Thursday, March 31, 2011
Nothing to important
Today was a normal day around here. The kids went to school and I cleaned the house. After school I picked up dj and came home. He stuck around for about an hour then headed out to play with his friends. Mom and the kids showed up for about twenty mins then headed out to do their own things. Nothing to important today. Blog at you later.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. April rolls in at the end of this week and in celebration of that infamous date (April 1st) answer this question-What is something foolish you've done?
Wow I really remember this one time that I thought I would look so good as a bleach blonde so I colored my hair and boy was I wrong. I wish I had a picture of it but I don't have any anymore. Most were lost between Katrina and my house fire.
2. With April comes Easter and that classic edible treat known as tell me...what's your favorite way to fix/eat chicken? That wasn't what you were expecting, was it? I 'fooled' you. teehee.
Well my family loves when I make Cheesy Chicken and Rice. I don't know why but that seems to be the favorite for our house hold. 3. What's the best museum you've ever visited? Or your favorite? Or the one you'd most like to visit? Not a huge museum fan but I liked the one in Nashville that is shaped like the Parthanon. 4. You know what they say about April showers...what's your preference-a shower or a bath? Oh shower all the way. I only take a bath if I am just trying to relax. 5. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder"...fact or fiction? Why? I would say fact. I know when My hubby is gone it only makes me love him more when he returns. 6. What's your favorite product made/grown in your home state/province? Now you have to understand that I live in Tennessee and while I don't smoke at all I love the smell of tobacco being cured. I don't know why but it just smells so good. 7. What is going on in the world today that affects you the most? Well duh the economy is the biggest one. It makes life so much harder for those of us who are not rich and do have to live check to check. 8. Insert your own random thought here.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Cleaning out the storage.
So yesterday I picked up my mom from her place and hung out with her for a few hours then went and picked up the kids from school and went to re organize her storage unit. Let me tell you it was a mess. I took me, her and my brother Keanu 5 hours to take everything out, go through it and stack it all back in there nice and neat. It was a big chore that would have taken less time if all the other kids had actually done anything other than complain and sit on their butts. Oh well its done now and I am so sore. Every muscle from my neck to my toes hurts. I didn't know I had most of those muscles until they hurt. Lol. Anyway it needed to be done so now it is. After all that I took my mom home and then went home and hit the bed. I was out like a light. Never thought I could sleep so good without my husband by my side but I guess I finally learned the trick. Just do a lot of manual labor and wear yourself out and then you can sleep. ha ha ha. That's all for now. Blog at you later.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Meet me on Monday

1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
Soft all the way. My teeth are way to sensitive for hard taco's.
2. Do you scrapbook?
Yes I do. I love to scrapbook but only if it is the kind I can feel and touch sorta 3-d like. Im not big on the whole digital online scrapbooking. It just looks to fake to me. No personality so to speak. Not that there is anything wrong with those that do online scrapbooking its just not for me.
3. Do you take any daily medications?
Just my alergy pills cause its spring.
4. What is your favorite sound?
Well latey it has been the sound of my husband walking through the door after a long night at work.
5. Where were you born?
I was born in a small town in Northern California called Fall River Mills.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sunday Dinner.
Nothing happened on Saturday. But today Dale got home from work and we all got ready for church. After the second hour I was getting a really bad migraine so we all went home and I took med's and hit the bed. After sleeping for about three hours I woke up feeling much better. I got a call from mom saying to come get her so we could have our new tradtional Sunday family dinner. So I did then took her home after wards. Noah stayed with me so he could do laundry and chat for a bit since I have not seen him at all this whole spring break. Now I am headed to bed. It has been a long day and week. blog at you later.
Friday, March 25, 2011
The end of Spring break.
