1. July 20th marks the anniversary of the first time man stood on the moon. Flash forward 42 years to July 8, 2011 which marked the start of the final Space Shuttle mission. Should we continue to explore space? Should nations devote more or fewer of their resources to exploring space? Would you want to go into space if the opportunity arose?
Wow that's a lot to process at one time. OK so I think we should continue to explore space. How else are we going to learn about it if we are not out there trying to get to know about it. I think yes we should spend resources to explore space. And last but not least Yes I think I would go into space if the opportunity arose for me to do so. I love space and so does my son.
Wow that's a lot to process at one time. OK so I think we should continue to explore space. How else are we going to learn about it if we are not out there trying to get to know about it. I think yes we should spend resources to explore space. And last but not least Yes I think I would go into space if the opportunity arose for me to do so. I love space and so does my son.
2. What are three things in your freezer?
Freezer jam and a lot of it, corn, and hamburger meat.
Freezer jam and a lot of it, corn, and hamburger meat.
3. If you could see any band/artist perform live tonite who would it be? It has to be someone living...no Beatles, Elvis, etc.
That's an easy one I would love to see Aerosmith in concert again. It was the first concert my husband and I went to see together. I love that band.
That's an easy one I would love to see Aerosmith in concert again. It was the first concert my husband and I went to see together. I love that band.
4. Ice-cubed or crushed? Or are you one of those people who don't like ice?
I personally love ice and I like it crushed only because it makes it easier to eat that way.
5. The owner of a small restaurant outside of Pittsburgh recently announced he was banning children under six, saying they regularly disrupted other customer's meals. You can read the story in more detail here but isn't this a perfect topic to discuss in our Wednesday Hodgepodge? Have at it friends...what are your thoughts?
That is a two sided coin that I am not going to fight over. I see and understand both sides of it.
That is a two sided coin that I am not going to fight over. I see and understand both sides of it.
6. What was your first car? How did it come to be yours?
My first car was a little blue P.O.S. that my parents gave to both me and my brother since we were in the same grade and both had our drivers license. My brother wrecked it about a month and a half after we got it so I didn't have it long.
7. If I had a nickle for every time I _________________ I'd be rich.
Heard my son say the words Whatever or Beast. The two most annoying words in his vocabulary.
Heard my son say the words Whatever or Beast. The two most annoying words in his vocabulary.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am so glad that Dale only has four more days left of his training and then he will be home for good. He is happy to be done also. He graduates on the 29th of July at 11:00. I am so proud of him.
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