1. The season of Lent begins on March 9th this year...do you participate and if so, in what way?
Well considering that I don't know what Lent is I am going to have to say NO I don't participate.2. Traditionally pancakes are eaten on the day known as Shrove Tuesday which is the last day before Lent (March 8th this year). So....butter and syrup? Blueberry? Chocolate chip? ewww, no thanks!! What's your pleasure when it comes to eating pancakes?
I love butter and syrup on my pancakes and if they have fruit in them that's even better.3. Spring is coming. (It is coming, right?) What's your favorite springtime flower and do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Two questions I know, but they're lightweights.
I love buttercups mostly because they are the first flowers I see and because they are just pretty to look at. I also like daisys although many would say they are just a weed I still like them. Althought Im not sure if they are a spring flower or not.4. "Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves." Author unknown. Agree or Disagree? Why?
I am going to have to agree and say that I am going to take my answer from Beverly because she just put it beautifully." I've read that what we don't like in other people is actually something we don't like in ourselves, but don't acknowledge. So when you come across someone who does something that irritates you, take a good look in the mirror."5. Since it's "March" and also the season of Mardi Gras....have you ever been in a parade? What's the best parade you've seen?
Yes when I was in high school I was part of a couple of clubs that did floats for most of the holidays. I was in Junior Red Cross and SADD (Students against drunk driving).6. You would jump up and down and shout for joy right now if someone told you___________?
That I won the lottery but considering the fact that I don't play its not likely to happen. Nice to dream about though.7. How clean is your car on the outside? Inside? Is there junk in your trunk?
On the outside just about as clean as the rain has gotten it. I tend not to wash my car in the spring time because it rains to much. As for the inside, very clean. I am a stickler about keeping the inside of my car spotless. Same goes for the trunk.8. Insert your own random thought here.
The only TRUTH that existis
are the ones that fulfill
our specific purposes
-Dale J Bellard
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