1. March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday so I'm wondering...do you like green eggs and ham? Okay-how about this instead...how do you like your eggs? Or don't you?
I personally have never had green eggs and ham but I tend to like my eggs either in an omelet or over easy.2. Is March coming in like a lion or something less ferocious where you live?
Like a Lion all the way.3. Do you work better or worse under pressure?
UMMMM I think it depends on the project I am working on at the moment. A little of both I think.4. March Madness-are you a fan? It's college basketball in case you're wondering. And if you're outside the USA tell us-is there any sort of 'madness' taking place during March in your part of the world?
Well considering that I wasn't much of a basketball fan before my son started playing I would say I was not a fan of March Madness but I have watched a few games these past couple of months and I'm kinda liking it now.5. Under what circumstances do you do your best thinking?
When I am alone and it is quiet. I tend to get my thoughts in better order that way. If it is to noisy I can't seem to concentrate very well.6. What item of clothing from your wardrobe do you wear most often?
That would be my jeans. I just love them. They are so comfy an they fit me perfect.7. Do you use sarcasm?
NO I would never....Ha ha ha. Yes, all the time actually. Its what makes my day when things are not going well.8. Insert your own random thought here.
Have I ever told you that I have a love hate relationship with Spring. Well I do. I personally love all the color coming back and the pretty flowers that bloom but the pollen does not love me. I get my worst cold ever at the beginning of spring.
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