Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Cream and Pillow friends

Ok so everyone has been talking about this thing called snow cream and I have never heard of it. I know right. So I asked Ryan what it was and all she said was OOOOO good and OOOOO cold. I told her that's great but it didn't explain what the heck it is. So she told me its this really yummy treat that her mom use to make for her when she was a kid and that she has turned it into a tradition in her family. She told me to google it and get the recipe because everyone makes it differently. So I did and its really easy. So I make some and let me tell you it was the best tasting Snow cream ( a.k.a. Ice cream made from snow) that I have ever tasted. Ok, Ok its the only snow cream I have ever tasted but it was still really good. Anyway after making it I got to thinking about how I can make it my own and decided to add frozen fruit to it to make it taste even better. Not that there is anything wrong with vanilla but for those of us who like other flavors its something different. Anyway I decided that when I make it again I'm going to try it a little different and see how it turns out. Anyway so here is Dale, Elyssa and her friend Hannah eating the end result of my first batch. They really loved it. So did Dominic but for some reason I didn't get a picture of him eating it. Oh ya I almost forgot Dale got the bright idea to had hot cocoa mix to it to make it chocolate. It wasn't bad, truthfully it was kinda good. Anyway enough about that. Here are the pics.

here is my first batch. No it has nothing to do with the Tony's or the grapes they just happen to be there when I took the picture.

Dale and his bowl

Hannah and her bowl

Elyssa and her bowl

Ok so now for the second part of my title. I am always telling Dominic to stop bugging his sister and go out and make some friends. Well with it being so cold and no one wanting to be out longer than 10 min. Dominic decided to make a friend of his own out of pillows and cloths. Sometimes I wonder where his imagination came from. He can be so creative when he is truly bored. Anyway here is what he made. He is so proud of it.
Oh ya I almost forgot to tell you how to make the Snow cream. This way you don't have to google it.
Snow Cream

1 Cup Milk
1 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Vanilla
and a whole lot of very clean snow.
Mix all ingredients together in a mixer. Start with about 10 cups of snow and add more until you get the thickness of Ice cream. Add any flavoring that you like such as fruit or cocoa to taste and enjoy.
Its pretty simple to make and the kids really love it. Of course you can add or take away from the sugar to make it as healthy as you like. I only added about 1/2 a cup of sugar instead of the full amount just because I'm not a big sugar person but its up to you. I hope you can get creative and come up with some great recipes of your own. Please share them with me when you do. I'm all about the new things.
Well that's all for now. Blog at you later.

Lots and Lots of Snow

Well I guess the weather man was right. We got lots and lots of snow. I think we got about 8 inch's last night, leaving our apts completely covered in snow. The kids were just itching to get out there and play in the snow. Which to me is crazy because it is cold cold cold out there. The kids finally got to go out and play and have a blast.
The kids out in the snow. Winter 2010
Dominic made a chair or at least tried to make a chair out of the snow.
Elyssa started to make a snowman but just got to cold and gave up so this is what she ended up with.
They both tried to make one but gave up when they couldn't get past the first ball. They are so silly.
This is what my deck looks like at the moment.
This would be my front porch. Funny cause it is enclosed for the most part and we still got snow on it.

This would be what our roads look like at the moment. I hope they come and clear them soon otherwise I don't think my husband will be able to get out and go to work.

Now we are in the house drinking hot cocoa and trying to get warm. I think we will go back out and play more later but for now we are done.

Blog at you later.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Free Day

OK so when I woke up this morning to my husband coming in I asked if it was really bad outside and do you know what he told me. He said there was nothing out side. Nothing. No snow, no ice, no bad weather at all. Go figure. I was totally expecting to look out and find at least snow on the ground after all the fuss that was put into canceling school and salting the roads and everything yesterday. I mean really the kids could have at least had a half day today because it didn't start snowing until almost 1:00. Oh well I guess the kids are fine with it.

We were planning on going to the YMCA today to at least swim but by the time we got done shopping for food and getting it all unloaded and put away it was almost 3:00. The Y is closing at 4:00 because it finally started snowing. Go figure I guess we are house bound for the rest of the day. Its fine with me I guess we will just spend the day watching TV instead of going out on our date like we were planning on doing.

Well that's all for today. Blog at you later.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

House Cleaning and Doctor Appt.

