1. What is the most useful book in your house?
That would have to be the computer. I know its not a book but really anything you can find in a book you can find on the computer.2. What's worse-being too hot or too cold?
Oh without a doubt being to hot. But I'm not a big fan of being to cold either. I would love for the weather to be about 70-75 all year around and that would be perfect.3. Share something that made you smile this past weekend.
Just hanging out with my family. They always make me smile.4. How do you like your hamburgers? Or don't you?
I don't eat them much just because they are not very good for you but when I do eat them they have to be well done. No pink what so ever.5. What's your summer beach read? If it's not summer in your part of the world then tell us what book you're reading in front of the fire while sipping hot cocoa.
currently I am not reading anything but I will soon start the last Twilight Saga... Breaking Dawn to get ready for the up coming movie.6. How was your birthday celebrated when you were a kid?
Usually with just a small family party until I turned a teenager then all my friends along with my family. I have pretty much done the same thing with my kids.7. What's something that is totally uncool that you love anyway?
According to my kids the 80's music I love to listen to. They think its old school but I think its great music to dance to and get motivated.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Not thinking anything at the moment.
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