Not a lot happened today. The kids are on their last leg of spring break and I thought it would never end. Don't get me wrong I think its great that they got a week off and for the most part it was a pretty nice and quiet spring break but with Dale gone pretty much the whole time it was long. Now tell me something. Because when I was a kid spring break was always right around the week of Easter but now it seems to get farther and farther away from that. I don't understand. Maybe it's just me but that's what spring break was all about when I was younger now it seems to be more about letting the kids party more. We were suppose to go help mom re-organize her storage unit but it decided to rain instead so maybe later this week we will be able to do it. Who knows. Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Sorry- Catchup
Ok so last week my computer took a crash and I have been out of the Internet world for almost a whole week. While it did free up some of my time to do other things, it drove me crazy not being able to blog or know what was going on with everyone. So I have a little catching up to do. So here goes.
Thursday 3-17: Today was just another day. Nothing really interesting happened. We cleaned the house, got the kids off to school and then spend the rest of the day hanging out since Dale is leaving for Talihoma on Sunday.
Friday 3-18: Today we had our house visit from the Police Dept. so that they can get to know the person a little more in their own environment. Both of the Detectives were really nice and we seem to leave them with a good impression. They said we would be hearing from them sometime next week about the next set of interviews that Dale will have to go through in order to be hired on to the Police force. As much as I really didn't want this to happen because of the whole living with a cop growing up thing I am getting really excited for him. This is what he really wants and it makes a lot of since when you break it down.
Saturday 3-19: Today went along like any other normal day. The kids played outside and I cleaned up the house and Dale got ready for his week long trip on Sunday. Then I got a call from Mindy and she wanted me to come over and help her color her hair. After that was all done she asked if I would watch Aiden over night for her so she and her boyfriend could spend some time together. I said sure. So she dropped him off at about 8:00.
Sunday 3-20: Last night was a long night. The baby refused to sleep in the Pack-n-Play and so he slept in bed with me. He woke up every two hours and needed something. Wow I am so not use to having a child that small in the house over night. It brings back memories. Mindy came and got him at about 12:00 and we all went out to the park to do a bar-b-Que. It was a good day and then Dale had to leave. Boo I hate when he is gone. I should be use to it by now but I am just not. I really dread when he leaves for the Police Dept Academy because he will be gone for 10 weeks. True he will be home on the weekends but still that is a long time gone.
Well that catches us up till Monday. I will post my normal Monday-Wednesday posts. blog at you later.
Thursday 3-17: Today was just another day. Nothing really interesting happened. We cleaned the house, got the kids off to school and then spend the rest of the day hanging out since Dale is leaving for Talihoma on Sunday.
Friday 3-18: Today we had our house visit from the Police Dept. so that they can get to know the person a little more in their own environment. Both of the Detectives were really nice and we seem to leave them with a good impression. They said we would be hearing from them sometime next week about the next set of interviews that Dale will have to go through in order to be hired on to the Police force. As much as I really didn't want this to happen because of the whole living with a cop growing up thing I am getting really excited for him. This is what he really wants and it makes a lot of since when you break it down.
Saturday 3-19: Today went along like any other normal day. The kids played outside and I cleaned up the house and Dale got ready for his week long trip on Sunday. Then I got a call from Mindy and she wanted me to come over and help her color her hair. After that was all done she asked if I would watch Aiden over night for her so she and her boyfriend could spend some time together. I said sure. So she dropped him off at about 8:00.
Sunday 3-20: Last night was a long night. The baby refused to sleep in the Pack-n-Play and so he slept in bed with me. He woke up every two hours and needed something. Wow I am so not use to having a child that small in the house over night. It brings back memories. Mindy came and got him at about 12:00 and we all went out to the park to do a bar-b-Que. It was a good day and then Dale had to leave. Boo I hate when he is gone. I should be use to it by now but I am just not. I really dread when he leaves for the Police Dept Academy because he will be gone for 10 weeks. True he will be home on the weekends but still that is a long time gone.
Well that catches us up till Monday. I will post my normal Monday-Wednesday posts. blog at you later.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Sunday was the first day of spring. So they say. Ahem.
What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity?
Usually we start going on hikes as a family more often now that the weather is warming up.What is your favorite outdoor springtime activity?
2. Who would you want to come into your kitchen to cook dinner for you?
I think if I could choose anyone it would be my Grandma. She was an awesome cook.3. When did you last fly a kite?
When I was a kid. I have not flown one in a long time but now that you mention it I think I will get one and fly it.4. What topic puts you to sleep faster than anything?
