1. If you had known what they knew then, would you have boarded the Mayflower?
probably, I guess it just depended on what my personal situation was at the time. But I am going to go with Ya probably.
probably, I guess it just depended on what my personal situation was at the time. But I am going to go with Ya probably.
2. How far have you traveled on a boat and how do you feel about boats in general?
I have not been on a boat before. I know sheltered life but I would love to soon.
I have not been on a boat before. I know sheltered life but I would love to soon.
3. What traditions have you kept, acquired thru marriage, and/or tossed? If you're single what are some of your family's favorite Thanksgiving traditions?
we really don't have a tradition for Thanksgiving. Its just usually by the seat of our pants but this year I think we may be starting a new one.
we really don't have a tradition for Thanksgiving. Its just usually by the seat of our pants but this year I think we may be starting a new one.
4. What time is dinner and how many will be round your table? And what is the one side dish you cannot do without on Thanksgiving day?
usually around 5 or 6 for dinner. This year will just be the four of us around the table. My cranberry sweet salad that has been passed down for generations. I just love it.
usually around 5 or 6 for dinner. This year will just be the four of us around the table. My cranberry sweet salad that has been passed down for generations. I just love it.
5. Have you ever used a fire extinguisher? Do tell....
Can't say that I have.
Can't say that I have.
6. Tell about a situation that caused you dreadful trepidation and feet dragging, only to realize later it was a true blessing.
That's an easy one. That would be Hurricane Katrina in 05. I thought I would never recover from that but instead we moved to a town we knew nobody in, was adopted by a family whom we still love to this day and have made friends and a life here in Tennessee. I am very grateful for mother nature bringing us here.
That's an easy one. That would be Hurricane Katrina in 05. I thought I would never recover from that but instead we moved to a town we knew nobody in, was adopted by a family whom we still love to this day and have made friends and a life here in Tennessee. I am very grateful for mother nature bringing us here.
7. Baked, sweet, mashed, hash browned or french fried...which one's your favorite?
I wold have to say Baked, hash browned and french fried would be my favorite.
I wold have to say Baked, hash browned and french fried would be my favorite.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My random thought for today is my thanks. With it being Thanksgiving tomorrow I thought I would put down everything I am grateful for. I am grateful for my wonderful family that I get to spend everyday with. I am grateful for my friends whom I don't see all the time but I know that I can count on them at any moment to help me out with anything I need. But most of all I am thankful for the good Lord who has always lead me to where I have needed to be in my life, who has set forth challenges that he knew would make be a better person in the long run and given me a life set out so that I may one day return to him again.
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