being late but it never fails I am late every Sunday. How crazy is that. When I lived in Pleasant View I was never late to Church. Anyway we got there and Dominic decided he wanted to act like a two year old instead of an 11 year old. I don't know why but he just wasn't having any part of church today. So dale took him home to have a little talk with him about how he should be acting in church then they came back. Toward the end of the second hour I started to get a little headache and didn't think much of it but the longer I ignored it the worse it got. At first I thought it was just because I was hungry so after church we went out to eat. It didn't help. So we went home and I took some aspirin and went to sleep. I thought that would help but it really didn't which is strange because usually I can just take some medicine and go to sleep for about an hour and I am fine but this time it wasn't working so I took a long hot shower to try and relax a little then went back to bed. I was asleep for about 45 Min's when the kids came in and said someone was here so I got up and went to get the door. It was a friend of Carolin's from Pleasant View and he was here to bring us some kitchen stuff and some gifts for the kids. Anyway we chatted for a little then he had to leave so we put the stuff away and I got the kids ready to go because they were going to spend the night at their friends house. Yes i said house not houses. They both made friends with kids that live in the same house which made it easy for us to say yes because we knew their parents already. So I had the house to myself again last night. Let me tell I have decided I am tired of sleeping alone at night so dale is finally going to put in for Day shift. Yahhhhhhh. I cant wait. Anyway I went to bed at about 9:45 and didn't get up until 8:15 when the kids got home.
So there you go. I am all caught up on my weekend. I told you not much happened but I needed to record it all for my own personal access. You know so when I am old and cant remember what happened I can go back and know. He he he.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
a bag full of scrapbooking things.
Someone knows me very well.
We decided to take our
family pics in our Pj;s this
a horse we got her
Dale with his favorite gift of the year
a book about swords and
a survival DVD
To start things off let me tell everyone Merry Christmas. I hope everyone got everything they asked for this year. I know I did. The kids really had a great Christmas as you can see from the photos. At first I really didn't think they were going to have much of a Christmas with the fire and the move we had to go through so close to Christmas but I prayed to the lord every night that he would please just let the kids have a good Christmas this year and he did. I am so thankful to everyone who stepped up and really gave my kids the Christmas I wish I could have provided myself. Almost all of the people who stepped up are people who are unknown to me as in they stepped up anonymously. So to all of you I send a great big thank you out into the world for you. You know who you are. I am very very very grateful. I just hope that one day I will be able to do the same for someone else. Pay it forward as it is said. Anyway I am going to go and spend the day with my family. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day and these pictures. Including our newest family picture. Merry Christmas everyone, and a very Happy New Year.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
All alone
Ok so last night we went with Ryan to run a few last minute errands and then came home. The kids wanted to spend the night with her and she said yes to both of them. I asked if she was sure she wanted both and she said ya so they spent the night with her.
Dale had to work so I had the house to myself for the first time. Wow it was really quiet. Thank goodness for Bella. Oh ya I am dog sitting Bella for Michelle while her family is out of town for Christmas. She is such a sweet lil dog. I love taking care of her. Anyway Michelle, Kelsey, and Aubrey brought her over to me at about 7 and we hung out and talked for a bit. They also helped me wrap up the last of my christmas gifts. Thank you so much girls. I would have been up till like 4 o clock in the morning wrapping.
Anyway I got to sleep in a little bit and then spent some time with dale without the kids yelling and fighting with eachother. It was very nice. Then we went and picked up the kids. Now we are back home and Im making dinner so I will get off here for now.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Dale had to work so I had the house to myself for the first time. Wow it was really quiet. Thank goodness for Bella. Oh ya I am dog sitting Bella for Michelle while her family is out of town for Christmas. She is such a sweet lil dog. I love taking care of her. Anyway Michelle, Kelsey, and Aubrey brought her over to me at about 7 and we hung out and talked for a bit. They also helped me wrap up the last of my christmas gifts. Thank you so much girls. I would have been up till like 4 o clock in the morning wrapping.
Anyway I got to sleep in a little bit and then spent some time with dale without the kids yelling and fighting with eachother. It was very nice. Then we went and picked up the kids. Now we are back home and Im making dinner so I will get off here for now.
That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Gingerbread house
ok so today was a great day. I got to sleep in a little bit. Thats always nice. Then i got up and made breakfast for everyone then cleaned the house and had some quiet time with my kids while my husband slept. After he got up at around 2:30 we watched a couple of christmas movies that were on tv and then i made dinner. We had cheesy chicken and rice. The kids love that dish. I do to cause it is not only good but quick and easy to make. After that we put together the gingerbread house and it turned out pretty much like i thought it would. The kids had a great time and i got a sugar high. Let me tell you a little secret, dont lick your fingers while you are putting the house together. You tend to get a sugar rush alot faster that way. Wow did i ever have a headach after that. Anyway Ryan stopped by to drop off a gift for me but got all the way here and left it in her church bag at home....hahaha been there done that. Anyway she came up and visited for about a half hour then had to head back home.
Ok so quick question how many of you are done with the shopping part of christmas but still have not wrapped the gifts yet. Ha ha ha. Guilty as charged. I dont mind the buying part just not the teadiusness(is that even a word)of wrapping the gifts. Anyway I have to get on that tomorrow night after the kids go to bed. Anyway I need to go to bed so i will end here.