I don't know.5. Which flowers do you associate with specific people, places, or events?
I don't think I do that.6. What significant historical events took place during your elementary school days?
I think I can honestly say I don't think anything really important happened when I was in Elementary school.7. Do you swear? Do you pseudo-swear? (You know crap, shoot, friggin'?)
I do pseudo-swear when I hurt myself but only then.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Nothing for today.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Mcklinky Monday except on Tuesday
This Week's Question?
Who are a blogger?
What are the key words that bring people to your blog
and what is your most viewed post?
I mostly just use my blog as a journal. Its a way for my future generations to know how I was personaity wise and see what my views were and what I went through and get to know me a little better. As far as my most viewed post. I don't know.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Meet me on Monday

1. What jewelry do you wear 24/7?
Just my wedding ring and a pair of studs in my ears. I do wear jewlery but just not 24/7.2. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?
Twirl it. I use to cut it but then it was just easier to twirl it.3. How many siblings do you have?
Ha ha well including myself 14 total.4. Were you named after anyone?
Yes my Grandmother on my Fathers side. You see the doctors told my mom and dad that I was going to be a boy by the way she was carrying me so when I was born they had a boy name picked out then the doctor said congrats you have a girl so my mom looked at my grandma and said she will be named after you. Hence the Name Quondaila.5. Coke or Pepsi?
Neither. I cant stand dark soda's.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?
More than likely I would pay off some bills but thats just me trying to get out of debt.2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?
Other than wearing the usual something green to keep from being pinched by my kids they no.3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
I seem to get hit by that bug about four or five times a year only because I live in a tiny apartment and it gets cluttered very easy. So there really is nothing that needs to be done and I usually love doing it so I don't dread any part of it.4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?
Any shade really I love the color green.5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?
I believe we make our own luck.6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).
Oh any berry kind of pie is good for me.7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?
I think you need both because without one or the other you will never make it in this world.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Remember that Faith and Doubt
Can not exist in the same mind
at the same time.
-Excert from To the Rescue. The Biography of Thomas S. Monson.
p. vii
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Mklinky Monday except on Tuesday
So todays topic is: Share something that you own that has great value to you. Post a picture (if you can) and share why it's important.

Now I know this is going to sound sappy but the one thing I own so to speak is my family and they are very important to me. Without them I would be a very crazy person. They keep be grounded and give me a reason to keep moving forward in my life. I love them very much. I know I know so sappy. LOL but I can't help it, its true.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Meet me on Monday

1. Do you have a fireplace in your home?
No I live in an apartment that is pretty small so there is no room for one. But I wish I did have one.
2. Can you drive a stick shift?
Yes but I don't like to drive them3. How many computers are in your home?
One and it is also my living room tv.4. Are your taxes done yet? Do you do them yourself?
Yes we get ours done through H&R Block at the end of January every year.5. What is your favorite meal of the day?
Any meal really as long as it doesn't require me being in the kitchen for more than 30 Min's.
Friday, March 11, 2011
What a great day
Well I went to pick up mom this morning only to find my lil sister still at home with a half swollen face. I think she might be allergic to something but it only affected the left side of her face. Anyway mom said she couldn't go this weekend because of it so she didn't get to go dispite all my protests that Shannon would be fine. Even Shannon said she would be fine. Plus it wasnt like we were staying over night in Nashville we are driving home tonight. But she wouldn't budge. Oh well maybe next year. So I thought about who would love to come and I remembered Sister Abren said she didn't buy tickets this year because she didn't know if she would want to leave her mom for that long. So I called her up and told her to be ready after work and we were going to TOFW tonight. She agreed to go and I picked her up at 5:00 and we headed out. Only to be stopped in traffic along the way. We made it to the conference at exactly 6:45 only missing about 15 mins of the show. It was a great night. Although I did forget to bring something to take notes with so I got the messages in my head but not on paper to relay them on here.
