Yes I will watch the Super Bowl. It is one of my favorite sporting events to watch. This year the Greenbay Packers and the Pittsburg Stealers are going to the Super Bowl. I will be rooting for the Pittsburg Stealers (sorry dad).

2. Is ignorance bliss?
It can be depending on the situation.

3. Which of the seven dwarfs are you? (and just in case your Disney is a little bit rusty, here they are-Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy)
I would have to say on most days Happy but I have my Grumpy days too.

4. When you are riding in the car with another couple how do you organize the seating? (Men up front? Women up front? Couples sit together?) And thanks to Lori at Mountain Woman at Heart for the question! Everyone go say hi to Lori.
Usually couples sit together but it just depends on who we are going out with. Sometimes its guys up front and girls in back.
5. What is beauty?
Beauty is confidence in one's self. I think that confident people (woman) are very beautiful. I don't mean cocky though. A cocky person is not pretty what so ever.

6. If someone asks you to bring an appetizer or a dessert to a party in their home, which would you choose?
Usually a dessert because it is always good to have good sweets after a great meal.

7. What is your crowd pleasing go-to appetizer?
I don't think I really have one. If I am having some sort of party I usually go to Subway and get the party tray. That always seems to do the trick.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

Enough with the snow already. Don't get me wrong I love the snow but this winter is really pushing my buttons with all the school closings. When will it be Spring already.

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