OK so today was cleaning day. I spent the whole day cleaning and organizing my living room and kitchen. It looked great until I started working on some Activity Day work and messed it all up again. Ha ha. Sometimes I think I'm my own worst enemy. Anyway after everything was done I went and woke up Dale so that we could go and get the kids for their doctor's appointments. Dominic is a healthy 119 lbs and 4'10" with perfect vision and hearing and right on track with all his other developments. Elyssa is a healthy 64 lbs and 4'2" with perfect vision and hearing and right on track with all her other developments. They both had to have four shots. Poor things I hate when they have to do that. I was very pleased to hear there was nothing physically wrong with either of them. After all that we came home and got ready to go to the Y for some swimming time. We swan for about an hour and a half then got out just as Ryan and her kids got there. Dominic and Elyssa wanted to stay so Ryan said she would bring them home. I headed home with Dale and now we are awaiting the kids.

Anyway I got a call today at 4 saying that they closed school for tomorrow because of for casted inclemente weather tomorrow. How silly is that. Closing school because It Might snow tomorrow. What happens when nothing happens? Do they go to school anyway or just stay out? Oh well the kids were happy. I hope I can still go to the Y for my workout otherwise I am going to be stuck in this house all day with these kids and no way to exercise cause they wont let me do my home workout alone. Trust me on this one they always want something just as I am getting really into my workout. It happens every time. Oh well I guess two days off wont kill me and there is always swimming to help me out.

Well I need to go finish cleaning up the mess I made and get ready for bed.
Blog at you later.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lunch with the Girls

Ok so today I went to the Y and worked out with the girls as usual but after wards we all headed over to Holly's house to have lunch. It was so much fun to just hang out and talk and have a good time. I love my new group of friends which in turn really isn't that new if you think about it. Most of the girls in our workout group I have been friends with for years and a few are new to our little group. But we love having newbies in our group. They really have been a great blessing in my life. Not only as friends but they have really kept me motivated to keep up with the gym and my classes. Even when I really didn't want to keep going they didn't let me cop out and stop. They push me beyond my normal give up time telling me I can keep going and I do and I am really glad they do. I really think I just may have given up or at least not been as active with my weight loss and healthy living if it was not for them and my wonderful husband who on a daily basis tells me how proud his is of me and how much of a change he can see in me since I started this new journey in my life. I really am truly blessed to have so many great people in my life. Trust me when I say if you are going to make such a big change in your life you really need a good support system and a big group of friends who are just as motivated as you want to be. I love it. Anyway I am rambling.

After lunch I went home and changed and then headed over to Ryan's house to help her out with a few chores around her house. Poor girl was stressing so bad. I love you Ryan. After a short visit I headed over to the church for Activity Day's and then headed home just in time to kiss my kids goodnight and usher my husband out the door to work. Now I am headed to bed and getting ready for tomorrow, which is also another very busy day. Got to love the busy.

That's all for now. Blog at you later.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

push beyond the pain

Today I went to they Y to work out with Ryan, Holly, and Michelle. We, being Holly, myself and Michelle all took the beginner step class then Ryan and Michelle took the abs class but Holly and I were not that brave so we walked the track until they were done. Then we went back up to the track with Ryan and walked some more until my back just couldn't take it anymore. I told the girls not to let me wimp out just because I was a little sore and they didn't. Thank you girls for pushing me beyond the pain so that I could get a great work out today. Love ya. Anyway after we were done we left and took Holly home then Ryan took me home. I cleaned the house up and just as I finished Isiaha showed up. Yahhh I love having that little man. He is so cute. Anyway getting back on track here. I fed him lunch and then we watched a little TV until the kids got home and then I helped them with there homework and made dinner. After dinner we met up with Ryan and her kids to go swimming at the Y. We only stayed for about an hour or so then headed home so the kids could finish their chores and take showers before bed. Isiaha fell asleep on the couch and I watched the Biggest Loser until his dad came to pick him up. Now it is almost midnight and I am finally headed to bed.

Looking forward to tomorrow. Zumba and then Deep water.

Blog at you later.