Thats all for tonight....Blog at you later.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Sunday Blessings
Well today started out a little late. I woke up at 7:45 like normal to get ready for church only to find that my husband had not yet made it home for work. That was not normal considering the fact that he get off work at 6:00 and it usually only takes him 45 mins to get home. So I texted him to find out where he was and he said in the parking lot. I said our parking lot or works he said ours. I said why are you so late today he said they sent him to the hospital last night instead of putting him in his normal spot which is in the truck. So he didn't get relieved from work until 6:45 then had to go back to the prison to pick up his car and then drive home. I was just glad he was home safe by this point so I told him to hurry up and take a shower and get ready and I would have a nice breakfast ready for him when he was done since we were going to be late anyway.Then he tells me oh I can't take a shower I need to go to wal-mart and get headlights for my car because both lights went out last night. So needless to say he got dressed for Church went to wal-mart got headlight and put them in only to have them not work at all. So he took them back in and exchanged them thinking they might be faulty lights and went back out to put the new ones in turned them on and they worked, then turned them off and on again only to not have them not work. So to make a long story short we think there might be something else wrong with them so he is going to take it to someone tomorrow to have them look at it and see whats wrong. Meanwhile I cooked up some nice turkey Bacon and some eggs and corned beef hash and biscuits for breakfast. Ymmm it was so good. Anyway after breakfast I cleaned up the kitchen and got the stuff out to make more sugar cookies when we got home from church. Then we left and went to church. We got there just as sacrament let out. So we all went to our next class. That being the Temple prep class for dale and myself. We talked about the blessing you get from being worthy to go to the temple. Plus a little off the subject Brother Cravath ( I hope I spelled that right, sorry if I didn't) was our teacher and he told us about this one time he were at a temple and a truck driver drove by and thought that the temple was on fire and called the fire dept. only to have them show up and nothing was wrong. Now while that was a little funny it also proved to me that what he saw was the lord coming to his house to visit and that it is true that this is truly a special place to be. Of course we ran out of time as we always do and had to end there. Anyway the rest of church went great and then we went to this Priesthood Preview thing for D.j. to help him understand what will be happening and what he will need to do when he turns 12 next July and goes into young men's and receives the priesthood. Man I can not believe he is really at that age already. Where has the time gone. They really do just grow up way to fast. Now don't get me wrong it will be great to have another priesthood holder in the house but i just wish he could stay little for just a little longer.
Anyway we got home at about 1:45 and we all took a nap for about an hour and a half. Well I say all of us but Dale ofcouse is still sleeping because he has to work tonight. Then the kids and I got up and they played in their rooms while I cooked more sugar cookies since the ones I made yesterday went to the neighbor for all his help yesterday. This time the kids will be frosting these ones and saving a few for Santa. Wow Santa already I can't wait until Christmas. Its only five days away and I don't think it will come fast enough. Now while I am sure that I don't have any gifts under the tree this year it will be great to watch the kids open theirs. I love that part. They always get so excited to open a gift even if its clothes. Anyway I need to get off here and get dinner made for the kids and I. I know right I made cookies before dinner but they didn't eat them just frosted them.
Well that's all for tonight so...Blog at you later.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Finally (short and sweet)
Ok so i finally have my intenet hooked up which means i can finally start to blog everyday like i want to. So lets get started.
Yesterday I went to the church for our monthly memory preservation day and intended to work on my christmas cards but tuned out working on these mittens for the salvation army. They are pretty easy to make truthfully. I was a little worried about it because i have never sewed anything that wasnt a strait edge so i took my time at first but it wasnt to hard and once i got the hang of it i was knocking them out like nobodys business. Anyway I had to leave early so i had to take the rest of the bag home with me and finish them. Let me tell you its really hard to sew at home when you have two children and a husband who always need something. Anyway i finshed today so now i can take them to church tomorrow.
As for today I sewed the rest of those mittens like i said before and Dale went to go and get some things he needed. Plus he went and picked up a couch for us. Its not the best looking couch but at this point beggers cant be choosers right. Thats what slip covers are made for i guess. At least its a place to sit. I know i can always get a better couch later. I also made cookies for the first time. They didnt turn out to bad i guess. At least they are eatable. The kids and dale were impressed at my cookie making skills. Ha Ha Ha. But then again I was too. Anyway I am going to go and finish decorating my tree, ya ya I know im a little behind but at least all my shopping is done, and wrapping gifts so i will let yall go for now.
Thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Yesterday I went to the church for our monthly memory preservation day and intended to work on my christmas cards but tuned out working on these mittens for the salvation army. They are pretty easy to make truthfully. I was a little worried about it because i have never sewed anything that wasnt a strait edge so i took my time at first but it wasnt to hard and once i got the hang of it i was knocking them out like nobodys business. Anyway I had to leave early so i had to take the rest of the bag home with me and finish them. Let me tell you its really hard to sew at home when you have two children and a husband who always need something. Anyway i finshed today so now i can take them to church tomorrow.
As for today I sewed the rest of those mittens like i said before and Dale went to go and get some things he needed. Plus he went and picked up a couch for us. Its not the best looking couch but at this point beggers cant be choosers right. Thats what slip covers are made for i guess. At least its a place to sit. I know i can always get a better couch later. I also made cookies for the first time. They didnt turn out to bad i guess. At least they are eatable. The kids and dale were impressed at my cookie making skills. Ha Ha Ha. But then again I was too. Anyway I am going to go and finish decorating my tree, ya ya I know im a little behind but at least all my shopping is done, and wrapping gifts so i will let yall go for now.
Thats all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, December 7, 2009
planning for the temple
Ok so i know i have been a little out of sorts lately and not blogged in a long time but its hard to blog on a cell phone even if you have a full keyboard. We are going to have our internet and cable installed on the 16th of dec so i will be able to blog everyday like before. Anyway I just wanted to let everyone know that we are great as a family. We have started takeing the temple prep classes and are getting ready to go to the temple to be sealed as a family. I cant wait. I will let everyone know when the final date will be but for now we are planning for next summer. I hope all goes well and things can happen as planned. But then again nothing really ever goes as we plan. Its all in heavenly fathers hands. Where it should be. Well thats all for now so....
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
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