Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing catch up

Ok so i know it has been a while since i last blogged but i have been really busy with the kids and halloween and eveything going on with dale down in Tn. So let me catch you up on my life.

First of all we had a great Halloween. The kids had tons of fun. Elyssa was a rock star and dj was a skelaton. Well really more like a scarry man in a skelaton mask that you would not want to run into in a dark ally. but i went with what i could afford at the time so there ya go. We went down to visit with Melissa for the week of Halloween because my cousin does not celebrate and the kids really wanted to trick or treat. So she let me use her extra car since Melissa lives only an hour and a half away.

On to other things. Dale is still down in Tn trying to get us a place to live in so we can be together as a family again. this has been one of the most trying times in our marriage. by far not the longest we have been apart but i think dale may go crazy soon. The kids and I do miss him but we are coping fine. He on the other hand is going stir crazy not having us there when he comes home after work. I miss him so much and cant wait to see him again. From what i understand he has found a place in Clarksville for us to be in but has not moved in just yet. I think it is right down the road from ryan if i am right, but dont quote me on it. Anyway we are planning to come back down there when the kids go on christmas vacation if we get the place.

Well that is all for now so i am going to go. Blog at you later.


  1. Quon, I'm so happy to hear you are coming back. E-mail me privately so I can get your address to send you the paper for your Christmas Cards.


  2. p.s. my last name is spelled Weber

  3. oh good!! so it should be soon? that's right by me too. :)