Monday, January 25, 2010

At the YMCA again

Ok so today was a really good day until I woke up....Ha ha let me explain. I got up got dressed and was about to walk out the door for Deep water class and had to go to the bathroom only to dicover that at that very moment my monthly little friend decided to show up. Yes right before class. Needless to say Yes I did go to class but man it kicked my butt. I have no energy what so ever but I pushed through it and finished then Ryan, Michelle, Holly, Elaine and myself sat in the steam room for about five mins then sat in the Hot tub for about 20 mins and then got out and got ready to leave then we all met in the lobby to plan out our week. We are going to be some busy ladies this week. I am planning on getting on the scale tomorrow to see how much I have lost. I know I said before that I would only weigh on Thursdays but I sort of forgot last week so I need to do it. I still plan on only checking once a week. Lets hope its good news. Which I am pretty sure it is.

Anyway I got home and then Dale left to go to the Y to work out and I took a little nap and then cleaned the house. Then when Dale and the kids got home we went, Yes, you gessed it, back to the Y so the kids could play in the pool. I didn't swim just sat on the side to watch the kids. Ryan came also with her kids and she didn't swim either we just talked while the kids swan. After about an hour we all left and went home. I wasn't feeling well so Dominic made dinner. Yes thats right Dominic made dinner. He cooked spagetti. He is really good at that. Anyway the kids ate dinner and finished their homework then went to bed which is where I am headed now.

Blog at you later.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

swimming at the Y

Today was a good day. We all got up and headed out to file our Taxs. Yahhh we are getting a good amount of money back this year even though Dale worked more than last year. After that we headed home and on the way I got a call from not only Ryan but Michelle asking if we were going to the YMCA to swim. I said of course and would see them there around 1:00.

So yes we ended up at the YMCA swimming. I think my kids really love it there. I know I am there everyday doing some kind of workout so it doesn't surprise me that yet again we are there. When we got there there was already someone we knew from church there so I talked to her while waiting for Ryan and her kids and Michelle and her kids to get there. Michelle got there first and started getting her kids ready to swim then Ryan showed up but she couldnt stay because she was going to a baby shower so I watched her kids while she went. After everyone was dressed Michelle and her kids came out and played in the pool. Michelle and I talked for a bit in the kids pool then headed over to the hot tub then back to the little kids pool. This went on for a few hours then everyone went home. We as a family sat down and had dinner then watched the movie G.I. Joe. It was alright I guess.

Anyway that's pretty much it for now....Blog at you later.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

OK so I have been so busy lately I forgot all about the computer. I have not checked my email or my facebook nor have I blogged since Friday. So I need to catch yall up on my week and let you know what has been going on with my and my little family.

Saturday -1-16
So on Saturday's we usually take a break from exercising and we all went swimming as a family. It was a lot of fun. I think we will keep doing that. After swimming we all sat around and watched TV together then I made dinner and we went to bed. Oh ya Elyssa had her little friend Hannah over and she spent the night with us to.

We all got up got dressed and went to church. Even Hannah went with us. Michelle wasn't there again this week because Ashley went back to School so she stayed home to send her off. After church we ate lunch then Ryan came and picked me up and we went to the Y for the intro to Zumba class which was totally fun but I cant move my feet that fast so I took it kinda slow. Still tons of fun and got a good work out. Then Ryan wanted to stay for the Step class and I thought why not I love step although I have not done it since I was in high school. Ya that was awhile ago. But I only made it through the first five mins of it and was about to pass out. To much to fast. I think next time I will take either or but not both. Anyway I know you are not suppose to do those things on Sunday but I figure the lord wont mind to much cause I am doing something good for my body. After that I came home and just hung out with my family for the rest of the day.

I just worked out at home today because I didn't have a ride to the Y. Which was totally fine with me because I still got a great work out with my Barry's boot camp DVD I have. After that I cleaned house and did some laundry and got ready for Tuesday. I talked to Michelle ( Whom I have not heard from in forever. I think the woman just dropped off the face of the earth. ha ha I love ya Michelle) and told her about my classes I have been taking and that I have been really busy just trying to get into shape. She was really excited and said she wanted to join the Y with me and that way we could work out together. So she is coming to pick me up tomorrow and we are going to get her signed up. Yahhhhhhh.