So after the conference a bunch of the girls were getting together to go eat dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Green Hills. So Christie, Michelle, Carmen, Dawnette and myself all pilled into Christie's two door car and headed out. We got there, had a great time and then proceeded to leave. After all were in the now dubbed "Clown car" Christie took off forward out of the parking spot only to be stopped by one of those cement blocks. Opps. We all laughed and she backed out and left the parking lot. As we left and came to a stop light suddenly there where blue lights in the mirror. Christie proceeds to pull over on the side of the road and the cop follows. As we are waiting for the officer to come to the window we are all trying to figure out why we are being pulled over. None of us can think of anything she did wrong in the ten feet we went from the parking lot to the stop sign. Finally the officer walks up and asked how we are doing and what we have been up to tonight. Christie tells him that we were at a womans confrence and then went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. The officer then asks to see her drivers licence and she said sure but its in the trunk do you want me to get it for you. He says yes but first is there any weapons in the car. Christie with a stait face says Yes. When the office askes what they are she poceeds to point to Michelle and say "She is lactoce intollerent and just ate cheesecake." We all bust out laughing and Christie gets out of the car to get her licence. At the back of the car the officer asks if there were acholic drinks servered tonight and Chirstie says No we are Momans I can show you my temple recamend if you like. The office looks at her with a smile and says no thank you maam your licence will be just fine. Meanwhile she gets back in the car and tells us this while Michelle is in the back trying to take pictures of the cop car through the back window. As we sit there a second officer arrives and comes up to the car and Dawnette starts yelling " I have a weapon." The officer can't hear her so after three times of her yelling I rolled down my window and she repeats " I have a weapon wanna see it." The office with a big smile says what is it and Dawnette says " Its the book of morman the best weapon you will ever carry want one." We all start laughing so hard and the officer says no thank you maam and walk away laughing. Suddenlly a third cop car pulls up and I say oh that's it they are going to give us all breathalizer tests now. They have to think we are all drunk. Just as Michelle says " take a picture of the side mirror with the cop cars in it." So I do it and we all laugh. At this point the first officer comes back to the window and says that we were driving with no headlights on. Christie then say sorry Im use to my crappy van that has no lights. Well it does but you can bearly tell they are on when you are driving. The officer then hands her her divers licence and she asks if it came back clean. The officer says yes except for that Moose Trapping in Alaska. Christie then says "Opps I thought yall would never catch up to me for that one." We all bust out laughing and the office starts to leave just as Dawnette says " does the other office want the book. Looking a little confuced the officer asks what book and Dawnette says the Book Of Mormon. He looks back and says the other officer has already left and Dawnette says well would you like it then. We all start laughing and he says no thank you. You ladies have a good and safe night. And walks back to his car. Christie then turns on her lights and we head back to the Hotel. As were are headed back we see four more cop cars and I turn to Chirstie and say don't do anything to get pulled over again Dawnette will try to convert the entire police force in one night. We all laughed so hard. Then I said you know that officer is going to go back to the precint and tell his Sgt that he has a story for him. Watch out for those Mormon woman.
Anyway we got back just fine and Dawnette, Carmen and myself headed home. I droped Carmen off first at Michelles house so she could get her car then head to Dawnettes house to drop her off and check on Dj who was spending the night at her house. Then headed home myself. I got home at about 2:25 and hit the bed.
Well that's all for Friday cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Blog at you later.
