1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to mis-use, over-use or just general uselessness and they receive over 1000 nominations. Here are the fourteen words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2011-viral, epic, fail, wow factor, a-ha moment, back story, BFF, man up, refudiate, Mama Grizzlies, The American People, facebook/google when used as verbs, I'm just sayin', and Live life to the fullest.
What word or phrase would you like to see banished from our everyday vocabulary in 2011? You can choose one from the 'official list' or you can get creative and come up with your own.
My son uses a word all the time that is suppose to mean something like a cut down but I personally cant stand it. He says Cutter. That is a word I would love to see banished from our vocabulary. Also the word Can't. I don't believe in that word because if you really try you can do almost anything you put your mind to.What word or phrase would you like to see banished from our everyday vocabulary in 2011? You can choose one from the 'official list' or you can get creative and come up with your own.
2. Do you consider opportunity something that comes to you or something you create for yourself?
A little of both I think. Most of the time I think we create our own opportunities.3. Since we're all eating healthy this month, ahem, what's included in your favorite salad? Is there dressing?
My favorite salad has lettuce of course, tomatoes cucumbers, mushrooms, chopped ham once in awhile, and a small amount of dressing.4. The fourth Monday in January is said to be Blue Monday...aka the most depressing day of the year. The date was calculated using many factors including weather, debt level, time since Christmas, time since we've failed at our new year resolutions, low motivation and feeling a need to take action. Do you get the blues this time of year and if so what is something you do to lift your spirits?
Not usually. I tend to make the best of whatever situation I am in.5. Do you wear a watch? Any other everyday jewelry essentials?
Not usually because I have my phone on me and the only other jewelry is my wedding ring.6. What is something useful you learned in high school?
That was so long ago I really don't remember. lol is that sad?7. Do you use an accountant when completing and filing your income tax returns or do you attempt to muddle through all by yourself?
Never tired it myself to scared I will screw it up and end up being audited.8. Insert your own random thought here.
No one will question your character if your character is not questionable.
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