OK so Michelle and I were suppose to meet early today because she wants to joining the Y also but I had put my phone on silent last night so that I wouldn't wake the baby while I was texting with my friends and forgot to turn it back up. Anyway I slept through my alarm this morning and when I finally got up it was 10:30. I looked at my phone and I had a bunch of missed calls and text messages and voice mails so I listened to them and called Michelle back and told her what happened and she told me not to scare her like that again. I said sorry and that I would try really hard not to do that again. I guess I had her so worried that she was even going to drive all the way out here just to check on me but Ryan told her not to that I had been working out really hard and I must have just slept in. She said fine and waited for me to call her. Anyway Michelle finally came and got me and we went to the Y to get her signed up but it turned out she couldn't right then and there because she didn't have enough money at that point so we went back to her house and worked a little on the Scrapbook for Girls Camp last year. We didn't get far into it when Michelle got a call from her friend and needed to look some stuff up on the Internet. Dale came by on his way home from his double and picked me up and we went home. Later we went to the Y to go swimming with the kids. Tons of fun.

So I got a call from Michelle and she said that her husband moved some things around and that she could sign up today. So she came and picked me up and we got her signed up and I headed to class. Yes, I had deep water class today and man did I get a work out. Well I always do but Christie really worked out my arms today. I loved it but I am a little sore. Its cool though I know the more I work out the better it will get. After class we had to hurry up and leave because Michelle had to meet up with some friends for lunch and I had to watch Ava and little john while she went and picked up Analise and her family from the airport. After all that was done we all sat around at my house and chatted then we all separated and did our own things. I cleaned up a little and then made dinner.

OK so now we get to today. I didn't work out today because its my scrapbooking day. We all met up at Diana's house (that being myself with Isaiah, Michelle and her two boys, Elaine, Diana ofcourse, Bobby, and another lady that I just love but for the life of me cant remember her name) and did this really pretty layout while chatting and having a goodtime and then around 12 we all went out to eat at O Charlie's and then went home. After all that hard playing with Michelle's two boys Isaiah was pretty tired. I didn't think he would nap today but when I got home I started to blog and then it got really quiet, when I turned around to see what he was up to this is what I found.
Isaiah asleep on my floor

This is what he was asleep in the middle of.

Awww he is so cute.

Now we are getting ready to go to the Y to go swimming as a family.

That's all for now. Blog more later.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Ok so we were out on the deck enjoying this beautiful day and Isaiah was trying to scare Dale and when he did dale would fall back and act scared and Isaiah just thought it was the funniest thing.

First Zumba Class

Ok to tell the truth I didn't make it to the Zumba Class until the last 10 mins of it. I was walking the track while the kids were playing in the pool. I was walking the track waiting for Ryan to get there so she could go with me since she has done Zumba before she knows what to expect but I didn't so I didn't want to go by myself. Ya I know Im a chicken but I like to try new things with people who have done it before. Anyway I walked the track from 5:30 until 6:15ish. Then Ryan finally came and we walked for about another three laps and then went down to check out the class. It looks like so much fun but I think Im going to start with the beginners class because I dont know the steps. Anyway I cant wait. I have Isiaha again tomorrow so I don't think I am going to go to the Y. I will just work out here at home. Anyway thats all for today.

Blog at you later.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Ok so I have been working out so hard and I am so sore that I could barley move after yesterdays class so I decided to take the day off from exercise and go scrapbooking with my friends. Im so glad I did. I hurt even more today but not to the point that I can't move. It was so much fun just hanging out with the girls and gabbing the whole time. Plus it helps to be around people who have children that are already grown so they can help you with what your going through with your kids now. Anyway we always plan to crop from 9-12 but we never leave until 2 or 3. Its just so much fun. Anyway tomorrow is back to work with the exercise and I am totally ready for it. Oh ya I stepped onto the scale this morning and I have lost 5 lbs.....Yayyyyy I am so excited. I can't wait to loose more. But I promised myself I will only weigh myself once a week so my days will be on Thursdays.

Thats all for now. Sorry they have been so short. Blog at you later

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Deep Water

Ok so its not as bad as my title makes it sound I promise. I had my first Deep Water exercise class today and I loved it. Not just because there where literally only two people in the class that I didn't know but the instructor really gave me a good workout. I even sweat. Yes I said sweat in a pool. I didn't think it was possible but I did and I loved it. I so loving this new way of life. I have friends who keep me in check about my exercise and I have discovered a new sense of self discipline when it comes to food. I don't know what happen to me but I really think this is the year that I am going to finally reach my goal of loosing the weight and keeping it off. Now I just need to get another car so that I don't have to rely on friends or wait for Dale to go to the Y. But that's a whole nother blog. He he he.