So after the conference a bunch of the girls were getting together to go eat dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Green Hills. So Christie, Michelle, Carmen, Dawnette and myself all pilled into Christie's two door car and headed out. We got there, had a great time and then proceeded to leave. After all were in the now dubbed "Clown car" Christie took off forward out of the parking spot only to be stopped by one of those cement blocks. Opps. We all laughed and she backed out and left the parking lot. As we left and came to a stop light suddenly there where blue lights in the mirror. Christie proceeds to pull over on the side of the road and the cop follows. As we are waiting for the officer to come to the window we are all trying to figure out why we are being pulled over. None of us can think of anything she did wrong in the ten feet we went from the parking lot to the stop sign. Finally the officer walks up and asked how we are doing and what we have been up to tonight. Christie tells him that we were at a womans confrence and then went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. The officer then asks to see her drivers licence and she said sure but its in the trunk do you want me to get it for you. He says yes but first is there any weapons in the car. Christie with a stait face says Yes. When the office askes what they are she poceeds to point to Michelle and say "She is lactoce intollerent and just ate cheesecake." We all bust out laughing and Christie gets out of the car to get her licence. At the back of the car the officer asks if there were acholic drinks servered tonight and Chirstie says No we are Momans I can show you my temple recamend if you like. The office looks at her with a smile and says no thank you maam your licence will be just fine. Meanwhile she gets back in the car and tells us this while Michelle is in the back trying to take pictures of the cop car through the back window. As we sit there a second officer arrives and comes up to the car and Dawnette starts yelling " I have a weapon." The officer can't hear her so after three times of her yelling I rolled down my window and she repeats " I have a weapon wanna see it." The office with a big smile says what is it and Dawnette says " Its the book of morman the best weapon you will ever carry want one." We all start laughing so hard and the officer says no thank you maam and walk away laughing. Suddenlly a third cop car pulls up and I say oh that's it they are going to give us all breathalizer tests now. They have to think we are all drunk. Just as Michelle says " take a picture of the side mirror with the cop cars in it." So I do it and we all laugh. At this point the first officer comes back to the window and says that we were driving with no headlights on. Christie then say sorry Im use to my crappy van that has no lights. Well it does but you can bearly tell they are on when you are driving. The officer then hands her her divers licence and she asks if it came back clean. The officer says yes except for that Moose Trapping in Alaska. Christie then says "Opps I thought yall would never catch up to me for that one." We all bust out laughing and the office starts to leave just as Dawnette says " does the other office want the book. Looking a little confuced the officer asks what book and Dawnette says the Book Of Mormon. He looks back and says the other officer has already left and Dawnette says well would you like it then. We all start laughing and he says no thank you. You ladies have a good and safe night. And walks back to his car. Christie then turns on her lights and we head back to the Hotel. As were are headed back we see four more cop cars and I turn to Chirstie and say don't do anything to get pulled over again Dawnette will try to convert the entire police force in one night. We all laughed so hard. Then I said you know that officer is going to go back to the precint and tell his Sgt that he has a story for him. Watch out for those Mormon woman.
Anyway we got back just fine and Dawnette, Carmen and myself headed home. I droped Carmen off first at Michelles house so she could get her car then head to Dawnettes house to drop her off and check on Dj who was spending the night at her house. Then headed home myself. I got home at about 2:25 and hit the bed.
Well that's all for Friday cant wait to see what tomorrow brings.
Blog at you later.
Heading out to TOFW
Ok so for those of you out there in blog land who don't know what TOFW stands for it means Time Out For Woman. This is a weekend conference for women that comes around once a year and brings with it a bunch of really great speakers and musical artists. Its a chance for us to get together and rebuild our spirits and teach us how to be better women for Christ. It is a wonderful wonderful experience that is put on by a company called Dessert Books. Now this company is not owned by the Church but is run by LDS people. Anyway today is the first day of the conference and I can't wait to get there. I will go and pick mom up this morning and then head out at about 4:00 to meet up with a bunch of great girls from my ward.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Running around
So today I just did a lot of running around and getting things ready for mom and I to go to The TOFW tomorrow. I have been so looking forward to this for so long and I am so excited that mom is going with me. I think she really needs this. She has been so down lately that she really needs a pick up bad. I think she will benefit greatly from this weekend. If nothing else it will lift her spirits. Well sorry so short but I have to hit the bed early so I can get the last bit of my stuff ready for tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. The season of Lent begins on March 9th this you participate and if so, in what way?
Well considering that I don't know what Lent is I am going to have to say NO I don't participate.2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So....butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What's your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes?
I love butter and syrup on my pancakes and if they have fruit in them that's even better.3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What's your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they're lightweights.
I love buttercups mostly because they are the first flowers I see and because they are just pretty to look at. I also like daisys although many would say they are just a weed I still like them. Althought Im not sure if they are a spring flower or not.4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
I am going to have to agree and say that I am going to take my answer from Beverly because she just put it beautifully." I've read that what we don't like in other people is actually something we don't like in ourselves, but don't acknowledge. So when you come across someone who does something that irritates you, take a good look in the mirror."5. Since it's "March" and also the season of Mardi Gras....have you ever been in a parade? What's the best parade you've seen?
