SO today's topic is your top five Pet Peeves. I don't have very many...well two to be exact so I will just list those.
1.Texting/talking on the phone while driving:
I would have to say this is my number one pet peeve. I can't understand why anyone would want to put themselves or others in that kind of danger over something that can wait until you are out of the car or at least stopped. I tend to get on to my husband about this subject all the time. I hope he gets it soon.
2.Disrespect toward adults:
It seems that with this generation of children they have lost their respect for adults. I don't understand how this has happened in just one generation considering that when I was a kid if I even so much as looked cross at my parents I got a laying into that made me think twice before doing that again. For some reason everyone has gotten it into their minds that disciplining your children is harming their self esstem. I mean really I was corrected on a daily basis with my parents and I turned out just fine. This generation thinks it ok to say no or choose which rules they want to follow and others they do not and don't expect any consequences. Or the fact that they feel that they can say anything they want to you and you have to just except it. Im sorry but in my childhood we not only respected our parent but feared for our lives when we didn't.
Also what is with all these kids and cussing all the time. I understand that we all did it as children and some of us are still doing it but why do these kids feel it is alright to just blurt out cuss words when ever they feel like it.
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