1. What is your favorite kind of fudge?
I don't really eat it so I can't say I have a favorite kind of fudge.2. Is there snow outside your window?
Yes and I love it just not the cold.3. What is your favorite meal of the day?
Probably lunch cause I don't have a whole house full of people to feed. Just myself and Zack for now.4. Do you text on your cell phone?
Yes most of the time I am either texting or e-mailing someone. I don't talk much on the phone. But then again it just depends on who I am talking to.5. Waffles or pancakes?
Both but Waffles are easier to make. I just pour the batter into the griddle and close the lid, a few minutes later I have a waffle. Pancakes on the other hand take time to make.
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