1. What would you do if you found a pot of gold? Let's pretend this pot of gold is worth exactly $1500 (which would actually be more like a cup of gold at current values). Anyway, let's also pretend you have to spend it as opposed to making a donation someplace. Now tell me what you would do with that cup pot of gold?
More than likely I would pay off some bills but thats just me trying to get out of debt.2. Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day in any way, shape, or form?
Other than wearing the usual something green to keep from being pinched by my kids they no.3. Have you been bitten by the Spring Cleaning bug? What spring cleaning job most needs doing at your house? What spring cleaning job are you most dreading?
I seem to get hit by that bug about four or five times a year only because I live in a tiny apartment and it gets cluttered very easy. So there really is nothing that needs to be done and I usually love doing it so I don't dread any part of it.4. lime-shamrock-sage-forest...your favorite shade of green?
Any shade really I love the color green.5. Thomas Jefferson once said, "I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it." So...do you believe in luck or do you believe we make our own luck?
I believe we make our own luck.6. Monday (3/14) was Pi Day. Get it? Pi =3.14. Those math types are so clever aren't they? Since I'm not one of them tell me what's your favorite piE (the edible kind).
Oh any berry kind of pie is good for me.7. That same date (3/14) happens to be the birthdate of the late physicist Albert Einstein. I bet he knew the value of Pi. So...what do you think is more important and or valuable in life... intelligence or common sense?
I think you need both because without one or the other you will never make it in this world.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Remember that Faith and Doubt
Can not exist in the same mind
at the same time.
-Excert from To the Rescue. The Biography of Thomas S. Monson.
p. vii
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