Yes when I was in high school I was part of a couple of clubs that did floats for most of the holidays. I was in Junior Red Cross and SADD (Students against drunk driving).6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you___________?
That I won the lottery but considering the fact that I don't play its not likely to happen. Nice to dream about though.7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk?
On the outside just about as clean as the rain has gotten it. I tend not to wash my car in the spring time because it rains to much. As for the inside, very clean. I am a stickler about keeping the inside of my car spotless. Same goes for the trunk.8. Insert your own random thought here.
The only TRUTH that existis
are the ones that fulfill
our specific purposes
-Dale J Bellard
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
going off
So they day started out fine. Mom and I took Chyenne to the high school to set her schedule for next year then took her back to the middle school to finish the day. We then went to the career center to fill out apps for work then went and got something to eat. After lunch mom wasn't feeling well so I took her back to her place and she asked if I would pick the girls up and bring them to her after school. I said sure and went home to finish filling out apps. Then the time came to pick the kids up from school. Dj, like the good kid he is was waiting in the car pool line like always but the girls were no where to be found. Now they know the rules. They are to be there so I get them and go. I finally chased them down and got them in the car only to have my 13 year old sister tell me that I was a B**** and that she could care less what I wanted. I told her I was only doing what I was asked to do and that if she had a problem she could take it up with mom. She then proceeded to yell more at me and tell me she wished I would just die already and that it was all my fault that they moved out here and were so miserable. I then told her that her experience here was only what she would make of it and if she didn't make it a good one then she wouldn't be happy no matter what. Then she proceeded to tell me that I was a controlling B**** and I forced them to move out here and made mom a B**** because mom never acted like this when they lived in California. I told her that things were going to change with mom because they had to and she said that I control mom. I told her that I didn't force mom to move them out here. I didn't fly out there force her to pack all their stuff and make her drive out here. That mom is a grown woman with her own mind and can do what she wants. She then told me again that she was going to pray to God that I would just die and leave her alone and I told her she could just get that fantasy out of her head because I plan to be here on this earth for a very long time. But that she was more than welcome to pray all she wanted just not to be mad when her prayers didn't come true. I said this calmly and quietly and I think it made her madder because she said that as far as she was concerned she had no big sister, that she couldn't wait to get away from me and that if she had it her way she would get emancipated at 16 and move back to California. She said that she hated me and that she wasn't thankful for anything I did for them at all because she has had a crappy life since they moved here. I told her that was fine and that from now on she could find her own way to and from school. I was not going to go out of my way to help an ungrateful brat who doesn't know what it means to be family. I then told all of this to mom and told her I would continue to help Mom find a place, car and job but that I was no longer going to help Cheyenne with anything. Mom of course made her apologize to me which was fake and I knew it. I then told mom that one day Chey is going to have to face the real world and when she does I will get a real apology because she will understand how much I went through to help them out. That if she didn't change her attitude toward life in general she was headed for a very long and hard road. Now I understand that she is a teenager and that in their minds they know everything and us adults are just stupid but for her to be that ungrateful for anything just blows my mind. I don't know what else to do other than tell her I will always love her but that I have washed my hands of her for now and walk away. Don't get me wrong I do love her but sometimes I just want to throw her to the sharks so to speak and let her see just what this big mean world is really like. We may live is a stupid hick town as she calls it but its a mean place this world this day in age. I just wish she would get that already. The poor girl is going to give my mom a heart attack with all the stress she keeps putting on her and then what is she going to do. I feel bad for what she is getting herself into but I'm not going to try anymore.
Anyway I need to get off here before I get any madder from reading this. Please tell me what you think I should do and if I'm right or wrong. Blog at you later.
Anyway I need to get off here before I get any madder from reading this. Please tell me what you think I should do and if I'm right or wrong. Blog at you later.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Meet me on Monday

1. What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
I would have to say mashed or twice baked. I love potatoes but they don't always love me.
