1. Your favorite chocolate treat?
Wow there are so many I really like so I will say German Chocolate cake is my favorite.2. What more than anything else makes you feel loved?
By doing small things for me that is unexpected and when I receive something home made that really makes me feel loved.3. Cherries or blueberries?
Both but only if they are fresh...not a big fan of frozen or in a can.4. What is the one trait you most want the leader of your country to posess?
That is a good question and one I think I will have to ponder over so that it doesn't sound cliche.5. Are you a saver or a spender?
I would have to say I am a spender and my husband is a saver so we balence eachother out.
6. If you gave a party for all of your friends would they already know each other?
Ya I pretty sure at least 90% of them already know eachother and hang out together. The rest either live out of town or out of state.7. Are you interested in antiques?
Always interested in antiques. I love to know the history behind the stuff. My husband of all people is a big antiquer believe it or not.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Patience is a virtue that I know I don't have and the good lord is testing me on right now. I understand we all have our own trials that we must endure through but why do some seem to be so trivial and easy to learn while others seem to last forever. I hope I can learn this one quickly. I know I know Patience. LOL
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