1. Have you ever been on a real sleigh ride? How about the warm weather version - a carriage ride?
No i have not been on a sleigh ride but I have been on a carriage ride when we first moved here we took one in Nashville. It was pretty cool.
2. What's your policy on 'chain mail'...you know, the emails you receive that are often some sort of poem/blessing/good wish that ask you to send it on to 10 or 12 friends? Do you delete without opening, read and trash, read and trash and then worry you won't be blessed/lucky/protected? Do you delete the sender from your contacts or just go ahead and send the love onward?
It depends on the email and who it is from but most of the time I read it and delete it.
It depends on the email and who it is from but most of the time I read it and delete it.
3. Who is your favorite character in any of the Christmas movies and why?
I can't say I have a favorite character because I love all the movies.
I can't say I have a favorite character because I love all the movies.
4. Share a favorite quote.
It is not a holiday quote but it is from a book I keep of quotes that mean a lot to me...
It is not a holiday quote but it is from a book I keep of quotes that mean a lot to me...
We are Not human beings having a Spiritual experience. We are Spiritual beings having a Human experience. -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
5. What's your favorite holiday scent?
Pine tree, the real thing not a canned scent, and fresh baked cookies.
Pine tree, the real thing not a canned scent, and fresh baked cookies.
6. Does the Christmas season stress you out? In what way?
Nope I always enjoy the season.
Nope I always enjoy the season.
7. What's the best thing about your life right now?
Everything. I have a great family, wonderful friends and the good Lord in my life.
Everything. I have a great family, wonderful friends and the good Lord in my life.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
My word for the day........Happiness.
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