So I'm going to keep it short and sweet today. Blog at you later.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bus problems

OK so yesterday my kids didn't get home from school until almost 4:45. I was really worried about what was going on so I called the school to find out and they told me that the bus was running late. I said OK and waited until the kids got home. Come to find out they were sitting across the street in the Richview Middle School parking lot the whole time. Turns out that someone on the bus was messing with the emergency window and set off the alarm. So the bus driver had to pull over and wait for an administrator and a transportation personnel to show up and find out what was going on. No one wanted to fess up who did it so everyone who was sitting by an emergency window ( that's four seats with two kids in each seat) got a write up. Including Elyssa who was very upset by the whole thing because she never gets in trouble for anything. Not at school or on the bus. DJ got in trouble because he was writing on the window with his finger. Now this I understand because he and his friend were writing Help and S.O.S. We had to explain to him that that was wrong because he was not in an emergency. He was just mad because they were just sitting there.

All I'm saying is if a parent calls the school to find out why their child is late coming home don't tell them they are simply running late if something else is going on. All we want to know is where are children are and if they are OK. That's all I'm saying.

Anyway I need to go. The kids are home from school (on time today) and need to do their homework.

Blog at you later.

Day two

So today was day two on my new exercise program. Yeah my legs hurt so much. I could only work out for 35 mins today but I am not giving up. I included a few more things into my program to help me tighten up the skin as I loose the weight. I hope it works. I also went to the YMCA today and got my membership. I just couldn't wait until February. Dale is totally behind me on this and he wants to gain a lot more muscle back so he is all for this. We are both really excited about this. I get to start my first class at the Y tomorrow with the deep water aerobics. I can't wait. Anyway I weighed myself this morning and I have only lost about half a pound but I am totally thrilled about it. I know it has only been two days of exercise but I changed the way I eat almost a week ago and it is paying off. Plus I have so much energy now I don't know what to do with myself. I have been cleaning my house like crazy. I really don't think it has been this clean since we moved in. Ha ha. Anyway I need to go for now.

Blog at you later.

Foil Art

OK so Michelle's daughter Ashley did this really cool art project in school called Foil art. I thought it was the coolest thing I have ever seen so I told Michelle I wanted to learn how to do it. So we both planned on doing on together as a practice but then I had that fire and went to Penn. for a few weeks and couldn't do it with Michelle. So when I got back I decided to try it out on my own with a little help from Michelle over the phone. So ta-da..... here is my first attempt at Foil Art. You can't really see it but up in the right corner is grapevines and leaves. They are really pretty. Anyway I think it turned out pretty good for my first time. This one is going to my friend Diana for her kitchen. I hope she loves it. I liked it so much I think I'm going to go it again, with a different pattern of course.

Monday, January 11, 2010

First workout

OK so today was my first workout. Dale was suppose to be here to keep my company but he had to work overtime this morning so I was left all alone. Snif snif. I did it anyway and though I didn't work out for as long as I wanted to it seemed to fly by. I did 25 mins on the treadmill and 25 mins on the elliptical. Man I hate that one. But anyway I did it all alone which just goes to show that I can do it if I put my mind to it... Ha ha I'm a poet. Anyway my goal is to work out longer next time. Although I didn't work out for long I am still pretty sore. I guess that's because I don't work out. Dale said it will get easier the longer I'm doing it and that I will look forward to the workouts later on. I don't know how true that is but I am looking forward to getting that membership at the YMCA. Dale said we should have it by the 1st of February but I am hoping everything goes right and we can get it this week. Keep those fingers crossed. Anyway I need to do some cleaning around here since I have the house to myself so I will go for now.

Blog at you later.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cold Cold Cold

OK so I love the snow just as much as anyone but really does it have to be this cold. I think it only got up to about 18 degrees today. OK even for me that's really cold. I went to the store to pick up a few items I needed for dinner and when I got home it took me like an hour to get warm again. On top of everything I think my sliding glass door in the living room is letting in cold air also. I am going to have to talk to the office about that on Monday. Lets hope they get right on it. I guess you could say that is one of the perks of being in an Apartment. When something goes wrong you don't have to pay for it. Unless you broke it of course. Ha ha. But really it can be nice. Now if we could just get this coldness under control we all would be happy.

