1. Do you like your name? Were you named after someone? If you have children how did you settle on their names?
Yes I like my name although as a kid I did not mostly because no one could pronounce it so I went by my middle name ( Christine) for most of my junior and senior high years. Yes I was named after both of my Grandmothers. Mostly because I was suppose to be a boy and they had no girls name picked out for me so they named me after them. I do have children. Two of them a boy and a girl. My sons name was an easy one I always wanted to name him James but not as a first name so I picked out Bailey but my mom didn't like it so we went to a book store and looked through a bunch of books and came up with Dominic James Sellers but I also liked the name Armon so he became Dominic James-Armon Sellers. As for my daughter, My husband wanted to name her after his mother and I was fine with that except her first name was Arleen and I couldn't do that to my daughter so I looked online and found a name that went with it and hence she became Elyssa Arlene Bellard.
2. How do you define success?
Not really by what you do for a career or what you have physically but by how people perceive you as a person and by your character. If you are well liked and no one has anything bad to say about you than I would say you would be successful.
3. Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy?
Neither I don't have time to watch a lot of TV these days.
4. If you could own any single object that you don't have now, what would that object be?
A house. Simply put I want my own house. Not renting or leasing but owning.
5. What is something that inspires you?
Believe it or not my husband and kids inspire me more than anything else in this life. They truly make me want to be a better person.
6. Meatloaf-yea or nay? If its a ya how do you make yours?
Yes I love meatloaf and I make it lots of different ways. I really don't think I have ever made it the same way twice.
7. Which is more admirable-the ability to organize and be methodical or the ability to adapt and make do?
I would have to say the ability to adapt and make do with what you are given. It has been my experience that if you fight it you will only bring pain apon yourself and others.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It is not about being better than anyone else
But about being better than yourself.
-Dale J Bellard Jr.
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