1. Would you rather talk to everyone at a crowded party for a short time or have a significant conversation with two people?
I am going to say both depending on what kind of mood im in and what kind of party it is.
2. What objects do you remember from your parent's living room?
I remember my mom alway had a lot of pictures of the family in her living room.
3. Do you hog the bed? Steal the covers? Snore?
Well considering that most nights I have the bed to myself thanks to my working husband always working nights I would say yes to the bed hog, no to the cover stealer and I have no idea if I snore or not because I am usually asleep and my husband has never complained about it.
4. Speaking of Easter dinner....what is your favorite way to cook/eat lamb? Or does just the thought of that make you squeamish? If you're not cooking lamb what will be your entree du jour on Easter Sunday?
Ummm well I don't eat lamb so I wouldn't know how to cook it and as for the main meat at dinner we never really had a traditon of having a big mean on Easter. We just eat what ever is planned for the day. Plus Im not much of a big cooker so I only limit my big meals to twice a year and they are both at the end of the year. Lol
5. Let's throw some politics into this week's mix-oooohhh...Do you know the whereabouts of your birth certificate and when was the last time you had to produce it to prove you're you?
Yes I know where my birth cerificate is and the rest of my family's are. We keep them together. I can honestly say I don't remember when the last time I needed it. Being a stay at home mom doesn't have much call for it.
6. As a child, how did people describe you?
as a little mommy. I alway loved to make people feel better.
7. What do you complain about the most?
The fact that my kids can't seem to pick up after themselves. It drives me crazy when they get something out and then just leave it there instead of putting it away when they are done. I mean come on they are almost teenagers you would think they could at least do that.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
If you love someone because you think they are gorgeous
than its not love- Its Infatuation
If you love someone because you think that you shouldnt leave them
or because others think you shouldn't leave them
than its not love- Its compromise
If you love someone because you think you cannot live without their touch
than its not love- Its Inferiority Complex
If you love someone because you have been kissed by them
its not love- Its Charity
If you love someone because you share everything with them
its not love- Its Friendship
If you feel the pain of the other person more than they, even when they are stable
and you cry for them
Thats Love
If you are attracted to ther people but stay with them without regrets
That's Love
If you let them go knowing that they have to go even though they don't want to go
That's Love
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