Again we didn't do much today. Still to cold outside. The kids did play with their friends for a little bit outside but they didn't stay gone long. Even to cold for them. Otherwise we just cuddled up on the couch and watched movies together. Another perfect day as a family. I really hope this all continues. I'm loving the peace in my house. Even Dominic is getting along with everyone and showing real respect for me also.

As for my new self I have started my new eating habits already but I have not started my exercise yet because the kids are still out of school. I'm hopping that they go back on Monday so that I can start. I am really looking forward to this. Not so much the sore muscles but I know I have to hurt a little to get where I want to be. My goal is to loose 2 1/2 pounds a week. That will equal out to about 10 pounds a month. Starting the first of February Dale is going to get us a membership at the YMCA so that I will never have a reason to not work out. I have also got Ryan in on my little travel to better health. She is all aboard. She thinks it will help us both if we have someone to be accountable to besides ourselves. I agree. OK so I think I have rambled enough for one day.

Blog at you later.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Just the family

Today the kids were out of school again for another snow day. I really hope they get to go back on Monday. Don't get me wrong I love my children but they were only back in school for two days. Oh well we shall see.

Anyway we didn't do much today because it was so cold outside. We all sat around and played games and watched TV together as a family. It was really nice. Dale was off of work and the kids were not fighting with each other or us. It was a perfect day. Now if the temperatures would just get a little warmer we would all be happy.

Well that's all for at you later.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day and my Anniversary

wow it is really snowing. I don't think it has really snowed here in a couple of years. Its nice to see but I wish it would have done it on Christmas. That would have been great. But its snowing now so I'll take it. I personally love the snow. Dale not so much but I know I love it. I guess that is because I grew up with snow. You see I am from California. Northern mostly and it always snowed in the winter. It brings back so many memories from my childhood. Playing in the yard. Making a very big snowman and having snowball fights with my brothers and the neighborhood kids. We use to stay out all day. only going in for a few mins to get a little warmer and then right back out into the snow. I think we were all snowmen by the time the day was over and we went inside. I remember going to bed at night and not being able to sleep because I was so ready to go back outside and play in the snow again.

I remember this one time when I was like 7 or 8 and we lived in this yellow house that had this huge back yard that went downhill to a creek. In the winter the creek would freeze solid and you could walk on it. Anyway my brothers and I had been begging my parents for a sled so that we could slide down the hill. We had been using the trashcan lids but we wanted a real sled like the neighborhood kids had so they finally gave in and bought us two of them. We got together with our friends and played in our back yard all day. Taking turns going down the hill and trying to stop before we got to the creek. Of course we never did. We always hit the creek every time. Good thing it was frozen solid. Then walking back up the hill to do it all over again. It was so much fun. To bad I don't have that kind of energy anymore. ha ha ha.

Anyway on to other things. Today is my 10 year anniversary. I have been married to the most wonderful husband in the world for 10 years. It sill seems like just yesterday that we got married. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing but all I know is that I am glad I am married to him. Yes we have had our ups and downs but at least we stuck it out and worked through it instead of giving up and getting out. I guess its true what they say. If you put God first in your marriage then great things will come of it. I know I have watched my friends get married and divorced within two years. I have watched my own family do the same. They give up at the first sign of trouble instead of working through it and making it work. Don't get me wrong I understand that there are very good reasons not to work it out and get a divorce. I'm just glad I didn't give up on my marriage.