2. What was the last package that was delivered to your house?
My Daughters MP5 player she earned for good grades.
3. What is your favorite scent that you love to smell?
Lavender is always a good smell.
4. Do you smoke?
NO. I quite when I got married and am so glad I did.
5. Are your parents married or divorced?
Divorced and both remarried. Although my mom is now a widow.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Feeling better
OK so finally I am feeling better. I am still hacking up my lungs every time I cough but at least I have my energy back. I spent the last two and a half days in bed and now I'm paying for it. Not only physically because my body aches from staying still so long but my house looks like a tornado ran through it a couple of times. I kinda knew this was going to happen bu what can I say. Now its time to recover the house to its former glory and get back to reality. One down side to the weekend was I missed Dj's game on Saturday. I am told he won 50 something to 30 something but no one bothered to take any pics of the game. Again this is what happens when moms get sick and cant be there. Oh well at least it wasn't his last game of the season. There are more to come. Well I got's to go clean up my house now.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Friday fun day
Well I am so glad it is Friday because I am not feeling any better today. All of the kids are gone to spend the night at friends houses and that means a quiet home for me. I love Fridays. My throat isn't any better today and my sinus' are so swollen that it hurts to just try and breath. I know this isn't normal so I went to see the doc today. Guess what. Its not normal I have a sinus infection on top of my yearly spring cold. Yeah me. Mean ole spring. Why did it have to come in such a Strong way this year. I guess I'm in for it now. This is not a good way to start my weekend. I was looking forward to having a nice quiet dinner with my hubby and then watching a couple of movies but that's not going to happen. I am hitting the bed in a few minutes and hoping to feel better tomorrow.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Not feeling so hot
So Ok i now know spring is in the air because I woke up this morning not feeling so well. I was all swollen in the face and my throat was a little scratchy. I have a feeling that I am about to embark on my yearly spring cold. It always starts about this time of year and I end up in bed for about two days. Now anyone who really knows me knows that I hate being sick. Its the worst feeling ever and on top of all that my house seems to go to poop. So to speak. No one seems to remember how to clean up anything and their voices seem to want to jump up about thirty octaves. I don't understand why this is. You would think that having a mom tell you everyday, all day to pick up after yourself and stop yelling they would get it by now but no. They seem to forget who they are and where they are when Mom isn't there to say "Hey knock it off" or "What do I look like, your maid. Pick up your stuff and clean up your mess." Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't around if anything would ever get done. Anyway I am hitting to bed early tonight to try and ward off this on coming cold. Good luck to me.
Blog at you later.
Blog at you later.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Wednesday HodgePodge

1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this do you like your eggs? Or don't you?
I personally have never had green eggs and ham but I tend to like my eggs either in an omelet or over easy.2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?
Like a Lion all the way.3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
UMMMM I think it depends on the project I am working on at the moment. A little of both I think.4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world?
Well considering that I wasn't much of a basketball fan before my son started playing I would say I was not a fan of March Madness but I have watched a few games these past couple of months and I'm kinda liking it now.5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?
When I am alone and it is quiet. I tend to get my thoughts in better order that way. If it is to noisy I can't seem to concentrate very well.6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
That would be my jeans. I just love them. They are so comfy an they fit me perfect.7. Do you use sarcasm?
NO I would never....Ha ha ha. Yes, all the time actually. Its what makes my day when things are not going well.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Have I ever told you that I have a love hate relationship with Spring. Well I do. I personally love all the color coming back and the pretty flowers that bloom but the pollen does not love me. I get my worst cold ever at the beginning of spring.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
This Week's Question?
Crockpot Recipes - Share your favorite one!
My only real crockpot recipe is Beef Stew. Its not very origanal but my family loves it in the winter.
Beef Stew:
- Beef chunks (as much as will feed your family, we use one package.)
- 1bag baby carrots
- 1stalk of celery
- 5 red potatoes quartered or as much as you like
- 1 box of Beef stock
- enough water to fill the pot.
- Add seasoning to taste.
cook on low all day or high for about 4-5 hours or until vegies are done and meat is brown.
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