1. Did you know there is a National Day of pretty much everything in the universe? February 23 happens to be National Inconvenience Yourself Day...when was the last time you were inconvenienced?
Lately everyday is an inconvenience. Will explain later.
2. When a room in your house needs painting who does the job?
Well since I live in an apartment neither of us paint. When it needs a paint job the maintenance does it.
3. Are you friends with your cousins?
I don't know. I don't really talk to many of them. I am facebook friends with most of them but don't actually talk to them face to face.
4. Do you use an alarm clock? If yes-is it an actual alarm, music, or something else?
Yes I actually use two of them. One set to wake the kids up at 5 so they can get ready for school and the other set so that I will get up at 6:45 to take them to school.
5. What do you put ketchup on?
Nothing I hate ketchup.
6. What smells make you nostalgic?
Not really smells mostly music brings me back to the old days.
7. Have you heard about the high school English teacher recently suspended as a result of some things she wrote in her personal blog? You can read the story here but in a nutshell she vented a lot of frustration onto her blog. She didn't mention individual students by name but she did make some harsh comments about kids in general and their parents.
What are your thoughts-If you're a parent is your child's teacher online and are you 'friend' or 'follower' there? If you're a teacher are you on facebook and do you accept or friend students on fb? How about their parents? If you're a student are you friends with your current or former teachers online? Do any of them have blogs you read? If you're a teacher or a parent do you ever use your blog as a place to vent your frustrations with our educational system? So much to discuss...
No I am not facebook friends with any of my old teachers and as far as I know none of them read my blog. Personally I think if it was her own personal blog and she didn't mention any names then she has a right to say how she feels. That is what a blog is for. Its like a diary. I don't think she should have gotten in trouble for saying how she felt.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
3. Are you friends with your cousins?
I don't know. I don't really talk to many of them. I am facebook friends with most of them but don't actually talk to them face to face.
4. Do you use an alarm clock? If yes-is it an actual alarm, music, or something else?
Yes I actually use two of them. One set to wake the kids up at 5 so they can get ready for school and the other set so that I will get up at 6:45 to take them to school.
5. What do you put ketchup on?
Nothing I hate ketchup.
6. What smells make you nostalgic?
Not really smells mostly music brings me back to the old days.
7. Have you heard about the high school English teacher recently suspended as a result of some things she wrote in her personal blog? You can read the story here but in a nutshell she vented a lot of frustration onto her blog. She didn't mention individual students by name but she did make some harsh comments about kids in general and their parents.
What are your thoughts-If you're a parent is your child's teacher online and are you 'friend' or 'follower' there? If you're a teacher are you on facebook and do you accept or friend students on fb? How about their parents? If you're a student are you friends with your current or former teachers online? Do any of them have blogs you read? If you're a teacher or a parent do you ever use your blog as a place to vent your frustrations with our educational system? So much to discuss...
No I am not facebook friends with any of my old teachers and as far as I know none of them read my blog. Personally I think if it was her own personal blog and she didn't mention any names then she has a right to say how she feels. That is what a blog is for. Its like a diary. I don't think she should have gotten in trouble for saying how she felt.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Live without pretending
Love without depending
Listen without defending
Speak without offending
-Adriana Vasquez
Never tell me the sky is the limit
when there are footprints on the Moon.
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