Not many people really know how we met so I'm going to tell you now. You see I was working at this casino called The Grand while I was pregnant with Dominic. After I had him I decided that working there was not going to work out because of the hours so I quit and started working at this little mom and pop sub shop. I worked there for a couple of month and then my girlfriend told me that this new casino called The Imperial Palace was hiring for the day shift so I went with her and we applied. We both got the job and started working there together. Since we just lived down the road we carpooled together to work. I had been there about three days and was working by myself for the first time. (oh ya I guess I should tell you that I was working as a maid in the hotel part of the casino since I wasn't 21 yet). I went out to my cart to get a new set of sheets for the bed and saw this really cute security guy walking down the hall. I just looked for a minute and then went back to making the bed. As I was working on the bed he quietly walked into the room and bent down beside me and whispered "Don't you think you should be working". I just about jumped out of my skin and he laughed. We talked for a few mins. then my supervisor started down the hall so I told him I had to get back to work. He left and finished his rounds and I finished my work on that floor. Since I knew he started at the top floor and was working his way down I didn't think I would see him again and kicked myself for not giving him my number. I went on to the other floors that I needed to clean and was almost finished for the day when I saw him again coming down the hall. Now I know its crazy but something inside me told me to give him my number now so I hurried up and wrote it down on a piece of paper that I had on my cart and went back into the room. He stopped when he got to the room I was in and said that he didn't think he was going to see me again because I wasn't on the floor that we first met on. I told him that I was working on four floors that day and didn't think I would see him again either. We laughed and talked for a bit and then I gave him my number because his boss was calling him about a situation that needed to be addressed. We said goodbye and he said he would call. I got off work and went and picked Dominic up at the babysitters then went home. I didn't see him at work for a couple of weeks and hadn't heard from him so I thought he was just one of those guys who tries to see how many girls numbers he could get. Then one night I got a call at around 9pm and it was Dale. Turns out he was moving from Long Beach to Biloxi and didn't want to make a long distance call so he waited. The reason I hadn't seen him at work was because the tower (hotel) as the security called it wasn't his normal post. He was only working it that day because it was suppose to be his day off but the guy who normally worked it needed that day off for some reason and so they switched. It was the only time he ever worked in the hotel. Anyway I told him that he couldn't call me that late because I still had brothers in school and they were in bed. Yes I still lived with my parents. Ha ha ha. I told him to call me the next day. So he did and we talked for a couple of hour and made plans to go out on Friday. After we got off the phone I was telling my mom about him and how I really liked him and was planning on going out on Friday with him. She said that she had some free tickets to this new ride called the Ultimate Rush (if anyone knows what that is you know why my mom gave us the tickets)and that they were for that night only so I called him back and asked what he was doing that night and he said nothing so I asked him if he wanted to go to this ride with me. He said yes and I told him that I would have to bring Dominic and one of my brothers with me because both my parents were busy that night and couldn't watch him. He said it was fine with him and he would be at my house in an hour to pick us up. Anyway to make a long story short we went and had a great time. He took to Dominic right away. We saw each other off and on for a couple of weeks and then started carpooling together. Then he started watching Dominic for me after he got off ( oh ya I should tell you that he started work at 6 am and I started at 9 am so he would pick us up in the morning and I would take him to work then go home get ready for work take Dominic to the sitter and go to work) and on his days off since we had different days off. Which in the long run saved me a ton of money because Dominic was only at the sitters three days a week instead of five. After about two months of this we moved in together and got engaged. Then I introduced him to the church and he started taking the lessons and finally got baptised. A month later we got married and have been together ever since.

Wow it has been a really long time since I thought about that story. It brings up so many fond memories. Anyway I will stop babbling and get off here.

That's all for now.....Blog at you later.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

On my way....The journey begins

OK so I'm not sure if anyone really knows this but the time has come for me to finally loose this weight I have been carrying around for the past almost 10 years. I have come to the decision that I am done. I am tired of being so over weight and allowing food to rule my life, so starting today I'm done. I was planning on having the gastric bypass but after talking to my husband and friends I have come to the decision that I am going to give it my best effort for the year and really try my hardest to loose this weight on my own. (If I don't make it then I will go and have the surgery. Lets hope it doesn't come to that.) Well not really on my own. I will have the support of my wonderful husband and friends so here goes nothing. My plan is to loose at least 10 pounds a month and go from the 250 lbs that I am now to the 125-130 lbs I want to be. I plan to post everyday what I ate and how much I worked out that way I will have no excuses about what is going on with me. I will be working out with my husband (if anyone has seen him you know why I choose him) so that I will have no reason not to work out. I plan to rid my house of anything that is not good for me. Although my children may have some issues with this. I want to be in the best shape of my life again. Not back to what I was before children but what I was when I got married. My children deserve this from me. My husband deserves this from me and Most of all I deserve this from me. I plan to post pictures as I go along so that I can track my progress with visuals also. So like I said at the begging here I go.

That's all for now. Blog at you later.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Update...a surpise at my door.

Ok so I just got a call from Sister Rosemary Kline and she told me that she is the one who left the stuff at my door this morning at around 6. Wow thats early. Thank you so much Rosemary. You have always been there for us when we needed you and when we didn't need you. You are a true blessing and angle in our lives. We love you so much.

Well that's all for now....Blog at you later.

A surpise at my door.

