1. What are your plans for Easter Day/weekend?
For the weekend not much but hanging with the family but for a change of pace we are going to a sister in our wards house for a Jamaican Easter. I am looking forward to that.
For the weekend not much but hanging with the family but for a change of pace we are going to a sister in our wards house for a Jamaican Easter. I am looking forward to that.
2. Besides Jesus, what one person from The Bible would you most like to meet and why?
Ummmmm thats a hard question because there are so many I would love to meet but I guess it being Easter and all I would have to say Mary (mother to Jesus) and find out just how she really felt about being a mother to such a wonderful man.
3. What is one modern day convenience you didn't have as a child that was easy to live without?
The cell phone all though I don't know what I would do without it now. It is my life line.
4. Are you more right brained or left brained? If you don't know what that means there is an
interesting little quiz here.
Im not sure I guess I will have to take the quiz and repost later. Turns out I am Right Brained.
5. What is something you intended to do today but didn't? Why?
I didn't intend to do anything today except hang out with my wonderful husband and beautiful daughter and then go to my best friends sons baseball game and I did all that.
6. Cadbury Creme Eggs or Reeses peanut butter?
Ummm yes I love both.
7. Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were a child?
That would be Tigger and he still is to this day. That was even my nick name in High School because I never sat still.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Easter says you can put truth in a grave,
but it won't stay there.
~Clarence W. Hall
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