Ok so I woke up this morning and got the kids ready for school. Yahhh they are going to school. Don't get me wrong I love my kids and miss them so much when they are gone but man did I ever need a break after having them everyday all day for almost three weeks. Anyway as the kids were headed out the door there was a black trash bad and two little boxs sitting there. The kids asked what it was and I told them I have no idea but not to worry about it and go to school. I watched them get on the bus then headed back inside because it was freezing thismorning. I brought the stuff in and opened it up to find pots and pans and a bad of forks and spoons. Wow I don't know who sent is but thanks cause I needed pots and pans. I am now fully stocked in my kitchen. Other than a few things that I really want like a juicer and a bread maker and a mixer and blender I have everything. Wow you know the lord really does provide when you are in need. I love having people in this world who love and care not only about me and my family but everyone in need. I dont know what I or anyone else would do without them. Thank you again.

That's all for now...Blog at you later

Monday, January 4, 2010

Normal day

Today was a pretty uneventful day. I went and paid a couple of bills and then came home and babysat until 10. I cleaned house and played with the kids. Then made dinner and went to bed. Like I said nothing special today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

That's all for now....Blog at you later.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Crazy week and Enough already

OK so to start I have had a crazy week. I started watching this really sweet three year old little boy named Isaiah. Wow does he ever have a lot of energy. Not having a three year old of my in my house for a long time has made me a little spoiled. I am really glad that at the end of the day I can give him back to his dad. Wow I am also very glad I don't have a three year old of my own. sometimes I wonder how I made it through those years in the first place. I feel for all of you who do. I now understand why you are always tired. I know that all this sounds a little silly and reading it out loud even sillier but it truly is how I feel. Anyway he has taken up a lot of my week with just adjusting to having him and getting use to his schedule. Also it has been a while since I changed a diaper. But it is like they say. Once you learn you never really forget. You just push it to the back. I love having him though. He is just the sweetest little boy and very loving.

Anyway on to other things. I didn't do much for the new year. I guess I am getting old because at about 10 I fell asleep. That didn't last long because someone in my apts started shooting off fireworks at about 11 and woke up Isaiah. So we went out on the porch and watched until they were done and then tried to go back to sleep. That didn't work out either, so we watched TV until Isaiah's dad came to get him. Then I went back to bed.

Yesterday we as a family went to Barns and Noble to get books. Elyssa had gotten a ten dollar gift card to there for her birthday so we needed to use it soon. Anyway she got a book on how to draw and DJ got a book on the value of his hot wheel car and Dale got a book about the Truth about History and I got a classic called Uncle Toms Cabin. So far it is a pretty good book. I didn't have to read it in high school but I hear nothing but good things about it. We shall see. After that we came home and I watched Isaiah until about 11 and then went to bed.

Now for today and the reason for the other part of the title. So today was one of those days when I really felt like it was coming at me from all sides. To start Dale didn't get off work until 9 this morning and so I was late to church. I didn't even bother trying to fight the kids on getting up and getting dressed so I let them stay home with Dale. While at church I was fine but when I got home is when it all started. First the kids were fighting with each other and so I sent them to their rooms. After about two hours they came out and they were fine but then I had remembered that Dale had told them that he wanted their rooms clean before he woke up today so I sent them back in there to clean only DJ decided that he wasn't going to listen to me. I asked him several times very nicely to please go clean his room and he flat out told me NO. That only pissed me off. Forgive the language. The more I asked the more he keep on coming out of his room so the madder I got and I turned off his TV and locked him in his room. That really made him mad and he started telling me to turn his TV back on or he wouldn't clean so I took a couple of deep breaths and walked to his room and calmly told him that I was the parent and that he was not going to give me the ultimatum but was going to do what I told him to do. At this point her proceeded to yell in my face and give me a death stare so I told him to wipe that look off his face and give me the respect that I deserve. He told me Hell no and to get out of his room at this point I was so mad that I slapped him in his face and walked out of his room with his TV in my hand. That only made the situation worse and Dale finally stepped in and took over.

So this brings me to my question when is enough enough. I understand that at this age they have a hard time controlling their emotions but when should I leave it be and when should I stand up and say enough. I really am tired of this happening. I don't think I can make it through this phase of his life and if Elyssa is anything like this I think I will be bald and in and asylum by the time they grow up. I really don't know what to do so if you have any suggestions please help.

Well that's all for now.....Blog at you later.